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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. 17 hours ago, Nowhere said:

    I honestly fill like Kody dills with things pretty well. I couldn't imaging being tugged in as many directions as he is and still being able to keep my emotions in check. Hell, I can't even have my boyfriend over when my girls are here because I fill like Im being pulled in different directions, and that's just in my own head. What if it were 4 wives and 18 children? Seriously how is he coping? Why would any man want to do this? It seems like the stress would kill him but he can still form a coherent sentence and he honestly does try to validate all the fillinks.

    I like your perspective, which is much different than mine.  I see Kody enjoying all the fluff and bother of having a big family...running from house to house, perpetually frantic and exhausted, but I think much of that is for show.  I think he spends a lot of time in a "checked out" mode, and at any given time, half of his wives won't approach him while he's like that, lest they annoy him and he simply stops coming over for fun times.  During many a couch session, the wives will be talking about something that bothered them and Kody will sit there like a log, staring straight ahead, not saying a word.  Now, he could be simply erring on the side of caution, knowing that whatever he says will be wrong.  But I think that's just Kody's way of disengaging from the situation.

    From what we've been told, it's been 12 years since Meri and Kody have had a good relationship.  Why hasn't he tried to fix it?  Not that it's all on him, but I sense that if one wife is giving him grief, he simply flits over to another bed...which not only doesn't fix a thing, it has to make the wife on the outs feel incredibly insecure.  He can't even take a romantic vacation with Christine without bringing their therapist along.  He went behind the other wives' backs and went wedding dress shopping with Robyn.  That kind of sneaky behavior and favoritism is squarely on Kody.

    • Love 16
  2. 5 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

    She's got well over 12,000 members in her group, but only averages around 90-200 viewers on her FB Live pop-ups.  I agree most are stalkers/lookie loos. I'm one of them!  

    I'm curious how this all works, @DakotaJustice.  How early are you notified that Meri is going to do a pop-up party?  Is it usually during reasonable hours, like evenings or weekends?  Do you just watch her do a live video on FB holding up various items and comment if you want that item?  What if 10 people want an item and Meri only has 2 in stock?

    I guess what I'm wondering for any LLR consultant is how do you logistically display items, keep track of who wants what, as well as process incoming payments at the same time?

    I'd rather just take a job at The Gap if I wanted to sell clothes.

    • Love 2
  3. 13 hours ago, Maya said:

    "If Jinger were a cheese, what kind of cheese would she be?"


    No..........really?!  BWAHAHAHAHA...looks like I am going to have to watch this episode after all just to see this part!

    • Love 1
  4. 16 hours ago, Runnergirl said:

    And her outfit was WAY too Lu La Large. I don't understand why she did not wear something styled for her complexion and physique. 

    Mustard is a color that works on a very select few humans.  I have a friend who can pull it off, but she has red hair and green eyes.  So Meri (and the Duggar girls)?  Do everyone a favor and STEP AWAY from the MUSTARD.

    I actually spent more time trying to figure out what Meri was wearing than listening to what she was saying...mustard cardigan over a lace top over a patterned black and white shirt?  Was that two layers or three?  And I still don't know what she was wearing on her feet - gray booties?  Oh, Meri.  Just no.


    12 hours ago, b2H said:

    So now next week is the season finale?????  How much more false advertising will they subject us to??

    But -- what??  Wait - I don't think the catfish situation has been resolved yet!!  We need to hear more about how Meri is dilling and filling!  It can't be over!!

    • Love 7
  5. Regarding the insect leggings - I assume they are supposed to be whimsically colored bees, but they absolutely look like giant, biting horseflies.  

    Is someone coming up with these gruesome prints and LOLOL-ing all the way to the bank as broke, half-crazed LLR consultants attempt to market them as "limited edition?"  It's actually brilliant in a sick, twisted way.

    • Love 5
  6. 14 hours ago, Adeejay said:

    Liar, liar, pants on fire.  Janelle is rewriting history.  Not once did she mention she was married to Meri’s brother. She said she only started considering Kody after she had a “paradigm shift.”  I have to commend her play on words. 


    3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

    I zoned out for most of this ridiculous 2 hour rehash, but I swear Kody used the phrase "paradigm shift" as well. Did they get a new phrase-of-the-day calendar or something???

    I think Janelle and Kody binge on re-runs of "Big Bang Theory" and peanut-butter Fritos when it's Janelle's night with the Kodester.

    Thank you too, @Adeejay, for the heads-up that there's nothing new on the Janelle/Meri subject.  I foolishly thought that perhaps, just maybe, a sliver of truth about how Janelle and Kody got together would come out.  Silly, silly me.

    In an effort to stay awake through the bits that I did watch, I created a checklist in my mind.  Happy to announce that the Sister Wives did not disappoint:

    Kody's 100-yard "duhhhhhhhh" stare - check.  Kody's hair looking stupider than usual - check.  Robyn wiping an eye booger, Meri "dilling" and "filling," Christine doing her breathy little girl whispery thing - check, check, check.  Janelle sitting in a decidedly un-ladylike fashion - check.  The "interviewer" (and I use that term loosely) not asking anything of merit?  Check-a-roo.  Catfish re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-hash?  CHECK.

    And what was Meri wearing on her feet?  They looked like gray pull-on slippers.

    Christine pretending to not remember why she was so mad at Kody that she took it out on poor Robyn was laughable.  She's a horrible actress.

    Shut up, Robyn.

    • Love 15
  7. So Kim's "poor me" outfits consist mainly of oversized flannel shirts and XXL gray sweatpants/ripped jeans - otherwise known as the "incognito famewhore" look.  Because a normal sweater and jeans is, what - too boring middle class?  The paps might not be able to pick you out of a crowd?

    She looks ridiculous, and not just her face.

    • Love 4
  8. This is what's so weird - Derick doesn't look well for a young man his age, Jill seems on the verge of a breakdown - plus she's pregnant and suddenly D-Man is spouting all kinds of random thoughts on social media.  Something is not right with them.  I sincerely hope her baby is healthy and that SOMEONE notices that help is needed, both physical and emotional, and steps in before things go from bad to worse.

    • Love 6
  9. 4 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

    I wish TLC would do a makeover special for the Duggettes....would love for Carmindy to teach them about light makeup, good skin cleansers...and lop off 8 to 12 inches of their fried, dead hair and give them deep conditioning treatments...

    And while she's at it, she could sit down with Michelle and Meri from Sister Wives for a talk about how "Cheeto-Orange" is not a face color unless you're.............a Cheeto.

    • Love 15
  10. 14 hours ago, BitterApple said:

    I don't know why Jinger didn't slick her back into a bun. It would've been much easier to have it out of the way when she was trying to get in and out of those dresses. I've long given up hope that they'll discover the joys of deep conditioner and regular trims. They're determined to have waist length hair even if it's a ratty, unkempt mess.

    I kept waiting for a prolonged scene where all the Duggar sisters rush to Jinger's aid when her hair becomes hopelessly snarled in the zipper of her gown, while Michelle stares straight ahead, unsure of where she is, or which one is "Jinger."

    • Love 14
  11. 16 hours ago, PradaKitty said:

    You know, I had a idea while absently comparing Duggars and Bates yesterday (I had free time) - The Bates family appears much healthier and the kids don't seem to have rampant acne - could it be because they serve their children REAL FOOD? No prepackaged cardboard or tater tot casseroles or ramen noodles, but actual home made meals!

    I'm actually shocked that none of them have problems with their weight, as they seem to only consume crap, and none of them get much exercise.

    Michelle's talking heads have pretty much been reduced to Mad Libs: "I can't believe that (daughter's name other than Jana) is getting married!  It's so (exciting/precious/a blessing)!  We are so (excited/happy) for (daughter's name other than Jana)!"  Whatever.

    Were Renee and Wendy from the bridal shop so over-the-top because they're trying to negotiate their own TLC show?  I mean, wow - I ended up fast-forwarding through Renee's segments.  She was painful to listen to - you'd think she was dressing Kate Middleton for her wedding to Prince William, the was she was fawning over Jinger.  I was waiting for Renee to grab a bunch of dresses and start chopping them up with hedge clippers, all the while saying, "I will make you whatever you want!  If I have to slice and dice every single dress in this shop to piece your FROM THE HEART Jinger Dress together, I will do it for you!"  

    If this show were anything close to reality, I'd question how a family as big as the Duggars could afford a dozen round-trip airplane tickets just for a wedding gown try-on day.  But I know they didn't pay for any of it, so whatever.

    Poor Spurgie...the kid was so sweaty and stuck in that stupid stroller while the big people painted.  Of course he was crying.  He is a toddler - he wanted to get up and move around, and he didn't need to be there in the first place.  Common sense.  Toddlers don't need to go everywhere.  With 243 people on that trip, I'm not sure why one of them couldn't stay behind and let the toddlers run around somewhere else.

    Bin and Jinger would make the cutest couple ever.

    Watching Joy try to turn words into coherent sentences is just painful.

    Is the elephant in the room  - Jana not getting to court or get married - ever going to be addressed?  Why must she continually be trotted out to discuss yet another sister's wedding without any discussion of why the eldest daughter is getting skipped in the rotation?  I mean, I'm very happy that she's not being farmed out to the highest bidder, but there's a question there that I would like answeed.

    It drives me nuts when they interview every last Duggar about one of their brothers/sisters.  It's like, "Josiah?  What is Jinger's style?"  "Jana, if Jed could be a tree, what tree would he be?"  "Jill, what is JD's favorite brand of potato chip?"  If any of them had actual lives of their own, Jeremiah wouldn't know or care what Jessa's favorite brand of toothpaste was.

    I did like Mr. Vuolo telling Bin and Derwood that each child is a completely different person and should be treated as such.  I only wish Michelle had been there to hear those words of wisdom so I could watch her head explode.

    Sorry for the novel.  I sure have a lot to say about a bunch of people I can't stand.....

    • Love 19
  12. 12 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

    I think that Leah has also attempted to protect and comfort everyone on this series, and that includes Rinder.  And if she distracted the camera in an attempt to allow him to stay composed, I understand it.

    I don't know how far back Leah and Mike's friendship goes, but they seem to be able to read each other very well.  And maybe it's not a question of how long they've been friends, but that they absolutely understand what the other has gone through.  I go back to the episode where Mike finally did completely lose it and Leah jumped up, unsure of who to comfort first, but asking that the cameras be turned off.  What could've come across as manufactured drama came off to me as a very real moment.  I find both of them to be reacting in the moment, whether stoic, tearful, or just plain stunned.

    Watching the end of the last episode, Leah is tearful and says, "God knows I can't let anything go."  And then she says, "except now I gotta pee."  I love her so much.


    11 hours ago, Showthyme said:

    Babies don't need Kool cigarettes and they certainly don't need to have them in two different rooms. 

    What's so perfectly funny about this line is that it makes no sense whatsoever, unless you've been reading in these threads - in which case, sadly, it makes perfect sense.


    4 hours ago, Diane Mars said:

    Well, when Leah was asked what she wanted to ask Miscavige if he was in front of her, I was really surprised by her answer, because I was waiting for something like : "Where is Shelley ?" and it then clicked in my head : OK, maybe THAT's the hot topic which will be disucssed in S2 and that's why they didn't talked about it in this season...

    Am I the only one ?

    Not at all, I absolutely thought she'd look straight at the camera and ask that very question!  It seems that it was at Tom and Katie's wedding where things really started to turn bad for Leah, because she realized was being used to get J-Lo on board the COS crazy train, and also that she had the gall to ask about Shelley's whereabouts.

    • Love 14
  13. On 1/12/2017 at 4:36 PM, toodles said:


    I didn't see this posted.  Scientology is fighting back.  And they fight dirty.

    Basically, this is "I know you are but what am I?" and "you're a big meanie poopy-head and no one likes you," only slightly re-worded.

    I love at the end how it pointlessly talks up Miscavige.  Because whatever.

    • Love 8
  14. 21 minutes ago, notyrmomma said:

    I find Scientology and all cults fascinating, but I just started reading up again on all the Scientology issues again just recently (I have a long way to catch up with these boards!).  I tried to read Dianetics back in the mid-1990s when I was in college as I had seen it laying around our house for years and was curious.  I couldn't get through 1/3 of the book.  I thought it was nuts and way over my head.  Thank God!  However, I doubt I would have gotten too far into Scientology, because as someone else said, I'm too lazy to do all that stuff.  LOL

    Same here.  I remember picking it up at a used book sale, thinking it was a book about diets.  Crap, was I wrong.

    • Love 9
  15. Just finished watching "Going Clear."  The "black turtleneck" interview with Tom Cruise was highly disturbing.  He doesn't even actually make sentences, he just mumbles non-sequiters, laughs maniacally and claps his hands as if to congratulate himself on his wit...when in fact he's making no sense at all.  He is his character in "Taps" come to life.  That toothy smile, meant to be charming, is truly frightening.

    And reading through this thread, I have changed my tune on Nicole Kidman.  I used to think if my kids were out there, I'd fight like hell to get them back with me.  But I realize that it's 1000 times harder to NOT do that, in an effort to help make their lives in the COS easier on them.  Still, it has to weigh daily on her heart.  Between what she's gone through and what Katie's gone through, Cruise is just one fantastic piece of work.

  16. 8 hours ago, green said:

    Wait to thank them next week.  There is still one episode left this season I believe.  And I think it is the one that tells Leah's personal story in detail.  I think I read that somewhere.

    Oh, I SO hope this is true.  I really want to hear about Leah's personal journey.  Is her little sister still in the COS?  I vividly remember Leah's book talking about how she'd stop into the nursery to try and see her baby sister, who was being "taken care of" by a bunch of kids, and I can't even think about the conditions without getting teary.  

    5 hours ago, AnnieGirl said:

    .....audit the gay out of them.....

    Uh huh, good luck with that!

    When this was discussed, I thought about Kirstie Alley, who is good friends with Jonathan Knight from NKOTB - and Jonathan is openly gay.  I wonder how Kirstie justifies this in her own mind.


    1 hour ago, TaraS1 said:

    This series is so intense, it's always nice when Leah comes out with some zinger that breaks up some of the sadness.  Her "That's disgusting, Mike" comment when he said he'd seen her Stuff magazine cover was hysterical!  Followed by him giving her a look of adoration that said, "You are crazy and hilarious and I love you for it."

    +++++1.  They really do play well off each other.  At the very beginning of the show, as Mike and Leah were getting miked and having their makeup fussed with, Leah fondly touched Mike's cheek with the back of her hand, and I thought: these two truly care for each other.  They are perfect together.  I could literally listen to their accents all day long.

    Side note: it drives me nuts how COS members pronounce LRH: "Ell-errr-aich" in that weird blended way.  Tom Cruise especially.  It's just odd.

    • Love 11
  17. 19 hours ago, Runnergirl said:

    Maybe she works from home sometimes? I understand the sentence, but it was constructed poorly.  I think she was trying to convey this: She skips her morning workout, doesn't change out of her pajamas and starts checking work emails or makes phone calls. Then by 1000 she feels crappy because she skipped her workout. 

    You are a better wordsmith interpreter than I.  I have read that sentence several times what I came up with is: when she misses her morning workout, she goes into work wearing her pajamas and finds herself in some sort of "state" by 10am. 

    Now, I haven't read the entire blog to find out what kind of state she is in by 10am, but given the sentence, my guess would be "embarrassed" because she wore her pajamas to work.

    Perhaps I should read the blog...but I don't really want to.

    EDIT: read it anyway.  There's absolutely nothing new here, and I find it funny that no one has commented.

    • Love 3
  18. On 1/16/2017 at 4:05 PM, Sista Snarky said:

    Mykelti is a shrewd operator.

    My take on Mykelti is that she watched her mother dance and giggle her way into Kody's good graces and decided that marriage was a game of attention.  Her wanting to hurry up and marry Tony was her attempt to lure Kody into giving her the same adoring attention he was giving Madison.  Unfortunately it didn't work out that way for Mykelti, but at the same time she sure seems to be happy with Tony, so good for her.


    On 1/16/2017 at 8:14 PM, ChicagoChris said:

    Robyn is such a liar. "I tried to respect the wives' feelings while courting..." No you didn't. He chose your dress and you did the poor little me bit . And you didn't take a pic with Kody alone at your wedding but then you had him drawn in to a pic of your kids, like a psycho. 

    Speaking of shrewd operators...Robyn really should earn a living giving lectures:  Fake Crying with Real Tears 101......How to Re-Write Your Fam'ly's History (complete with semi-professional fam'ly portrait artistic rendering)......The Tactics of Subtle Weight Undermining......Climb Up the Totem Pole, One Wife at a Time......Mascara Application for Optimal Eye Booger Retrieval.....etc.


    10 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

    And I'm sure Robyn just LOVED that reveal! Ha! I bet it's ww3 over there now! Christine still hates that Robyn usurped her place on the totem pole.

    But but but........didn't Christine just breathlessly announce that she and Robyn were BFF's 4-EVAH just a couple of episodes ago??  Do you mean to say that Christine was lying about that?!  But she seemed so breathless and sincere!!  (a commentary on how I cannot STAND the way Christine goes all whispery and soft when she's trying to prove a point).

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