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Everything posted by aurora296

  1. Come on BB! People gotta get upon the morning.They'll come back on after everyone's in the shower and in bed. Go James!!!!!!!
  2. PLEASE just not Austin!! I slo mo'ed the first heat and he was the fastest runner. Just keep him crouched down for 30minutes and he'll lose. I think James has a good shot. Being short, he doesn't have as far to stand up and run. I remember in gym class the shorter girls were the best at those kind of starts. Back spasm Austin! Back spasm Austin!!
  3. I think as a woman, If you really are attracted to a guy and are developing real feelings for him, you would want to kiss/hug/touch him all the time whether on camera or not. I look at other BB couples and you could tell if they really were into each other. Snuggling practically 24/7, nose to nose in bed. Yes, saying times up is a red flag and she is giving mixed signals. She needs his help in the game. I thinking she does like him, but as a game partner and someone to give her attention. I think she may be trying to convince herself that she likes him. Just my observation and opinion. Watch they'll end up getting married. Ugh!
  4. Maybe a Meg & Steve finale would be the most hilarious, yet pathetic finale that would finally get Grodner the boot. Love Julia's bathing suit top. Guys, here's tip. If you like a girl and she lets you make out with her but cuts you off and says, "Times up!" after 30 seconds, she's just not that into you. I don't know the status of their relationship at this point, but I think she's doesn't want to look like she's stringing a guy along to the TV audience, so sheet's us know she's into Austin now and is believing her own BS. Depending on who wins the money, they won't last longer than 2 weeks out of this house. Still hoping for a James or John win,but I never usually get what I want. What kind of crappy facial mask was that? The peel off masks I've used didn't tear off 2 layers of skin with it.
  5. I remember being prepped for surgery a long time ago and a nurse asked me if I would like something to relax. "Well, since you asked, yes!" Shot goes in my IV and ~the heavens open up and angels sing just for me~!!! "Good God! What IS that stuff? Dilaudid? It's similar to heroin? Well, no WONDER people become addicted!" Such a sad episode. I can relate. I suffered from INTENSE premenstrual cramp for years. I could feel intense pain in my ovaries during ovulation and my stomach, back and upper legs throbbed 5-7 days out of the month. When my period would finally start, I was relieved since the pain would cease until next month.. Doctor after doctor, no relief, thought I had endometriosis and had laparoscopic surgery. Nope. No idea why I have such crippling cramps. After no help with doctors, change of diet, exercise,and holistic means I finally began to self medicate. Vicodin, codeine, sometimes morphine, whatever allowed me to get at least 5 hours sleep at one time. I heard if you have baby you won't have cramps anymore. Had my son no cramps while pregnant, but after delivery cramps came right back. I've been taking some sort of opiod for 15 years. Finally discovered that the Mirena IUD not only elliminates my period, but also gets rid of the pesky cramps and hormonal migraines I'd get. So great! I found a way to relieve my pain after all these years, but now i have a 15 year dependency that's a BITCH to stop. I've tried over and over again, but the withdrawal is hell and I relapse. Similar to Erin, I have a 5 year old son and he is my reason I keep trying to get clean. I'm not as bad as she is, prostituting and reliant on my mother. I'm not shooting up, dopey and passing out. I work full-time and function like a normal person, but I'm a drug addict all the same. Funny enough, I haven't gone near a pain med in almost a week and I got a phone call yesterday about a new supply coming in and I said, "Lose my number. I'm done with this stuff for good!" and hung up. I'm tired of it. Don't get me wrong, I feel out of it. My body is trying to normalize itself and rebalance my endorphins. I'm crabby and I hurt everywhere, but it's temporary. I wish I knew a Mirena IUD would've provided me with relief years ago, but most doctors were useless. If I was Erin's mother, raising that sweet child, I would consider her measly 10 days in treatment my bottom line and forbid her from seeing her son again. I'd take it to court and gain sole custody. That boy deserves to be told the truth and and shown what real parents do for their kids. He has his mom built up in his head. He should be in therapy to understand none of this is his fault and to let him know he has a right to be angrry because he deserves a better mom. I did feel for her being molested at age 11, but she's only in her 30's. Extensive counseling could help her to come to terms with her abuse. I got the feeling that Erin puts herself on a special pedestal. She convinced herself she'd be a rock star wife and that didn't pan out, but she still has delusions of grandeur. I wasn't buying her tears either. That was her acting audition and "big break" for the cameras. Joshua looked a completely new person. I was thrilled for him and then felt punched in the gut over his relapse. Damn.
  6. How long until CBS.com posts the episode? Stupid network! I guess I didn't miss much, but I've seen every episode since season 2 and I don't want to ruin my record.
  7. I really wasn't watching Steve during the HOH comp, but some of you are saying he tried to throw it. If he didn't want to be HOH that comp was easy to throw. None of the other players would have been the wiser since they're blocked off from each other, then make all his answers FALSE or TRUE.
  8. I don't follow the feeds so I am confused. Meg & Jackie? Is this some BS that Vanessa brainwashed Steve with? The thing that REALLY annoys me is why are Austin. Liz and Julia skating through this game? Hello! They are twins! That's worse then a showmance. Watching Vanessa during the first ten minutes of the show made me realize just how manipulative she is. And not in a gaming, entertaining way. It's a little disturbing the way she turns on the almost crying tone in her voice and the perpetual victim stance and poking apart every word or action the others do. I'm pissed she skated through this week. At this point I am sure of nothing except the twins are aligned and so is Austin & Liz. Everyone else? No idea. I did love Liz's outfit. I'm loving James a little more every week. The kitty hat and hiding in Julia's bed. I give him permission to win the game.
  9. Just finished watching the episode and I'm still laughing at the closing shot of Vanessa complaining about how Becky is playing emotionally, not logically, all while Vanessa sobs to the camera. James was funny too, "I was dodging hand grenades!" describing his verbal attack by Vanessa. She really is exhausting. I thought she was a shoo in to win since usually BB players are afraid to make big moves, but she overplayed and interrogated everyone with every move. Not a Becky fan, but she remained calm and fakey smiley throughout Vanessa's many questions. The only way to play with a player like Vanessa is to flat out lie or else be prepared for verbal abuse 24/7. Why are the twins just skating through this game?
  10. "Adam and I went to the store." "Adam and I are in a relationship." "Adam and I think LouAnne is a bitch." In ancient times, when I was in school, these were considered correct. I keep running across posts where this is pointed out. Am I missing something or did the rules change?
  11. Finally watched the new episode of Deadly Woman. I have a love for this series, mainly because it was the first one I really got hooked on from the ID channel or whatever it was called during it's early years. Plus, the narrator of the episodes can do no wrong in my book. Her creepy/ campy affect is just to die for. well,....not literally. One improvement in the episodes is they post an actual picture of the murderer at the end of each story. Nice touch. I don't know how much longer this one can be on. How many more female killers are there? Well, Karla Homolka was never portrayed, but i think laws are much stricter in Canada regarding media coverage and in my opinion the crazy bitch got off too easy.
  12. I'm loving James more and more with every episode. What was it he said about prison? Something about "This is easy compared to having a bunch of huge men constantly yelling at you in prison." or something to that affect. I guess that growing up in foster care or an orphanage, doing time in the military and dealing with hardened criminals on a daily basis will definitely result in a mentally strong person. He doesn't break a sweat. I love it! Even though Shelli's argument was stupid about how Austin is the real bad guy, many other Heads of Household might have weakened and wavered. Not our James. "What are you on narcotics or something?" He automatically goes into an All-Star category for having the guts to flip the game on it's head and blatantly go against a deal without one shred of guilt. Shell announcing to the house how "You're all witnesses to the fact that James publicly made a deal and now proves he is not a man of his word." Oh boo hoo! This isn't real life. There's nothing in the Big brother Rulebook that states all deals must be honored. Meg is cute as a button from the waist up, but her bottom half kinda skeeves me out. Her legs stay kind of bent when she walks like they are about to collapse from holding her up.
  13. I guess it's true about women being attracted to men with confidence. Picturing a short, Asian country boy dipping his hands in blood and smearing war stripes on the sides of his face made my cold dead heart all aflutter. Shut up Austin...and Becky too. Loving Julia making Austin squirm.
  14. It looked like Johnny Mac, James and Steve were the best dressed for the endurance comp, with the long sleeves. In any comp where they spray you with water, you always hear the houseguests complain how cold it is. Jason to Julie, "I knew I was right about everybody." Well if so, why didn't you play on your hunch and form an alliance? Yes, I know that America gets to see the inner workings of everyone's game, but I don't understand why Jason, as a so called super fan played such a crappy game? Steve once again is perplexing. He apparently hates Becky, but votes Jason? I haven't a clue about what his strategy is. During the twin reveal, was James faking a shocked reaction or did he truly not know? Glad to hear BotB and the HOH duos are gone. I'm thinking Becky might have a good shot at getting HOH. She's small, with small feet and in good shape. before they cut to commercial, Meg was already moaning about how tough it was. Jason was right, she does appear to have jelly legs. Spindly, with no muscle tone. Didn't realize how much Clay is relying on Shelli? She's the Master to his Blaster (Beyond Thunderdome fans anyone?). He's just a big dumb lump. I hope now that Julia is finally here that she puts a crimp in Austin's attempts at wooing of Liz. I can see him getting annoyed that Liz wants to have bonding time alone with her twin. off to the live feed thread to see who won. PLEASE let it be a non Sixth Sense member.
  15. I watched that clip that someone graciously posted above from BB6 with Rachel discovering the Gold Room. I loved that season so much. What a downfall this show has had since Grodner took over. Doesn't she receive any feedback from viewers or learn from previous twists that completely fall flat? And Clay, it's NIRvana, not NARvana... sheesh! I find it hard to believe that Becky, Steve, James, Johnny Mac, Megan are not talking game. Aren't they keeping their eyes open at least? I doubt it takes a keen mind to figure out that Clay and Shelly are FOR SURE a alliance duo and more than likely have others on their side too. Good players: 1. Get to know everyone in the game on some level 2. Don't drawn undo attention to themselves 3.Keep eyes and ears open. 4. Smile, nod and avoid conflict. 5. Make a sincere effort in winning HOH comp to get others to reveal themselves to you. 6. Don't worry about "blood on their hands" since everyone gets some eventually.
  16. As of last nights episode, I no longer like Vanessa and I hope she doesn't win this game. She plays dirty. Austin is not a very good liar. His feigning surprise when Jeff said he thought Liz was a twin was such a bad effort and as well as his continued lying to Jeff was such bad acting.No wonder Jason called them out. Why is everyone's main concern to not get "blood on their hands"? Vanessa is so afraid of becoming a target. Well guess what...you are going to be a target to whomever survives this week that was friends of the houseguest you evict. Just own it! All Hail Johnny Mac Veto King! May your reign last until you are dubbed Big brother winner! Did anyone catch Liz tell Julia, "Ugh! You still have your coldsore!"? LOL!
  17. Lisa Donahue? Sorry, let me clarify, ... like 99% of the black woman they put on this show as well as the stereotypical gay men, white ditzy girls with big tits and so forth.
  18. I watched the video and I don't know what Clay said that is considered racist. Did he mumble something and I missed it?
  19. Where does Big Brother find these stereotypical people? I was hoping we'd have something a bit different, but Dayvonne is just like every other black woman they put on this show. Man, she got really pissed over nothing. She and Audrey are not long for this show if this is how they're coming off the first week. Steve's growing on me. He's nerdy adorable. "ok, short term problem solved..."
  20. I have many, but I'll start with a significant one. Trouble by Cat Stevens, especially during the movie Harold and Maude. Firstly, it has a personal reason, last August right after Robin Williams took his life, I was thinking of him and how he hid behind his comedy. It put me in a melancholy mood, which drew me into watching the movie Harold and Maude. Which for those who've never seen it, is a bit of a cult film with some great acting, dark humor and lots of thoughts about life and death. My favorite part of the film is when the song Trouble plays and it never fails to turn me into a heaping, sobbing mess. After the second verse, when the piano slowly tinkles in....there's just something about a piano. Bud Cort's acting. The sadness in his eyes and the way he opens and closes his hand while he anxiously waits. But last August, I was already sad, listening this song when I get a phone call that one of my dearest friends just ended her life. The day after Robin Williams ended his. My friend was the comedian of our group and her suicide was completely unexpected. So, from now on, the song Trouble by Cat Stevens, the movie Harold and Maude and especially this particular scene will always make me cry and think of my dear friend Alicia ... and Robin Williams a little bit too.
  21. I know this is off topic, but I'm sorry you went through that. it sickens me that people are so vying for attention, yet still have a cold enough heart to keep the facade going for days and weeks at a time. I went through a similar thing, where a friend of mine asked me to meet him over drinks so we could talk and he told me he was diagnosed with HIV. This was about 20 years ago, when there was still a big fear about the virus. i cried with him, hugged him, prayed for him. I ran into his brother and asked how his family was doing in dealing with the bad news. His brother had no idea what I was talking about. When I confronted my "friend" about why he lied to me about having HIV he completely denied ever pulling such a stunt and told me I was crazy. Sheesh! For all of Vicki's craziness, I think she has a giving heart and if Brooks is lying about having the Big C, I'll punch him in his fake, Vicki owned teeth.
  22. I just bellowed out the biggest guffaws and snorts of the week with that description of Megan. Dead on! She really doesn't seem human in some ways when you look at all her parts working in unison. Alien head & giraffe neck! Classic!
  23. I have a feeling Kevin Dubrow or hits former bandmates didn't end up with a big financial cushion. Like someone else mentioned, Kevin had a drug problem, which I'm sure was very expensive and the 2 biggest hits out of the 3 were cover songs written by members of a band called Slade who were very popular in the UK. Funny with that one episode a couple years ago, when they were at the 80's party, Terry walked in looking just like his late bro.
  24. This there anywhere I can watch snippets of live feed footage? Any key moments of video that some fans post online? There's not much on The Tube as of now.
  25. Living in that house with all those people is my idea of hell. They are all so "on" and phony, I'd have to slit my wrists. Please stop doing the "crazy victory dance in the storage room thing". Be original people. DVR cut off right after the veto win. What did I miss?
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