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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. 11 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    I have no idea what is going on.  It is so hard for me to defend Tai there.  I can't believe Ozzy and Andrea playing Masterpiece Theatre.  I guess it was necessary, but then again it wasn't, because Sandra never packs idols.  So gobsmacked, but glad, because I love Ozzy , I love him so desperately so much (Cook Islands all over again) and he is so goddamn gorgeous to look at.  Feels like I'm watching Jesus.  

    You certainly do have a way with words, Ms Blue Jay.  I realize the odds of Ozzy winning are about negative 1000, but I just need him to stay as long as possible.  Because I'm selfish and he's pretty.


    10 hours ago, woodscommaelle said:

    Varner has the greatest laugh I've ever heard.  I don't even remember him from his season.  I want to hang out with him just to make him laugh.

    I just love me some Varner....while voting, his "oh my GOD what a lot of drama!" had me LOL-ing.

    Debbie used to spend lots of time alone with a pony??  Um...huh??  Her full-body hugging with Cochran made me kind of want to look away.  Awkward.

    So now I wonder if every time someone is sent to Exile, a different "game changer" is sent via boat to talk strategy?  That could be interesting...might we see Coach, Hantz, Boston Rob, and Federal Agent Phillip (?) at some point?

    Sandra's exit was super classy.  LOVED the applause for her at the end, and her saying that Survivor has allowed her to live a certain way...followed by the statement that ain't no one else gonna win twice because dammit, she is the QUEEN!  I'll miss her.

    I adore my Survivor, but I feel like this season they are throwing everything against the wall, not caring if it sticks or not.  They are coming dangerously close to jumping the shark, and that makes me sad.  Between idols falling out of the sky, Redexemption Island/Yacht, and the dropping of buffs every other day, they seem to be pulling every single twist out of the hat.  I can live with that, provided that this show - PLEASE - gets back to its roots next season.  No returning players, no islands, second chances, or hell - no idols.  This season is a showcase for all of the beloved and not so beloved people who've played before and helped to make the show so damn successful (34 seasons??  I mean, that's freaking awesome).  But for me to stay madly in love with this show, I can't help but think that it really needs to go back to the drawing board and highlight the things that made it such a success in the first place.

    • Love 19
  2. 1 hour ago, TurtlePower said:

    Terrible business ethics. Absolutely terrible to even suggest such a thing. What are you supposed to use ripped leggings for, waxing the car (not a bad idea, they're so ugly that's all they're good for)?

    My daughter buys jeans with artfully shredded knees...why not market the LLR legging the same way, only the rips are on the arse?  Coordinate with brightly colored, garishly patterned undies, meant to show through all those holes!  People will stare and wonder -- is the larger pattern on the leggings or on the undawearz??  BAM!  New marketing strategy.

    • Love 4
  3. 12 hours ago, wings707 said:

    Poor Janelle is new to food (real variety).  She has no clue that she is posting baby talk.  Seriously.  Do any of them have a know the basics about nutrition?  She has no sounding board in that cul de sac.  Her talk at that conference, in AZ in April, is going to embarrass her.  

    And all of it from a woman whose go-to snack was a cookie sheet loaded with peanut-butter Fritos, so...yeah.

    When are these people going to realize that they are truly not the special snowflakes they think they are?  That being stuck in a miserable "marriage" to a beady-eyed caveman surfer-dude wannabe does not give them a platform and insta-knowledge of things like fitness, health, fashion and jool'ry?  My guess is, once the bank comes a'calling for three of the four houses and they all have to move in with Meri, they MIGHT wake up and smell the green goo.  Until that happens, they will continue to float along on their clouds of "duhhhhhhhhhhh" and insist that they are, in fact, celebrities. 

    Note: if the above scenario ever does happen, and they all have to move in together?  My keester will be firmly affixed to the couch each Sunday night with a bowl of popcorn at the ready to watch that go down.  Are you listening, TLC?


    10 hours ago, CofCinci said:

    Tomorrow: 12oz. of Sprite is not the same as 12oz. of water -- EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE BOTH CLEAR!!?!'n wtf



    • Love 7
  4. Agree with @Duke2801.  I too am an avid watcher of Leah Remini's Scientology series on A&E, and I see many similarities between "Meyerism" and Scientology, down to Cal giving me a strong David Miscavige vibe.

    And having just slogged my way through This is Us where the characters are all made of cardboard (my very unpopular opinion), it's fantastic to see characters wear so many conflicting emotion on their faces and interact with each other when you know there's a complex story there, but we don't have all the pieces yet.  I'm hooked.

    • Love 3
  5. On 4/3/2017 at 10:00 AM, peachmangosteen said:

    I mean just look at Phillip and Coach. But Phillip and Coach probably do get more of a "oh that lovable kook!" response than Debbie is getting.

    ETA: I remembered Brandon and I'd say he gets/got a similar response to the one Debbie's getting, although maybe with a bit more sympathy shown in general. 

    Coach, as far as I can remember, was never physically threatening to anyone.  Phillip, at least one time that I can recall seeing, got in some of the younger girls' personal space wearing nothing but saggy undies.  Debbie also has a tendency to step into someone's personal space.  Everyone's boundaries are different, but I'd rather watch Coach do dragon-slaying tai chi in the ocean and listen to him misquote Aristotle all day long than have someone stand three inches from my face and scream. 

    • Love 10
  6. 22 hours ago, Bouffe said:

    I love me some Probst, but yes, he annoys me too during challenges. I'd be the one screaming at him to shut the hell up if I was a contestant! And then tell him how much I love him during TC. LOL

    Oh, but then you'd be subjected to even more ridicule along the lines of, "Bouffe getting annoyed with me now!  Bouffe better think about less talk, more action!  Bouffe has fallen completely out of this challenge and has absolutely no hope for immunity!" Et cetera.  No backtalk unless your last name is Mariano or Hantz!

    • Love 6
  7. 13 hours ago, nexxie said:

    They seem to get a thrill making him feel bad - sick family dynamics.

    And I can't figure out why.  The women (including Kris) love to wax poetic on how amazing, wonderful and perfect Robert Kardashian Sr. was.  Rob not only carries his father's name, but looks just like him.  It's always been very bizarre to me how the women in that family love to gang up on the only boy.  I still say there's some really shady stuff that happened between Rob and his sisters (especially Khloe) that messed him up for good.  I also get the feeling that Kris knew things were going on but didn't do anything to stop it.  You'd think in a family that proclaims to worship their patriarch, their treatment of Rob wouldn't be quite so heinous.  This is why I can't help but retain a tiny bit of compassion for this guy, even as he makes me want to punch my tv screen.

    • Love 8
  8. Not sure if this belongs here, but I just started watching The Path on Hulu.  I am only a couple of episodes in, but there's a lot of similarity between the show's fictional cult and Scientology.  A husband supposedly cheats on his wife, the wife has to turn him in, and the husband subsequently has to report for a 14-day lockdown and interrogation.  There is a handsome, charismatic and short-in-stature leader, reminiscent of Miscavige.  The cult's founder and author of "The Ladder" (the book on which the cult is based) lays dying in a secret location.  The leader feeds his followers lies about the things the founder supposedly asked of his followers, and the founder is not "dying," he is "moving on."  This might be my new binge-watch until I can get more Leah and Rindah on my tv screen.

    • Love 2
  9. The meal itself is not bad, but is it supposed to be a display of healthy eating or just home cooking?  If it's healthy eating, lose half the meatloaf, ditch the cole slaw, make half the plate salad and load up on the carrots.  Also, don't let that bottle of Hidden Valley Buttermilk Ranch sneak its way into the picture, 'cause that stuff is good on everything.  

    If she's just trying to prove that she cooks at home, then I'd say this is a better attempt than the piece of fried chicken doused with jarred spaghetti sauce.

    I don't really understand what she's trying to do with STRIVE in the first place.  But, my guess is, she doesn't, either.

    • Love 9
  10. On 3/29/2017 at 4:44 PM, nkotb said:

    Let's have some fun & make our own titles for this episode! 

    "Kim's last ditch effort...to save her marriage."

    "Kim's last ditch effort...to stay relevant."

    "Kim's last ditch effort...to keep this show on the air."

    Add yours, it's fun!

    "I Don't Know Who I Hate Harder...These People, or Myself For Watching Them."


    Kim looks like Cher.  Not the real Cher, the plastic doll version.  And an entire show dedicated to her bladder functions.  Gosh, good thing Jonathan was there to make it all so interesting.  What does he actually do for a living?  Or is he on Pimp Momma's payroll?

    Khloe punching Kendall in the stomach when she showed up for lunch/dinner/pretend family time?  I loathe Khloe.  I wouldn't ever want her around my kids.  She is a bully, both physically and emotionally.  She's horrible.  And she did that thing where she talked with food in her mouth, which makes me want to crawl under the furniture and scream.

    Rob just looks heavier, greasier and more depressed with each passing episode.  I did not need to hear whatever "spider" position he was discussing with his SISTER.  No one needed to hear that.  The visual made me want to gag.  Plus...again, he was talking with his SISTER.  What is with these people and the complete, disgusting lack of boundaries?

    Corey is back to being an ornamental accessory and only allowed to speak four words per episode.  Good thing, he was getting too big for his britches with all that insightful chatter on the last episode.

    I didn't watch to the end.  Gee, I hope Khloe's jeans sold more units than Kylie's lipkits.  Not that Khloe is competing in any way, of course.

    • Love 7
  11. The thing is, exercising for health and creating fresh meals for your family at home are not ideas deserving of their own website.  That's like me writing a blog on going for walks that says, "after you put on your sneakers, make sure the laces are tied!  If you want to listen to music while you walk, don't forget your earbuds!  And if it looks like rain, grab an umbrella!"

    Janelle has nothing new or different to offer - plus she really shouldn't be a person who gives weight loss advice in the first place.  Not because she's heavy, but because her ideas of losing weight seem to be either whine to her "husband" and sister wives that the fam'ly needs to invest in a gym, or write a blog with ideas that anyone could pull up on Google in 0.3 seconds.  Of course, these are the Browns, who all feel that by virtue of their celebrity, the masses will rush to buy whatever they're selling (how'd that work out for you, Robyn)?  

    To think I once believed that Janelle was the smart one.

    • Love 15
  12. 20 hours ago, Absolom said:

    Meri must not have liked the reactions to the outfit today.  It seems she may have pulled the photo.

    Aw, I missed it.  Must be a bummer if your job is to take photos of yourself wearing clothes you need to unload, but then you have to take down the pic because the clothes are so ugly.

    Now I'm gonna need someone to describe it to me.....

    • Love 3
  13. Zeke said on the last episode that he has a phone app where he plays slide puzzles.  So I thought I would try it myself, since we all know that slide puzzles are the devil's game.  I chose the easy level to start, tried to line up a picture of two adorable kittens, and after three minutes I wanted to throw my phone at the wall and break it into a million pieces.  So, props to anyone who can not only correctly work a slide puzzle, but can do it with Probst screaming your every move from a few feet away, while your tribemates yell at you to "RELAX!!!!!"  Zeke may be my new hero.

    • Love 6
  14. On 3/24/2017 at 9:15 PM, OtterMommy said:

    This is why I like shows that are filmed on location.  I live in a very, shall we say unique?, area and we have had a few shows film here and I think it has added quite a bit to those series.  There have also been shows (okay, I can think of one....) that was set here but filmed in California and it bugged me to no end to see all the palm trees and spanish architecture.  I'd like to say that is why the show only lasted one season...but I think it had to do with the fact that it was a very unfunny sitcom.

    Same here.  "Bloodline," on Netflix, is one of my favorite shows, and it's filmed in the Florida Keys.  I have never been there myself, but you can absolutely see the effects of the unrelenting humidity on the characters, as well as the gorgeous scenery.  Other than when Kevin is in NYC, I get a very generic feel for where everyone lives.


    17 hours ago, OtterMommy said:

    In the 1.18 thread, @ShadowFacts wrote:

    My guess is that Kate isn't in that much need for money.  She was probably a very well-paid assistant to Kevin and he may have even put her back on the payroll, so to speak, once she gave up her LA job.  Plus, she had been staying with Rebecca and Miguel until she moved into Toby's hotel with him, so I can't expect that she had much in the way of expenses (except a possible major surgery).

    As for Toby, didn't he make a comment in an earlier episode--the one when he was telling Kevin to go find his joy or some crap like that, which ended up giving us the inert Sophie relationship--that he was telecommuting until he could fly back to LA?  If so, he would still be employed.  Of, if that were not the case, he could also be on medical leave.

    Everything in bold?  I missed all of this.  How did I miss all of this?  To me, it almost feels like everyone lives within driving distance of each other, given how their paths intersect so often.  I literally had no idea that Toby was telecommuting or that Kate lived with Rebecca.  None.  I will take part of the blame for maybe not paying close enough attention, but I have to put some of the blame in the writing, because I just cannot get a grip on who these people really are.

    • Love 3
  15. 14 hours ago, Sugar said:

    Whoever said that Debbie and Philip could be soulmates - I've never read a fanfic, but would 100% pay money for this.

    Former Federal Agent (?) Phillip Shepard arrives on the boat.  He is unclothed, save for a pair of charred, faded fuchsia briefs and a headband sporting the discarded feathers of various exotic birds.  Debbie, fresh from another loss involving a balance challenge (despite having nearly won the gymnastics bronze medal in the 2004 summer Olympics), has been voted to spend the night with Phillip on Redexile Island.  She vigorously flips off her team with both hands and simultaneously does eight backflips before joining Phillip on the boat.  The other Survivors wave with barely restrained glee as the boat jets off into the sunset.  Debbie can be heard screaming "I'M PISSSSSSSsssssed!!" long after the boat has faded from view.

    Thirty minutes later, the tribe is relaxing around the campfire, enjoying a wonderful Debbie-free evening.  Suddenly, an explosion is heard in the distance.  The tribe gathers on the beach and looks out towards Redexile Island, which is now on fire.  As they watch, the entire island falls into the ocean.  The tribe exhales, knowing that neither Debbie nor Phillip will ever grace their shores again.

    Or will they?


    10 hours ago, absolutqt said:

    Yes!  This is why, for as much as I loved her last season, I'm not really feeling her this time around.  It's like she's just waiting to be slighted in some way and she's still carrying a HUGE grudge from her previous ousting.  For being a challenge beast, she really needs to up her social game.  

    Is it too much of a stretch to say that Michaela is the female form of (my beloved) Ozzy?  Challenge beasts who think just a bit too highly of themselves, and are stumped when they realize that not everyone playing the game is working hard to make sure they not only stick around, but win?


    1 hour ago, SVNBob said:

    To some, Debbie might look like a tempting goat after that meltdown, but she's not.  You can't keep the unstable and uncontrollable element around.  Otherwise it'll bite you in the ass when the tribe decides they can't live with the unstable one anymore.  After that one gets voted out, the next question will be, "Who thought it was a good idea to keep them around in the first place?"  And that puts you on the chopping block next.

    Control is the key word.  Special Agent Pink Panties was controllable.  BRob demonstrated it, and Andrea proved it.  Littler Hantz was uncontrollable, as he well proved.  And given the choice between those two in FvF2, the favorites unanimously decided to keep SAPP around, deciding not to even compete in an IC to rid themselves of their uncontrollable element.  Or just look back to the premiere of this season.  Tony demonstrated to Sandra that he was uncontrollable, so she gathered the entire tribe (minus Aubry as a backup plan) to vote him out, instead of keeping the "winner's alliance" intact.

    So the question is not "do Brad, Tai, and Sierra think Debbie is a good goat?".  The question is "do Brad, Tai, and Sierra think that Debbie is controllable?"  If they think she is, then they'll keep her around over Hali.  If not, then the prophesy fills itself.

    Oh, I love this post.  Perfect explanation of why Debbie would be a very, very high-risk goat.  Given that much of her anger stems from events that only she can see, it would be like carrying a can of gasoline through a forest fire.


    1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

    Yes, thanks!, I'm not on Facebook either.  It would seem that, "But that's none of my business," is a new version of the southern, "Bless her heart."

    I'm from Michigan, and I so want "bless her/his heart" to migrate north so I can start using this phrase on a daily basis.

    • Love 11
  16. 5 minutes ago, Bouffe said:

    I think you are right about Sandra messing up to the sugar thing. Mikaela was on a high about being saved, so she most likely won't hold that stunt against Sandra. If anything, maybe it will spark a strong alliance. 

    I can't imagine a more bad-ass duo than Sandra and Courtney from HvV, but Sandra/Michaela sure would be fun to watch.

    • Love 10
  17. 30 minutes ago, elizacat said:

    She found an idol on Heroes Vs Villains and while she did use it she didn't need to.

    They weren't around during Pearl Islands

    "Jeff, I would hate to be sent home with an idol in my bra." - Sandra, HvV

    One of the best idol plays I've ever seen, even if she didn't need it.

    • Love 16
  18. 1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

    Maybe it's Dan Foley.

    What if it's Rupert AND Dan Foley?!??  And their wives???

    Gosh, the speculation just keeps getting worse and worse.  I hope this doesn't keep me up at night.

    • Love 4
  19. 7 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

    Debbie, by wide margin.  It is not even close.  Abi is entitled and paranoid and will turn on her friends in an instant without cause.  But Debbie is delusional and has an explosive and frightening temper.

    And Debbie may be slight of frame, but I have no doubt she could bend a machete in half or fell a tree with a karate-chop if she got PISSED enough.

    Abi was an obnoxious chattermouth.  Debbie gives off vibes of intense, nonsensical rage.  Not that it would've lessened her scariness, but it looked to me that she flew off the handle because the challenge that actually happened was much different than the challenge she re-wrote in her head.  How can you reason with someone who is furious about something that didn't really happen?

    • Love 7
  20. 4 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

    That was my first thought as well. I won't mind if it turns out the way it did when he appeared on an episode of Survivor Israel where the reward was that Rupert would come stay with the winning tribe for a couple of days and teach them how to survive, but all that happened was that he demonstrated that he couldn't make fire, couldn't catch a fish, and couldn't find a coconut. In pretty short order, the survivors just started going about their business, while appearing to polite wonder why Rupert was still in their camp.

    As long as he doesn't demonstrate how to build a shelter by digging a hole 5 feet from the ocean, I guess I could stand it.

    I lied, I couldn't.  I'm so over that guy.

    • Love 6
  21. 7 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

    I can't understand why anyone would ever lead an idol at camp.  Even if you feel 100% secure, why not bring it just in case?  What if it suddenly becomes obvious the tribe is targeting you?  Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.  

    Or you get the sense that they are targeting your only ally and you need to hand it off?  

    But again, he got played by Sandra the Jedi Warrior Dragon-Slaying Queen, so clearly she interfered with his brainwaves and hypnotized him.

    • Love 13
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