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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. On 4/28/2017 at 4:47 PM, iwasish said:

    When I heard her stomping so daintilly  into the house "HELLO, HELLO" "WHERE'S MY LITTLE KHLOE?" in that weird voice and then sitting there with that accusatory look and the In Living Color Wanda lips, if I were Khloe I'd have run for the hills.

    How any of them keep a straight face when she's there, I have no.idea.

    @SailorGirl already did a wonderful job giving props to what might be the best, most accurate visual of anyone in this entire family.  I am simply quoting it again so if I am having a long day, I can re-read it like it was the first time and laugh until my stomach hurts.

    "I am RET TA GO."

    • Love 4
  2. Unfortunately, their children are going to quickly get to an age where they can watch their parents' dysfunctional relationship play out over the course of several season's worth of KUWTK.  Do either of them give a crap about that?  

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  3. 2 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

    I actually felt super uncomfortable watching Kanye. He looked like he was hopped up on meds or something...he sat their silent like he was a robot. 

    Same here.  I tend to feel the same way every time Rob is paraded out for his paycheck, as well as rehab-era Scott and post-death Lamar.  I realize these are all grown men who have all signed on the dotted line, giving Kris ownership of their souls, but it's still creepy.

    Was it Khloe who said that she felt bad for Scott because whenever he approaches Kourtney, she always fake-pushes him away with a *giggle-giggle*?  She was right about that.  But then, seconds later, she's taking Kourtney's side again and throwing water in Scott's face.  Anything to keep the drama going, I guess.

    Kylie and Tyga stealing Khloe's room because it was more romantic was just all kinds of blerrrrchhhhhhhhh.

    Kris looked heavily medicated.

    • Love 11
  4. On 5/1/2017 at 10:28 AM, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

    This is the easiest role for Kourtney to have on this show to stay relevant.  She's like Bernie, in "Weekend at Bernie's",  with just enough of a pulse to justify keeping the ventilator (Scott) plugged in.

    This is literally the best description I have ever read about Kourtney & Scott's "relationship."  Bible.


    On 5/1/2017 at 10:39 AM, iwasish said:

    Scott and Kourt are not a couple, at least in Kourt's mind, so why is Kim traveling around with him?  The only contact she should have with him is in relation to his role as  Mason, P's and Reign's father. 

    But then the whole mess was probably a set up for the camera anyway.  Just like the next trip to Costa Rica when he brings a girl along.

    I briefly wondered that as well...why take your pseudo-brother-in-law along on a make-up trip to Dubai?  But then, I remembered - nothing they do makes much sense, and they just needed him there so someone could ply him with booze, carry the "plot" along, and Kourtney would be able to say, "See?  I told you he'd mess up again!"  Same sh!t, different episode.  But Kourtney is horrible and Scott is never going to be able to get back in her good graces, ever - because she will keep re-drawing the line in the sand.


    On 5/1/2017 at 4:46 PM, iwasish said:

    Didn't Corey used to work for the Biebs manager?

    The web, she is tangled.


    Kim looked stupid walking around Scott's room...down the stairs, up the stairs, suddenly back down the stairs.  But what looked even stupider was the girl who was tagging along behind Kim, trying to follow her up and down and up the stairs.  Her hangers-on, with their vapid expressions and leading questions and feigned interest in the tiniest morsel of Kim's life are pathetic.  But I suppose they're getting a paycheck, so...guess there's harder ways to earn a dollar than getting a free trip to Dubai and chasing some poor woman around an aquarium-themed hotel room.


    6 hours ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

    She was also loving the fact that she was going to get some interesting footage out of an otherwise boring trip.  Had Scott not brought that woman home, I can't even imagine the boring b roll we would have seen in its place.  Kim does more shopping!  Kim eats a salad!  Someone facetimes Rob to make sure he hasn't suffocated in a pile of whatchamacallit wrappers!

    This made me LOL way too hard.  And then I felt bad.  But still, I am laughing.

    • Love 6
  5. 16 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

    Is all this focus on Rob's show supposed to make us want to watch it? I can't think of any other reason to keep talking about it except hoping it will increase the ratings for the new season.  I thought Rob bought his own house? Remember when Kris and Faye Resnick decorated it for him? So why was he living in one of Kylies houses? It can't get any more fake. 

    Is there actually going to be a season 2 of Rob & Chyna?  So we can watch them be verbally abusive to each other, play musical houses, post awful things about the other on social media...but this time, with an innocent baby in the mix?

    And how pathetic is Kris to make this happen?  Give your mentally ill son a tv show of his own so he'll get out of bed every day?  That's sick.

    I literally cannot keep track of who is living in what house anymore.  I don't have a clue why Rob isn't living in the house that Faye decorated for him.  And how many freaking houses does Kylie have?  Do they buy houses to flip?  How can they flip anything if Rob keeps moving in?

    • Love 5
  6. 1 hour ago, iwasish said:

    True but why continue to have her on the show and engage in her nonesense? Being civil to your divorced spouse doesn't mean having facials with them. Even Kendall and Kylie are starting to have issues with her. Kris should just let them work it out.

    Seriously, this.  Kris wanting to be civil to the father of two of her kids doesn't mean she needs to have Caitlyn over for facials, wine, and Caitlyn's verbal abuse.  If Caitlyn wants a girlfriend to hang out with, Kris shouldn't be the one to fulfill that role.  And I can't get over that horrible, icy tone in Caitlyn's voice now.  I mean, I know this show is cut and pasted to within an inch of its life, but wasn't Caitlyn the one who brought up the gender reassignment surgery?  And then when Kris starts to ask her about it, Caitlyn gets that awful, superior look on her face and says, "don't you dare go there with me on that."  I mean, WTF is that all about?  Caitlyn wants to talk about things, but only on her terms.  Period.  And Kris kind of awkwardly smiles and goes along with it, because she's hyper-aware that they are being filmed.  It's all so freaking bizarre.

    • Love 8
  7. 2 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

    I don't think his dad abandoned him, did he? His parents got divorced and his mom moved to the US and remarried while his dad stayed in Mexico. I know I read in interviews after his dad died last year that his dad watched him on Survivor and was really proud of him. (Wonder if he was proud of the porn too lol)

    What I remember is once his parents divorced, his dad made no effort to see him after that...this is from what he said at the Cook Islands final TC and reunion.

  8. @Ms Blue Jay...I cannot think of any way you could've expressed that better.  I agree 100%, and his eyes fascinate me, too.  If I may go a step further, I am also sort of mesmerized by the way he moves...always very controlled, slowly, kind of dream-like, if that makes sense.  His facial expressions are also very subtle.  He's interesting to watch (beyond being pretty).

    He's a vulnerable soul, and I've always wondered if it goes back to his dad who abandoned him.  Perhaps he's always trying to prove himself to a person who is never going to care what he does in life?

    EDIT: posted right after @Rachel RSL posted her thoughts.  Interesting how different people see players in such different lights!

    • Love 5
  9. 20 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

    This is a totally random comment but I only read about this yesterday: Am I the only one on the planet who didn't know that Ozzy used to date Lindsay Lohan back in her rehab/out-of-rehab days? I'm so out of the loop!

    I knew about it but refused to believe it because in my own little delusional Ozzy-loving world, he wouldn't do that.  He'd be out saving whales or building skateboard parks for the youths in his neighborhood.

    I too think Ozzy is in it for the experience but just has no idea how to win it all.  I recall with wistful fondness how, on his first season, he talked about reading Robinson Crusoe when he was a kid and dreamed about being deserted on an island.  The "survival" aspect is what he's so good at, but I think he's either too private or just isn't the type to be able to have the big conversations that lead to big moves.  He's so aware of the target on his own back, but he doesn't seem to be able to sway people to focus on other potential targets.  As long as he can't throw shade on others, I think he's doomed to get booted out by people he thought he was in an alliance with.

    Thank goodness he's at least on the jury.

    • Love 8
  10. 11 minutes ago, TaraS1 said:

    And ITA with @vb68 - Cirie would make a great life coach.  Her talk with Michaela was the best part of the whole two hours.  It seems so rare that we get to see long, meaningful conversations like that on this show.

    That was fantastic.  "If you're hungry, get un-hungry!  If you're mad, get un-mad!"  Michaela just has that permanently pissed-off expression on her face, which she almost can't do anything about, because if she was all suddenly-smiley-faced Michaela, everyone would wonder what she's up to.  She kind of can't win as far as her personality goes, that's just how she is.  I want Cirie to tuck her under her protective wing and get them both to the end.

    • Love 15
  11. 11 hours ago, mojoween said:

    This challenge just isn't the same without beautiful Yul telling stories about why elephants cannot climb trees.



    11 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

    So it was Marshall's, as in the store? So the Egyptian cotton towels were from the clearance shelves?

    LOLZ, is the next reward challenge going to be sponsored by Dollar General's candy aisle?


    11 hours ago, Haleth said:

    Prettiest jury yet- Ozzy and Hali and lots and lots of hair.

    I thought the same thing...one of the camera-grip type people needs to make sure there's a strategically placed fan so we can watch all that beautiful, clean hair sway in the breeze like a Pantene commercial every time the jury is introduced.  Make it happen, Probst!  


    9 hours ago, sadiegirl1999 said:

    Also, anyone else hate that f**king music they play as they walk into tribal?

    That was truly awful.  Were were at a hoe-down or Tribal Council?  That was the most glaring example, but I agree - this season's music has been another cast member in itself, and I want it voted out even before Eyebrows goes.


    7 hours ago, GaT said:

    I don’t know how, but I didn’t notice Sierra’s eyebrows again until tonight. Now they’re bugging the hell out of me, & how is her manicure still perfect?

    This!  It makes no sense.  So now do we have to also keep an eye peeled to see if her acrylics are growing out?  They have to be fake, but who does that and then goes camping in the jungle for weeks?  She's so odd.

    Debbie doesn't have much awareness of personal space.  When she goes up to someone and whispers, it's like she's trying to swallow the other person's ear.  Also, her Brad hug went on way too long.  So did her Cochran hug, for that matter.  And I don't even know what was up with her weird suggestive dancing.   Strange lady, that one.

    Hali, I'm sorry, you were too smart for this lot.  Ozzy...I will miss you so, but you're not playing Cook Islands anymore.  There has to be more to you than being able to feed the troops.  But I'm sure we'll see you back on Survivor Season 42, "Fifth Chances."

    I guess I'm rooting for Cirie and Michaela to go to the end with a goat, like Eyebrows/Gel Nails.

    • Love 6
  12. 42 minutes ago, cherrypj said:

    Now, I'm also going through the past seasons (currently at HvV, which is awesome so far--Randy just got booted). I'm spoiled for ALL of these past seasons, obviously. I don't know every circumstance, but I know the winners. And I love that. I love watching to see if I can figure out how someone wins. (There weren't a lot of clues in Samoa, that's for sure!) I love getting to the episodes that generated so much discussion (and still do!). Can't wait to see JT fawn over Russell. To see Parv pull an Oprah and give everyone an idol. To see Kim S just rock.

    We started using Hulu in January.  I was so geeked to see that I had 288 episodes of Survivor to watch!  Alas, now I only have about 90.  But the fun for me now is watching the players get introduced every season, immediately knowing who wins, but not remembering how they did it.

    Plus, I could watch Cook Islands all day long.

    • Love 3
  13. I agree with @NutMeg, and would like to add a perhaps unpopular opinion...I hope that what happened doesn't suddenly cause a bunch of looky-loos to tune in and start critiquing the show if they haven't watched before, and are only there to catch a few minutes so they can tweet their opinions (see: Caitlyn Jenner).  While I suppose controversy is good for ratings, I still feel like this is a show for fans, of which there are many - enough to keep this show going for (hopefully) several more seasons.  If it brings in folks that tune in and get hooked on the show as a reality competition under extreme circumstances for a million dollar prize, that's great.  If people tune in just to see what everyone's talking about so they can post an uninformed opinion, well...there's much more to Survivor than what happened in the last episode.  This is not to minimize what happened in any way.  But reading through Zeke and Varner's threads shows how true fans of this show have posted some wonderful and thought-provoking words, as we struggle to make sense of what happened, and why, within the context of the game.

    • Love 6
  14. I don't know if this has been covered yet, but I thought the title for this episode was strange: "What Happened on Exile, Stays on Exile."  I think we saw about 2.5 seconds of Debbie saying that Exile was hard (false) and that there was no flint (technically true).  Even for an episode not completely overshadowed by what happened with Zeke and Varner, it still seems odd, especially since there was no Exile in this episode.  I could understand the title if someone else was sent there (which I assumed would happen) and that person then had to decide whether or not to tell people that Debbie failed to mention that she was actually on a boat with Cochran, etc.  I thought sending someone else to Exile Lounge & Spa would then give that next person an unintended alliance with Debbie, because each would know the other had an advantage.  But....crickets.

    I love me some Survivor.  Some (my husband) would say it's even slightly unhealthy and/or obsessive (no one is allowed to talk to me while it's on).  But this season has just been a strange one.  I can't pinpoint what's off - the plotting?  Not as much action?  Editing?  I don't know.

    • Love 1
  15. 14 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

    They'll have to get through the reunion, but I hope Probst doesn't push this further than it needs to go.  Just let Varner and Zeke have the floor, then move on.  Hopefully after this season is over, both can move on from it.  And I really hope they send a message to the audience not to boo.

    All of this, but especially the bolded line.

    As for Probst, he does love to interject his opinions at the reunion - especially his famous "people on the street" chatter.  I think everyone's aware of what the people on the street are saying about Varner, and I hope Probst sidesteps the worst of it while still allowing Zeke and Varner to have their time to speak, uninterrupted by Probst or the audience, and move on.

    It's going to be interesting.

    • Love 4
  16. On 4/15/2017 at 3:21 PM, illdoc said:

    My question is: When they merge (next episode), will they tell the people who weren't at TC about what happened there (i.e. will they out Zeke to the others)? Or will they just say "something happened...deeply personal...let Zeke tell you if he wants...yada yada yada"?

    I was wondering this same thing.  How will this extremely emotional event be handled going forward?  Does it become the center of attention?  Does it kind of fade away, unexplained?  I can see pros and cons to both, but in the end it should be whatever Zeke wants it to be...but, there were seven other people sitting there as well.  People talk, and these people all know each other and have relationships and friendships outside of the game.  And if the entire story does come out, does Zeke suddenly have a target on his back?  Should he?  Is that fair?

    Those are just a few of the questions I have.  I have many more, but I know I'm going to have to just wait and see.

  17. So tired of Kris waxing poetic on the great Robert Kardashian Sr.  She shouldn't be allowed to speak about her wonderful, amazing late husband who, incidentally, she cheated on who knows how many times.  She only uses his name and memory when it makes her look good.

    Why is Scott bringing dinner to Khloe in her bedroom?  That was completely random and also kind of creepy...Scott mumbling about how it's too early to eat while Khloe lounges on her bed, pursing her lips and stroking her hair.  So bizarre.

    Kylie looks ridiculous.  Did I hear Kendall right, telling Kylie that she looks like a Bratz doll?  She totally does.

    The rest of the show consisted of:

    Kim: I'm drained.

    Rest of Family: Yeah.

    Kim: I'm so tired and drained.

    Rest of Family: Yeah.



    • Love 13
  18. On 4/12/2017 at 9:41 PM, iwasish said:

    Can you imagine the scintillating conversation? He spends 10 minutes discussing some complex legal case and she pets her hair and checks her lipstick  in any one of the myriad mirrored surfaces strategically placed nearby and mumbles distractedly "ummm, yeah" 

    ...while picking at her talons and talking through mouthfuls of salad.

    • Love 6
  19. 3 hours ago, Artsda said:

    Shut up Caitlyn, she's acting like she's the leader. Zeke is 10x the person Caitlyn is with how he handled that tribal council and the aftermath. I was horrified watching that happen to him.

    I wonder if Caitlyn even watches Survivor in the first place.  My guess is that someone alerted her to it, she watched a clip while getting her nails done, and responded like she knew what was going on.

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