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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. 11 hours ago, In2You said:

    The Backstreet Boys once again proved to me they are still no comparison to Nsync.

    And neither are no comparison to NKOTB (yes, I'm old). :)


    11 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    The blond Danielle is so naturally, effortlessly good-looking.  Reminds me of someone famous but can't put my finger on it, or maybe she's just that confident I'm getting confused.

    To me she looks strikingly like Tea Leoni.

    When Nick returned from the bouncy house, I was SO hoping he'd go back to the pool to find that all the other women had had enough of his and Corinne's shenanigans and they'd all gone back inside the house for pizza and beer or something.

    • Love 14
  2. 14 hours ago, BitterApple said:

    It really is. A wedding dress shopping trip for a wedding that took place on the show several months ago. Have the producers just completely give up on life or what? 

    I saw the episode title and had to really think - whose freaking wedding did I just watch a couple of months ago?!  Are the TLC editors laughing at the sneaky way they can draw viewers by sweeping film segments from the cutting room floor and randomly gluing them back together?


    9 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

    Something is off about Jilly Muffin.  Even when she smiles or laughs, she still looks so sad. She really does look like a sad limpet.

    Untreated depression.  She knows the mechanics and timing of how and when to smile, there's just no true emotion behind it.  The worst part is even if her dimwit husband or moronic parents notice the change in her, nothing will be done to help her.  It's treatable, and I feel sad that no one will probably ever care enough about her to let her get some help...because admitting it would be akin to admitting that their lifestyle has failed her.

    • Love 11
  3. But guess what, Michelle?  It's part of your JOB as a mother to teach your children basic life skills.  They don't drop out of your womb knowing how to properly cook or clean.  It's not their fault that you had so many kids that you didn't have time, or energy, or motivation.  Or that you only taught Jana and then shrugged your shoulders and decided that she was enough to finish raising your kids.

    Most kids are like sponges - they love to learn, especially when young.  My son is now 20 and it used to drive me nuts when, as a toddler, he would pull up a chair to the counter and want to help me stir, add spices, etc. to our dinner, when all I wanted was to quickly throw something together and move on to the next task.  But now he is a far better cook than I will ever be.  Same with him watching me iron clothes, sew a button, etc.  But it took lots of TIME.  Yes, the Duggar kids are adults and it's a shame they can't cook or clean to save their lives.  Of course they could still learn if they had the motivation.  But the motivation was squished out of them a long time ago.  And that's on MICHELLE, and to a lesser extent, Jim Bob.  I'd place more of the blame on him but the fact that his kids are helpless unless guided by him is exactly what he wanted.  Congrats, jerk and jerkess.  You've raised a huge brood of kids that, with a couple of exceptions, can't cook their way out of a paper bag.  Proud, are you?

    • Love 10
  4. 1 hour ago, Galloway Cave said:

    Unfortunately, we heard it once. Meri said that before the catfish situation, she and Kody called each other Lover. Then we got the Lover Montage, which I hope we are never subjected to again. That nickname has always squicked me out. 

    Ah, I didn't hear it because it was at this point that I covered my ears and started singing "lalalalalala I can't hear youuuuu!"

    • Love 2
  5. On 1/14/2017 at 4:22 PM, GeeGolly said:

    It looks like they just got there. And there's an extra menu. Who took the picture?

    I want to know this, too.  Do they sit down and ask the waitress to snap a photo?  And then they post it and instead of talking to each other, they read the comments out loud to each other?  I don't get it.

    • Love 1
  6. On 1/14/2017 at 11:16 AM, Arwen Evenstar said:

    I just want to buy Jill and Jessa a latte and sit down with each girl, one on one and have a heart to heart as "a wise auntie" on how to step up their public perception and that "we don't hate you...we want you to launch and fly away from this circus and do well for yourselves.  You can redeem yourselves online...all you have to do is not act like you know it all.  You're still young, so you can still have a decent education.  And, while we're at it, please no more home births. None of us wish you any ill; we only wish for you to be the fully realized adult woman that you should have been allowed to become before it was all squashed out of you..."

    This is how I feel whenever I see a dead-eyed photo of any of the younger girls.  I'd like to think there's still hope for Jana, Jill, Jessa and Joy, but my hear really goes out to the younger girls - especially Johanna - for some reason.  Maybe because she's at the age where she's outgrowing the little girl stage and starting to think about what kind of woman she will be...which is probably when JB goes into overdrive squishing out any and all of those gosh-darned new-fangled ideas she might have and make it known that she is to become a husband-seeking baby machine.  So she likes softball?  Nope.  Good at math?  Noper.  Loves animals, wants to become a vet?  Nopest.  This infuriates me - to think about what each individual Duggar kid could've become had JB and Michelle had a looser grip on them.


    12 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

    They may not have been taught to cook as kids, but geez, it doesn't take rocket science to read the pictures on the back of a minute rice box. Also, millions of people aren't gourmet chefs when they first leave home, but either by trial and error, reading recipes, watching cooking shows, etc. learn to be quite good home cooks. No excuse for these adults to look at fresh veggies like they've encountered aliens.

    Seriously, there's an essential chip missing in their brains if they can't cook.  I was a lousy cook when I was first married, but reading recipes is not difficult.  There's always going to be someone in the family who burns everything, but in this family it seems that none of them have a clue.  Wasn't it Jessa who wanted to put 14 pounds of butter in the Thanksgiving mashed potatoes because more butter is good for you?  They can't be that dumb.  Sheltered and repressed, yes, but there are some things that are simply common knowledge shared amongst any human being who can read.  Did Michelle train them all that cluelessness is an attractive quality to fetch a man?  If so, why can Jana do everything including hot-wire a car, shingle a roof and grow a garden and the other girls can't?

    • Love 10
  7. 17 hours ago, Evanscody said:

    I don't think she has a set schedule. She tells her followers to just stay tuned for random announcements as to when she will sell.  It's so weird. I don't know if that's a Lularoe thing or just her way of operating. Either way that business model seems off.

    So how does this work if you wanted to buy from her (which I certainly do not, just curious) - she doesn't have a set time when she will sell?  How far in advance does she let her prospective buyers know that she will be online?  I get that she holds up an item and people start asking for it, but how does she decide who gets that item if, say, five people are asking about it?  It's such an over-complicated way to buy anything, especially if you don't know when the next sale will be.

    This talk of leggings reminds me of a long time ago...my neighbor and I were watching our baby daughters play outside.  The girls were dressed in cute printed leggings, toddling around the yard.  My neighbor turned to me and mused, "when does it stop being cute to wear leggings over huge padded bottoms and chunky thighs?"  I just remember both of us being so sleep-deprived in that moment that we laughed until tears rolled.

    • Love 6
  8. 17 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    No, no...THEY will laugh.  THEY will laugh and laugh and laugh and try to make us non-plygs feel like we are missing out on the everyday wackiness that is the plyg life.  Remember middle school?  Remember how a group of girls would start to laugh in an over-the-top way when someone walked by that they were trying to impress - in the way of "ZOMG we are having SO MUCH FUN and our silly, hysterical laughter proves that we are super cool and exclusive and fun" - THAT is what the Sister Wives do, all the time.  Couch sessions, game night, those crazy times when they try to assemble the entire fam'ly to go to a movie - the laughter is not genuine, it's for their viewers.  They hate each other.  Period.


    12 hours ago, giaNtsandYankees said:

    There Kody goes with the"I have this many years of marriage experience!" just because he is married to four women.

    That whole, "I'm a polygamist" schtick once again.

    NO NO NO.  Kody married Meri (just Meri) for, let's say, three years.  Then he married Janelle for, say, two years.  When Kody married Janelle, each of Meri's years was halved.  When he married Christine, each of Meri's years was divided by 1/3.  Janelle's years were always halved, and then one-thirded when Christine came along, etc.  So in reality, KODY, you have not been married for 154 years or whatever.  You'd have to do some serious fractional division to come up with the real number, which as an English major, I cannot do.  Also, I don't care.


    11 hours ago, toodles said:

    You're welcome.  If it's half as good as The Crown, I'll be happy.  Browns at the very bottom of my viewing list.

    (oooh, really?  I have been looking for something to binge-watch until baseball season).


    I deleted this episode after the knee-slapping hilarity of the Polygamist Newlywed Game.  There's only so much fun I can handle in one evening.

    +++++++1 to @islandgal140 for "The Dark Wife Rises!"

    • Love 11
  9. 13 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

    I know lots of people subconsciously choose spouses that look like them - something about having a higher chance of passing on genes that look like 'you', but David and Prisc are a really starting to look like Twins.

    He could skin her and wear her, and nobody would know the difference. 

    Their hair color, skin tone, nose shapes, eyebrows and squinty eyes in that photo make them absolutely look like twins.  They even smile exactly the same.  It's borderline creepy.

    Okay, just creepy.

    LOL and *shudder* to your last line...even thought it's true.

    • Love 10
  10. 19 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

    Wasn't it called Trading Spaces?  And wouldn't that be a good combo show - each wife redecorates a portion of another's house.  Hilarity ensues.

    TLC, are you listening?!?  You want to extend the Brown Family Circus?  Just cross over!  I would LOVE to see a What Not to Wear segment on the wives.  Or maybe a Trading Spaces where, say, Janelle gets to go into Meri's house and glue feathers all over the wet bar.  THAT, I would watch!

    • Love 13
  11. 9 minutes ago, SMama said:

    This may be the dumbest question ever. Why is frail, sick looking Derick doing running/jogging? Sorry if it comes across as mean.

    My guess would be that he's trying to prove to the interwebz that despite appearances he does not, in fact, have the bone density of a 90-year old, but I'm not really sure.

    • Love 15
  12. I miss the really old days of Trading Places.  Is that show even on anymore?

    I haven't watched the Roloffs in years - I didn't realize that they were becoming so smackable, LOL.  I think I fulfill my smackable quota with the Browns and a few Real Housewives now and then.  

    Kate Gosselin needs to go away faster than the Browns, IMO.  I cannot even bear watching old reruns anymore.

    • Love 1
  13. 12 hours ago, louannems said:

    Is that Izzy, with a haircut, kneeling on the table?

    Poor Jana!

    WHY do they let the little kids use the tables and counters as places to sit?!  Lazy parenting, I know, but it's gross.

    Poor Jana indeed..."Jana is so much fun!  Fun buddy!  Fun Jana is so much fun!"  Replace "fun" with "sad" and I would agree.  It ticks me off to no end that this bright, inquisitive, lovely young woman is stuck raising her mother's children.  Michelle should be deeply ashamed...once she finishes that mocha latte from Starbucks and gets her nails done, that is.

    19 minutes ago, sheshark said:

    The little ones, isn't Jackson 12?  He and the other J-boy are wearing t-shirts from Bin's football camp.  Were they even allowed to participate?

    My guess is that the Duggar Community Closet was suddenly filled with boxes of leftover camp t-shirts.

    • Love 11
  14. 9 hours ago, wings707 said:

    This series is necessary and crucial.  I get it.  Everyone who leaves has a horrific story to tell.  We get that.  I want more for season 2.  There are many questions to be answered.  Abuse, disconnection happens, abuse in Sea Or is over the top.  Got it.  I want to know more than this.  I got it!

    I was riveted by this seasons's background stories, every single one.  I'm wondering if this was the season to set the foundation, and the next will show us more of what is happening to Leah, Rinder, etc., as a result of having been on the show.  The CO$ is going to be awfully busy dealing with every last person associated with this show, up to and including the camera operators, the lighting guy, Leah's hair and makeup staff, etc.  

    My heart ached for Brandon and his family.  They kept showing family pictures and I was thinking, there's a mom and dad with three handsome sons...they should be going on camping trips and watching their boys play soccer and having family dinners, etc.  Instead, they are just one of so many families forced to live apart and disconnected.  So sad.

    Leah, keep fighting the good fight!

    • Love 10
  15. 18 hours ago, Roslyn said:

    It was very apparent in the language and body language with the Kody/Robyn/Meri talk at the wet bar in this episode.  Kody barked that he will NOT sit on the couch (where they have had other catfish talks with Nancy) and they will sit at the wet bar.  Meri immediately states she "isn't comfortable" sitting at the wet bar (where she is forced to be face to face with Kody), when he insists... her body language is telling.  She rolls her shoulders like a chastised child and starts to repeat over and over, "okay, this is where Kody wants to sit, Kody wants this, Kody wants to sit here" in near hysteria.

    Loved your entire post, but I've been especially paying more attention to Meri's body language.  I re-watched the first part of this episode, specifically to watch Meri.

    In Meri's talking heads where she's discussing Mariah, she's wearing the same clothes as she was wearing in the couch sessions where everyone was giggling about Tony and Caleb and weddings, etc.  So my guess is that all of that was filmed at the same time.  Now, at that point, everyone knows about Mariah.  Everyone also knows that Meri was having a hard time with it.  Meanwhile, the other wives are practically giddy in their blathering about Tony being great for Mykelti, Mykelti feeling so relaxed around him, Caleb being a few notches below a superhero, etc.  During all of that talk, Meri is sitting very still, hands folded and tucked under her crossed leg, not looking at anyone.  I recognize that posture because I used to use it myself during bouts of post-partum depression...tuck myself in as small as I can and sit stock still in an effort to not be noticed.  It's a "do not engage with me" posture.  And I found myself once again feeling bad for Meri, because while the other wives have every right to talk about their daughter's boyfriends/spouses, doing so in such a silly, giddy manner in front of Meri came across as rubbing her face in it.  Which I'm sure they were doing, subversively or not.  Because they will all have something Meri desperately wants and won't have, and they know it.  I see it as yet another twisted way that one wife can feel superior to another.  These women play a subtle, daily game of seeing who they can carefully step on in order to elevate themselves and get a little more of Kody's attention.  It's survival of the fittest, being played out every single day.  No wonder these women are all such a hot mess...except Robyn, because she is currently the lion, while the other wives are the antelopes.


    14 hours ago, Bitsy said:

    Remember when Robyn announced her first pregnancy and Mariah ran out of the room sobbing because of how her mother would feel?  Or that episode when the houses were almost finished and Meri said roughly 500 times that all Mariah wanted was to have Meri's house finished by Christmas?  Bullshit.  Yes, Mariah was the one crying about it, but it was clearly Meri who gave her the idea that her happiness rested on the stupid wet bar being ready in time for a Christmas cookie buffet.

    When Meri made Mariah an accomplice in her plan to have an affair and desert the family, I think that was just the last straw.

    I thought Mariah absolutely did the right thing during that porch conversation by remaining detached and not letting Meri force her into one of her emotionally manipulative conversations that would have been all about Meri's feelings.  Like Robyn said, Meri should be working through her feelings with other adults, not with Mariah and Mariah seemed to know that.  I think it shows maturity that she is able to stand up for herself to her mother while remaining calm.  She's the mature one in that relationship.

    Another great post.  As Mariah herself said, "there's more to the story."  I think the bolded line is the part that we don't know about and probably never will, but more than one veiled reference has been made to the fact that much more went on that we won't get to see on film.

    • Love 7
  16. 34 minutes ago, Roslyn said:


    Meri can't sit facing Kody.  THAT was what it was about.

    She immediately turned herself in the chair, facing Robyn...NOT Kody.  She then turned her head as far as she could with her hair in her face (blocking her face from the cameras).  She doesn't want the camera face on to catch her facial expressions/emotion etc, and she does NOT want to face Kody's cold caveman eyes boring into her.

    Fascinating.  You're right, I did notice Meri's hair cover her face but didn't think too much about it.  What I did notice was the strategic placement of Robyn between Meri and Kody.  I think this was also the placement in the living room when Meri was telling everyone about the catfish situation.  And thinking back to the last tell-all (LOLZ), Meri was directly across from Kody and seemed highly uncomfortable, as if it was a struggle to look him in the eyes.  These two can't even sit facing each other in freaking marriage counseling.

    Wow, I'm really starting to understand just how deep the dysfunction runs between Meri and Kody.  Meri's constant use of a human shield between herself and Kody is very telling...I'm just not sure what it means.

    • Love 9
  17. 8 hours ago, Sista Snarky said:

    Sniff sniff "I'm not comfortable sitting here"...at the effin' wet bar of her dreams...that she insisted on getting...that tagged on other rooms in the package deal...where she cries over being lonely  in an empty house.

    Can't make this shit up...

    That whole scene was so weird.  Kody can't sit on the couch because that's where they have all of their talks (okay...huh)?  Meri doesn't want to sit at the wet bar because she wasn't comfortable there (the chair wasn't comfortable?  Kody was sitting in "Sam's" chair?  Who knows).  And behind them is yet another place to sit - the kitchen table - where Robyn suggested they sit but Meri pouted that Kody didn't wanna sit there.  Literally, in that one huge room alone, there were probably 23 places to sit.  But none of them were "right" for Meri.  It was one of those rare times of watching Sister Wives that I had to blink my eyes and ask myself if I was dreaming the crazy or actually watching it.

    • Love 14
  18. Excellent recap, @Roslyn.  I still get skeeved out just thinking about it.  It was awful in too many ways to count.

    So yes, Day'un/Aurora/Brianna...not only did your dad take your mom's cookie, the three of you came from that nasty cookie-stealer.  But look at this portrait of you and your New Dad!  Bad Dad Cookie Stealer has been erased like magic!  Now...go pack your bags, you're going to take a two-week trip to visit the Cookie Stealer...BYE!

    I'm sure none of Robyn's kids will ever need therapy.

    Every time I get a glimpse of that portrait, I crack up at little Dayton's "thumbs-up" pose, and also that Robyn chose to insert a young Kody into the picture, rather than use a picture of the way he actually appeared when they all met.  I know, I know..."together from Day One."  Still, unintentionally hilarious.  And creepy.

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