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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. 16 hours ago, Lemons said:

    I think Kevin is more of a psychopath than Danny ever was. Danny had more of a conscience.  He was just so bitter and angry about what his family did to him that he did some horrible things back to them. Kevin, on the other hand, covered up Danny's murder,  killed Marco , framed Eric for the murder, and didn't see anything wrong with setting Eric up to be killed at his mother's funeral. He's just happily going on with his great life without a care in the world. 

    I feel like he's that way because whenever anything goes wrong he just hits the bottle, has a breakdown, and calls John to fix everything.

    Plus, I wonder if Kevin thinks that if everything does fall apart, he can go back to John killing Danny as the catalyst for Kevin's own murder of Marco.  In other words, in Kevin's brain, what he did was bad but what John did was worse, and John's actions set the horrible chain of events into motion.  So while John is his savior, Kevin would have no problem throwing him under the bus in a heartbeat to save himself.

    • Love 4
  2. 23 hours ago, Bec said:

    Interesting that the defense is going with the theory that Meg did it. Nobody would have guessed that pants-wetter Kevin could manage to kill a dude! Maybe Eric will get acquitted, and then Kevin would be ready to throw his sister under the bus, and that's when John will finally reach his limit with the lengths he'll go to protect his baby brother.

    I laughed out loud.  It's so funny because it's true.  The guy can barely dress himself.


    22 hours ago, UGAmp said:

    If John Rayburn was portrayed by any actor other than Kyle Chandler, I wonder when I would have given up on his character. But because it is good ol' Coach Taylor, somehow I am still on his side. I know it's wrong. The lying, the bribing, the murdering. But I still want him to get away with it all. 

    This.  He is dangerous, yet charming.  Fragile, yet carrying the weight of his entire family on his shoulders.  Evil, and yet he arranged to not let Eric get killed.  He claims to have no feelings, but his eyes contain all the feels in the world.  And in all honesty, if anyone else had played his part, I never would've clicked "Play" on Season One, Episode One.  

    The end shot of John standing in the hallway of his motel room, motionless, smoking a cigarette, was everything.  The guy even mesmerizes me when he's standing still.

    • Love 15
  3. The scene of Kevin trying to dock and John repeatedly kicking his boat was unintentionally funny, even if they ended up beating the crap out of each other right after that.  Those are the scenes that give interesting insight into how they might've behaved towards each other as kids.

    The fact that Kevin thinks everything is just swell while John is two seconds away from a breakdown is fascinating to watch.

    • Love 9
  4. On 5/29/2017 at 10:48 AM, bilgistic said:

    Does John ever sleep? And if he does, is it ever in pajamas? He never changes his blue shirt and tan chinos. He makes me tired is what I'm saying.

    And yet...still smokin' hawt, in my opinion.

    I used to really wonder about why Kevin was such a screw-up.  I mostly just went with it, but this episode?  When his mother offered him a drink and then locked him out of her house?  I'm sold now.  That, plus the story Kevin told Belle about how he learned to ride a bike by himself because his parents couldn't be bothered to teach him, tells me everything I need to know.  Kevin is either invisible or a pain in everyone's asses.

    • Love 5
  5. Words cannot express my love for the flashback bar scene where Marco sidles up to Meg all cool-like, not yet knowing that she is his partner's sister, and then Meg flips John off and he returns the gesture with a smile.  The sibling's relationships are what hooked me on this show in the first place.  Having only one much younger sister, I am kind of fascinated by sibling interactions.

    I both loathe and feel sorry for Eric, and this is testament to the actor playing him.  I flip from kind of wanting John to get away with everything, to wanting Eric and Chelsea to take this entire family down.

    Can someone refresh my memory on who Kate is?  I don't remember her at all from prior episodes.

    • Love 2
  6. 19 hours ago, lasandi said:

    Am I missing something?  Rob and Jamal couldn't go in to see Chyna cuz she wasn't dressed.  When she was decent and they were allowed to go in, there was a mob already in there.  Lol.  

    The way Jamal strutted in there like he owned the place was also rather bizarre (even in a show full of bizarre-ness, this stood out to me).  Shouldn't Rob have gone in there first?  Also on the bizarre scale was the nasty, marked-up doors in the hallway of the photo shoot location and Rob's insistence at wearing the stupid mask because his lip was numb (yes, it feels weird but it doesn't look weird, dumb-ass).  These people....I just don't even know anymore.

    • Love 2
  7. Kim and Simon, at lunch:

    Kim: Rob is doing good, he's lost 13 pounds.

    Simon: That's great!  Are he and Chyna doing better?

    Kim: .....................yeah.

    Simon: How is Dream?  Is she --

    Kim: I don't like olives.

    Simon: (after an incredulously stunned silence) You don't like olives?

    Kim: No.  Everyone likes olives.  I don't like olives.  Olives.  I don't like them.

    Simon: (surreptitiously scraping the olives from his salad plate onto his lap) I don't like olives either!

    Kim: .........................yeah.

    Simon: They're all you taste when you get them on a salad!

    Kim: ................................



    We are all being punk'd.  There can be no other explanation, you guys.  Ashton Kutcher is going to appear any moment, I just know it.

    • LOL 2
    • Love 7
  8. On 5/22/2017 at 8:50 AM, toodles said:

    At least they didn't name him Axel Rose.  The oldest kid on the TV show The Middle is named Axle.  The other kid is named Brick.  It could be worse.

    If Maddie got the name from The Middle, that Axel is a goof-up, airheaded pretty boy with a heart of gold.  Hey - sounds exactly like Maddie's father! (minus the heart part).


    On 5/22/2017 at 9:23 AM, CofCinci said:

    I imagine that the baby was born at home on a bed of LLR leggings that are ripped in the ass. 

    OMG, the mental imagery this gives me is both hysterical and terrifying.

    • Love 2
  9. 15 hours ago, Mollie said:

    The Forsyths sought out the Duggars as soon as they hit town.  They knew the Duggars would be great connections for their business concept when the started Fort Rock.  That is why they get the Duggars to do guest speaking engagements at the Fort Rock marriage seminars, etc.

    That's just so twisted.  Are the Duggars still upheld as the fundie family to be connected with?  Even after the Josh scandals?  Is Jim Boob held in such high regard that whatever his spawn get caught doing can be explained away and forgotten?  What father, in his right freaking mind, seeks out a family like the Duggars to seek out a spouse for his daughter?  While I realize that Joe didn't do anything wrong, if Kendra's family was doing this for the sake of connections, then really, marrying off the kids is nothing more than a business transaction to these people, and not very good business at that.

    Sigh....I know those are all stupid questions because I already know the answers. 

    • Love 9
  10. 19 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

    stained jacket


    hammy pinkness


    I still don't understand how all the Duggar boys have receding hairlines by age 12, when freaking Jim Boob needs to tame his locks with Aqua-Net.

    That second picture is hilarious.  Joe looks smarmy and clueless, and Kendra looks like she just won a prize at a county fair.  I don't understand this relationship.

    • Love 12
  11. Even sweaty, disheveled, bags-under-the-eyes Kyle Chandler is prettier than anyone else I can think of.

    Anyone remember him from "Homefront?"  Or perhaps many of you weren't even born yet, LOL.  That was the start of my Kyle crush, and darned if that man doesn't get exponentially more handsome with age.  But his acting is and has always been stellar.  He's one of those actors who, when he goes quiet, you can't take your eyes off of him because you don't know what he's going to do.  And then he lets his face do the acting.  He absolutely deserves all the awards, and I can't figure out why so many people have never heard of this show.  

    • Love 16
  12. This show has its flaws, to be sure, but I am willing to suspend everything because I am completely riveted by Kyle Chandler's acting.  The man is constantly two seconds away from a complete nervous breakdown.  He mesmerizes me.  His eyebrows are better actors than 95% of whoever else is on any show, ever.  His stress radiates through my television screen to the point that I need a glass of wine after each episode to help me calm down.  It takes me 90 minutes to watch each 60 minute episode because I find myself rewinding some of his more fabulous facial expressions.  Did I say he mesmerizes me??  

    Kevin is a massive screw-up, but I buy it.  He's been portrayed to be the messed-up brother from back when they were kids.  I loved how he called John, begging and pleading for his help.  And then with the very next call, he's all, "this is all your fault anyway, John!"  I find the twisted relationship between the siblings the very best part of this show.  I LOL'd when the guy told Kevin that they could perhaps use Meg as the person who shot Marco, and Kevin's like, "um, no?  She's my sister!"

    I even buy Sally being the most naive person on the planet.  I think she's been lying for so long, she believes all of her own stories, and she's so emotionally checked out, she no longer knows how to properly react.  I thought the scene of her going to help a customer right after Meg told her that John killed Danny was fabulous.

    The one thing that pokes at me is, how do they keep their cell phones charged all the time?  LOL, I kid...sort of.  I do wonder.

    17 hours ago, HollyG said:

    This is going to be a tense 10 hours!

    Question: At the beginning of episode 2, whose body are they looking at partially buried in the sand? It's too dark for me to see.

    I honestly thought it was Danny, but it couldn't be.  Could it?  I thought they showed what looked like a really decomposed body partially buried in a swamp...was that part of Kevin's dream?  I thought that came later.

    • Love 11
  13. 54 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

    Because JD and Jana are house elves who aren't allowed to do that sort of thing. 

    Especially when they work for Slytherin alums. 

    Someone give Jana a sock!!  There must be dozens of sweaty, balled-up socks in the Family Clothes Closet, right?!


    Note: Joy and Austin graciously gave Joseph permission to pop the question at their reception.  if you not read it on Counting On of facebook page..

    The above line was typed on the JoKen Instagram Official Engagement photo, and I have questions...who wrote this?  Someone in the Duggar Family would be my guess, but the grammar is so horrendously awful, it's actually funny.  Was this a preemptive strike against the vast majority of people who find proposing at someone else's wedding to be incredibly tacky?  Why draw even more attention to it?  If this is just "the way the Duggars do things," then why the need to explain it?  The only answer is, they absolutely know how disgusting it is to take the attention away from the newly married couple.  As someone above posted, it had nothing to do with romance and everything to do with the fact that it would make for good tv footage because the cameras were already rolling.  It's all so gross.

    EDIT: I think it was written by a fan, not the family.  Still gross.


    On 4/3/2017 at 7:08 AM, sATL said:

    Kendra looks like JoyAnna....

    pix from this article.. (link)


    In this photo, they look more like twins than the Sinner/Saint Duggar twins.

    • Love 8
  14. Now, the question is - knowing that this is the last season of Bloodline, do I binge season 3 like a madwoman?  Or savor each episode slowly, like a fine wine?

    Sad that this show is ending after three seasons.  If Kyle doesn't find another role ASAP, I just know I'm going to have to re-binge on Friday Night Lights.

    • Love 3
  15. 3 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

    I still love Michaela, Tai, Cirie, Zeke, Caleb, Haili, most of those people in the back row, but I'm very ready for some brand new people.  Even with contrived labels like Healers, Helpers, Hustlers, Housewives, Hotties or Heffers.  Just bring them on.

    ALL NEW PEOPLE.  New new new!  Please, all new!  As much as I love Ozzy, Malcolm, Joe, Cirie...I don't want to see them anymore.  They've gotten their 15 minutes of fame and then some.  That's why, for me as a viewer, I frequently felt like I was being taken right out of the show...that I was watching a group of good friends "play-act" Survivor, playing to their Survivor character, while Jeff - bestie to all - lobbed softball TC questions at them in a rushed fashion, as if he were waiting for it to be over so he could hang out and drink margaritas with the cool kids at Ponderosa.  It bugged me to no end.


    1 hour ago, cooksdelight said:

    Exactly. If you lie back and think your social game will do it, or that you can strategize better than anyone else, it won't matter if everyone around you has an idol.

    I do hope production/Jeff takes a look at the fallout from having so many rewards, advantages, idols, etc., and scales back. I would dearly love for one season with no idols, no advantages. Just people playing hard to be the last one standing.


    Other things:

    Since when has music been played over the entire conversations at TC?  I really noticed it last night.  It was super distracting.

    Were the female jury members trying to out-do each other's outfits, makeup and hair?  Cirie's eyelashes must've weighed a pound each, and did I see Andrea wearing a black bustier?  What was going on there?  

    Man, I really struggled with this season.  I thought the returning players concept would be so interesting.  Turned out, not so much.  I swear, they were all "playing" Survivor, not playing Survivor.  The editing was so wonky, Jeff was just plain odd, puzzle after puzzle after puzzle, reactions that didn't jibe with what we, as viewers, were seeing - all around, the worst season so far, IMO.  And that's saying something, as I am currently re-watching the White/Blue/No Collar season, where 75% of the cast got on my last nerve.

    • Love 4
  16. On 5/21/2017 at 4:51 PM, Chas411 said:

    What's the story with Fonzie - the 35 year old high school student. I can't figure out where he fits into everything or why he keeps popping up everywhere Clay is.


    Thank you.  I am 6 episodes in, and it's getting to the point where I start to chuckle every time he ends up in the same place as Clay, or sits broodingly brooding in his car watching Clay, or happens to turn up whenever Clay has a question, or needs a ride, or is seen talking to anyone else...at which point Tony will begin to speak in puzzles and riddles to a befuddled Clay.

    This won't stop me from watching, however.  Clay and Hannah win this show for me.  It's hard to take my eyes off of them, especially any scene they have together.

    • Love 4
  17. On 5/9/2017 at 1:35 AM, Ms Blue Jay said:

    @marinw I do that too, I have to 'cleanse my palate' with other shows.  I have been watching King of Queens.  King of Queens and The Handmaids Tale, going together like some sick castle dream/nightmare world!  

    For me, it's re-runs of Survivor or some Detroit Tigers baseball.  I have to space out The Handmaid's Tale, with several days passing between episodes.  I cannot binge on this show.  I need too much time to sit numbly, stare at the wall and process what I've just watched.

    • Love 3
  18. Too bad their car broke down in Palm Springs.  I'm sure if they hadn't had to get out and push it with their gelatinous asses hanging out there for all to see, they totally would've been able to get through the trip without being followed by the paps.  Except, of course, for those cameramen and sound people and bodyguards and glam squad and assistants and various hangers-on that go everywhere with them.

    Rob gets more and more cringingly awkward each and every time Kris shoves him in front of a camera and gives him a few lines to say to keep him semi-relevant.  The ONLY kernel of truth I heard from Life Coach Jamel was that when Rob is all, "whatevs, Chy, I don't care when I gets to see my baby, just as long as it's all cool wich you," I could actually understand why that kind of thing would tick Chyna off.  But what am I even saying, she got exactly what she wanted - a baby Kardashian and a Pimp Gramma who will make sure they are both taken care of forever, and a baby daddy who is too crippled by life to make any sort of fuss when she decided to take the baby and bail.

    Kris, no one wants your eggs unless you're talking about the ones in your fridge, and then I'm sure Rob would like several, scrambled with cheese. 

    I hate them all.

    • Love 8
  19. 1 hour ago, survivinmt said:

    I think Jeff loved it the first time it happened because it was so unprecedented. But now it seems like he's a little worried, like "What if I tell them to stop and they don't?" I almost feel like he would have to announce it at the beginning of TC that no whispering is allowed. Otherwise, they may as well turn the cameras off.

    I think he's buddy-buddy with all of them off camera at this point, so it would be like if your best friend became your boss - you might think there were things you could get away with.  The "awe" factor of Probst is wearing very thin, especially with a group like this who clearly think they are running the show, and Probst is just a decorative piece of the set.  I would really hate to see the TC antics become a new wrinkle moving forward...as in, "you let the last cast wander all over the place and didn't tell them to sit the hell back down, so we're going to do it too."

    Probst walks a fine line with me, never more evident than this last episode.  He needs to ask the leading questions without pointedly playing favorites, and he needs to get back to running TC like it's his office.  Get it together, Jeff!

    • Love 3
  20. Was "Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow" the actual title of this episode?  Did anyone actually say those words, or is the editing team so lazy that they just pulled the title out of the Book of Cliches?  Might as well call the episode "I'll Read the Votes" or "The Tribe Has Spoken."  Yawn.

    Also, Probst asked a question of Culpepper that made me do a hard eye-roll...something along the lines of, "Brad!  How do you know who is lying and who is telling the truth!?"  And Probst said it with a look of stunned surprise completely at odds with the decided lack of suspense at that time (this was before Cirie did...whatever Cirie did).  I found the entire TC bizarre, and that's probably because while the cast knew what the heck was going on, the viewers were left in the dark.

    Honestly, I think this entire cast met for breakfast before taping began, decided who they were going to allow to win, and are trying to manufacture drama until it all plays out just as they agreed.

    • Love 4
  21. I haven't yet read through all the comments, so forgive me if this has been stated...I am a die-hard Survivor fan and am truly struggling with this season.

    I thought a game with all returning players might be interesting in terms of strategy, based on the fact that many of them know each other outside the game.  But what I'm finding instead appears to be a game of "pretend" Survivor, where everyone is playing dress-up, strategy is disjointed and awkward, and even Jeff can't be bothered to ask semi-interesting questions at TC.  In addition the editing seems wonky, the scenes are choppy, and the player's emotions don't appear genuine for some reason.  Even the jury seems bored.  It's like they are playing the game when they've already collectively decided who is going to win. 

    And that's difficult for me to write.  I adore my Survivor.  This season, though...not feeling it anymore.  I am bum-puzzled.

    • Love 13
  22. Well, according to the article, they were either at the "Flint Farmer's Market" or "Flint's Framers Market."  The proofreader must've called in sick that day.  Sheesh.

    But I'm from Michigan, and while I look forward to the day that Flint (and Detroit) rise from the ashes, there are so many small, wonderful and adorable towns in Michigan they could've visited instead.  The fact that they landed in Flint must mean that Christine had to use her grocery money for vacation again.

    EDIT: ZOMG they were in FRANKENMUTH too.  That's more like it!!

    • Love 5
  23. 16 minutes ago, Coffeecup said:

    Wasn't that girl-in-the-room thing scripted? She could have been hired to play that part. Even if she wasn't hired ahead of time, she would have had to sign a release before the show could use any footage of her. Somebody commented earlier that she was filmed leaving the room empty-handed, not even having a handbag.  Totally unrealistic. That sounds like a scripted, rehearsed thing, where they were doing several takes trying to get it right. That means she would have received a paycheck for her participation in the show. (Yes, I'm very cynical about this family and their show.)

    But her face was blurred, which I always assumed that, for reality shows, means the person didn't sign a release.  It's probably not that simple, but I suppose she also could've insisted that she not be shown at all, yes?  

    And I hate myself for thinking that anything on this show is real, including the faces and bodies of all the participants.  But Scott's reactions seemed to ring true when Kim was going all "ghetto" on the girl.  Either way, I hate him.  If it was fake, he's the best actor of the bunch and I'm ticked that I bought it.  If it was real, and he allowed his pseudo-sister-in-law to chase her down and call her a whore on camera while he sat there sipping from his water bottle, he's an ass.

    I sincerely hate all of these people and yet......I watch.  

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