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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. I have zero respect for Liz.  Agreeing to be the girlfriend of a guy who already has a girlfriend, and then interviewing that he'd better drop the chick on the outside as soon as they get out, even though it's clear Liz doesn't really like Austin (well, beyond that 93%) - it's just so gross and icky and uncomfortable.  Although I will continue to watch this mess play out, it angers me a little bit that this is happening on television.  It's worse than Caleb's obsession with Amber last season, because Liz continues to let herself be put in situations where it's clear she is not comfortable.  In real life, this could be dangerous.

    John said he was gonna go after Meg anyway, so if he got HOH we would've got the same thing because all these people think leaving a 3 person unbreakable alliance in the game at F8 is totally ok.

    Has no one ever suggested getting Liz out?  Because if she's gone, I can see Julia turning on Austin in a heartbeat.  And then Vanessa would fall apart.  Is it mean that I want this to happen RIGHT NOW?!  GAH!!

    • Love 5
  2. I don't know what's more annoying:


    A. Vanessa running around to every HG all day and night, needing to know every damn detail of everyone's game because she is under the impression that she is running the entire house and every single move must be made known to her, or


    B. The fact that all the HG's are letting her do it.


    I want Becky back in the house so bad because she is the only one who stood up to Vanessa, told her to shut her yap and get out of her HOH room. 

    • Love 6
  3. I really felt for Steve when Vanessa cornered him in the dentist's bedroom and started going at him.  I know Steve has issues with confrontation, but if Vanessa were all up in my face saying "Was it your plan? I heard it was your plan? Was it?  Yes or No? Yes? No? Your? Plan? YESORNO?"  I'd cave, too!  She is a verbal tornado.


    And Liz...I don't even know.  You say you "93%" like this deep, poetic, apparently smelly wrestler wannabe who has a girlfriend outside the house.  I have watched this show from the beginning and I have never experienced the level of discomfort that I have every single time Liztin (which sounds like a brand of mouthwash) are on screen together.  He is too aggressive, and she is not doing enough to get him to back off.  It's really icky.

    • Love 3
  4. Vanessa getting fixed up -  she uses a curling iron, setting her hair, then sprays it with hairspray.  ALL WITHOUT TAKKING OFF THAT STUPID KNIT HAT!!!!!!         who does that??

    Thank you!  Is she that super-sensitive about her roots growing back in that she can't bear to part with the beanie?  And not to be super-snarky, but she didn't even curl it that attractively...it reminded me of those big 70's curls, made crunchy by layers of Aqua-Net.  But then, her green eyeshadow and black eyeliner does absolutely nothing for her coloring, so whatev.

    • Love 3
  5. It's always hilarious to watch this show and see the things the hamsters think are going over like gangbusters with the audience. Like Austin's "Judas" persona, Brendan and Rachel's true love, or Frankie Grande… ;)

    I guess to be fair, they only have each other to entertain themselves (that sounds icky but I don't know how to fix it), but I agree.  Since they don't know how the viewing audience is receiving them, they sometimes play up their characters to a ridiculous level, as if we are all sitting on our couches, high-fiving each other over their brilliant personalities.  I'm sure Austin must think that steamy chapters of Judas fan-fiction are streaming all over the interwebz right about now.

    • Love 1
  6. I am so over Vanessa going to every newly nominated HOH and saying, "Okay, here's who you have to nominate next, and here's my foolproof plan so I - I mean, YOU - don't get any blood on my - I mean, YOUR hands."


    I only have to listen to her three times a week for about 10 minutes.  How is she not driving that entire house BSC?  And LOL at her trying to cry for Austin and not quiiiite being able to get there...valiant effort, though.  I cannot stand how she turns on the big, sad puppy-dog eyes when someone starts to see through her BS.  My dream plan is for Jackie to get back in the house, team up with James, Meg, Steve and/or John (whichever one is left) and somehow send Vanessa packing.

    • Love 9
  7. So my burning question is - how did the twins get their hands on the hair dye?  Gone are the black roots, they are more honey-colored now, unless that was just the lighting playing tricks on my eyes.


    Steve looks great rocking a faux-hawk!  Who is doing everyone's hair in the BB house?

    • Love 1
  8. First time poster on this forum, but BB has been my guilty pleasure since forever.


    Just some observations:


    Steve poking Vanessa from under the hammock: this did not surprise me in the least.  I keep expecting someone to open a cupboard in the kitchen and find Steve all curled up in there, just chillin'.


    Austin interlocking his fingers behind Liz's head so she wouldn't pull away from his kisses was extremely awful to watch, in a second-hand embarrassment kind of way.  She needs to stop sending mixed signals.  He is getting braver and it's crystal clear that she is not comfortable with it.


    And tuna in his beard?!?  Oh hellz no.


    Vanessa's mouth moves so fast, her brain can't catch up.  She's like a pre-teenage girl telling a story: "And then...and then...he was all...like, and then..."  She seems to be unable to control her need to embellish and add false details as she talks 100 mph.


    I do NOT want to see Johnny Mac leave!  But at this point, anyone who sits next to him in the finals is going to lose.

    • Love 6
  9. As long as Caleb doesn't shout or scream his talking heads, and realizes that "Beast Mode Cowboy" might not play well amongst the others, he might do okay.

    • Love 2
  10. I loved how excited Spencer and Joe were, congratulating each other (while Culpepper sat there with a fixed smile on his face).  I'd like to see Joe and Spencer team up and go far.


    Shane was such a loose cannon.  I don't typically enjoy seasons where I'm waiting for a cast member to have a meltdown, a la Brandon Hantz.  It makes me think that they got past the casting process because they'd make for colorful television, when they rightfully should've been watching it in their living rooms.

    • Love 2
  11. Coach and Vince need a deep conditioning treatment before they can even be considered.

    Forgot Woo.  Yes, he's included.  Vince and Coach would be on the "Slightly Unhinged but We Think They're Mostly Harmless" tribe.

    • Love 2
  12. Am I the only one who doesn't like pre-game alliance talk?  Part of the fun is the cast meeting for the first time and feeling each other out for possible alliances.  This cast already knows each other and they've all talked multiple times, I'm sure.  But I guess when a show has been on for so long, new formulations have to happen in order to keep it fresh.  I feel like we're going to miss out on a lot of strategy because it already happened before they even hit the beach.

    • Love 6
  13. Bingo. Dan is a super suckhole of neediness. If Boston Rob had played with him he would have stroked his ego and made him feel special and listened to.

    You know what - this is the ONE example I can think of to bring Dan back - if Boston Rob could also come back and play Dan's ego like a fiddle.  I would PAY to watch that go down.  Because Dan would be all, "ZOMG - Boston Rob chooses ME!!  He likes me!  He really likes me!!" as he pounds on his chestal area and shakes his man-boobs.


    Adding this to my "Survivor: Fantasy" episode along with bringing back Ozzy, Malcolm and Joe on the "Gorgeous Flowing Locks" tribe.

    • Love 4
  14. OMG, Beast Mode is going to be on Survivor?!  Aren't there enough people who haven't already been on a reality show who might like to be cast?

    • Love 1
  15. Ah thanks, I must have missed it.  Honestly though, it just goes to show that she never learned to light a fire either.  I got the sense that Mike or Dan were always the ones to keep the fire going.

    Reminded me of Cook Islands - didn't Yul tell Becky to practice lighting a fire as well?  And she could barely do it with a set of matches.  The stress must be enormous - it's a potentially million-dollar fire!

    • Love 2
  16. Agreed.  And to add: To me, a sincere apology is one done privately, person to person. Not under duress on national TV.  Not on social media.  Not via text.

    This is why I don't think Dan's apology to Shirin was real.  I think he said what he said because he felt like he had to in an attempt to save face.  If he was truly sorry, maybe he would've said something to Jeff along the lines of "we've discussed it privately, and Shirin knows how I feel," with an accompanying nod of recognition from Shirin.  That didn't happen.  And if I recall, Shirin remained expressionless during Dan's apology.  I don't think Dan is sorry at all, he's just sorry Jeff made him apologize on national tv to a person he clearly does not like.

    • Love 11
  17. I feel like Survivor is bending towards trying to get a new audience on board, rather than keeping what works for the old-school fans.  The weird editing, the clear "characters," and the quick filming of #32 to get it on air before #31 irks me a little bit.


    I would like to see a season with no theme repeats, no returnees, no superfans, and no "hidden" immunity idols stuck in the forks of odd-looking trees.  While I'm sure everyone who applies at this point has seen the show, perhaps casting needs to be tightened up better?

    • Love 2
  18. Will the "Second Chances" season be aired next, even though season 31 has already been filmed?  And do we have an air date yet for next season?

  19. Dan is this show's biggest attention hoor EVER.  Laughing out loud during final tribal council.  Speaking when Shirin was giving her "dead fish" analogy.  Banging his stupid head against the desk while trying to decide who to vote for.  Survivor is DAN'S SHOW and the rest of us get to watch him run it!  Watch Dan act a condescending ass to all the women!  Watch Dan produce "clever" sound-bites!  Watch Dan shake his man-boobs!  Watch Dan roll his eyes as hard and pointedly as he can (having practiced in the Ponderosa mirror)!  Watch Dan try to backtrack against the fury of Probst!  Gosh, but I am so glad he's gone.  May he NEVER be invited back.  EVER.  I'd like to think that he pissed off Probst so much that Dan will never, ever get the chance to "redeem" himself.

    • Love 11
  20. This season seemed to be cobbled together by a new bunch of producers who weren't very familiar with Survivor.  No pre- or post- Final Tribal statements to the jury was a glaring omission - this is what Final Tribal is all about, for crying out loud - letting the final 3 have their say, which may or may not sway the jury into their decision as to who deserves the million dollar prize.  Less significant but still bothersome to me was Jeff's casual interacting with the cast right before a reward/immunity challenge, when the camera would pan away and we'd hear Jeff say something like, "Let's go!" or whatever.  It seemed odd and out of place.


    As for the reunion, I wouldn't have minded if Jeff had tossed Mike the check and spent the rest of the hour jumping all up in Dan's business, showing him footage of Dan clearly trying to lie his way out of his own stupid behavior.  For Dan to think that he can mess with the institution that is Survivor and call out everyone for his "bad editing," he deserved every single second of Jeff's wrath and more.  Shut your trap forever, Dan.  You will be remembered as the single biggest moron this game has ever seen, and that is saying something.


    That said, as much as I disliked this season, I will once again be counting down the days until the next season.

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