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Everything posted by aurora296

  1. Marcus was high as hell during their first meeting with the cotton-mouthed crusts in the corners of his mouth and the glazed eye, dopey smile thing. I do agree, his cousin was fine looking. Either this kook Marcus thinks he a "legend in his own mind", juggling and receiving gifts from all his slices of pie or he's just really closed in, with major issue detachment syndrome. Did they ever sext or talk at all beyond a friendship? Nev made a quick comment while he browsed her texts and made a comment about some pictures Daisy must've sent Marcus, like they were naked shots or something. "Oh! I can see why Marcus is into you. ~nervous laugh~" says Nev. Or did Marcus alway keep it on a friend level with this girl? I say no. He led her on. A little dirty talk. I'm sure he knew she was deeply into him. He should have never accepted those gifts. Daisy sent the camera in the hopes, he'd video with her. I'm thinking after Catfish packed up and went away, Marcus smoked another doob and laughed about the stupid girl that thought he liked her as more than a friend. Nope, Marcus was not cute in person and i had a soft spot for Daisy. She has a hard ass mom who said a horrible thing to her daughter. I would normally forgive something said in the midst of grieving your husband, but with time she should have apologized to Daisy. It was not her fault her dad died. Glad her sister is supportive. I think in 5 years, Daisy will find her true self, her looks will show it and she'll be in a better place. Maybe away from mom.
  2. Since I don't live anywhere near the west coast, maybe some who does can answer this for me. What is the attraction of having a house in the desert? Isn't it unbearably hot there? I mean, it's desert, right? No bodies of water there either. I think of it as a vacation home, so what is there to do there besides swim in the pool and sweat. I would think living near the coast is the more ideal area. I sincerely have no clue, just wondering. Also, every issue with Kyle and Kim boils down to one thing: Kim is resentful of Kyle with her successful marriage and wealthier bank account. Kim used to be the successful one with the control and the money and now Kyle and even sister Kathy are in a much better place with their lives compared to Kim. That exchange about the house made me aware of the Kim & Kyle dynamic. And Brandy, she is mentally/emotionally stunted. She acted like a teenager, giggling and twirling her hair, talking about how he's is such a good kisser. I've had my share of much younger lovers in my life, but there's a certain age you you can't go under and common sense will tell you that. If yoyu almost feel like a pedophile, then don't touch it.
  3. Anyone see the promotions for the new season? They play Hozier's Take Me To Church. I wonder if the Five steps song will be retired? The season opener and comeback (yippee!) episodes will be two hours. The first will be updates on many of the ex- addicts. This will be one clip show i will look forward to seeing. I'm glad to finally have more than The Black Screen tell me updates about people I've grown to care for in an hour.
  4. How many "celebrities" have a clothing line? You can only wear so many clothes. This Romeo guy was a narcissist. Body painting first date? Patty was right, he wanted to show his physique on TV. He kept talking how busy he is. I'm not buying it. What has he done lately? I don't think he's "looking for love". He just needs a career boost like all the other "celebrities" on this show. He's a has been. All his friends seemed like 30-something, developmentally stunted people. They talked like a bunch of hormonal teenagers. It still might be okay in your 30's, but once you hit 40 and your still objectifying women, still playing the field and hanging with your bro's, then it tips into creepy old man territory. For a moment I thought he may have liked the Nike career woman who was his second date. But no, at Patties' office he now wants to try the 3rd girl (Talia?). GTFO!!!
  5. I agree about the new show Breaking Point. I've seen every single episode of Intervention and mourned it's cancellation. At least they're feeding us tidbits with the Intervention Canada shows they've been airing. I REALLY wanted to like Breaking Point, but I didn't buy one stinking minute of it. That interventionist (who was the host of another show, Deadly Sins (?), I believe) had no control over this "criminal intervention". I wondered if the whole thing was fake and Alex was an actress. The cops get called and she's smart enough to know to act "sane" around them and "yessir, I WILL go to rehab, Officer sir!" then as soon as they leave the house, she's hahaha!! I LIED to the cops. What kind of stupid cops takes the word of a addict with a history of violence and criminal activity. I feel there was more those cops could have done. Then the dumbs Dad who see drug paraphenalia in her room and his first impulse is to hide it from the cops while he's talking his daughter into going into rehab? The mom was such a wimp, it was hard to believe that was real. And Alex...Almost always I find some part of the addicts that make me wish they succeed, but with her, I agree that I think she's just a bad, arrogant seed. Even if she got clean and led a normal life, I feel like she be a controlling, arrogant bitch wondering why she hasn't made it as a singer since she bullies everyone into telling her how great she can sing Amazing Grace (not!) The fakest part of it all was how hard she fought not to go to rehab all episode and after only 30 days she's suddenly cured and happy. Bull crap! Don't try to BS the audience like you've done your mother all these years and the cops at your house. I will bet my house that within 2 days of leaving rehab, she was back to stealing and shooting dope...and my usually sensitive heart doesn't care. Good riddance! I'm going to give this show another shot and hope the second episode is more convincing or tears at my heart strings just a little. I really really miss Intervention.
  6. Mohammed has really convinced himself that he is a hot commodity in the TV world. Everything he probably believed about America is true. The land of celebrities, Hollywood, glitz and glamour. His first day here, he already had a camera crew in his face. In his mind he's been a star since day one. What a country!! He's got Danielle thinking he's the most exotic gorgeous man alive and her ex-friends are trying to steal him from her. Then he has the Heifer stampede on his FB page showering him with money, adoration, probably offers of sex, a place to shack up ...etc. So, in my opinion, Mohammed is just like his title on his FB page, a "movie star" and he's in NYC going on auditions. If the rumors are true, what a stab in the back to Danielle. Her new "husband" is traipsing the streets of NYC in his polyester blend jogging suit with his brother(s), who flew in from Tunisia because since he's married now, America is an open door for them. Never mind meeting your brother's new bride who is stuck working two menial jobs back in small town Ohio. It's not about that. My gut is telling me he's convinced of his own unique appeal and has been in NYC going on auditions and probably failing miserably.
  7. Are you Elizabeth or Jimmy, because I am Dawn in that post. :-) I've responded many times on Mohammed's page and most get deleted, because well I'm pretty blunt. LOL! But I just responded back to Danielle in a more sympathetic way. I do actually feel sorry for her. She has blinders on and is so busy defending everything, she can't see the big picture anymore.
  8. Cooksdelight, that why I came to this thread. What the heck is Mohammed doing in Atlantic City? Is it another TLC thing? I know driving from Ohio to Jersey isn't too far and Bally's is probably one of the more moderate hotels, but people who just thad their electricity turned off can't exactly afford a vacation. I did hear a rumor he got his work permit. He's earned some vacation time already? Dying to know if Danielle's with him. Of course nobody is questioning him on it.
  9. junemeatcleaver, (great name BTW!) I agreed with your post. I've watched the last 3 episodes and the actors reenacting the scenes along the way as the real survivors describe it just takes me out of it. What drew me into this show was, of course the horrible stories and how well the survivors told them. Then they'd show a a dark and eery scene, with an ominous camera angle which added to the haunting tone of the show. This last episode, showed a quick scene of the perpetrator (actor) in a far area from the camera, slightly blurry, apprehending his intended victim. The actor they used kinda stumbled awkwardly and seemed like he had a slight build and short height. It ruined what my imagination might have built up by the survivor's description of the event. Where do I complain, because I want them to change it back.? Nevertheless, these survivors are, for what they've been through, so well poised on camera and have risen above such tragedies, just to go on national TV and tell in detail, no matter how humiliating, their stories. Bravo to them!
  10. I just watched this episode. I'm trying to remember what John Salley said to that boring football player about trust. It was a good point that I wanted to share with someone I know with a bunch of walls up. Something like, "People that don't trust, shouldn't be trusted?"
  11. I was really sad when this show went off the air. I understood why, since it got to the point that the addicts started manipulating the show. Too bad it's not REALLY coming back, just Canadian episodes airing for US audiences to see, but I will watch every episode, just like I did with the original series. I think this show is a great example to show kids the reasons why they should not do drugs. It's not enough to tell a kid, "Drugs are bad...Mmmmkay?" It's more impactful when they can actually watch how a life will spiral out of control as a result of drugs. It removes the fun, exciting, cool side and replaces it with the real ugliness. I have a little boy who is 5 and I want to show him these episodes when he's older (and hopefully brand new ones someday). Seeing how cringeworthy it is watching someone shoot up a vein or pass out in their own vomit is way more impactful than a handful of lectures from mom and dad. This is one of the few shows that has truly changed lives and probably saved some future lives as well.
  12. The last video showing Danielle and Mohammed taking the girls to Cedar Point. Just wondering how they could afford it since they are so "broke". Just for tickets alone it's about $50 a person, not including food. Just maybe they packed their own food, but still, $250 could feed them for a few weeks.
  13. Anyone have a link to Danielle's FB page? Mohammed's page is set up in a way that makes me even more suspicious of his motives. You cannot post to his timeline unless it's in response to one of his posts. That weeds out a lot of people giving him hell I guess. he has no friend listings. I posted a somewhat mean post to his timeline and it just vanished. I said how I thought it was strange that he doesn't have one photo of him together with his new wife or even his new step children. All I see are photos of him alone practicing his Zoolander blue steel face hoping for his big break as the next new movie star.
  14. Wow! Mohammed "liked" my comments. I guess my sleuthing skills suck. I went to that marriage license link and nothing came up when I searched his name and marriage date.
  15. Mohammed asked on his FB page: "Someone told me that people in the US live paycheck to paycheck and have a lot of drama. Is this true? I responded: "All depends on your choices. Like you, being in your 20's already having to support a wife and three teenagers. Yes, you will be living paycheck to paycheck. As far as drama? Same thing. You chose to be on a TV show that opening your private life to millions of people and married a woman who seems to be an emotional basket case. Yes, you will have drama." Let's see how long until it's deleted or a bunch of his crazy Facebook harem give me hell. Wow! Cassia sure has a long legal name. Whew! Good luck to her, but I give it tip the Green card arrives in the mail.
  16. Sorry if this has been posted already. This 80's video featuring Lisa Rinna with a Justin Beiber haircut and with natural lips. They looked like beautiful, lush lips. Why oh why did she have to mess them up? She's starting to look Jokerish.
  17. One of my favorite female singers. I sing contralto like she does, so we sing together a lot in my car. This was in the 70's in Central Park. Young and beautiful with crazy long legs in that dress. Haha! You see a quick shot of Art Garfunkle and George Harrison chatting on the side. Plus this song is probably my favorite of hers. I never understood it's meaning until I was an adult and it probably struck a cord with many women back then with the rise of the feminist movement. So, enjoy...
  18. I have to say I challenged anyone who claims to be the Bowie Fiend to a duel. Of course I specialize in everything from 60's, 70's and lost my obsession soon after he went commercial with Let's Dance. Speaking of....that video sucks. But I digress...Hurt's So Good by John Cougar Mellencamp makes me want to stab my eyes out. How much did it cost to produce this? Twenty bucks? And not that I'm the hottest looking person around, but these are some of the most unattractive people in a music video ever. Those bikers girls can't dance work a lick and are as sexy as Richard Simmons. See for your selves: Personally I don't mind Dancing In the Street with Bowie/ Jagger because clearly they did this for fun and weren't vowing to win MTV's Video of the Year with it. Also, I kinda dig Peter Wolfe's dancing and Centerfold holds a special place in my heart. I like the girls too and the expressions they make.
  19. "Hold me closer Tony Danza...." The song Kodachrome by Paul Simon? He says, "Mama's gonna take my Kodachrome away!" I always thought he said, "Mama's gonna take my combs and throw 'em all away." As a little kid I always wondered why would his mom want to take his combs? Didn't she want him to have nice hair? And thanks to the movie Lost in Translation, I was horrified to learn I was singing Carly Simon's Baby You're The Best wrong all these years. Apparently she sings, "Nobody does it, half as good as you, baby you're the best." I thought she said, "Nobody does it, heaven's caress you, baby you're the best."
  20. I have two. For those that remember 1985, Live Aid was a worldwide event. Nothing like it before and most people say Queen's performance with Freddy doing what he did best was the highlight of the day. Then several years later after the 9/11 attacks, this concert was performed for a crowd of police and firefighters who lost comrades, friends, witnessed unspeakable trauma and performed heroic deeds just days before at the Twin Towers. David Bowie opens up the show, sitting cross-legged, playing his omnichord singing a beautifully minimal rendition of the Simon & Garfunkle classic America. Bowie's been a New Yorker for several decades and I see the emotion in his face. Also, from what I heard, Bowie was sick with the flu, but sucked it up to give this performance.
  21. I have the soundtracks to Jesus Christ Superstar and Godspell and I know ALL the lyrics by heart. Why yes I went to a Catholic school in the 70's, why do you ask? Day By Day-Godspell (better known these days from the movie Meet the Parents...Ben Stillers off the cuff prayer) All Good Gifts-Godspell I Don't Know How To Love Him from JCSS beautifully sung by Yvonne Elliman Gesthemene-from JCSS the best version is sung by Ian Gillan from Deep Purple Lots of songs here, particularly from the first 2 pages are not considered guilty pleasures to me at all. Lots of great tunes. I have a new download list ready. Like someone upthread mentioned this one which I LOVE:
  22. The funny or die one that SpacyTraci1208 posted, I heard Beyonce's dance choreography from the video Single Ladies was taken (stolen) right from this lady. Her and her hubby tend to do that a lot.
  23. I could provide a list of songs that make me laugh or cry for days, but here's my most recent. This video is from a movie called Flashbacks of a Fool. The song playing in the video is If There Is Something by Roxy Music. I've loved this song practically my entire life and the ending segment has always stabbed me in the heart because of Bryan Ferry's raw emotions and the lyrics. I saw this movie and came upon this scene and it completely reminded me of my lost younger years, young love, cool glam rock clothes and innocence. Turns me into a blubbering mess everyone I see & hear this. Doesn't help that I've developed a crush on the young guy dressed in his Bryan Ferry clothes. Anyway, here's the lyrics & video: Shake your hair girl with your ponytail Takes me right back (when you were young) Throw your precious gifts into the air Watch them fall down (when you were young) Lift up your feet and put them on the ground You used to walk upon (when you were young) Lift up your feet and put them on the ground The hills were higher (when we were young) Lift up your feet and put them on the ground The trees were taller (when you were young) Lift up your feet and put them on the ground The grass was greener (when you were young) Lift up your feet and put them on the ground You used to walk upon (when you were young)
  24. Just wondering what Chelsea does for a living, if anything, or does she just volunteer? She claims to have 10 years of college under her belt. I just wonder what her degree is? I think Chelsea and Yamir are counting on the TLC exposure to push him to pop music stardom. I think once this season has ended and his lofty music goals haven't panned out, they are doomed as a couple. He will grow to resent while as he wakes up at 5am to scrape ice off the car to get to his shift at the meat packing plant. Jason and Cassia... You guys crack me up with your descriptions of Jason. Turtle eyes....rheumy eyes....Hahah! Spot on! I wonder if Cassia is ever going to get that 2 toned monstrosity of hair fixed before her wedding. Yes, she's pretty from the neck down. She has the body type that can wear any outfit and look great. But because of her dingy teeth, 12 inch long dark roots and creepy eye makeup, she just looks dirty to me and like she has bad breath too. Daya was too "in your face" to Cassidy when they first were alone together. I would've got an arts and crafts type project, sat at the kitchen table and told Cassidy if she'd like to do an art project too that she was welcomed to join me. Then, just do some small talk as you paint and go from there. A little bit each day. Amy really is lovely. My DVR cut off during next week scenes with Danny's dad, so I missed exactly what he said about mixed marriages. I really hope Danny and his siblings stick up for Amy if dad is rude to her. Luckily he lives out of state so Amy won't have to deal with Dad all the time. The thing with Danny and Amy is, she seems so mature and carries herself like a grown woman and Danny could pass for a 12 year old with that skinny body and haircut. I'm rooting for them though and they have the best chance at a decent relationship. Justin (?) and Evelyn....He seems like he's afraid of confrontation and he's learned to steer clear of family functions for the most part. He needs to grow some balls with bro and sis-in-law vader and tell them to butt out of their wedding plans. Mom can come to the reception. If family is so important to Evelin, they should just eventually move back to her country, because once they are married, they won't be having family dinners with his family. There's a lot of underlying dysfunction there and it will surface soon enough. Mo and danielle...maybe the TLC people needed a break from her whiny clinginess. From my own experience with a K-1 visa. After marriage, you have to wait 2 years to apply for a green card and that process is not cheap either. I wonder how they'll afford that? Also, we haven't heard about Moe's family in Tunisia. Who wants to bet no one is flying in for the wedding?
  25. Mohammed has a body like a former fat person. I went the K-1 visa route many years ago. I was the US citizen and he was from the UK. We did several trips back and forth and before he came here for good. Even then, 90 days just isn't enough time. The marriage lasted about 5 years, but should've ended after 3 years. He never seemed to accept the US as his new home and always compared things in the UK being better. If we were able to have dated in a more conventional way, we probably would've been together a ear or two, never married and just broke up eventually. Also, meeting and learning about your future spouses family is very important. Seeing their family dynamic will tell you a lot about your future spouse. it's very difficult for both parties in a K-1 visa situation to each learn about each others families.
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