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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. On 3/15/2017 at 3:00 PM, potatoradio said:

    Perhaps dear show has misinterpreted all the tears. Those are tears of frustration, not the sadz. Just kill the damn guy already. He is not the first beloved parent and husband to ever die in the history of mankind. Then again, if what we're looking at watching post-Jack-kicks-bucket is Kate trying maintain a singing career and her self-hating mope fest schedule and Kevin agonizing over how to manage twue wuv and an acting career he doesn't even struggle with and Randall suddenly deciding to add a dozen kids or so to the home that already didn't have a guest room....well, I can see the hesitation. 

    LOLZ...but wait...didn't I hear that his house had four bedrooms?  Or was that just a rumor?  Which is it - four bedrooms or no more room at the inn?  I need to know!  But in that case, why the hell did rich, former TV star Kevin plop down his suitcases at Randall's house when Randall's girls were already sharing a bedroom because William was there?  Who invites himself to stay with a family member who already has a full house?  I already think Kevin is a vapid cardboard pretty-boy.  That whole set-up just made me not care one bit for what happens to him.


    On 3/15/2017 at 8:21 PM, OtterMommy said:

    I had to go look that up.  That was, um, strange....and I noticed that she suggested that we better accept all this or find something else to watch:

    Really?  Do they honestly all believe that they are creating such brilliance with their show, their stellar acting, and the mesmerizing never-before-seen storylines that it's their viewers who have the sticks up their collective arses for not buying into it all hook, line and sinker?  Wow, that smacks of some really enormous egos at work.  Or a cult.  


    On 3/15/2017 at 8:55 PM, CleoCaesar said:

    Man these writers and actors are sounding more insufferably pretentious and ridiculous with each new interview. It seems that all of them have their heads up their own asses and they genuinely think they're creating Timeless Art, as opposed to a schmaltzy, by-the-numbers, manipulative nighttime soap opera. This is the TV equivalent of a Nicholas Sparks novel/movie.


    They'd better be careful and work on honing their crafts, rather than tell their viewers that you need to be a blubbering mess of snot at the end of every episode or you're just WRONG and we don't need your stupid viewership anyway.  I feel like they are alienating those of us who gave it a chance but the show came up short for us.  The next group they tick off might just be the loyal viewers who are getting tired at being told how to feel. 

    • Love 5
  2. What is the beef between Hali and Sierra?  There is obviously no love lost there, and it stands to reason that not everyone who plays on the same season has to be BFF's, but it seems they kind of can't stand each other.  

  3. 9 hours ago, awaken said:

    Does sierra actually draw her eyebrows on each morning on the island?

    LOL...as others have mentioned, when her blond eyebrows start to grow in, she'll look like she's wearing two fuzzy caterpillars on her face.  I hope she sticks around long enough so we can see that, it's a great source of amusement for me.

    Troyzan finding the idol clue appeared to be a re-creation.  He walked past the bottle and almost did a spit-take when he turned around and grabbed it.  Didn't look real to me at all.  But I do love the hiding of idols at challenges.  I found it odd that there was so much time spent (in reality, probably only about 15 seconds but I'm used to my Survivor moving at a faster clip) with the camera focused on Troyzan's tribe, Troyzan leaning on the puzzle board, and everyone saying "Oh my God" over and over.  In hindsight, I know there's a ton of downtime at challenges while cameras are adjusted, Probst gets his makeup touched up, etc.  It seemed like an oddly long segue, though.

    The entire floating on the raft scene was way too long, as was the goat scene.  Were they lacking in footage or something?

    And if you KNOW that JT is looking for the idol?  PADDLE THE BOAT BACK.  It's not as if they needed JT to rescue them.  Same with Troyzan running off and the rest of the tribe standing there talking about how they can't let him wander off by himself for more than a few minutes...and then they continue to stand there while he finds the idol.  These players should know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can't leave the person on the bottom of the alliance alone for any length of time, especially if you know exactly what they're doing.

    Careful, Ozzy!  Cirie wouldn't look you in the eyes when you were chatting!  She might already be bending your brainwaves with her magic, so watch out!

    Sandra's self-imposed "Queen" status has totally gone to her head.  She can go next week.

    Weird Tribal Council camera work, too...those Sierra side-angles were awkward.

    • Love 8
  4. Niggling minutiae question...at the end of the last episode, Kate pulled a picture out of a box - the picture of Rebecca singing - and declared she also wanted to sing.  Where were Kate and Toby in that moment?  In an apartment?  Were they packing or unpacking?  Do they live together?  Was it a flash-forward of a scene that will be explained later?

    This type of thing drives me nuts, because I have no foundation on which to base my reaction.  I don't know what Kate and Toby's relationship status is, or where they live, or what they were in the process of doing when Kate found the picture.  Was I not paying close enough attention?

  5. 1 hour ago, wings707 said:

    They didn't kiss, he tried though.  It looked, to me, as if she was going to leave; she said "he was right" (Jack).  She was very agitated and wanted none of it.  She called Jack, probably to ask him to come and get her.  She looked very done, to me. 

    I agree with this post, and I'm probably beating a detail to death here, but this is kind of indicative of why I struggle with this show so much.

    Rebecca got hit on; she was enraged and immediately called Jack, and I absolutely thought that if he'd answered the phone, she would've said, "you were right, get me out of here."  He didn't answer, so to me that indicates that she was going to stay and perform.  Then Jack came in drunk and beat up the guy that made a pass at her, and that's when Rebecca decided to leave.  It confused me, because she seemed to be directing her anger at having to leave towards Jack's drunken brawl, not at the attempted kiss.  If she was that pissed at getting hit on, she could've grabbed her stuff and called a cab to get her out of there.  But she didn't.  Her actions and her anger don't make sense to me.  It's almost like Jack showing up gave her an excuse to not perform, and a reason to blame him for her misery.  Or something?  I don't know.  The show seems to be hell-bent on portraying Rebecca as a shrew, but it only leaves me really confused as to her motivations.  Her character doesn't seem to be fully sketched out, and 18 episodes in, I feel like we should know what makes these people tick.  And I honestly don't have a clue.

    • Love 4
  6. 2 hours ago, BeatrixK said:

    At least we know there must be some Genetic thing to the family performers bailing on their showmates right before a first performance.  (Kevin and his play, and now Rebecca and her band.)

    I thought the same thing...and would add Randall walking away from his job and, to a lesser extent, Kate bailing on the weight loss camp.  In real life, when things get difficult, one cannot simply walk away without big-time repercussions.  This entire family seems to do this frequently.  It's hard to get invested in anything that happens to them if their collective solution is to walk away.

    And does anyone else think that Rebecca wasn't thinking of leaving the gig until Jack showed up drunk?  In other words, after her bandmate hit on her, she was still going to perform, yes?  I find that interesting.

    • Love 8
  7. 18 minutes ago, llewis823 said:

    Kate singing? Her character is just too all over the place. 

    I feel like Kate is the character that the writers of this show really wanted people to connect with, but I agree - I know next to nothing about her.  I don't get any chemistry between her and Toby whatsoever.  I don't know if she's still working for Jamie Gertz or not?  Honestly, I don't even know if she and Toby are living together?  She tends to pop into random scenes and I find myself wondering how she got there, is she missing work, etc.  I don't know her at all.

    • Love 13
  8. I can't get on board with Jack and Rebecca having a huge blowout fight, Rebecca tells Jack to move out, and he responds with a moving soliloquy about the method that each of their children will use to surprise them in the future, leaving Rebecca smiling and crying.  I was like - are they fighting or not?  If their marriage has been built up over the season as being this incredible love-fest/fairy tale, why did Rebecca kick Jack out after what we saw to be one transgression?  Didn't she say that he'd been sober for 7 years?  If there was tension (other than the two week/two months singing gig) did I miss it?

    I laughed at the "bad guys" poker game, complete with smoky room and scowling men shooting each other looks across the table.  Like lots of other parts of This is Us, the scene seemed to be ripped right out of the "Stereotype" handbook.

    Kate and Kevin are cardboard characters to me.  I feel like I know next to nothing about them, even after 18 episodes.  There's really nothing to root for with either of them.  I know that this show is going to go a few more seasons and perhaps they will be fleshed out at a later date, but that's like an author who writes a lousy first book of a trilogy, but promises that everything will be answered in books 2 and 3.  The show has to give us something to hold onto in order to ensure that the viewers will come back.  I don't think they've done that.

    • Love 10
  9. I don't follow how #10Mealsin10Days is promoting health and fitness, with Janelle posting a meal of hamburgers and cole slaw.  Sure, a grilled burger with no bun and cole slaw minus the creamy dressing could be considered somewhat healthy.  But if this is what Janelle chooses to post, I'm guessing her other meals made at home are not post-able.

    She seems to be following the guidelines that are easiest for her.  So why would anyone take advice from a Z-list celeb who doesn't seem to have the tools to motivate anyone, least of all herself?

    • Love 4
  10. 1 hour ago, AUgirl said:

    Mine were four years apart and going from one to two was extremely hard for me. It didn't help baby 2 was cranky and screamed all the time and would not let anyone touch him but me. 

    Same exact situation for me.  I was completely exhausted, having to constantly tend to a colicky newborn and still make sure my 4-year old was taken care of.  I recently asked my son (my older child) if he remembers what it was like when his little sister cried for hours on end, and many times at the end of a particularly hard day, I would be crying, too.  Fortunately he has no memory of that time, but I felt incredibly guilty for leaving him in front of the television while I tried to soothe my new baby.  Going from one to two is very stressful, especially if the first baby is easy.  This is probably the case with Jessa, and she also knows that it's her lot in life to pop out 7 or 8 more in as many years.  Maybe she's re-thinking this life plan?

    • Love 6
  11. On 3/12/2017 at 1:17 PM, SongbirdHollow said:

    But Beanie Babies are cute and Disney movies are classic. These leggings are just plain fugly. Trends are trendy because they are appealing. Scarcity is not enough. I can't figure out what the appeal is here. More like "appalling". 

    For people who collected Beanie Babies, etc., the "rare" ones were usually kept sealed somehow, the tags needed to remain intact and not played with in any way.

    With "collectible" leggings, how does that work?  Do people buy them and not wear them?  Do they keep them encased in plastic and displayed on a shelf?  When people come over to visit, do they say, "and here is my delightful collection of Lularoe Leggings!  Look, I have the very rare "Satanic Chihuahua" print!  And rarer still, the "Stephen King's Worst Nightmare Clown" print!  And this one?  It's....well, I think it's the Seven Dwarfs riding in an airplane made of Cheetos...or something like that...but it's really super rare!  NO YOU CAN'T TRY THEM ON!!"

    • Love 16
  12. 3 hours ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

    Who would want to admit they bought a house - formerly owned by Rob - coated in layers of depression, despair, regret, and stinks like a salmon/steak protein shake?  One would catch contact-diabetes.

    This made me laugh, and I feel sorta bad for laughing, but not really.

    Did he even live there that much?  At the time he owned the house, wasn't he swinging on the revolving door of Chyna's house...lived there, got kicked out, lived there, kicked to curb, etc.?  Did he even have time to unpack his black sweatshirt collection?

    To think I used to be a vehement defender of Rob.  The times, they do change.

    And these people are constantly moving from house to house...remodeling one house, staying at another, ripping out the gold-plated bathroom marble because there exists on the planet some other gold-plated marble that is exponentially more expensive.  It's all kind of gross.

    • Love 5
  13. Maybe the "major department store" wanting to buy Dash is Dollar General?

    How can those three women claim to run Dash but have no clue about the merchandise they are selling?  They all seemed aghast at what was actually in their stores.  Even if they don't do the buying themselves, are they honestly not even paying the slightest attention to what is or isn't selling?  And what in the hell was that giant plastic container of gold rings supposed to be??

    The guy in the hotel hallway that told the Kardashian party to keep it down, and responded "yeah, yeah, yeah" to their claim that they saw a ghost...I hope he went directly to management and demanded a full refund for his stay.  Was that scene meant to make them all look carefree and fun?  Because it made them look like they were all collectively sharing one brain cell.

    If Khloe were my sister, I would stay far, far away from her.  Between her vehement swearing and physical bullying, there's no way.  She's awful.

    Jonathan, Simon, etc...they always remind me of middle schoolers who were told they could sit at the cool kids table.  The way they feel the need to speak in shocked exclamations and pretend to be sooooo interested in whatever comes out of the mouth of any of the K sisters is so freaking laughable.

    I hate these people.

    • Love 10
  14. 9 hours ago, pennben said:

    But for the folks that love it, I sincerely hope they have many years with a show they like.  I do mean that. I  get that not everything is for everyone and understand why folks might side-eye me for some of my preferences.  Doesn't mean I'm gonna stop side-eyeing some of theirs.  Online or in person!

    One thing I always hate, no matter what I feel about a show, is folks saying 'is this show still on" or 'I hate this show, it should be cancelled".  Just change the channel or stick to the unpopular opinions thread!

    Great post.  I would never outright say that I think the show should be off the air.  Obviously it fills a need for many, many people, and that's a good thing.  I have been eye-rolled many times when I geek out over another season of Survivor, but it won't stop me from watching.  Opinions vary, that's what makes us unique.  What surprises me is the vehemence of the reactions to loving this show.  You kind of have to be all-in or you're not feeling the feels correctly.

    • Love 4
  15. On 3/9/2017 at 3:07 PM, Aloeonatable said:

    Question: I've seen some posters on this thread also speak of "hate-watching" this show. Why would anyone waste their time watching a show they dislike? Just curious, not passing judgement. 

    *sheepishly raises hand*

    I have mentioned that I "hate-watch" This is Us.  For the first 3 or 4 episodes or so, I was honestly waiting for this show to grab me and shake me to my core as it seems to do for so many friends and people that I follow on social media.  But after awhile, it kind of got to the point where I could guess exactly what was going to happen next based on the swelling music, or sensing that another heavy-handed plot point was on the horizon.  I don't recall ever having hate-watched anything that wasn't reality-based (I also gleefully hate-watch The Bachelor).  Normally if a drama doesn't grab me in the first couple of episodes, I give up and move on.  But I find it interesting to compare and contrast my own feelings about this show with my friends who need to buy stock in Kleenex before each episode, and feel compelled to post their "ugly-cry" stories on Facebook the next morning.  I understand that many people relate to a character, or a plot, or something.  I do, too.  I compared this show to the book "The Fault in Our Stars" in terms of wanting to know what happens to the characters, but then feeling incredibly manipulated because of the sledgehammer approach to letting storylines play out.  This show is missing the subtlety factor, IMO.  It bothers me, yet I continue to watch for...I don't know, my own smug satisfaction that I'm above all the mass-marketing hysteria?  I have ticked off more than one person with my honest opinion about this show, which has never happened to me before.  There seems to be a group mentality that if you don't adore this show, then you must not have a soul.  This is really interesting to me, so I keep watching.  It's more of an experiment for me at this point, if that makes sense.


    On 3/9/2017 at 9:41 PM, kieyra said:

    Briefly, for those of us who are able to see the calculated/manipulative nature of this show, anyone feel like shouting out current shows that *don't* make you feel that way? I don't want the thread to go off topic, but it's clear there are a number of us having the same side-eye reaction and I'm wondering what we all consider a contrasting show. 

    Right now I'm obsessed with Happy Valley, a Netflix import that really earns its emotional gut-punches. It's like Broadchurch meets Fargo meets Trainspotting.

    The best contrast I can think of, because I just finished it on Netflix, is "Stranger Things."  And for me, the huge glaring difference was that a character on ST could gut me with just a facial expression.  Even though ST is basically a re-hash of so many 1980's movies, and I guessed what would happen by the season's end, it still sucked me in because the actors were fantastic and multi-dimensional.  On This is Us, I have yet to really see any dimension to the characters other than what the show has labeled them as...Kevin is the flighty one, Randall is the driven one, Beth is the sassy one, Jack is the Saint, etc.


    On 3/9/2017 at 10:22 PM, pennben said:

    To me 'This Is Us' is the slideshow from that episode, I see the manipulation, even though I may fall for it like the folks in that room.  Mad Men is much better at hiding the strings, in my opinion, because it told its story over the season and damn, by the end of the season I'm stunned that I'm holding my breath hoping the drunk, cheating, identity-stealing ass makes it home before his family left, only to be crushed like him when he was too late.

    Also, the show never told me what was coming or how I was supposed to feel in any advertising....it essentially told us nothing in the ads for it and just let each episode speak for itself and build towards the story the show was telling each season.

    Anyway, that's my example.  I hope it makes sense. 

    ++++++1 to all of this, but especially the bolded parts.

    • Love 8
  16. 15 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

    Battle for worst poker face: Tai or Michaela? Tai: looking down at the ground and not saying anything in the response to a yes/no question is fairly telling. Michaela just can't control herself or the looks her face makes. She responds to anything that slightly may effect her negatively. Who'd have though she'd go off over being a fake nom? I think that "she's scary" more meant they better interact with her very carefully because you don't know what will tip her off.

    And the funny part is, she knows it.  In one of her TH's, she ran her hand down her face in an effort to change her usual "WTF" expression and the one she replaced it with was all kinds of not-normal...raised eyebrows, pursed lips.  She looked a bit deranged, IMO.  I actually like that about her - she simply cannot control her face when confronted with whatever pisses her off.

    That said, I wouldn't mind seeing her team up with Ozzy and go on some monster immunity challenge run.  Hopefully wearing her emotions all over her face won't be her downfall.

    • Love 11
  17. 17 hours ago, mojoween said:

    Ozzy needs to keep his hair tied back so he remains super hot.  And really I don't care if every challenge has swimming because I love to watch Ozzy do it.

    Co-signed!  I shall never tire of watching Ozzy majestically swan-dive off a boat or cliff or platform into the deep blue ocean, where he holds his breath longer than most dolphins are able.  Swoon.  One observation - his voice seems deeper than I remember.  Or maybe he just lost some of his "yeah, brah" vocal style.


    17 hours ago, jsm1125 said:

    I also noticed a pretty big gut with JT. Though that may be strategic in order to have more weight to lose as the season goes on.

    JT rockin' the dad bod like a pro, LOL.  Having just finished re-watching Tochantins, I was surprised by how much he's changed.  Smart of the returnees to pack on a little extra weight, for sure.


    13 hours ago, Vyk said:

    So glad this show is back.  I can enjoy it now that everyone's Pwecious Wittle David from last season isn't here this time.

    Pwecious Wittle David >>>>> Zeke, IMO.


    4 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

    Probst is going to ride Jeff Varner until he's voted off, isn't he? I think Varner has a sense of humor about that, but it has got to be annoying.

    That's one of the very best things about having returning players.  They can chatter right back to Probst, which is always a good and wonderful thing.

    Sandra got a little cocky, but I do love her strategy of "take Sandra with you to the finals!  Ain't no one gonna give me another million!"  And yet?  If she somehow makes it there?  She will totally get another million dollars.

    Tony's voice reminds me of a toddler who has something really exciting to say.  So glad he's gone, his gameplay always makes me restless, like I should be jumping off the couch and running around in circles or something.

    Survivor is back!!!! (**happy dance**happy dance**)

    • Love 13
  18. 10 minutes ago, Katy M said:

    I know, I don't understand either.  If I pass a mail carrier (and I often do as I'm on a walk route and I also walk to work), I'll smile and say hi.  But, I do that for everybody.  I don't stop complete strangers on the street and have long conversations with them.  Maybe I'm missing out on some opportunity, but it just feels weird.

    I sense that a lot of mail carriers are not only going to get randomly hugged by strangers today, they are also going to be subjected to long-winded, emotionally wrought soliloquies, heavily laden with every heart-tugging cliche known to mankind.

    • Love 3
  19. 44 minutes ago, AUgirl said:

    She looks uncomfortably like his sisters to me. 

    Agreed, and that doesn't look like a very chaste side-hug to me.

    I also find it so unfair that the Duggar boys all start balding shortly after puberty, and yet Jim Bob gets to walk around with his full head of Aqua-Net hair.  I know it supposedly comes from the mother's side of the family, or maybe that's a myth.  But seriously...not fair.

    • Love 4
  20. LOLOLZ, just peeked at Twitter...people are saying not to be alarmed if their mail is late, it's just because legions of This is Us fans are stopping all the mailmen in their tracks to talk to them and hug them.  

    If you're a bitch, @luna1122, then so am I.  I find this both hysterically funny and completely pathetic.  I'm also 99.9% positive that my next-door neighbor is baking cookies for our mailman as I type this.

    • Love 11
  21. I haven't seen the latest episode yet, but I did see a blurb on NBC saying that these next two episodes were going to "destroy America."

    Really, This is Us?! 

    I feel like I might have been able to get more into this show (rather than hate-watch as I'm doing now) if the show didn't tell me, in big bold letters, how I am supposed to feel every week.  Can I not take the parts I relate to and feel my own feelings?  Am I doing it wrong if I don't go through the entire box of tissue and have to resort to using my sleeves to wipe the almighty tears?  The hyperbole is getting rather ridiculous.

    Reading through the latest episode thread, I see that several people are bothered by the more detailed aspects of the show...like the example of Rebecca's tour only being two weeks (I too thought she was going to be absent for a couple of months), and Randall walking away from his job, where I thought he was supposed to be a partner or something?  At this point, do the show producers think that we won't notice these small but important details because we're all too busy blowing our noses?

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