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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. If you ignore the last hour of these three-hour marathons, you can nearly get through it in about 45 minutes.  I know, for instance, that I can fast-forward through the first couple of minutes after every single commercial break, because we are always going to re-watch what we just watched.  Because I guess TLC viewers cannot retain what we saw four minutes ago or something?  Sheesh.

    • Love 3
  2. 14 hours ago, CofCinci said:

    Meri isn't missing the big picture. Her picture extends beyond Mariah bringing someone home. Meri is worried about her daughter's eternity.  The biggest of big pictures -- View extends from the home and into the planets.  Meri believes fully in her faith. She imagines Mariah locked away into a dark void while everyone that they love dances in the light on Kody's planet. She has existential dread for her daughter. 

    I guess my question is, why aren't the other adults worried?  And if they're not, shouldn't that be a huge, red-flag wake-up call for Meri?  If she is indeed living polygamy based on their religious beliefs, and no one else is concerned about Mariah's eternity, Meri should certainly question that.


    3 hours ago, Granny58 said:

    Oh yes, she did!  She gave a "sermon" in house to the Brown clan kids and described how her purity was stolen from her.  She had a cookie cutter or something (heart shaped I believe) and she threw it down on the ground, tearing up, pouty faced.  Then she had the stupid picture made with Kody inserted into it, "like they all shoulda been" from the beginning.   She was rewriting her history.  

    Lest we forget, the sermon was also in front of the kids...several who were too young to know what she was talking about, but some - Hunter, Logan, Aspyn, etc. - who were of an age where Robyn's "purrrity" chat would've been incredibly uncomfortable and embarrassing, especially since Robyn, with great ceremony, handed her cookie to Kody.  Awkward and inappropriate do not even begin to cover it.


    1 hour ago, Runnergirl said:

    This. How much longer is she gonna be punished for this? I've arrested people for way worse things whose punishments were shorter than what Meri is currently dealing with. It's been what, a year by episode timeline?

    Yes, she did wrong. Yes, it bugs me she doesn't seem to have issued a genuine apology and appears to be hiding some emotions. But maybe she'll be more likely to open up if she's not confronted with so much anger. I also agree with an earlier comment about Meri having something in her childhood making her react the way she often does and that she is not truly happy. 

    I keep circling back to thinking that Meri was indeed set to bail (see: Alaska trip - "don't be surprised if you all wake up one day and I'm gone") and Mariah knew it.  After all, Meri would never leave without telling Mariah where she was going.  Or maybe Meri started dropping hints to Mariah...things like, "hey, how would you fill about moving to Chicago?"  Meri, as we've seen, treats Mariah like a friend and confidant - hence, Mariah knowing about the catfish situation, warning Meri about it, Meri even taking Mariah to meet "Sam."  It seems highly likely that Meri would've also had conversations with her daughter about wanting to move to be with "Sam."  If that is the case (speculation on my part, of course), then I would have to side with Mariah, especially since Meri simply will not come clean about the fact that she was thinking about leaving Mariah's father for a person Mariah knew did not exist. 

    EDIT: I just thought of this...when Meri was in the car with JO on the way to Disneyland...the trip where Meri supposedly "figured things out," was Mariah also on that particular trip?  If so, that would explain a lot about Mariah's anger.

    • Love 9
  3. 19 minutes ago, Sista Snarky said:

    Stop trying to "figgure" out the Catfish... creating more bonds & friendships strangers on the internet who may be as emotionally stunted & obsessed as Meri. 

    I think that Meri and Cheryl wanting to discuss their catfisher with Therapist Liza was just their way of finding a legit way to keep talking about "him."  I am convinced that both of those women are still riding emotional highs from the way "Sam" made them feel, and if they keep talking about him as if he were real, they can get a "hit" of that emotional drug.  They were way too giggly during that trip.  They came off as 13-year old girls discussing the cute boy at school rather than a potentially dangerous woman posing as a man and threatening them.

    • Love 14
  4. Disappointed that she seems to have had her lips done.  She most certainly did not need that surgery, and it makes her look more like Kylie - which is not really a good thing at this point.  Kendall needs to keep a firm hold on her original style - she is by far the most natural of all the sisters.

    • Love 2
  5. 7 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

    I'm not commenting specifically to the above two posters, but to these comments in general.  There's so much to mock this family over, why the continuous shots at their regional accent?  Do people truly not realize that entire swaths of people speak the exact same way?  Southerners speak a certain way, New Jersey/New York, Boston, Cali, etc.  Weren't these people taught the sounds of letter of the alphabet?  Now I happen to believe that, as a Midwesterner, I have no accent and speak perfectly;-)  But I'm sure people from other regions think I'm ignorant, too.

    I think it's less mocking them for their regional accent and more mocking them for constantly using the phrase "deal with my feelings" when they pointedly do no such thing.  That, and the fact that every fourth word out of Meri's mouth is either "dill" or "fillings."

    EDIT:  I am from Michigan and have absolutely no accent, either.  Everyone else does, though.:)

    • Love 11
  6. 55 minutes ago, gunderda said:

    I feel like Annie said something that made it seem like she had already known.  I'd have to go back and rewatch to see what she said but I already deleted it.  Or maybe it was just because she was VERY happy and while yes it's great that they were happy for Mariah I'm sure being really really excited is the normal reaction from families. 

    I seem to remember that Annie was already smiling before Mariah made her announcement, and right after she did Annie quickly scanned the faces of the other adults to gauge their reactions, while Annie's face didn't change at all.  She had to have known about it first.

    • Love 3
  7. 2 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

    Meri found a way to make this all about herself. If her daughter is a brat, she definitely learned from the best. Meri is somehow an expert at making every situation about her emotions. 

    I remember how, back in the day, many of us (myself included) thought that Mariah and Meri were basically the same person in terms of bratty, entitled, whiny attitude.  Now, Mariah is doing some serious growing and maturing, and Meri seems to be going backwards.  I used to say how Logan turned out to be a responsible young man despite having Kody as his dad.  It seems that Mariah is doing the same thing, despite having Meri for a mom.


    1 hour ago, trose said:

    Seems to me the real reason Meri was so upset was because she wanted a relationship with a SON-in law like CALEB or TONY --not a (gasp) lesbian female. I guess she has her share of women in her life and wants another adult male all to herself. She was recently catfished by a "man" and her sister wife son-in-laws are rarely around and will most likely never have a close relationship with her). And we all know how warm and fuzzy her marriage to Kody is.... 

    ++++++1 to that bolded line!  I think Meri wanted a hunky son-in-law to crush on, and it bothers her greatly that she won't have that...meanwhile, her arch-nemesis JANELLE, of all people, gets Crush-Worthy Caleb as her son-in-law.  It's not fair!


    1 hour ago, escapetoreality said:

    Next question -- while I am grateful for Kody' tolerance of Mariah, what exactly is the tenet of this fundamentalist thing they follow?  I noticed the kids drinking alcohol, I'm just confused -- are they like "cafeteria Catholics" or do they really have the doctrinal latitude to make their own choices on these things? Is polygamy the only non-negotiable?  Confused.        

    Confused?  Pull up a chair with the rest of us.

    I remember on the Hawaii trip, Kody pouted and stomped on his Legos when it was discovered that they'd be eating pork at a buffet.  He threw a tantrum that would put a two-year old to shame, and I remember thinking - huh?  Since when don't they eat pork?  How long has this show been on, and we've never been told that?  And yet, the majority of the kids had no issues with it.  Same with drinking...can it be a tenet of their faith when Meri is all, "hey, when in Rome!" during her Atlanta wine-tasting trip.  Their tenets are dependent on which way the wind is blowing Kody's gnarly locks.

    As for Logan and his girlfriend, I love that they both enjoy a fine whiskey or beer.

    • Love 9
  8. 17 minutes ago, MV713 said:

    Between being distracted the entire show by everyone's bad eyebrows - Meri, Robyn and Janelle, including the kids now too! and hearing "fill" "fillings" "dill and "dillings", I couldn't pay attention to anything.

    I know, now I'm kind of bummed that I didn't even notice the food Tony made!

    • Love 1
  9. 14 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Mariah may want an apology from Meri but I don't think it would in any way change the way Mariah acts about it or treats Meri. She doesn't want to understand or have a resolution. She wants to blame and punish Meri as much as possible. She refused to even entertain Kody's comment that his behavior contributed to her unhappiness. She is loving lording this over her mom with a great big 'I told you so'. 

    I see it a little bit differently.  I agree that Mariah wants to blame and punish Meri, but that's because Meri simply will not take responsibility for her actions.  She keeps saying she was "targeted" by the catfisher.  But she wouldn't have been targeted if she hadn't been looking.  And while I completely sympathize that Meri is literally stuck in her marriage to Kody (in her own mind, anyway), and that she is clearly miserable, Meri involved Mariah in her online shenanigans and even brought her on a road trip to meet her fake friends, if I recall correctly.  Furthermore, Meri asked Kody to stay away, and Kody and Mariah clearly have a great father/daughter relationship.  She conveniently states that it was because she was afraid that her house was being bugged, but I don't buy it.  She wanted Kody to stay away so she could play with her new online boyfriend.  

    If someone I trusted screwed up, continually refused to own up to their part in it, played the innocent victim, revised the timelines to make themselves look good, and yet constantly asked for forgiveness, I'd withhold it, too.  Because Meri is not apologizing, she's strategizing.

    • Love 16
  10. 3 minutes ago, Galloway Cave said:

    I was side-eyeing Meri's lack of knowledge about "how it is done" considering she was debating IVF and possible surrogacy with Robyn.

    I found Meri and Robyn's discussion of this highly inappropriate, especially since both women were getting a laugh from it.  I get that Robyn was trying to lighten the mood, but Mariah is going to see these shows.  I'm tired of Meri pretending that she's some wide-eyed innocent.  She's 45 years old.  And yet, she hadn't ever heard of a "catfish," and now she acts like she can't figure out how her daughter can have children of her own.  Give me a break.

    • Love 16
  11. 11 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

    "We want to check it" - what, is there some sort of written test or something?

    By this statement, he also needs to check it with his straight kids too, right?  Or would that require way too much work on Kody's part?  Might cut into his couch naps and hair-gel time.

    • Love 2
  12. 11 hours ago, zenme said:

    Yeah, and during the wet bar scene, the way Kody went to speak and Robyn just "shushed" him with her hand. That was annoying.

    Oh, that was a small and very telling moment.  Robyn owns Kody, and the other wives absolutely know that they have to be simperingly nice and tolerant of Robyn in order to try and stay in Kody's good graces.  It's really gross, especially when Robyn inserts herself into family things that she wouldn't know anything about because she wasn't there.  But if any of the others pipe up that maybe Robyn is overstepping herself, they've just insulted Kody's Legal Wife and Baby Maker.  So they sit there and listen to Robyn blather on and on and on.  Then they probably go home and hit the secret wine stash or make peanut-butter Fritos.

    As for Meri having always wanted a son...yes, she already has Logan, Hunter, etc.  But that's a polygamist's mindset.  Meri is a monogamist who is living polygamy.  She proves this with each passing episode.

    • Love 13
  13. 13 hours ago, Granny58 said:

    What I don't understand is grandma's "awesome" at the big reveal.  Why was it awesome?

    I think grandma already knew.  And when Mariah was talking about wanting to live polygamy so that she'd have sister wives and not so much time with a man, my brain started pinging hard - I wonder if that was how Christine's mom felt, too, but couldn't say anything about it.  There have to be many gay women who live polygamy, cannot come out safely within their families, and perhaps feel that sharing a man is actually a "good" thing, in that they only have to pretend once a week or so.


    13 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

    Why the hell is Robyn in all of these conversations?

    Durrrr!  Because!  In Robyn's mind, she has been with this fam'ly since DAY ONE.  She is an incredible woman - she can re-write history with a single portrait, can speak on events that happened way before she became part of the fam'ly as if she were there, and somehow even knows what Mariah and Mykelti were like as babies!  She is Super Robyn!  Mess with her at YOUR OWN PERIL!


    12 hours ago, SuzyLee said:

    I can understand Meri's need to get answers from Mariah, but she's giving her way too much power, allowing her adult child to speak to her that way.  A mother who wants to operate from a position of strength and confidence does not prostrate herself before her child and beg her for answers and validation . . . about anythingIf I were Meri, I would sit Mariah down one final time and tell her straight-up that: 1) I'd fucked up with the catfish situation, 2) I apologize for having involved her inappropriately, 3) this was our very last conversation about it, and 4) she should feel free to come to me when she was ready to discuss her sexual preference (or not at all).  Meri's constant harping on the logistics of Mariah having babies is getting ridiculous.  All of that being said, Mariah is being a total bitch, but to be fair, her mother created this situation by treating her daughter like a friend or surrogate partner all these years.  I get Meri needing a friend when Kody is off with his other squeezes, but that's not Mariah's job. 

    You said "one final time."  The problem is, Meri's never done this, not even once.  I do not recall Meri EVER taking accountability for her actions with Mariah.  Now, Kody did - Kody talked with Mariah about how lonely Meri was, hence her finding twu lurve on the interwebz, and hooking up with the "bad peoples."  Granted, we don't get to see everything these people do or say, but Mariah's demeanor with Meri suggests to me that Meri still has not taken responsibility for involving Mariah in her mess.  My take is - Mariah is keeping her distance from Meri, and unless and until Meri finally gets honest, Mariah will continue to turn to her other moms and leave Meri out in the cold.  This is totally on Meri.  Her therapy sessions, her cowed demeanor around Kody, her giggle-fits with Cheryl when talking about Sam, her constant blathering about how her relationship with Mariah is not good - is all on Meri at this point.  And I was one who tended to be sympathetic towards Meri, but not anymore.  If she actually sat down and said those exact bolded words above to her daughter, things might slowly get better.  But as long as Meri dances around the truth with everyone in her entire family, it ain't gonna happen.  Because I whole-heartedly believe that if Sam had been real, Meri would be gone, and Mariah knows it.


    9 hours ago, tabloidlover said:

    If I had a dollar for every time Meri said  "I want"  or  "I fill"  or  "I thought"...

    We could buy our own island, a personal jet for each of us, and fly in to have Sister Wives drinking parties!


    Other notes:

    Truly owns this show.  I adore that it took her "hours" to reel in that fishie.

    Caleb calling Paedon "BFG" was everything!!

    If Tony knows how to cook, how could he not know that one does not place a cookie sheet on top of a stove?  Didn't the big black burn marks tip him off?

    Shut up, Robyn.

    • Love 21
  14. On 1/6/2017 at 0:34 AM, Nutella said:

    Kylie circa 2012.


    This is what continues to make me crazy - she was adorable!  There is literally nothing wrong with this young woman except that she used to take after the Jenner side of the family, and somewhere along the line she decided that in order to be relevant and noticed, she had to morph into a plastic, over-stuffed Armenian woman like her sister Kim.  It just makes me punchy that this perfectly beautiful girl is no longer recognizable, and it's disgusting that Kris and Caitlyn don't seem to either notice or care.

    • Love 16
  15. 5 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

    I bet Kody is no walk in the park when he is angry, either. He often looks to me like he is barely containing rage, even when he is trying to sound wise and reasonable in his talking heads.

    Absolutely agree.  He does that thing where his eyes go completely dead.  It might just be the way he looks when he pretends to not know what the hell is going on, but I find it kind of scary.

    • Love 6
  16. So did cousin Tyler's parents sign on the dotted line for him to be a part of next season's episodes?  Will we get to listen to Michelle squeak about how there's always room at the compound for one more kid? (translated: Michelle won't even realize there's another kid until she realizes his name doesn't start with J).  Is Jana okay with taking on another charge?

    • Love 2
  17. 1 minute ago, EVS said:

    Maybe it was in the first hour. There was nothing in the second hour except an ad for the 20/20 interview with Leah. They did say in the ad that "now the church is fighting back" but didn't indicate what that means. 

    Ah, sorry to make you watch for nothing - maybe that's what I heard, and it's going to be part of the 20/20 episode.  I just got kind of excited when I saw that the COS had something to say about Leah.  I WILL remember to set the DVR for 20/20!

  18. There's a Jason?  He's a cutie.

    Even if every single Duggar swore a blood oath that not one of them ever drank straight from the milk jug, there is still no way I would do what cousin Oliver is doing.  I can't even imagine what type of sludge that child is consuming.

    • Love 2
  19. 5 hours ago, Runnergirl said:

    I also saw Nev's film and watched "catfish" from the beginning, before it was even popular. Surprised me Meri said she'd never heard of a catfish--by that time the show was quite successful on MTV. If Meri really wants to know why people catfish, she really should start from the beginning of Nev's journey and watch his film and catfish episodes.

    Oh, please.  I can't stand the way Meri plays all innocent, using finger quotes when she says the word "catfish," uses that halting/shoulder shrug/frowny-face combo when talking about the whole incident.  I don't buy it for a second.  She knew what it was, she just had no intention of admitting to herself that she was in the middle of her own catfishing scandal.  She still can barely admit it.


    1 hour ago, Sista Snarky said:

    Cheryl is aka "Jessica Justice" & "Jessica" has shared the entire story from soup to nuts about how things played out. It was via constant communication & investigation (after the "Fake Sam" love was gone) with a village of victim/strangers on the internet  that found common ground "friendship" & filled that void with  post "Fake Sam" mystery in the  aftermath. 

    If ya can't come with the entire truth...don't come at all. JO is a liar. Meri & Cheryl are also  both lying & spinning lots of  details as well.

    While Cheryl was in the loving "Fake Sam"  mode she also initially lied to some other victim of "Fake Sam" ...& Cheryl stated that she  did  meet "Fake Sam" because Cheryl was still protecting her fantasy relationship with "Fake Sam"  at the time.

    Hold the phone...who/what is "Jessica Justice?"  So that Cheryl woman - who I actually thought might be one of the smarter, more well-adjusted people we've ever seen on this show (despite being catfished...I know, but this is the Brown family we're talking about) - was actively lying about Sam being real because she was protecting a fantasy relationship that didn't exist?!?  If I'm understanding this correctly, Meri and Cheryl have formed a friendship based on having the hots for a man that doesn't exist.  And they still expect him to come riding up on his white horse and take them away.  So in essence they were talking and giggling at dinner about having a crush on a make-believe person.  This is all so twisted and bizarre that I..........don't even know how to finish my sentence.

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