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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. On 12/25/2016 at 11:38 AM, RazzleberryPie said:

    I don't mind Christine and know she is a total product of her upbringing environment, but when she turns in that gushy, simpering, keeping sweet fake voice, I want to smack her back into reality. 

    Thank you!  She starts to sort of blend all her words into one long, breathy sentence and I'm sure she uses this method when she wants to come across as charming and sincere, but it literally makes me cringe with second-hand embarrassment.  Just like I sort of twitch at the beginning of every episode when she says, "I wanted the fam'ly, I didn'tjustwanttheman."  She uses that same word-blending, fake-sincere voice there as well.  Drives me nuts.

    • Love 2
  2. Robyn: Well, you see, polygamists have special rules because we are special.  Cookies are to be saved, but in certain circumstances (wipes eye booger, looks at it, starts to cry) the cookie is given prematurely, but can be revoked in a special Cookie Revoking Ceremony (sighs heavily, looks up to ceiling in a lame attempt to pretend to stop crying) which is exactly what I did, and I regret having given my cookie to the wrong man, because --

    Moderator: I was asking Kody, Robyn.  So Kody, back to the question of having different rules for different children --

    Robyn: Kody has my cookie now, which is the way it shoulda been all along, and I --

    Moderator: Again, Robyn, I am asking Kody.  So, Kody?  

    Kody: ........................................

    • Love 12
  3. 1 hour ago, Kareny said:

    The "Church" isn't helping itself with the crazy disclaimers, either. Props to A&E for featuring them so prominently on the act breaks. Only someone who's been brainwashed would think that the things they're saying about their former members make them look good. If anything, they're helping Leah's case by demonstrating how crazy and controlling they are. 

    Watching Leah read the disclaimers without commentary at the beginning of each episode is powerful and significant.  She lets the words speak for themselves.

    I thought Leah was much quieter than usual during last night's episode, as she sat and listened to Marc talk about how those documentaries were made of smoke and mirrors.  I wondered if she was stunned to discover just how duped she actually was.  Perhaps just when she thinks she can't be shocked anymore, she peels another layer of lies from the COS and has to process it.

    I loved when she told Rinder that he should move into one of those houses and Rinder's all, "yeah."  The two of them have a great comic bond, even as they discuss all the horrible things about the COS.  They both deserve some levity from time to time to give their minds a rest.

    • Love 13
  4. 7 hours ago, DNR said:

    Nowhere!!!! Whyyyyy! Now I cannot unhear Christine's "iNK" instead of "ING...' Officiate-INK' ... 'Wedd-INK' How could I not have noticed it before? Thanks a lot lmao dammit! Now another thing to add to her Yellling&interuppting , the stuffy nose sounding voice, the breathy voice .  What an annoying woman who saddled  her kids ridiculously spelled names.

    To add to Christine's annoying ways, she gave each of her kids a name that contained the letter "Y"...except the one child whose name would be a perfect fit for a "Y" - Paedon.  She could've spelled it Paydon, Peyton, Peydon, etc.  WITH A "Y" like all of her girls' names!  But she didn't, and it BUGS ME.

    • Love 6
  5. On 12/25/2016 at 4:46 AM, AdorkableWitch said:

    I think Jenelle has an eating disorder, and is likely a food addict/compulsive over eater. For someone who struggles daily with this, it's not as simple as eat less and exercise more.  It's a complete overhaul of how to think, feel, and behave. It has required years of therapy and support to even remotely start acting sane again.  

    @Christina above made some good points about Janelle.  For Janelle to make a breakthrough, though, and lose the weight, she'd have to admit some things to herself that are probably so deeply buried, it would take quite some time and an exceptional therapist (in other words, NOT NANCY) to get to her...starting with her divorce and subsequent insistence on marrying her ex-sister in law's husband.  The fact that Nancy never touches on this is a complete waste of therapy.  I am so tired of listening to these women talk around every single elephant in every single room of the cuddle-sac.  

    • Love 11
  6. Not sure if I believe that Robyn is leaving Kody...why would she leave now, when she now has everything she wanted?  She's the legal wife, she controls everything if anything happens to Kody, she is the HBIC.  Knowing this, Kody probably kowtows to her at the expense of his other "wives."  She gave the family King Sol, and now Princess Aureiolalala.  She is on top, and she stepped on her beloved sister wives to get there.  Unless she's shopping her own show (which I would not put past her), I can't imagine she's going to leave the cuddle-sac.

    • Love 5
  7. On 12/24/2016 at 4:30 PM, ms.o said:

    Kanye looks super thrilled and Kim looks odd


    but wait, there's more. She wore a hoody. A hoody. To the ballet

    If you scroll down a bit on this article, you'll come across a picture of Kourtney and my favorite member of this family, Penelope...who, per usual, is wearing the wearied, so-over-it expression of a little girl who knows her entire family is nuts.

    • Love 2
  8. 19 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    I know I shouldn't be surprised anymore by anything these people do.  But I can't help feeling uncomfortable that Rob is using his brand-new daughter to model his stupid socks.  But again - not surprised.  In fact, I am literally waiting for the announcement that Khloe is going to kick BC to the curb, move in with Rob, and live happily ever after, raising Dream as her own.

    • Love 5
  9. 1 hour ago, Runnergirl said:

    Meri's dress for the commitment ceremony was not a good color for her. Olive green is one of my favorite colors--but not that material, not that kind of dress, not good with white (maybe a deep cream shade) and not good with her complexion. The black and white one she tried looked better to me  

    I had forgotten Meri's dress.  Now, I am no Skinny Minnie myself, but I do know that I would not wear a shiny dress that emphasized my less-than-flat midsection.  I will never understand why Meri and her friend gushed over that dress.  It did absolutely nothing for her.  And that entire ceremony was so ridiculously over-the-top and complicated - in other words, just the way the Browns like it.

    That said, I'm really starting to hate TLC.  This show was THREE HOURS.  I was certain that my DVR had accidentally recorded the show twice.  I fast-forwarded through Maddie and Caleb's section since I just watched it last week.  I was certain that we'd get a smidge of Mykelti and Tony, or a little bit of Mariah's breathless family announcement.  But instead, we all got three hours of repeated episodes.  I hope the ratings sucked.  And I hate that I contributed to the ratings in the first place.  Of course, this makes me a hypocrite.  I still watch because I still have a small bit of hope that these people are going to start telling the truth, even thought I know better.

    • Love 5
  10. 14 hours ago, trose said:

    I literally LOL'd and OMG'd through most of this episode including that quote! I think I may have clapped a few times too while I was laughing. It was predictably hilarious! I found this site shortly after even though I've been watching since the very beginning. (So happy to have found you guys btw! XOX)

    I know, right?  Watching Kody's hair get all twitchy with stress, listening to Janelle's thinly-veiled (LOLZ) speech about how haterz gonna hate but don't worry, you'll get used to it in, like, 25 years or so...I almost didn't know how to react.  Guffaw?  Cringe?  Applaud?  Drink?  All of the above?  

    I think I was mostly stupefied, followed closely by trying not to fall off the couch laughing.  

    • Love 7
  11. Is there anyone else who would rather watch paint dry than watch the courtship and wedding of these two?

    Joy has little to no personality, and I guess the jury is still out on this Austin fellow, but if he was attracted to Joy then I don't hold out a ton of hope for him.

    I can't even imagine Joy choosing colors for her bridesmaids..."ummmm, errrrrrr.....is vanilla a color?"  YAWN.

    • Love 13
  12. 2 hours ago, lascuba said:

    Jill's training amounted to a correspondence course and an apprenticeship under a fundie lay midwife who's business was being financed in part by Jim Bob.

    That would be like, say, Jeremiah being trained as the family's accountant by someone who knows how to cook the books and is financed by Jim Bob.

    This family seems to be becoming more and more insular, and are becoming a danger to themselves.

    • Love 4
  13. 1 hour ago, Abmis said:

    Derrick seems to be angry to me.  As in scary angry.  Granted, no normal person would ever marry into the Duggar family.  Anna is a pathetic doormat, Ben thinks he's the Rev Tim Tom of rap, and Jeremy has chosen to focus on what other men do with their penises instead of worrying about real world problems, but Derrick is the who one who I think is really off the rails.  I'm starting to feel sorry for Jill for living alone with him in Danger America.

    Bin wishes he were half as cool as Rev. Tim Tom.

    Regarding Derick seeming angry - maybe that's the vibe I'm getting from Jill.  She is clingy, yet scared.  Maybe the person she's clinging to the tightest is the thing that scares her the most.  If Derick's Twitter rants are any indication, is it possible that she was terrified of having another baby, but Derick insisted?  And this is her way of trying to keep up appearances and placate him, even though she knows with a woman's intuition that it's not a good idea?  I'm trying to imagine what it must be like to know for your entire life that you, as a female, are expected to marry young and produce as many babies as you can, while knowing deep in your heart that you lack the mothering instinct.

    I may be blowing this way out of proportion.  However, I keep remembering the interview Jill and Derick did with Jessa and Bin.  I remember a tearful Jill clinging to Derick, who disconnectedly looked at her like he was looking at a stranger.  Then, it was weird.  Now, it's a bit more alarming.

    • Love 9
  14. 3 hours ago, Rabbittron said:

    She won't go to the hospital this time because she is thinking it will not happen again.

    Yes.  It's that simple.  If you don't think about it, it won't happen again.  Done and done.

    Willful ignorance on her part, but I think it's true that she simply knows no other way.  Someone else is going to have to step in and insist that both Jill and Jessa go to the hospital for their next deliveries, but unless they get themselves to an OBGYN for monthly visits, they can remain in a state of blissful stupidity.

    I'd like to think that perhaps JB or Michelle might act like parents and discuss this with Jill and Jessa, but I'm not holding my breath.

    • Love 5
  15. 16 hours ago, BitterApple said:

    The Bateses did the same thing. In the earlier specials, Gil proudly talked about using the ER as a free clinic. I'm guessing the hospital just writes off the bills, because you can't get blood from a stone. 

    I worked in a hospital when the economy tanked around 2009.  Our hospital was writing off tons of ER bills from sick patients who came to us for treatment but could never pay the subsequent bills.  It resulted in extreme cuts to the staff.  So when these people use the ER as free medical care, it's not free.  But I'm sure they don't care.

    1 hour ago, DangerousMinds said:

    LOL! what fashion sense? But that's for another forum.

    Are you saying I should return my new mustard cardigan?  Shoot, I thought that was the latest trend.  Nuts.


    1 hour ago, Marigold said:

    It all makes sense in Derick's mind.  (play psycho clown music)

    I'm telling ya, Derick has mental health issues.  He is on some manic rant on abortions now.  That will die down and he will get stuck on something else. This is a pattern with Derick. 

    He is leaving up the pro life tweets so you can see how persecuted he is. Derick enjoys being persecuted.  He probably enjoys depriving himself of food too.  Persecution syndrome/victim syndrome. 

    Derick is not well. 

    There is something so very off with these two, it's actually making me wonder if one or both of them is close to becoming unhinged.  They are expecting a new baby but I don't think Jill is anywhere near ready to be a mom to two young babies, and Derick's bizarre rants seem to suggest that there's something unusually stressful or scary about this pregnancy.  This should be a happy time for them, but all I see are a young couple on the verge of some kind of breakdown.  It's a bit unsettling.

    • Love 11
  16. 9 hours ago, Alapaki said:

    But then we go that little bit of protesting too much when Kody said "things were bad with Meri and I before Robyn came along".  Ummm, no one really brought up Robyn before this.  That was an odd thing to say.  He was clearly defending against the idea that the source of friction between he and Meri was Robyn.

    This x 100.  I thought the exact same thing - who said anything about Robyn?

    No one has talked about the Meri/Robyn conflict on the show.  We've heard endless blather about the issues between Meri/Janelle and Christine/Robyn.  But we have been given next to nothing (from the Browns themselves) about how Kody's divorcing Meri to marry Robyn tore Meri up inside.  The Browns assume that their viewers are dumber than mud, but we've all seen what the divorce did to Meri - her sudden dizzy spells, her weight loss, searching for love on the internet.  And it all happened during/after the divorce.  So for Kody to mention that Robyn was the source of friction was strange, because even though we know, Kody doesn't know that we know - unless he's been perusing social media and this was his offhanded way to flip us the bird again.

    • Love 4
  17. 13 hours ago, MonicaM said:

    I don't doubt that there is big time trouble in paradise, but I seriously doubt Robyn will leave while the show is still bringing in money.  However, the minute TLC drops the cancellation ax, it won't be surprising if Robyn files for divorce and demands child support for all five children.  If that happens, Janelle and Christine also need to get Kody pinned down to payments for any of their children under the age of eighteen because Robyn will bleed him dry.  

    I think "bleed him dry" might be too strong a phrase when it comes to Kody Brown.  If Robyn thinks she's going to be living the good life on whatever support Kody can scrape up, she's delusional.

    • Love 5
  18. 6 hours ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

    How is he going to split with Chyna when Kim and Kris are executive producers for Rob & Chyna (Season 2 was green lit last week)?  


    So - more dramz, slap-fights, beat-downs, accusations, screaming matches, name-calling...but this time, all of it happening in front of an innocent baby.

    • Love 2
  19. 1 hour ago, juliet73 said:

    I haven't finished watching this week's episode, but I need to be a bit shallow for a moment.  Leah look GORGEOUS in the navy dress she was wearing!! 

    Oh good, because I was loving the way she pronounced Jeff Hawkins' last name with her full-on Brooklyn accent ("Huaww-kins") and I thought, "concentrate on what she's saying, not on how she's saying it!"

    • Love 11
  20. 41 minutes ago, toodles said:

    I thought that bar mitzvah or whatever was so disrespectful to the Jewish faith that I was just aghast.  I'm not Jewish, so forgive me if I use the wrong terminology.  As I understand it, the bar mitzvah is one of the most important and sacred parts of the Jewish faith.  Young men study for months prior to the actual ceremony.  To say blithely say hey, I have a Jewish friend so I'm going to do a bar mitzvah too because it looks like fun is just beyond the worst.

    This reminds me of when they had a big family feast on Thanksgiving but made a huge point of stating that they don't celebrate Thanksgiving - they just happened to be celebrating Joseph Smith's birthday on Thanksgiving with all the trimmings.  But then, several seasons later, we were treated to the Great Corn-Can Hobby Lobby Thanksgiving Debacle of 2015 featuring Janelle and Meri.  Suddenly, Thanksgiving was okay again.

    That's what makes Kody such a joke.  His morals and rules are very bendable, depending on which way the wind is blowing his hair that particular day.

    EDIT: I see @DakotaJustice beat me to it, but I thought it was Thanksgiving they were messing with.  See, even the viewers can't keep the lies straight!

    • Love 4
  21. 36 minutes ago, MonicaM said:

    Get real jobs doing what???  Are any of these people qualified for anything other than burger flipping?  I'm not even sure they would be successful with that because you have to be nice to customers, show up on time, and keep your hair out of the way.  Are they capable of this?  

    Yeah, I guess I didn't think that all the way through........

    • Love 4
  22. 22 minutes ago, ginger90 said:


    I'm surprised he's letting some tweets of others appear. Or he just doesn't realize what they are referring to?


    WHOA NOW, Heavy D!  Jim-Bob's gonna come a-calling and take away all your electronic devices.  Or cut off your fingers.

    But why on earth is he going all rogue on social media regarding pregnancy, abortion, etc. while Jill is pregnant?  His timing and his choice of rant subject are both very odd.

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