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Everything posted by aurora296

  1. I wish I could go back and get the accurate dialogue, but i already deleted it. During one part of the episode Danielle and Mohammed were talking to the camera saying now that he's here in the US we will settle in, get married and live happily every after together...yada yada yada...something to that affect. The whole time, Mohammed was subconsciously shaking his head no. It was totally Body Language of Liars 101. Actions speak louder than words Mr. Mohammed. Just wondering what his plan is. Does he know he has to sleep with her once or twice after marriage or does he have an excuse all ready for the wedding night? Yes, he will find a job that requires travel and make sure his name is on all her accounts.
  2. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard there would be 5 musical numbers total. Ryan Murphy said he picked songs from artists who were considered "misunderstood" during their careers, or "freaks". I heard they will do a Nirvana tune, then I don't know who else. Personally, I like the music numbers. It sets the right mood. It makes for boring TV if the freak show consists of people just staring at the freaks. They have to add some other entertainment. If it was music set in 1952, it would've been horrible. So far, I'm liking this season. I have no idea where it's going or what makes most of the characters tick and that's a good thing. Last nights episode confirmed for me what a great actress Kathy Bates is. She had my heart when she was at the doctors getting her bad news. I wanted to give her a big hug when she asked Dell Toledo if he loved her even a little bit when she bore his child and he said no. I hope Ethel doesn't leave the season early. The only thing missing this season are Lily Rabe, who I think would've made a better Bette and Dotte, because she has such an expressive face; and Jamie Brewer. It may have been a risky move using Jamie Brewer this season because of her real life Down Syndrome and acting in a "freak show" setting. Some people might have taken offense to that. Call me obsessed, but it's time for me to watch last nights episode for the second time. I've been watching them all twice and I always catch things I missed on the first airing. LOL! Yes, I'm a weirdo!
  3. Wow! This thread fills up fast. Just some observations. Bob's leg chunk that Gareth(?) was munching on looked like a piece of grilled salmon. I used to love grilled salmon. Now, not so much. That was nasty! Also, couldn't help thinking, while they were eating their canned goods feast, they are all wearing clothes encrusted with dried up zombie slime in them. Geez! At least take off your shoes and socks, rinse them off and hang 'em up to dry. And their underwear? I'm sure Michonne, who I think was the only woman to go down into the slimy, zombified food banks lower level, is bound to get some kind of yeast infection from hell. At this point in the game, I'd have lost my modesty and been walking around nude while my clothes were sloshed through some dish soap and bleach, rinsed and been hung to dry. Yeah, I know, it's just a TV show. I knew one of the black dudes would end up dead or in trouble by episode's end. Three black guys now in the group, plus Morgan. In TV law, that's too many.
  4. For those unfamiliar with the Bowie video Life on Mars and how much AHS took from it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v--IqqusnNQ
  5. I don't get what the big deal was with Hayden saying, "Hey Cody! Watch this!" and then kissing Nicole. Am I missing something? Does Cody have a thing for Nicole? Very happy Frankie's been put on the block. Derrick/Cody/Caleb/Vic...Study the wall of hamsters, win the morph veto comp and get him out already!
  6. Yeah, I fast forwarded through all that crap. I don't understand the big deal that is Jeff and Jordan, but I'll tell you what...they've raked it in as far as reality TV, probably more than anyone. Someone mentioned in another thread, that was 3 marriages from Big Brother. I know Rachel and Brendan, but who else? Here's what I'm imagining happened in the Big brother board room: Grodner: "Ok, obviously America is not a fan of Frankie. We've showed him in a bad light the last couple episodes, but God Forbid he wins the whole game. So what do we do?" Grodner minion: "Let's do some sort of reset button. If they press it, the whole week resets and they have to start over. You KNOW they'll push it. They always do." Grodner minion#2: "We make the HOH comp something we know Frankie should win. He's a dancer, right? Good balance. Yes, we'll make a comp where good balance is the key. Also, the balls he has to balance will be smaller than everyone else's, but hopefully nobody will notice." Grodner: " Yes! Give him an easy win. We don't make it too obvious. I've done it before, especially for Evel Dick during his time. This is great! Give Frankie the HOH and then some moron will press the button, or they all will....hahaha! Then, tada!! Sorry, Frankie, you must step down from your position as HOH and we'll do Rock Paper Scissors between the two nominees to see who will be the new HOH. Of course Rock Paper Scissors is waaay to complicated and confusing for Victoria to play, so Cody will be the new HOH and let's get Frankie out of here." How's that sound? Good? Can you tell I really want Frankie to get booted sooner rather than later and hopefully the Super Booer guy sneaks his way back into the audience. My black soul wants to see him trying desperately to fake a bubbly smile as his reputation and world crumble around him. What does this game do to me?
  7. This is Caleb with the button: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NITBfc1EOBo There were several reasons why Christine was booed. First not respecting her husband, being the lapdog of the Detonators when she knew full well she was low person in their alliance, she was a player just like Andy, latch onto a superpower and becoe their minion who keeps the in power the whole game resulting in a boring season, but also how she befriended Nicole but had no problem stabbing her in the back and also how she tried to cheat Donny with the hidden bones competition. She acts all friendly and caring and it's all bull. She's a wimpy, boring phony. I also noticed how Frankie walks weird, like his balls are the size of bowling balls. I've come to terms with Derrick winning this season. Out of all the people left in the house, he is the one I hope does win. I feel like he'd use his prize money the most practical over anyone else. I agree with a post above about the voting system becoming stale and the nominee's speeches. Yawn. If they want a good twist for next year, forget putting egomaniacs, muscle bound guys, girls who rely on their looks and people looking to become famous. Just have a whole house of big brother superfans who all have an IQ above 115 and all have careers where they'd be good at the show IE: cops, lawyers, psychiatrists. Get some people who are natural risk takers and who know the game well. But also change up some of the competitions to throw them a curveball every so often.
  8. I'm disappointed Mike Super got to the finals. His trick wasn't all that impressive and he's just not that likable to me. He's got this self important smirk thing going on. Also, was disappointed Miguel Dakota made it. He's a mediocre singer and he's a 7 in the looks department. The tweens love him and his 2009 hipster cap. Howard is right. There's something missing in his act. Is it passion? There's been other male singers who've been let go who were were far better singers than he, but didn't have the "look". Such a shame. I was sad Arial Animation were cut. She had an off night. She has such a great act compared to yet, another singer, but alas she's gone. What is the other act sorta similar to hers? Blue Journey? Hopefully they will be great and knock out a singer or two. I also was a bit turned off by Emily West in her pre-performance package. Her credit card was declined so a stranger gave her $20. Jeez! What a loser. She's way too old to be mooching off the parents. I'm sure you can work some sort of job and follow your dream too. Other people do it. So next week I'm sure the kid singer who looks like Urkel (I'm sorry, his name escapes me) will get through to the finals. He's really very good, but ha;lf the finalists will be singers. I would love the 2 contortionists Nina and Andrew(?) to do an act together. They are both very attractive and I can only imagine what they could do with each other sexually if they were a real life couple rawr!! Actually they could do a foursome act with Scooby and his pal. Not sexually....ahem, I meant an act....on the stage. Anyway. Like everyone else, I'm over Howie too. I'm over Heidi as well. Howard is the only judge that gives them constructive criticism and looks at the big picture, whether an act could be lucrative or not. Thanks to Howard, Mike Super got through because he got rid of dead Desmond. Didn't he says he's been communicating with Desmond since he was six years old? He better sleep in that see through box with the Latin writing, because I can hear ol' Desmond saying like Glenn Close, "I don't like to be IGNORED Mike."
  9. Mango! That seriously made me guffaw! All I can say is give the damn boring win to Derrick already, but Donny better win fan favorite. I never vote on these things, but I will for Donny. He's the most observant player of the entire series, but he doesn't have a mean bone in his body. I told my husband, I want Donny for my next door neighbor.
  10. This is becoming the Frankie show. ~sigh~ Could Derrick make it any obvious that he threw the comp to Frankie. All these floaters, can't they figure out who is in an alliance just by powers of observation? Why isn't anyone else forming one? Tired of Frankie, Derick, Cody & Zach. Caleb is one of them too, but at least his craziness is entertaining. Frankie: "I can't wait to see my grandfather!" What are they gonna do, send him a picture of Grampa Frank in his casket or did they take one in his hospital bed looking all confused?
  11. I love all your posts and come here to read your spot-on comments that are expressed way more eloquently than I can. Only one small point hasn't been brought up yet. What the heck was up with rent boy Eddie hunched over the dinner table, shoveling his grilled salmon into his maw like a drug addict on a binge. He's a weird dude. I've noticed in quick shots, his posture is atrocious; like some slouchy, insecure pre-teen. For the record, I'm on team Shannon, but she lost points when she lost her cool. You know Heather will casually bring up to the neighbors how the Beador lady up the hill is mentally unhinged, so watch your kids if they ride their bikes near their house. Finally, Tammy Sue will be getting hers. It better happen. I hope that's what's happening in the preview scene of her sprinting away, flailing and screaming. Vicky better not wimp out at the reunion and stay out of it because she doesn't want Tammy Sue messing with Brooks. Geez! Why are they are scared of her? In next weeks previews, what was up with rapey Ryan? Who was that girl? Did he knock her up and Tammy's gonna be a granny? Is that why she was crying?
  12. I'm actually glad steroidy Devin won HoH. It will only go to his head more and hopefully his amped up power trip will make him enemies among his fellow Bomb Squad alliance members. He's quickly going over the cliff into Crazy Town. Did you see the quick shot of Devin rushing behind the bushes right after the guys HOH comp? Did he go to TPTB to complain that Cody fell? Amber thinks Devin is attractive, so she will be putty in his hands and she'll nominate whomever he says. Ugh! Hopefully her nominees will win. Not all competitions are physical. Part of me is starting to feel that Donny's "nice guy" thing is an act. I'm sure he's a decent guy, but he's turned the sugary sweetness to ten (or eleven). I thought for sure, Christine would've been the next Team America F*** Yeah pick. For all you Rush fans, she looks like she could be Geddy Lee's sister. That's not an insult. I like him and I like her with her fellow nerd girl Nicole. I actually would want them final two. They might be great in question and answer type competitions. Also, Amber should not have blown off Caleb. The guy obviously has no game, so just give him enough to keep him hoping. Just flirt heavily and tease a bit and make him eat out of your hand. Guys have done this to women on this show. All's fair in love and Big Brother. Anyone seen the movie The Purge? Doesn't Heyden look like the young blonde guy with the wide crazy smile in that movie? No? Never mind then. Joey kept saying what a feminist she is, yet groveled and apologized for attempting to make an alliance? I'd be like, "Dude! Don't tell me how to play the game and don't tell me your not in an alliance too!!" Her Alex character thing sealed her fate. That was dumb and didn't help her make her point.
  13. Hi everyone! Newbie here from TWOP. My first post... I had this episode on mym DVR and finally sat down to watch it. All I want to add is that I felt like anxious girl's story was BS. I can truly sympathize with people like myself who've been diagnosed with depression and I know all too well how crippling anxiety can be. That said, everytime she held her hand up to her mouth as if to choke back sobs, she seemed to recover very quickly and I never saw a trace of a tear. I just wonder, since people see how a good sob story can get you votes, where someone could make up something. How could you say no to the practically suicidal girl? Singing is her only reason for waking up in the morning. Plus, her singing was fine, but I doubt she'll go far. I enjoyed, the magician (I refuse to call him Smoothdini), the hand balancing guy from the Ukraine, the guy quartet group with the harp and the guy singing "Somewhere Only We Know", I forgot their name and the dancers with the fans.
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