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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. I'm a newbie here, and have tried to read every post in this thread.  I have watched this episode four times, and forgive me if this has already been covered, but I have to ask: what was Tyler doing during the auction?  I was watching him carefully, and I am 99% sure he did not bid on any food.  Why did he not go after the advantage with Mike, Carolyn and Dan?  I understand that the players might get to keep the money if they choose not to spend it, but this makes zero sense - hold onto $500 in order to forfeit a 1 in 4 chance at an advantage for a possible $1,000,000?  If anyone can explain his non-moves to me, I would appreciate it.


    I have been a Survivor fan since Episode One, Season One, and I don't think any episode has captured me, for good and bad, like this one did.


    EDIT: I have also been wondering - if you want to win the million, you bring Will the Villain to the end with you.  If you're on the jury, do you vote for the person who brought the villain to the end to guarantee a win, or do you vote for the villain because the other final Survivor took the easiest route possible?  (This is assuming a Final Two, I can't wrap my mind around a Final Three with this group of morons).

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  2. I have just discovered this haunting gem, and I have to disagree with the siblings not resembling each other. In Part 1, the four are standing close and talking, and I could see where John and Meg could be brother-sister, where Danny and Kevin both have that disheveled look, like their father (Sam Shepard). I also thought that Kevin and John could be brothers, but in that Dennis/Randy Quaid sort of way, where one brother clearly gets the better genetic hand dealt to him. The only thing that bothered me just a little is that none of them remotely resemble Sissy Spacek. But, no matter, just an observation.

    I had a feeling that once I pressed "Play" for Part 1, I'd be hooked, and I am. But I would follow Kyle Chandler anywhere. Looking forward to a rainy day binge watch in the near future.

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  3. I cannot abide Mike and his nails-on-a-chalkboard voice. His speech to Dan about how they built their tree fort with blood and sweat...I found myself saying out loud, "Please STOP. TALKING. JUST SHUT UP." And what was up with saying he is not the kind of person to dupe everyone into not taking his letter from home, when 5 seconds before, that is exactly what he was planning to do? It was only the reactions from the rest of the tribe, and possibly Probst, that made him change his mind.

    I have watched Survivor, every single episode, since season 1. I will continue to watch this season until the end, even though I could not give less of a crap who wins. Between Tyler the Shady, Carolyn the Smug, Mike the Patrick-From-Spongebob, Rodney the Psycho, Dan the Misogynistic Creep....the players that are currently left are collectively disgusting.

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  4. I've been lurking here awhile, so please forgive me if these topics have already been covered:

    1. Mike's voice seems to change from Bobcat Goldthwaite-esque to normal, so much so that when he does speak normally, I always have to do a double-take to figure out who is actually talking.

    2. Why does Jeff now call the bench at challenges the "sit-out" bench? I don't remember him ever doing that before. By definition, those who sit out and take a seat on the bench are sitting on the "sit-out" bench. Silly Jeff.

    3. If Joe and Hali had children, those children would possess the most magnificent manes of hair on the planet.

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