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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. So Chyna is taking Dream away from Rob?  Where is she going?  How is she able to keep him from seeing his daughter?  I know he's a hot mess, but she's the one that decided to birth his child in order to snap up the last name, the notoriety and some cash from Pimp Gramma Kris.  Now what's her story - does she really think Kris is going to let her take Dream away from the Koven?

    That poor, adorable baby is going to grow up knowing nothing but being used as a pawn.  

    • Love 3
  2. I have some of the same questions as @topanga.  I agree that perhaps the show doesn't have time to show some of the exposition necessary to tie up loose ends, but what it creates instead is the messiness of having storylines come to an abrupt halt with no discussion on how things are getting resolved.  It makes it difficult to get invested because we seem to be missing quite a bit of behind-the-scenes explanations,

    I personally can't buy the fact that Randall has an anxiety attack, spends two days in the hospital, is put on meds and suddenly a week later, he is good to go on a trip with his dying father.  His personality turn-around was so abrupt to me, and the fact that he was hospitalized was glossed over.  So it seems that for a short time Beth was caring for two daughters, her gravely ill father-in-law, and her husband was in the hospital.  And yet, she gets to be cute and quippy in the doctor's office?  Shouldn't she be a stressed-out bundle of nerves herself?

    • Love 2
  3. On 2/27/2017 at 9:39 PM, SuzyLee said:

    Bin "Does anybody here believe that?!" Seewald has a semi-working knowledge of what a joey is, but the two Teen Duggar boys drew a complete blank.  It's pretty bad when Bin knows something that others don't.  How the hell does someone over the age of 10 not know that a joey is a baby kangaroo?  I guess the SOTDRT didn't cover that during the one week they weren't discussing religion. 

    Bwahahaha I am glad to see the producers are still having fun playing "Stump the Duggars" each week!  I totally think the backstage crew takes turns writing down questions and placing bets on which kid will be able to answer correctly.


    On 2/27/2017 at 10:07 PM, Arwen Evenstar said:

    What were the siblings doing putting vacuum cleaner hoses in their mouths? I don't see how that would have been allowed!.

    WTF???  We cut the cable cord so I don't watch anymore, I just follow here.  But again, I ask...WTF?!


    On 3/1/2017 at 9:46 AM, Churchhoney said:

    If she's even close to that dense, he's definitely going to get sick of it eventually. I'm sure his role as big-man-and-professor-Higgins in this relationship suits his ego to a tee at the moment. But how many times do the things that initially attract us to a relationship turn out to be the things that make us want to rip our eyeballs out down the line? Lots and lots of times, as far as I know. 

    This is why I'm curious about the 6-month no visitors rule.  Isn't that kind of like buying a new puppy and then leaving it alone while you go off to work all day?  He's going to come home to see Jinge staring out the window, listening for his car in the driveway, and then climbing straight up him as soon as he walks in the door.  She may even piddle a bit in excitement.  I would think the novelty of having a worshipful child-bride might wear off pretty quick.  Here's hoping Jer is using the 6 months to help Jinge get a job, or enroll in a photography class, or helping her meet new people.  And I can't blame him one bit for not wanting 17 people and 79 pieces of luggage to end up in his house at any given moment.

    • Love 22
  4. On 2/26/2017 at 8:31 PM, KnoxForPres said:

    When Randall and Beth confirmed how cute/adorable they were to the doc-no words for that writing. 

    I'm not sure if you meant that the writing was good or bad, but to me that little exchange was inappropriate for that particular scene, and meant only to remind us that Randall and Beth are totes adorbs.  Why can't we infer that for ourselves?  Why does another character have to tell us that we are being beaten over the head while we in the process of being beaten over the head?

    • Love 8
  5. 14 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Well, what's the dessert?!

    I'm really exited for it to start too, even though I hate almost everyone and think this season is going to be boring. I just can't help but love Survivor, even when it sucks!

    Lemonade pie.  Two packages cream cheese (softened), one small can evaporated milk, one small package instant lemon pudding mix, one can frozen lemonade (thawed).  Throw it all in a blender until it's smooth like butter.  Pour into 6 mini graham cracker crusts.  Wrap each in foil and hide them in the freezer behind a bag of frozen broccoli so your family won't find them.  Eat one every Wednesday night at 8pm EST.  I literally crave this pie whenever I watch Survivor.  I think I got started with it sometime around Season 2.

    I agree with the above bolded line.  A season of sucky Survivor is still better than no Survivor at all.  I can't imagine a day when it's no longer on.

    • Love 5
  6. So wait...Maddie told Caleb, "you need to quit your job that you love and move to Vegas with me so I can help Meri unload 367 pounds of freakishly decorated leggings," and he was okay with that?  What is Caleb doing while Maddie "helps" Meri?  What does this "helping" entail?  Is Meri actually making so much profit that Maddie can support herself, her husband and new baby shilling ugly clothes online?

    At least we know Kody is deliriously happy that his man-crush is just a cuddle-sac away.

    • Love 4
  7. On 2/27/2017 at 11:24 AM, MrSmith said:

    Probably my favorite role of his was "Chet" in "Weird Science". Chet was an asshole, but Bill Paxton made him a fun asshole.

    "Twister" is one of my all-time favorite movies, partially because the acting is so over the top, it makes me smile.  First Phillip Seymour Hoffman, now Bill Paxton.  I seriously don't know if I can watch it anymore.

    And don't even get me started on Apollo 13.....

    • Love 3
  8. 7 hours ago, Lamb18 said:


    So glad to know I am not the only person who gets unreasonably giddy and geeked at the beginning of each new season!

    (I might even make a special dessert to be eaten only during Survivor that no one else in my family can have because they do not support my geekdom).

    • Love 4
  9. I may need to skip Episode 15, as I think it's the episode when William dies.  Since this show likes to tackle any and every single issue known to mankind, it's bound to hit on one that is a little too close to home, and I don't want to give this show the power to get me to feel the feels that I have already felt in real life...if that makes a lick of sense.

    That said, I am finding the Kate and Toby romance lacking in passion.  IMO, there is zero chemistry between them.  Kate has apologized to Toby a couple of times, but the way she says "I'm sorry" to him when they disagree is so snippy (kind of like how my teenager daughter apologizes to me).  I have a hard time believing that they actually want to marry each other.  I don't buy this relationship at all, so I get kind of annoyed whenever Toby pops in unannounced on Kate, Kate gets mad, Toby gets hurt, lather rinse repeat.  Is there any substance to them?

    • Love 1
  10. Not sure if this belongs here, but when Toby was having his dangerous heart surgery, where was his family?  The only person who was ever in his hospital room was Kate.  Seems like Toby's parents, or someone related to him, would've been there as well.  To be honest, I didn't pay close enough attention to geography to know the location of Toby's hospital (I know he traveled to see Kate at Randall's house).  Even so, wouldn't his family have made the trip to be with him?

    • Love 3
  11. 13 minutes ago, SlackerInc said:

    Do you mean on the rest of the TiU board here, outside this thread, or on other sites?  Because I don't remember anyone calling anyone "heartless" here, and I'm pretty sure they'd get in trouble if they did.

    Sorry, I meant in real life.  I have unintentionally ticked off friends of mine who are among the group that needs a box of Kleenex for each episode, and then immediately gets on Facebook to discuss how they ugly-cried.  That's why I don't talk about it except on this thread, because I don't mean to wound my friends with my opinion of this show.

    That's actually what I find so interesting, and it's why I keep watching - it's the mass adoration of This is Us.  I myself am an unabashed Survivor geek, and have seen every single episode.  I sometimes get the side-eye when I profess my love of that show, but it doesn't turn into any kind of verbal exchange.  If you don't like Survivor, that's perfectly okay with me, and it isn't going to diminish my love of the show.  With This is Us, I honestly feel like I can't talk about it with people who love the show, and that's weird to me.

    • Love 6
  12. On 2/22/2017 at 8:02 AM, DakotaJustice said:

    So there was one point on Saturday, in the last couple hours or so when she finally decided to start selling leggings (just ripped open the plastic bag and held them up while sitting down in front of the phone) and asked Robyn's mom (who was watching and commenting - don't know if she bought anything) to text Brianna and have her come "help out".  When Brianna showed up she couldn't wait to get in the view of the FB live video where she could be seen eating peanut butter off a spoon and pistachio nuts while handling leggings and being admonished by Meri not to get the shells in the leggings. ??

    So in summary, if you order LLR from Meri Brown, you might get the added bonus of having your brand-new leggings smeared with green goo, dog hair, peanut butter and/or pistachio dust.  Gee, where do I get me some of that?!

    • Love 4
  13. On 2/25/2017 at 5:38 PM, Neurochick said:

    I have to agree with this.  I watch The Expanse and on Wednesday's episode something happened that moved me; it moved me more than anything on This is Us.  Why?  Because on The Expanse it was unexpected, I haven't read the books so I didn't know what would happen so the scene was just moving to me without the show telling me that I should be moved.

    I literally cannot discuss This is Us anywhere but here and I'm not sure why that is.  Other tv shows - people like them, don't like them, no big deal.  But this show?  There seems to be a mob mentality attached to it, so if you go against the very vocal (and crying) majority, you risk being called things like "heartless."  So I just don't talk about it anymore.

    I do play a little game while watching, though...when there is a dramatic pause, or the music starts swelling, I try to guess what's going to happen next.  I'm not always right, but many times, I am.  And that's my biggest issue with the show, as stated above - it's telling us how to feel, and apparently we're supposed to feel a lot, and all of the time.  I keep watching because I can't help wondering if I'm eventually going to get sucked in, but after 12 episodes, I still find most of the characters to be very "cardboard."  I can't say I'm invested in any of the stories, because I'm always aware that the end result is to get me to cry.  That's not really story-telling, IMO.


    On 2/26/2017 at 1:56 AM, wings707 said:

    I know grief.  I think it is better served with a lighter touch to give you room to feel.  

    Perfectly stated.

    • Love 10
  14. 15 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

    For me it's Debra Winger's scene with her son in Terms of EndearmentAnd Robert Munsch's Love You Forever.  If you are familiar with both works, you will sense a theme.

    I bought this book when my son was a toddler (he is now 20).  I have read it to him exactly one time, and I have never managed to read it to my daughter who came along 4 years later.  I can't get through it without the tears.

    I just watched the Thanksgiving episode.  I still find Jack's character to be too much the "fun" dad, as in he wants to infuse every single day with meaning and intensity.  I don't think that's realistic.  Yes, I wanted to be the same kind of mom, but on most days you're just plain tired and it's impossible to bring that kind of intensity to every day.

    I also had a huge problem with Randall bringing his sick father on that present-day hike.  I mean, come on.

    • Love 3
  15. 1 hour ago, ClareWalks said:

    Truth. I did cry during this episode, but in general I am turned off by being told how sad it will be and how much I will sob. It makes me far less likely to do it, as I become self-conscious (not like "I think I look stupid," but like "I am aware of how this is manipulating my reactions"). It's like if you hear everyone say how hilarious a show or movie is, you will DIE LAUGHING, then you watch it and you just think it's stupid because it raised your expectations too high and made you very aware of the try-hard.

    Yes, this.  It's not as if I purposely will never cry during this entire show because I'm being stubborn about it, but it has to be organic crying...I mean, it has to develop because I'm invested in the people and their situations, not because a writer somewhere is scribbling words and situations that he knows will produce tears.  This show (I am only up to episode 7) so far seems to be so focused on making everyone sob buckets.  That is its end goal.  To me, the very fact that the producers, actors, etc. expect us all to cry takes away from any different and natural reactions we might have.

    For example, I really touched a nerve with a friend when I told her why I wasn't feeling this show.  She came back and explained how much she relates to Kate and her weight struggles - all of that is very real to her own situation.  There are situations on this show that are real to me as well, but IMO they are portrayed with such melodrama that it takes away from the issue at hand.  It removes me right out of the show because in my mind, I'm thinking - oh, here is where I am supposed to cry, right?  And then I get on Facebook and see that sure enough, I should've been crying.  So I keep my mouth shut and come here instead, LOL.

    • Love 8
  16. 19 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

    Fundie women have to upstage one another in the best husband ever contest.

    Is this actually a thing?  Do they all engage in a "my husband is the MAN" contest?  Is this part of their "keep sweet" upbringing?  I find it all fascinating and very, very strange.

    We cut the cable cord, so I haven't seen this episode yet.  But when I saw the title, I thought: there is no possible way this can be about JinBabe's wedding, as I am quite sure I have seen said wedding, the prep, the proposal, the moving, the packing, the dress shopping, etc. in at least the previous three episodes.  I see that I was wrong.  So when Jessa gives birth to Hank, can we expect 10 episodes on the topic, all told from different points of view?  'Cause that would be riveting.

    • Love 5
  17. On 2/18/2017 at 0:46 PM, iwasish said:

    Somehow I don't really believe its over. There's still ratings to be found in this dysfunctional relationship. Kris won't let it be over till she's milked every penny she can out of it. And Rob and Chyna are too invested in themselves and their drama to put Dream first.

    I don't believe it's ever going to be over.

    Adding Dream's future tell-all to the list of books I am looking forward to reading 20 years from now.

    • Love 2
  18. 2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

    Some people might call you a "contrarian" but I think people want to feel independently; meaning they don't like media or anyone telling them how they should feel and when.  

    Having just wrapped up Stranger Things on Netflix, This is Us is vanilla by comparison.  When a character can slay me with only a brief facial expression, I'm all in.  So far, I haven't felt that one time with This is Us...and I came to this show because of Sterling K. Brown, who slayed me repeatedly on The People vs. OJ Simpson.  I mean, brand-new awards should've been created just for him with his performance of Chris Darden.  And yet, on TIU - same actor, none of the power.  I am confused.

    • Love 2
  19. I am only through episode 5 (the Steelers episode) and when I found myself cheering for the guy who was telling Jack and Rebecca to shut up during the Superbowl, I realized that this show is really not for me, although I may try and watch a few more based on the fact that I have so many friends who apparently bawl their eyes out after each new episode.  I have also inadvertently ticked off some good friends by saying that I don't find any of the characters particularly interesting, and the acting is too heavy-handed and melodramatic for me to get invested.  So I wandered over to the show's forum on PTV to see if I am missing something deeper, or if I truly have a heart as cold as ice.

    And then I saw this 12-page thread......:)

    I feel like This is Us is the tv equivalent of the infamous book "The Fault in Our Stars."  I have also been lambasted for not being on the "ZOMG Best Book EVAR" bandwagon.  If a show or book or movie is deliberately trying to poke me in the feels to get a reaction, I tend to give the opposite reaction.  In the case of This is Us, I can't seem to generate any feeling for these characters.  They all feel very predictable and one-dimensional (so far).

    And I see that there are many videos going around with the actors doing a roundtable discussion of each episode...am I awful for thinking that everyone on this show is taking themselves way too seriously?

    • Love 15
  20. On 9/14/2016 at 5:36 PM, Danny Franks said:

    Somehow, Jonathan seems to look like a dozen different people. I've now seen people compare him to Axl Rose, Norman Reedus, Kevin Bacon, River Phoenix, David Bowie, Edward Furlong and more. And the weird thing is, they're all right.

    I see a young Stephen King.

    • Love 3
  21. I didn't see Nick's other seasons, so I don't know the extent of his various heartbreaks, but the fact that he continually name-drops Kaitlyn and Andi tells me that he's not over either of them.  Either that or he really has no persona other than the Bachelor Who Got Dumped, and he can't figure out how to play "himself" anymore.

    I really don't see true, life-long chemistry between any of these women and Nick.  Raven and Rachel are both too good for him.  Vanessa seems too emotional for this type of set-up, and Corinne is looking for arm candy, IMO.

    Can someone tell me why so many of the dramatic mother/daughter or father/daughter home-town conversations take place in a bedroom, sitting on a bed?  I find that very distracting.  They always seemed to be staged so awkwardly that I tend to not pay attention to the actual conversations.  I'm too busy wondering which of the families redecorated and repainted their rooms prior to the visit.

    • Love 5
  22. How exhausting, to have to keep up appearances on social media with someone you are no longer with, just for the sake of your ill-advised television show.

    17 hours ago, Artsda said:

    “They split a while ago. The wedding plans are off,” a source close to Kardashian tells PEOPLE. “They are both trying to be mature about it. It was less dramatic this time.”


    • Love 4
  23. On 2/13/2017 at 4:10 PM, Christina said:

    For him to not defend himself from her accusations make him sound guilty. If it was anyone other than a Brown, I would believe it was true because he doesn't defend himself, but the Browns lie and obfuscate so much I automatically disbelieve every thing they say.


    The fact that he didn't speak out at all when Robyn played the "stolen-cookie" card, or when she placed Kody's smarmy mug in a portrait of her children to re-enact her revisionist history is just amazing to me.  He either has remarkable self-restraint, knows that the Browns are a family of lying clowns, or he was bought off by Robyn...and the last one doesn't really sit with me, considering his family is "royalty."  I can't see a well-known plyg family allowing a family member to be dragged through the mud by the likes of Robyn.

    • Love 5
  24. That "equal share" nonsense makes me stabby; however, it does explain how Meri can shell out thousands of dollars for all those fugly print leggings while the rest of the wives have to use their share on silly things like food and clothes for their kids (and in Christine's case, a vacation with Kody).

    • Love 6
  25. 5 hours ago, Lemur said:

    C'mon now.  At least "Henry" is spelled correctly.  If it was Josh and Anna, it's be "Hinree".

    Well, Jessa will pronounce it "Hinree."  Does that count?


    5 hours ago, gunderda said:

    Spurge is gonna be so PO'd when he's old enough to realize he got stuck with the crappy and weirdo name!!!

    Poor Henry...beaten up weekly by The Spurginator just because he has a normal name.

    I'd bet a week's worth of Duggar Family Starbucks purchases that Bin totally wanted Wilberforce to be the kid's first name.

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