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Everything posted by GleamingMist

  1. I'm 32 and that sounds like a pretty sweet wedding to me!
  2. Agree. I give zero fucks about this wedding and I can usually muster a fuck or two for Duggar events. This one though, meh, just can't do it.
  3. Your post deserves a standing ovation.
  4. Richard Madden is a fox. I'd take him in that kilt over Kit Harrington ANY day.
  5. I don't buy any of that without proof. Jana with a tattoo?! Show me the pic. Otherwise reads like total bs to me. Would love for it all to be true and I will gladly admit to being wrong if it is truth. But I don't really think so.
  6. What a terrible angle for that picture. The pose itself is cute but all I focus on is Jill's neck and the awkward way she is kissing him.
  7. I believe Aubree asked about being a DeBoer, it's not like Chelsea insisted on the change. I agree it's a good compromise to hyphenate the name if Aubree was in favour. My mom remarried when I was 2 and it sucked having every single person in the house with a different last name than I. They always talked about hyphenating my name but never did. Maybe I'm projecting a bit but I get where they were coming from and think it was the right call. I think Chelsea would forget about the child support if Adam would sign away his parental rights. They don't need his money, but he created that girl too, if he isn't signing away rights then he should definitely be responsible for providing for her financially.
  8. I think she looked the best when she was with Javi. She's never going to be a super small girl but she looked healthy and happy. She just looks terrible now!
  9. Yeah. I actually call bullshit that really happened anyways. Anna's "surprise" they were going to be a day early never really convinced me.
  10. The girls are probably all jealous of Kendra's bounce back (she looks amazing and happy), tiny baby and easy hospital birth to post videos? Just a speculation. Or everyone is out of fucks to give. They look so happy though!! I think that's the most genuine new baby pic we've seen of all the couples. The other girls, especially Joy, looked like they'd been hit by semis after giving birth.
  11. Christine's birthday message to Axel. She seems thrilled to be a Grandma (I think she goes by Oma judging by her sm posts), and she's the only wife other than Janelle to post anything about him.
  12. Chelsea is a better person than I am. My ass would have been back in court asap taking away Adam's parents visitation if I would have been talked to like Adam's mom talked to her. Your son is a deadbeat dad and piece of shit human being but she needs to grow up?! Have several seats lady. This may have been mentioned in another thread (and my apologies if it has been) but do his parents have any legal rights to Aubree? I'm in Canada but I know it varies from state to state. Even if they did, surely his parents allowing Adam to visit with her/going against court orders would work against them? Or is Chelsea just being a good person and allowing the relationship between Aubree and her grandparents?
  13. I barely had enough energy to shower when I had a 4 month old and an older child. I couldn't imagine being in a brand new relationship at that point.
  14. http://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2018/05/20/exclusive-chelsea-houska-skips-teen-mom-2-reunion-taping-after-on-stage-fight-plus-how-mtv-is-planning-to-film-segments-with-her-jenelle-evans/
  15. All I took away from her spiel was "noooo she's going to home school them." I had the faintest hope they might send them to school so they can get a proper education but guess not.
  16. http://people.com/babies/audrey-roloff-formula-feeding-sin-backlash-breastfeeding/
  17. I never liked Jionni, I think he's a controlling douche with tiny penis syndrome. I think they would have broken up had Nicole not gotten pregnant. That said, I would love to hear his thoughts on the Nicole going to be on this show. My husband and I have history of cheating (on both sides) and if I went to film something where I would be constantly drinking and living in the same house as the person I cheated with there would be no marriage to come back to. My feelings are the same too. No amount of money would be worth wondering every night what exactly the hell was going on. And her kids are going to see this one day, how will she explain all that to them? I agree there is more to the Nicole/Vinny situation than what we know. I think he realized too late that he actually had feelings for her but she was pregnant/engaged. I wouldn't have invited him to my wedding either, imo she was in the right with that situation. But hearing her wail and whine about it last episode made me wish for someone to drown her in that pool. You knew he was going to be there, no one held a gun to your head and forced you to go, shut up! Ugh. Mike and Jenni are my favourites now I think. Their scene about Italy was great and I hope there are more 'real' moments like that. I always loved Jenni but I am rooting so hard for Mike. Him wandering around eating is making these episodes for me. I'm happy for how far he's come!
  18. I didn't realize she couldn't see out of both eyes. I lost my left eye in an accident as a child so I feel for her. It's a hard thing as a child. Even as an adult I constantly walk into the corners of tables, walls, etc because of lack of depth perception. However, I was encouraged to do sports (especially sports involving balls) by my doctor to work with my hand eye coordination. Softball would be good for her in terms of her eye, not so much for her legs.
  19. Tobias Menzies as Phillip??!?!?! EEeeeeee that's exciting.
  20. I think the only Hoover on the cul de sac is Robyn which is why Kody's always there. I'll see myself out now.
  21. Loved seeing that pop up on my Instagram feed last night. So happy for them. Having kids that close together sounds awful to me (mine are 4 years apart which worked perfectly for our family) but I think Chelsea will be able to handle it. She has a very hands on husband plus extended family to help if needed. Will they have to move? How big is their house now? I actually would be really interested to see them house hunting and figuring out the logistics of moving with small children, animals, etc. That sounds much more interesting to me than anything the other girls have going on.
  22. OMG I thought Paislee's shirt said Foxy Like Mommy and I was like holy shit that's inappropriate. On closer viewing I see it says Fancy Like Mommy. Glad the girls get to have their sister time.
  23. I'm having a brain fart....Anna had a miscarriage?
  24. If I were JD or Jana and my potential mates were the likes of Derick, Kendra, Austin, etc. I think I would stay single forever. That said, the two of them courting/getting married would be the ONLY way I would tune in to the show. Otherwise I'll get my scoops from Twitter and you wonderful people.
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