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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. On 2/6/2017 at 3:47 AM, Celia Rubenstein said:

    Maybe it is taking so long because Meri has to "severely vet" every applicant to make sure they're not the Catfish before she lets them in her group.

    Or a poster from PTV.


    On 2/8/2017 at 6:18 PM, VedaPierce said:

    EGADS! That looks Dreadful!

    ^^ Regarding Meri's house full of LLR stuff...if I walked past a clothing store window at the mall and it looked like that, I'd pass for sure.  A lot of black, shapeless stuff fronted by a weird burnt-orange cardigan?  Nope.



    On 2/9/2017 at 11:32 AM, RazzleberryPie said:

    Someone still in Meri's Lularoe group ask if she has these. 


    GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH%^$^#%#%$#^%(& Make it go away!!!!!!



    51 minutes ago, Ladystardust said:

    Meri just doesn't seem like a sales type of person. You have to have a certain personality to be able to sell stuff, especially overpriced MLM products. She's using her reality star fame right now, but that's not going to last forever. She'd be better off finishing a degree or learning another marketable skill for when they inevitably are penniless again. They're certainly not going to able to live off of Janelle's real estate career...

    Whatever happened to Meri going to school?  Or was that just a convenient excuse so she wouldn't have to help Robyn with MSWC?

    • Love 3
  2. 13 hours ago, Annb67 said:

    How does Jinger like her coffee? Most of them answered hot. WTF is wrong with these idiots??

    No they did not.  Come on.  Really?

    Sad I missed this episode.  Because I have not yet gotten my fill of Jinge and Babe re-re-re-re-re-re-caps and watching their lives play out on television in reverse.  It's all so riveting.


    • Love 3
  3. 10 hours ago, JenE4 said:

    Chris Harrison moseys onto the beach wearing pegged jeans, like I wore in 7th grade. (For those of you not yet middle aged, this is how we made our jeans skinny before skinny jeans: you fold in the loose part of the jeans flat around your ankle, then fold it up 2 or 3 times.)

    A trend that needs to come back, IMO.  Good times.

    After being dumped by a Bachelor, has any woman ever said "go piss up a rope" when asked if he could walk her out?  I was hoping Kristina would be that woman.  I did enjoy how she stood her ground and basically told him he was an idiot for letting her go, while he sat there and mumble-sobbed about letting her go.  

    I was only half paying attention during the Nick/Danielle date, but were the long silences as awkward as they appeared?  I kept waiting for a clever editor to add the sound of crickets in the background.  Could Danielle have looked any more sleepy and checked out?  Was she even trying anymore at that point?

    Nick speaks like he has a mouthful of hot oatmeal.  Between that and his inability to make a point without bringing up the fact that he's already been on the show 10 times, he drives me nuts.  Once he starts getting the sadface and starts stumbling over his words, I'd like to see just one woman stand up and immediately walk off, rather than sit there and be subjected to him bumbling his sentences and wiping the tears.

    I can't see him with Rachel (she's far too smart for him, he would bring her down), or Raven (I don't really see the connection other than friends), or Vanessa (I don't think she has time for his stupid games).  That leaves Corrine, and I think Nick really wants to choose her simply because he knows he'd have some good times and then get his heart broken again, so he could play the "poor sad lonely unlovable me" game a little longer.

    His hair looked stupid after he'd been in the water.  Boy must use a ton of product.

    I loved Rachel's gray sweater.

    • Love 4
  4. 17 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

    I really think Joshgate took away whatever sense of purpose they had. They went from being the family that was interesting because they were different and media darlings, to becoming untouchables in TeeVee land, and even social pariahs among most of their own kind. That had to hurt. It was a mighty fall from grace. They learned what it felt like to be the ones judged instead of judging others. For the robocalls and religious ideology they used to justify their ways, all of that karmically came back to bite them in a big way.

    Do you think that, behind the scenes, Jill was miserable and panicked at the thought of having to do the post-Joshgate interview with Jessa, and that JB, Michelle, and perhaps even Derick insisted that she go on tv and talk about what her brother did to her because MONEY and RATINGS?  Given how tearful Jill was - and, in contrast, how stoic Jessa was - maybe Jill just did not posses the stamina to discuss something so personal and devastating...but once Jessa was on board, Jill knew she had to go along as well.  And then there it was, their terrible secrets broadcast on television, and everyone knows.

    So thinking along those lines, I could see where it would actually be easier for Jill to emotionally check out, rather than have to wake up every morning and face the facts that she is uneducated, married to a stranger, with a toddler she can't handle and another on the way, a brother who did awful things to her, parents who don't care, Josh still roaming around the compound, nothing to look forward to, and the possibility that she's going to have to once again head for Central America.  I almost want her to have a nervous breakdown...not because I wish ill will on her, but because perhaps it just might force someone in that stupid family to see that something is very wrong and get her some actual help.


    13 hours ago, Missy Vixen said:

    Video doesn't lie. Happy couples don't post the most personal of communications on social media to prove yet again how "happy" they are. Their random and inexplicable decisions over the past three years would cause the most rock-solid marriages incalculable strain.

    I am always suspect of couples who post all the "oh look how happy and in love we are!" photos on social media.  If you have to post it, is it real?

    • Love 16
  5. On 2/7/2017 at 5:50 PM, Arwen Evenstar said:

    WHO in their right mind lets a baby drink tomato sauce out of a can? Just seems too concentrated and too acidic for his little tummy, not to mention the angry diaper such a food would leave behind. 

    Cmon Muffy, open up a can of Campbell's cream of tomato soup, add milk and give your kiddo a grilled cheese sandwich. A slice of REAL cheese between the bread....it's what moms DO! Just about every kid of all ages knows what a treat tomato soup and grilled cheese is! Even those of us who are childless would fix this for a niece or nephew or the neighbors kid...

    I waver on my level of sympathy for Jill.  On the one hand, I see post-partum depression silently screaming from my television every time she appears onscreen with her empty eyes and her smile that tries, but fails.  And I know that it's highly likely that any depression on her part will go untreated, and that's sad.  On the other hand, as one of the oldest Duggar kids, how on earth did the very basics of cooking escape her - not to mention any other J-child not named Jana.  Some of the food concoctions I've seen her post are just plain odd.  Either she knows how to cook and clean and can't bring herself to do it, or she honestly doesn't care.  Maybe a part of her soul is just completely shut down and she can't figure out how to bring herself back online, so to speak.  So whatever Izzy wants, she gives him, because she can't figure out how to make it through the day any other way.  

    Wanted to add - after my first baby, I lived on frozen pizza (because exhaustion) until I realized that the awful diaper rash on my poor baby's bottom was due to the amount of tomato sauce I was ingesting.  Definitely not something a toddler should be drinking straight from the can.

    • Love 13
  6. On 2/11/2017 at 6:41 PM, Arwen Evenstar said:

    I'm over it already...name that spawn.

    Jessa: (lurking on this thread) name that spawn......name that Spawn.......Spawn.......hmmm, Spurgeon and Spawn........PERFECT.


    19 hours ago, Abmis said:

    I first read this as Belatrix Seewald.   I think that should be their first daughter's name.

    I snorted.  Out loud.  At work. :)

    • Love 4
  7. I'm assuming Special Agent Phillip Sheppard was not available to play this season.  A tribe with both Phillip and Debbie would've been the best thing on tv.  Anywhere.  Ever.

    • Love 9
  8. 18 hours ago, ByaNose said:

    Survivor is supposed to start in February. It's like a law in television. Right??? LOL!!!!

    THANK YOU!  What is this March nonsense, anyway?!!

    Two days ago, we decided to try Hulu.  I immediately searched Survivor.  288 episodes for my viewing pleasure (SWOONY SWOON).  I went straight to Cook Islands, and even though I have watched Survivor faithfully from Season 1, Episode 1, CI is when I think I officially fell in mad love with this show, largely due to Ozzy and the Aitu 4.

    As posted above, I too have a feeling that this will be the last go-round for Ozzy and this game.  He may not be the challenge beast he used to be, but I cannot wait for the first swimming challenge, to see if he can still cut through the water like a dolphin.  

    Here's hoping he takes what he's learned from his other seasons, goes very far in the game, doesn't ruin it with a shomance, and has a great time.

    • Love 5
  9. 4 hours ago, Marigold said:

    I asked my homeschooled teens what a homecoming is and no one knew.  All bright kids attending college early and have jobs I didn't know that they didn't know!   : 0    Actually, 2 of 3 had never even heard of it. : 0 

    The only difference is that my kids said "I don't really know. We were homeschooled and aren't familiar with that stuff" rather than  "duh" and some bizarre answer. 

    And herein lies my biggest issue with the Duggar kids being asked questions like, what is rigatoni?  What is homecoming?  What is a birdie? (all while the ba-DOOP-de-DOOP soundtrack plays behind them). If they are so damned proud of their upbringing, why not say what @Marigold stated in the bolded sentence above - "it wasn't part of our upbringing."  OWN IT, Duggars!  As much as I cringe for the many, many things they do not know, I'd have a trifle more respect if they simply owned up to the fact that there's a ton they don't know, because that's how their parents raised them...to not question, nor ask, nor research, nor expand their lives outside of the tiny bubble that JB and Michelle placed them in since birth.  

    Let me be clear, I am not suggesting that Marigold's children aren't knowledgeable.  It's perfectly normal to say that you're not familiar with something...for instance, if someone asks me anything about any sport other than baseball, I'm going to say that I don't know.  The problem with the Duggar kids is that their scope of not knowing extends very far and very wide.  Instead of owning it, they sit there and make stupid guesses that make them appear vapid and clueless.  Is this what they want?  Do they somehow get to feel superior because of the things they don't know?  Are they in on the joke with the producers, or are they honestly that dense that they'd sit there and guess wrongly every time they're asked a question?  I don't understand.

    • Love 7
  10. On 2/1/2017 at 4:40 PM, BitterApple said:

    Wow, Michelle's dad is a better looking version of JD. Maybe the Duggar boys just need to get laid to turn back the hands of time.

    Well honestly, this is probably somewhat true.  The Duggar boys just look so beaten down when facing the reality of their lives as they become men.  They need to be out playing shortstop on their company's softball team, or going out for a beer on Friday after work, or spending Saturdays hiking with a girlfriend, getting fresh air, enjoying LIFE.  It's honestly no wonder they lose their looks so fast.  What do they have to look forward to that's new and exciting?  What chances and risks are they allowed to take?  No doubt each one of the Duggar kids would have something to offer if only they were allowed to be their own person, and surely it would show on their faces and posture and overall attitude.

    I loathe JB and Michelle.

    • Love 10
  11. On 1/20/2017 at 4:54 PM, Sew Sumi said:

    Aaaaaaand, we have a drippy sundae...




    "Happy birthday Joseph! 

    As you were growing up we remember you being our sweet, smiley, quiet, little fella. Now you have grown into a strong, quiet & tender young man!

    Your faithfulness in rising early to spend time alone with God in prayer and in His word is an inspiration.

    You are such a diligent worker! When you are asked to do a job, you'll get it done without complaint and you often return to see what else there is that you can do to help!

    We are grateful for your love for others and your leadership qualities as you encourage and disciple other young guys to take their relationship with God seriously.

    May you continue to walk humbly with Jesus all the days of your life!

    We love you Joe!
    Mom & Dad"

    Oh, dear..........no, Joe, no.  I am so sorry.  You're adorable.  You should be out drinking craft beer at a bar with your friends.  Not seated between your two famewhore parents while some waiter takes your picture so your parents can post it on social media to prove that they not only remember your birthday, but remember you, period.

    Why is it that JB gets to keep his "looks" (please note, I do not find him attractive in any way) while his sons are aging exponentially?  I mean, I know it's because the Duggar kids were raised to have little to no voice or intellectual drive, but look - there sits Mr. Jim Bob Smugpants in all his hairsprayed glory, while the majority of his sons are nearly bald, have the complexions of ghosts, and appear emotionally stunted.

    As for those stupid generic sundaes, that's a huge waste of hot fudge.  Even if it was good, I don't think I could scrape it off the OUTSIDE of the glass, knowing that someone had to pick it up to make the sundae in the first place.  And listen, I love hot fudge.  But not only is that gross, it ticks me off to no end that Ma and Pa Dimbulb cannot even PRETEND to give their kids something unique for each of their birthdays.  Lazy, shameful parenting.

    • Love 10
  12. Slightly OT, but where is the Mold House in relation to the Duggar Compound...on the same property?  Down the street?  Where do Josh and Anna live?  And why does Jill and Derrick's house look so much more grand than Jessa's, and how is Jessa okay with that?  Are all these houses within spitting distance of each other, or is Jim Bob just buying up houses close enough to where he can take a stroll and peek in the windows?  

    • Love 1
  13. 15 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

    Are Jill's boobs average? They look like they're heading south super fast.

    I would say no, she's far too young for that to happen, but she also needs the support of a good maternity bra, not whatever flimsy, falling-apart number she can grab from the community closet.

    • Love 1
  14. 15 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

    And incidentally, the Rembrandt was a print, not a "painting" like they kept saying.  And not an especially nice one at that.  The glare coming off it when they were moving it around was blinding. 

    Which brings me to my next point ... why was everyone kowtowing to Jessa?  Screw her.  When did she become an arbiter of taste?  She's just plain bossy, not talented. 

    He should never have agreed to that big bed in his office, either.

    I loved your entire post, but the above statements stood out to me, because:

    I enjoyed listening to Jinge and Jessa carefully pronounce "Rembrandt" as if they had a single clue who he was.

    Jeremy should not have had to wrangle with Jessa's ego in his own apartment.  Perhaps in the future, he'll be able to verbalize what will and will not be happening so as not to get steamrolled by her.  But I don't think it was too much that Jeremy's prized possessions (the painting, the books) not be relegated to the closet or the cupboard under the stairs or whatever.  And Jinge, even though she has the brainpower of a toddler, should've taken Jeremy's side when he made it semi-clear that he didn't want his books shoved out of sight.  Oh well - Jer made his bed and now the entire Duggar family is in it.  Best of luck, Babe.

    Did I hear right that they bought a new king-sized bed for the main bedroom?  That's ridiculous.  The space is entirely too small for it.  My headship and I still don't have a king bed and likely never will - just not enough space, and we have a decent-sized house.  But what the heck - Jessa wasn't spending her own money, she was spending Jeremy's (presumably)!  So while we're at it, let's also get a couch and lamps and a new headboard and another bed for Jeremy's Previous Office!  Even though the current furniture is completely serviceable!  Because Jessa!

    9 hours ago, flyingdi said:

    I think Jim Bob and Michelle know more about their children than we think they do.  They know exactly which ones they have to bribe, which ones they have to threaten and which ones they have to cajole.

    This is fascinating...I'm trying to put each kid in the correct category, but since I can't distinguish between most of the boys, I'm struggling.

    Bribe - Josh, Joseph?

    Threaten - Jana, Jill, JD, Josiah?

    Cajole - Jessa, Josie, Jedidiah?

    JB and Michelle probably have a big whiteboard, color-coded for each child and method of keeping them right where they want them.

    • Love 5
  15. 11 hours ago, mjstrick said:

    It looks so GOOD....BAAABBE!  Ugh.  She used to be my favorite.  

    Except.  Doooo-vette.  What?

    How soon until Jeremy gets completely tired of hearing his wife exclaim "BAAAAAAAABE!!" in that gushy, adoring voice every time he does something like open a jar of pickles, fix a shelf, put gas in the car, etc.  Sheesh, give it a rest, Jinge.

    Are the producers going out of their way to point out how ridiculously sheltered the Duggar kids really are?  Asking them questions about Texas, if they know what a duvet is, or a hype man, etc.  It's painful to see just how little they've all been exposed to the real world, but when they're asked about something and that "ba-doop-de-doop" music plays while they're thinking, it makes them all look pretty stupid.

    Did Jedidiah somehow escape the blank eyes and receding hairline that his brothers are cursed with?  He's actually pretty cute.

    Derick and Jill are not right, and that "doctor" visit was useless.


    • Love 24
  16. 4 hours ago, Zahdii said:

    Despite Meri being brought up in polygamy, she has stated in writing that she wanted a monogamous marriage, so I don't think she really bought into the line that her eternal soul depended on sharing her husband with other women.  Kody told her he wouldn't marry her if she didn't agree to future sister wives.  She may have hoped that Kody would be so happy with her that he wouldn't go for more wives, but when it happened Meri was stuck with what she'd agreed to, and she made everyone pay for it.  She really should have dumped his ass when she realized he really was going to add more women to their relationship, but she didn't and that is part of the reason all the Browns are so messed up.  They all have a share of the blame.

    This x 100.  Meri was young and very naive, and infatuated with this smooth-talking, worldly pretty boy.  Based on all the "lovahhh" exchanges we heard from them back in the day, I absolutely think that Meri agreed to polygamy to get Kody, but assumed that she would be all he'd ever want or need.  Enter Janelle, Meri's friend/relative, who started popping out babies, and then Christine, who did the same.  Meri was confronted from the beginning with the fruits of Kody's sleep-overs, while she herself couldn't get pregnant as evidence of her and Kody's relationship.  It's true that rather than work on her relationship with Kody, she took out her anger on the other wives, and now it's come full circle.

    And the other wives are loving it, because as long as Meri's on the bottom, they aren't the last-place wifey anymore.  Did anyone notice Janelle - she was practically beaming during the entire tell-all.  I especially loved it when the "interviewer" asked if the other wives still think about the catfishing, and Janelle was all, "you know, I really don't think about it at all anymore."  Liar - she thinks about it, and then probably does a little happy dance.  I also thought it was a not-so-subtle dig at Meri, who obviously thinks about it all the time, for her arch-nemesis Janelle to sit there like it ain't no big thing.  These women really do hate each other, even as they sit on the couch and smile at one another.  And big ol' doofus Kody sits there literally in the middle of it, wondering what they're all talking about. 

    • Love 11
  17. On 1/28/2017 at 3:57 PM, ginger90 said:

    LuLaRoe is a blessing, just so you know


    I've read a few blogs from people who have left LLR, and it seems as though they all have to participate in somehow "blessing" their new sellers.  I don't know what kind of time commitment this involves, but I recall one former LLR seller talking about how she was frustrated with her low sales, and her superior told her it was because she didn't spend enough time blessing the newcomers.  Which makes it sound slightly cult-ish, IMO.

  18. 17 hours ago, Roslyn said:

    I watch because for me I want to see the body language when they say what they say.  Very often the two don't line up.  None of them lie convincingly.  Plus being able to see facial reactions as others talk...Robyn has the best poker face these days.  Meri's face and foot gives her away in a heartbeat.

    Meri sits with her arms crossed (defensiveness/protection against feeling threatened).  Her crossed leg is constantly moving (anxiety).  And when a person sits with both arms and legs crossed, they have emotionally withdrawn from the conversation (thank you, Google).

    It's crystal clear to anyone who watches Meri for more than three seconds that she's an emotional wreck.  She can barely get a coherent sentence out of her mouth, she laughs and smiles at inappropriate times, and there were a couple of instances where she knew she should be looking Kody in the eyes, but really struggled to do so.  Kody is completely over Meri, and he's told her as much.  How messed up must these two be behind closed doors, if we're seeing so much dysfunction and weirdness on a tell-all show?


    10 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

    Robyn reads the boards - as evidenced by her use of "Sobbin' Robyn".

    ++++1, I LOL'd at that (waves to Sobbin')!

    Christine had her whispery keep-sweet voice turned up to 11 at the beginning of the tell-all.  She almost sounded like she was talking in a strange foreign accent.  The way she blends all her words together drives me nuts.  In the flashback, she whispered about how Robyn needed to be "amazing" (insert pretend stern face), or there would be "trouble" (insert raised eyebrow).  It's all acting on Christine's part, and poor acting at that.  She wanted to be the third wife, but she left out the part where she also wanted to be the LAST wife.

    Kody giving his patented "dead eyes" during the burning bridge question SHOULD tell Meri all she needs to know.  She should leave him.  But she also has to know that her leaving would not devastate him, as he's still got three honeys to turn to in her absence.  The whole "first and legal wife" crown that Meri held over everyone's head is gone.  She no longer has a leg to stand on.  Some of this is karma for her years of tyranny as "Mean Meri."  But the fact that she didn't stand up, rip off her mic and leave the room when Kody sat there like a wooden caveman when asked if he'd cross that stupid bridge tells me that she's never going to leave him, and is destined to be lonely for as long as she stays.

    • Love 14
  19. I pre-ordered Troublemaker from my library as soon as I heard about it and read it last November.  And even though I currently have 461 books on my Goodreads "To-Read" list, I think I might re-read Leah's book, now that I know so much more about the CO$.

    I recently read Going Clear and watched the documentary.  I continue to be both amused and disturbed by that darn CO$ music video.  The cheese factor is so high, it almost makes the SNL skit look normal in comparison.

    Beyond Belief is next for me.

    • Love 1
  20. 28 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

    I think you're right about him courting wife #5 if TLC gives them any inkling that their show might be canceled. I just think the show was much more interesting when they all lived in the same house and the adults actually had outside interests (including jobs). Now, they're all boring because nobody works outside the home and you see only small slices of their lives at a time.

    And this is exactly why I started watching the show in the first place.  I knew nothing about polygamy.  I thought that these women could all be my next-door neighbors, or another mom I'd see at school pick-up (in other words, not the long-skirted, bun-wearing polygamists I thought of).  I actually used to admire the way they would layer their clothes for modesty purposes - they wore some really cute things!  I wanted to see how a family this large would work things out, and I thought, heck - who wouldn't want a sister-wife to help with the kids, the chores, etc.?  It sounded interesting.

    But then, the Browns started showing their true selves.  They didn't get along, as we were shown in the beginning.  The rushed move to LV was suspect.  Suddenly, none of them had real jobs.  The wives all started gaining significant weight.  The "rules" that they showed us in the beginning all became bendable, depending on if Kody or the wives felt like enforcing them...holding church on Sunday, modesty rules, etc.  They are all deeply unhappy, and yet they simply will not talk about it.  Because polygamy is great.  And yet, with each passing season, they are blatantly showing us how emotionally wrecked they've all become.

    I think I still watch to see when, if ever, the truth will all come out, even though I'm pretty sure I'm waiting in vain.

    • Love 8
  21. So having read through those quotes from the book, the whole situation skeeves me out even more.

    I can't get over the fact that Janelle divorced Meri's brother, and yet the three of them were buddies, with Janelle having frequent sleep-overs at Kody and Meri's house...and all the while, Kody had the spiritual hots for Janelle.  So Meri and Kody were in one bedroom, and Meri must know that Kody wanted the woman in the next room.  Not to mention, where was Meri's loyalty to her brother?  Did she take Janelle in to get back at him for some reason, or did she go along with this strange love triangle because she was afraid of upsetting her "lover?"  Why would Kody want to marry the ex-wife of his current wife's brother?  I know polygamy crosses many lines, but in Kody's case, I don't think he sought polygamy for anything else than to stroke his own ego and perhaps one-up his father.  It's like Kody took an already weird situation and made it weirder with Janelle.  Meri had to be livid - yes, she accepted that her man was going to take more wives, but Janelle?  Especially since Kody and Meri had both "courted" a teenage girl who decided not to marry into the family (for which I'm sure she thanks her lucky stars).  It suggests that Kody and Meri both kind of - I don't know - fell in love with this girl?  Who was replaced by Janelle, someone that Meri knew as a friend and relative?  I just don't see her being okay with it at all, in any sense.  And yet, it happened.

    Man, I wish a real psychologist would peel back the layers of this weirdness and get those three to be honest about all of it.  The fact that Meri and Janelle haven't been able to dill with each other since Kody brought Janelle into the family says a lot.  If indeed Kody and Janelle were dating behind Meri's back and Meri found out about it, that would explain a ton.  But it would also speak to Kody's sneakiness and underhandedness when it came to choosing another wife.  If he told Meri that they'd choose together, I can't figure out how Janelle made it into the family at all.

    • Love 9
  22. They don't WANT to live under one roof in true polygamist fashion.  I think Janelle and Christine could handle it, but Meri has made it crystal clear that she wants her own space, and she needs it to be as grandiose as what the the other wives have, even though she needs 1/4 of the space the other wives need.  I don't know if you saw the episode where Meri actually threw a big whiny baby cry-fest over that stupid wet bar, and it mattered not one bit that the entire floor plan of her house had to be re-drawn to accommodate it.  She pouted and cried until Kody gave in.  It was ridiculous behavior on her part, but she won.

    Plus, these people are legends in their own minds.  I believe that Kody thinks his family is just so fascinating, unique and special that their show will continue until Princess Aurelioioiola gets married.  I also think that, given a cancellation warning from TLC, he might just start a'courtin' Wifey #5 in order to keep the gravy train rolling.  So why consolidate when they're just so darn famous and such?  

    • Love 11
  23. I forgot all about Meri liking to sew...wasn't she the one who made each kid new pajamas for Christmas?  Why not get a job at a fabric store?  I don't understand why Meri insists on not using her strengths - or any of the wives, for that matter.  Meri should not be shilling LLR, she should be working at an antique store, a fabric store, or be a party coordinator of some sort.  Janelle should not be writing a fitness blog  - she should be working in an office.  Kody needs to stop with the Green Goo and get ANY job to support his enormous family.  And who decided that Robyn had any experience or background to be a joolry designer?  PLEASE.

    These people need to wake up and smell the peanut-butter Fritos.  Each adult needs to start adulting ASAP and get real jobs that bring in a real, consistent income.  This show is on its last legs, and eventually the entire fam'ly is going to have to consolidate and move into Meri's house when all four houses go into foreclosure.  But, as Robyn says: "We shoulda all been together from Day One."  Careful what you wish for, Sobbin.

    • Love 6
  24. 2 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

    So, lemme get this straight.  Eden dates a guy for 3 weeks, makes him quit smoking, then rails on him for popping a Nicorette after he eats an unauthorized cheeseburger.  Because a nicotine substitute isn't anything like a Xanax smoothie, Alky Sommer.  And he has the temerity to call her Type A, when really she's just a messy interfering billy sitch who didn't recieve enough kisses as a child.  I see you, Eden.  You can go away now.

    From Eden, I heard the words "48 hours," "mint," "cheeseburger," and "Type A."  As I struggled to form these words into a plausible explanation as to why she broke up with her boyfriend, I relaxed a little when the look on LVP's face perfectly mirrored my own confusion.  I still don't know what Eden was talking about, but I'm over it.

    Kyle seems to be aging in reverse, and good for her.  This season, she looks better than ever.

    I don't typically carry around a baggie full of pills, but it seems like if you store your pills like that, eventually you're going to have a baggie full of pill dust.  Maybe that's what Rinna blends into her smoothies.

    I don't really listen to Dorit for content anymore, I listen to see which accent - if any - I can pick out of her sentences.  British?  Irish?  Aussie?  Northern Minnesota?  I wonder if she chooses her accent of the day like some women choose their perfume.  Fascinating.

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  25. 10 hours ago, Adeejay said:

    I was very surprised to hear Anna say that she might not be the best mother, but she is trying really hard.  I can't imagine where she got that idea from, because based on what I've seen, she seems to be a very good mother.  Especially when compared to her mother in-law and Jill.

    I was actually touched when Anna said that she'd told her kids that she might not be a perfect mother, but if they act as a team, they can get things done.  I thought it was a nice way to get her kids on board with helping each other.  It also speaks loudly to the fact that Josh probably isn't much of a help in any sense.  My guess is he sits around watching tv while Anna wrangles four children into the bathtub, jammies, and bed, and she doesn't ask him to help because he'll just make it worse, or it'll make him mad and then......bad things might happen.

    Other random observations:

    It is getting increasingly painful to watch the Duggar kids struggle to form a complete sentence.  I can't even count how many times one of them would be talking, sort of run out of words, and end a sentence with a giggle or a, "so.....yeah."  It's bad.

    So one of Jeremy's groomsmen demanded a cheese table?!  What the -- ?  What if one of them had demanded a sardine table?  A whiskey table?  I cannot fathom telling one of my friends that if I'm going to be a bridesmaid, I demand a cheese table, gosh darn it!

    Speaking of Jeremy...wonder if any red lights went off in his brain as his bride-to-be struggled with how to describe a rigatoni noodle?  It's like watching a grown man trying to explain something to a toddler.  That might grow old very fast, Babe, just saying.

    Oh, JD and Joseph...why do you both look 15 years older than your father??

    Anyone notice a barefoot Josie sitting on the table during the cheese tasting?  YUM.

    Only TLC could take Bin walking across a stage and turn it into 15 minutes of DRAMZ (complete with dramatic music) of whether or not he could perform this feat without falling down.  Congrats, Bin!!  You did it!  But seriously, I sense a spark in Bin of not wanting to live his life under JB's thumb, so for that, I say: RUN BIN RUN!  Take your wife - who has never been to a concert before at age 24 - with you, as well as that pudgy ball of cuteness named Spurgeon and the bun in the oven and RUN.  Go have a life that includes football games, concerts, bike rides, real jobs, and connections with people that JB would prefer you not associate with.  SEE BIN RUN!

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