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Everything posted by GleamingMist

  1. Sammi is the best looking one imo. The other 4 are plastic as hell.
  2. http://www.tlc.com/tlcme/john-david-and-abbie-duggars-wedding-photos/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_content=sf202302198&utm_campaign=countingon&sf202302198=1 Wedding pics. I love JDs big smile in pretty much every one. They look so happy together!
  3. My husband would say the same thing about kid snacks haha. I married a man much like Cole so I have a total soft spot for him. Adam is a sperm donor. Cole is her father.
  4. Well Hello Marcus! Thank you whoever posted his Instagram...wine, 50% off Halloween candy and pictures of a good looking man is a great night to me :)
  5. My feelings about this dickhead and all his shit stirring
  6. That looks disgusting!!! I thought traditionally you used oats as the crisp along with brown sugar. I use nutmeg in mine too. Whoever said it looks like vomit over potatoes is spot on. Who in their right mind would eat that?
  7. Let's see the Dumb Fucks try to spin that. All snark aside though, it's really a scary situation. And all 4 kids were there!??! Holy. Shit, But he's not abusive.....*eye roll*
  8. I was sad to hear this too! I love Roger and his total gives-zero-fucks attitude. I thought they were a well matched couple. He said they're in counseling so I am crossing my fingers they work it out. Jenni's filing said this has been declining for the last 6 months? How long has she been doing the show stuff? Wonder if that played a role in it...Roger posted on Sammi's IG the only reason he could see to do it was the $$ so maybe he was secretly resentful of Jenni being away? Who knows.
  9. Oh snap. But go Maddie! Her mother took Meri's bullshit for years, I'm glad she won't follow in Janelle's footsteps.
  10. She is so rough looking! I shudder to think what she will look like in her 40s.
  11. Kendra cemented her place as my new favourite Duggar with that comment! I think it was immediately followed by comments about only being able to handle really healthy food or something like that? I love when they throw shade while keeping sweet.
  12. I hate that there is space between Ben and JoKen, and then between JoKen and the Smuggars. It bothers me so much especially when everyone else is tight together. Although benefit to that is Smuggar can be easily cut out.
  13. My son watches him too!! My 9 year old is at this moment making a "video" on her phone (she's not allowed to post anything online) talking about her yogurt and the day she had....YouTube makes everyone and their dog believe they can be famous for doing mundane shit.
  14. Was Jason the orchestra kid? That just proves for unremarkable they are all ha ha
  15. How does this work with dinners etc in terms of Josh, Anna, Jill, Derick now that they're not filming? Do they just come over anyways and then get sent to the laundry room so they can film? Or are they just totally shunned and left out of things? The M kids were clearly there at the dinner (I think - I'm starting to not be able to keep track of all those kids) so just curious how they get around that.
  16. I remember MOTY Michelle feeding baby Jordyn on her back!! I remember being totally gobsmacked that someone would actually feed their child that way. It's still probably in my Top 10 Duggar Moments That Make Me Facepalm.
  17. I wonder if Kendra's parents were told ahead of time and they just "played along" for the camera?? I would be pissed if I was getting told about my first grandchild with the Duggars. Their reaction was just so muted. Kendra's dad is super fine though. He can make an appearance on every episode. Maybe he can hang out with Sinner Twin. I liked Joe and Kendra's little house. Kendra was much less annoying to me this week. She has a doctor. A male doctor at that. Colour me impressed. I thought Joe looked a bit uncomfortable at the appt but he was totally awestruck seeing his baby and it melted my cold heart a little bit. I thought Jessa was being SUPER bitchy when she was talking about Jana and all her talents, and then being like "no boys, don't get scared. She said it's okay that she's smarter than you." I wanted to reach through my TV and slap her.
  18. Oh holy shit, that's pretty much the grossest thing Ive seen in a long time!
  19. http://www.tlc.com/tlcme/learn-more-about-josiah-and-lauren-duggars-honeymoon/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_content=sf194850017&utm_campaign=countingon&sf194850017=1 They're in Austria apparently.
  20. So adorable! I love babies. Jinge and Jeremy look like my hubby and I did after having our daughter at 400am: happy but exhausted. I had been in active labour since 2am the day before so we were operating on very little sleep and I imagine the same scenario there. I like the name. We gave my daughter my middle name and my son has my husbands so I like that they did that. I think I will actually watch this birth if they filmed (who am I kidding?! Of course it was filmed haha)
  21. I want to see daily schedules for each of the Brown wives. I'm genuinely curious. In fact, my biggest frustration with the show is not seeing their day to day lives. I don't give a shit about "child3 is graduating so we are doing this big party bla bla bla", I want to see how everything works on the day to day. Do the kids all drive/walk/bus to school together? How often do the wives actually interact with each other? What in the hell are the ones with no young children and seemingly no 'real' jobs doing all day? What do they do about dinner? Brady Williams and his family had nights where each wife would cook for the whole family, do the Browns do that? Can the kids just pop from house to house as they please since they're all one big family? I could see Christine being that way but I imagine Queen Robyn would flip shit at bonus kids wandering in and out of her house like that. I'm assuming they don't show us this because it would expose that they are what we all believe about them: four women living independent lives and a overgrown child who flits from house to house as it suits him.
  22. I'll snark on the Duggars for a lot of things but toilet training is not one of them. Neither of my kids were trained before 3. If Spurgy is 5/6 and still in diapers then we'll talk.
  23. When I saw the caption for JB's birthday they posted on the official Duggar page my first thought was "the only hat that describes that man is an asshat."
  24. Yeah I feel for her! My daughter is an August baby and I spent those last few weeks waddling from my air conditioned house to my air conditioned car to the beach where I hid under a tree or in the lake. Good times.
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