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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. 3 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

    And now I'm hoping Sandra gets there. "I can't see ya in the distance, but I reckon you need the guidance of the greatest player ev- . . . aw, shheeeeeeet." "Hey, you! How ya been? Did you remember to wear a hat that isn't flammable?"

    ETA: With Sandra on the cast, I think the only "legend" qualified to give advice would be Parvati. I have given her shit in the past, but look at her record: fifth, first, second. She's played 114 days out of a possible 117. But I reckon we'll end up with Rupert, who will dispense wisdom in-between makeout sessions with the missus.

    *bangs head on desk and weeps softly*...crap, I forgot all about Rupert.  Please, no.  No, no, no, Survivor, just no.

    It's totally going to be Rupert, isn't it.

    • Love 3
  2. 2 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

    She was Tony's first lackey, before Trish. She did NOTHING worthy of being called a "game changer" and I was quite shocked they brought her back. But I could say that about quite a few of the contestants this year. 

    Which makes me wonder how many former contestants were asked to play and turned it down.

    • Love 5
  3. What really freaked me out was when she turned to Brad and yelled, "you crushed my heart!"  Right after that, she started laughing.  At first I thought she was crying, but on second replay (and believe me, it terrified me to watch it a second time), she was definitely laughing.  But to what end?  Is she trying to convince her tribe that she's just kidding?  Is it a normal thing for her to scream at people, do rage push-ups, and then laugh it off?  Because it's not funny, it's freaking scary.  I don't need to see another Brandon Hantz-type complete mental breakdown on my favorite television show.  That's not entertainment to me, that's the producers placing a known unstable person on a reality show so we can watch them fall apart.  Brandon Hantz never should've been cast twice - same goes for Debbie.

    • Love 21
  4. 2 minutes ago, Boilergal said:

    I was hoping that Debbie would INSIST on proving herself by doing the balance beam the second time causing them to lose.  

    She's a lot like Coach in that respect.  They are both experts in everything, until it comes time to prove it.  And when they choke, it's never their fault.  Debbie turning her back and refusing to do the beam was a prime example of her boasting of her exceptional balancing skillz but then refusing to prove it.  Using that twisted logic, it's no wonder she can claim that she's amazing at everything.

    Also, she's nuts.

    • Love 15
  5. 16 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

    Or they might both instantly realize that they have found their soulmate.  

    As crazy as Phile is, he couldn't even carry Debbie's straight jacket.  Phile is George Constanza crazy.  Debbie is Crazy Joe Davola crazy.  

    Having just re-watched Redemption Island, I appreciate the LOL.  And your statement regarding levels of crazy is absolutely true.  Which is why I simultaneously want to see Debbie and Phile play together and am terrified at the thought of what might come if they combine forces.


    15 minutes ago, ProfCrash said:

    And Debbie. My god is she freaking crazy. She made me sympathize with Brad for gods sake. That should not be allowed. Debbie with her nine thousand jobs and alternative facts belongs in the White House with 45.

    I know, right!??  Major props for Brad not blowing a gasket at Debbie at any time (that we saw), especially when she hopped over to him like a toddler and announced that "I got over the wall first!!  Did you see me, Brad?  Brad??  Look, watch me get over the wall first!!  Watch meeeeee!!"  That was several steps beyond crazy, IMO.  Brad must've just mentally checked out and gone to his happy place, imaging going antiquing with Monica on a sunny Saturday afternoon or something.

    I missed it, did the editors ever place a chyron that read "Gymnastics Specialist" over any of Debbie's talking heads?


    5 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

    While Michaela's drinking and snark about JT telling Malcolm he got him voted out have gotten a lot of attention, I think her most underrated move was the "braid whip" she did in JT's direction as he got up to get his torch snuffed.  

    It didn't appear that Varner or Sandra were paying attention while Michaela was taking long, deliberate sips from her coffee cup.  I don't know how they managed to not fall off their seats laughing.

    • Love 16
  6. 13 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

    Though so far in the story all we know is Rebecca wanted some space.  She hasn't mentioned divorce, right?  

    Not only has she not mentioned divorce, she frequently called him "Superman."  In fact, I think she used that term when she was talking to the kissy band guy, basically implying that Jack was the most amazing husband on the planet and how dare he suggest otherwise.  Shortly thereafter came the fight, and her asking him to leave.  We watched them go from Point A to Point Z with little to no explanation as to how they got there so fast, other than his drinking...which, I think, we are supposed to imply has been an issue for years, but - I don't know.  I don't get it.


    1 hour ago, qtpye said:

    What I do not get about Toby and Kate's "getting to know you" conversations is what the hell is their financial situation?  Does Toby rent or pay a mortgage?  Does he expect Kate to contribute?  They are going back to Hollywood, where there is a beautiful lounge singer with a great voice in every club (probably a failed actress).  It will take Kate a while before she will be booking any solid gigs.  Is Toby okay with supporting her till then?  What does Toby do for a living? Does he even have the means to support them both?

    AMEN to this post.  These are all valid and unanswered questions, and this is what makes these characters nothing more than simple pencil sketches.  They aren't filled in with any color.  And 18 episodes in, I feel like we should have more of an inkling what drives these people.  Other than the fact that they all collectively obsess about the minutiae of family traditions, I still don't know much about any of them.  It's fair to say that the writers plan to fill us in during upcoming seasons, but they have to grab us first and make us want to know.  It's like their ultimate goal wasn't to tell the story of an interesting, complicated family - it was to make us cry, and worry about the details later.

    I have been reading that in real life, Chrissy Metz is actually in the process of losing weight.  I sincerely hope that they don't tie her singing career into her weight loss...as in, she doesn't get a gig when she's heavy but then she loses weight, re-auditions for the same people that turned her down, and suddenly she's signing a record contract or something.  Because there has to be more to her than her weight - I just don't know what it is, because I haven't seen it.

    • Love 3
  7. 1 minute ago, biakbiak said:

    Which really makes one wonder, it seems weird to cast Jamie Gertz and someone to play her daughter and for just a one episode, particularly when theyou were showing the similarities between Kate and the daughter and then just drop the whole thing. It seems like poor season planning on behalf of the writers.

    Exactly, unless it was all just so Kate could monologue at Jamie Gertz's daughter.  Which seemed like kind of a big set-up, if the prize was supposed to be that one scene.  Another example where I thought I was watching a plot line being set up, only to be inexplicably dropped.

    The writers tend to build huge scenes around monologues, now that I think on it.  But then it seems like they "misplace" the scene.  Like going into a shop because the window display is amazing, and finding out there's nothing on the inside.

    • Love 3
  8. On 3/23/2017 at 8:13 AM, luna1122 said:

    I guess I get what you're saying about Kate and her boundaries and maybe needing to be pushed out of them, but that's a slippery slope. She might appreciate some of that now, it might get her to try new things that might in turn make her happier, but if Toby just thinks he gets to override her own opinions and thoughts because he knows better, that gets ugly, imo. My hackles rose a little just seeing the words 'he made me' and 'he tells me my rules are stupid'....i'm happy that worked for you, but it would make me blind with rage. I'd shut that shit down so fast his head would spin off. I don't think Toby is a bad man, I don't think many here think that, and I think he (and the writers) do think he's doing what's best for Kate, and as long as she actually thinks so too, well, good for them. I just wish they were a little more subtle about it, but I wish they were more subtle about everything.


    On 3/24/2017 at 11:42 AM, luna1122 said:

    It does.  I did respond somewhat thru my own lens in my response, but this all depends on Kate. I'm unclear whether or not we've seen Kate as someone who wants to be dominated in any way, but I'm also unclear that the writers are even aware it could be perceived this way. I think they just think Toby is a big lovable lug who thinks he gets what's best for Kate, and goes all out for it with grand 'romantic' gestures. I'm not sure it's occurred to them that some people might find some of his behavior questionable.

    Here's my issue with Toby pushing Kate outside of her comfort zone...it absolutely can be done in a loving, careful way, between two people that love and care about each other, and have some common ground (other than weight).  But I simply do not see, nor understand, the connection between Kate and Toby.  I haven't seen any evidence (other than when the two of them snuck off at Randall's house) that they have the hots for each other.  If Toby pushed Kate to sing, couldn't there have been a small scene where he says something like, "look, I love you and I know what you're going through.  Will you trust me?"  Anything to show that Kate was scared to sing, and Toby gently encouraged her, and she trusted him to catch her if she fell.  What I saw instead was Toby setting up one of his grand gestures and Kate not feeling it, even though she went from barely being heard to (predictably) singing like an angel.  I don't know if that's bad writing, or that the actors don't have chemistry, or a little of both.

    Basically I don't see the love.  For me, that makes Toby less of a lovable lug than a pushy know-it-all.

    • Love 7
  9. 14 hours ago, SlovakPrincess said:

    I love Randall, but how are they going to adopt a child when they already have two kids and he just quit his job and Beth isn't back to working full time yet?   

    And Kate is going to pursue her dream of singing!  I love Kate, too, but one sibling chasing their "dream!" in one episode is more than enough.  

    Kevin didn't really have much of a story, but I did enjoy the random Ron Howard sighting.

    Regarding Randall: what about the scene where Randall and Beth were sitting on the floor and she was taking a pregnancy test because she hadn't been feeling well?  The test was negative, but what were we supposed to take away from that...she just had a tummy ache?  Or are we supposed to file that away in our brains because something is going to happen to her in season 2?  That's why I don't know what to take away from Randall suddenly wanting to adopt, because he sure wasn't too fired up about Beth possibly being pregnant.

    Kate: what exactly does she do all day?  We saw her working for Jamie Gertz one time.  Does she still work there?  So now she's going to sing...how does that work?  She could barely croak out one song in the retirement home.  Her storyline was so fuzzy and strange.  I don't know her at all.

    Kevin: Ron Howard produces amazing movies.  Kevin is no Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton or Russell Crowe.  The fact that he was the equivalent of one of the Full House guys, slept with every female associated with his play (which he then bailed on)...this guy gets a call from Ron Howard?  Come on.

    So many threads left dangling, and not really in a good way because I keep getting a sense that if the writers feel like a storyline isn't working, they will simply drop it and pretend like it never happened, and look for the next big drama that will get everyone crying again.

    • Love 1
  10. On 3/23/2017 at 3:03 PM, ginger90 said:

    Is this a thinly-veiled oh-snap to his mother's unappetizing food photos?  I don't really think Logan is that way, but I find it funny that while Janelle tosses together a piece of fried chicken with a dousing of jarred spaghetti sauce and posts it for all to see, Logan and Michelle are whipping up courses that look like something out of a foodie magazine, and I seriously want to be invited to their house for dinner.


    On 3/26/2017 at 7:58 AM, ginger90 said:

    Such haters. If she felt the need to say something, she could have said thanks for the suggestions. These people should just save their data, or cancel their internet. 


    Defensive Janelle is being defensive!  Perhaps if she took the approach of admitting that she's a newbie to cooking, she wouldn't need to be all "whatev, haterz."  But she seems to think that because she is suddenly cooking food at home several nights a week, she has stumbled onto some kind of brilliant revelation and everyone should be amazed and want to be just like her.  It's kind of like someone creating a very specific line of expensive jool'ry and then being stunned that the world wide web didn't crash under the weight of all those orders.  Or like selling hideously patterned leggings and telling all those hungry buyers to be patient because the seller is buried with thousands of requests but can only handle so many at a time!

    Delusional, all of them.

    • Love 14
  11. On 3/26/2017 at 11:43 AM, Juliegirlj said:

    I was surprised to see that Maddie has colored her hair while pregnant. Many believe it is not safe to use hair dye while pregnant. What is her natural color anyway?!?!

    If I'm not mistaken, she is naturally a curly-haired blonde.  Why she insists on forcing it into a straight, dark brown or red is beyond me, and she's been doing that for years.  I am not one to talk, but the combo of coloring blonde hair dark and frying it into straightness seems like a bad idea, long-term.

    • Love 2
  12. I accidentally referred to my 16-year old daughter's Lululemon leggings as Lularoe.  The look she gave me could've frozen the sun.

    I agree with the ridiculousness of posting things like, "I am having a Pop-Up sale!!  Great new items!!  Carlys, Irmas, Sarahs!  Great Colors! Fun patterns!  But I can't tell you when or where yet!!"  I mean, if I have to actually chase down my purchases, it's simply not worth it.  Buying Lularoe seems like an awful lot of hard work for the buyer - doesn't the buyer kind of have to be at the right place at the right time and click the "Like" button faster than the contestants on Jeopardy?  That's way too much stress for a pair of insane clown posse chihuahua leggings.

    • Love 10
  13. 1 hour ago, SailorGirl said:

    What I am saying (and clearly not as successfully as I'd hoped) is that she made herself a much easier and more visible target and made it really easy for them to find the window of opportunity to do what they wanted to do. While the large majority of people are not criminals looking for opportunity, those people are out there and target celebrities for the very reason that they do have the jewelry, etc. There are a lot of celebrities who have her level of wealth, bigger and better jewelry, houses, vacays, appearances, etc., who don't broadcast it all on social media and have not been crime victims.

    Besides the jewelry, the fact that Kim cannot stay off social media for more than a few minutes at a time makes it that much easier to know exactly where she is and who she's with.  I thought I read that she had just posted a video chat between her and Chyna right before she was robbed (or something like that).  So whoever was following her on social media not only knew where she was, but that she was alone.


    8 minutes ago, iwasish said:

    By the time Rob Sr died, Kris was married to Cailtyn for 12 years, Khloe was 19. Cailtyn had long been step father to the Kardashian kids  and had 2 of his own kids with Kris. Kris is downplaying the whole connection to Cailtyn.

    And this is where I actually have an ounce of sympathy for Caitlyn, because having watched this show, we know that Caitlyn bore the majority of responsibility of driving Kendall and Kylie to school and handling their daily stuff (before Kris managed to turn them both into product placements).  I also just caught the rerun where Kris schools Rob into apologizing to Bruce after Rob says that he didn't have a father figure growing up.  In that episode, Kris tearfully rhapsodizes on what an amazing step-father he was to her kids.  But that's our Kris -- professional history re-writer extraordinaire.

    • Love 7
  14. 40 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

    I do not believe for one minute that he is anything more than an employee. They can't even fake chemistry. 

    Why do these young girls like Kylie and Kendall have these enormous homes? I would have myself an awesome penthouse in the best part of town if I was that age with endless money. Who needs all those landscape and pool people roaming around the premises, not to mention sleeping in a huge house by yourself.  I just don't get it. 

    These are both great points.

    Regarding Corey - last night's episode was the first time I have seen a semblance of personality and intellect from him, and I immediately thought - who is this guy, and why is he wasting his life on Kris Jenner?  He actually seemed like he knew what he was talking about, and not only that, he got in her face and told her what's what.  Now, I'm sure she didn't care for that show of strength one little bit, but doesn't she get to control what airs and what doesn't?  As for faking chemistry - he seems to really care for her.  She seems annoyed as hell by him.  I feel stupid asking this, but is he just in it for the money?  

    As for the huge houses, agree so much that neither of these girls needs to live alone while dealing with stalkers and break-ins.  I have never understood why Kris was so adamant about each of them getting their own places to live while they are so young.  Wouldn't it make far more sense for them to continue to live at home and be at least somewhat secure knowing that other people are living there, too?  Never made sense to me.

    • Love 1
  15. Thank you, I guess I couldn't really follow that scene because I was distracted by Kris's clothing choice.  I did, however, think that Kylie was actually convincing when she said she was worried that something had happened to her dog.  Was that all acting?  Was there even a break-in?  

    I find it odd that the entire show was about Kim's robbery, Kendall's stalker, and Kylie's break-in.  So, Kris - here's where fame has gotten you.  She claims to be terrified for her children, and as a mom, I can't fault her for that.  What I can fault her for is keeping her series going by using all of these events as entertainment for the show.  At what point, if any, does she pull the plug, circle the wagons, and try to truly keep everyone safe?  Will there ever be a point when she decides that they have enough fame, money, etc?  Although the kids are in on it too, and each one has a say as to whether they want to have their lives filmed for all eternity, but I sense that Kris is all "family family family...if one of us is filming, we're all filming."  Who knows.

    • Love 5
  16. Seriously, these people.......

    Kris all curled up on the couch in her camo jammies, saying that she was having a panic attack and thinking about driving to Kylie's rather than wait for Corey...not convincing in the least.  My daughter calls, lives close to me, says something is wrong?  I am flying over there like a bat out of hell.  Not Kris!  She calls her  - boyfriend?  Toy?  Personal Assistant/Security?  to go over there instead, even though he's 15 minutes out.  And it's (supposedly) because Corey doesn't want Kris to walk into a "situation."  A situation WHERE YOUR YOUNG DAUGHTER is currently (supposedly) scared crapless.  And yet - Kris is just chllin' on the couch, all snuggly, playing with her hair.  These people are not even trying anymore.  I feel stupider for having watched.

    And every time one of them says that they are having a panic attack, I want to throw something through my television in the hopes that it will hit them.  They are not having panic attacks, and to suggest that they are is incredibly insulting to anyone who has actually had one, or witnessed someone else have one.  So shut up, Kris/Kylie/Kendall/etc.

    Rob looked horrible in that episode.  That had to have been the peak of his fatness.  He was once a good-looking guy.  He's destroyed himself.

    Caitlyn, as always, making a grand entrance, proclaiming that she had no idea what was going on with Kendall's trial.  This stupid family claims to be so close, but not one of them accompanied Kendall to court?  Really?  LOLZ.

    And oh, poor Kris, getting the sads while watching video of her beloved former husband...the one she openly cheated on...gosh, that was profound.  Just stop, Kris, no one buys it.  Maybe if he was so amazing, you wouldn't have brought your boyfriend to your house to play with your kids while your incredible husband wasn't there (which she admitted to doing in her stupid book that I stupidly read).

    I have a visceral reaction anytime Khloe talks with food in her mouth.  It's like fingernails on a chalkboard, but way worse.

    Why can't I quit this show?

    • Love 11
  17. 20 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    This is a good point. This is actually precisely why I chose Hali for my fantasy team! So maybe Sandra was thinking along those lines. 


    OMG there's Fantasy Survivor??  And how do I join????

    • Love 3
  18. 13 hours ago, wings707 said:

    I am with you on this one.  I read the spoiler so I have suffered for weeks knowing his end!  What a nifty guy.  sigh

    At least they could've let him make it to jury so we could keep seeing him and his hair.  JT, this is ALL YOUR FAULT.

    • Love 7
  19. 15 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    I always assumed they are supposed to stay in their seats, too. Does anyone recall an instance where people got out of their seats at TC and started openly whispering with someone who wasn't seated beside them?

    I don't remember the getting out of seats ever happening.  I wonder if this cast figured that since they are returning players, they can push the envelope with Probst.  I remember being scandalized last season when Probst said "it's time to vote" and everyone kept whispering to each other...the Survivor equivalent of the teacher telling everyone to shush at exam time, while the naughty kids keep talking.  I kept waiting for Probst to blow a gasket, but he just sat there and smiled.  I guess Jeffy isn't as tough as I thought, LOL.


    14 hours ago, LanceM said:

    What they should have done is just listened to Hali and voted out Brad . She even tried to warn them a second time that they were going for the wrong target right before she got up to vote. But for some reason they were fixated on fan favorite Sierra Dawn Thomas and told her everything was good. According to Malcolm they wanted to placate JT by voting out Sierra rather than Brad and that they didn't want to Hali to vote with them because they thought it would place the target on her on the new tribe and they were hoping they could reconnect with her later.  They really didn't need he vote anyway because they had the majority, they just picked the wrong target.

    Sarcasm?  Is she really a fan favorite?  Because I can name about 25 other female Survivor players I'd rather see in her place.  I'm still trying to figure out how she's a "Game Changer" at all, unless this refers to her eyebrows.


    12 hours ago, princelina said:

    I agree!  But I think at some point they should do a Survivor:  Old School and play a season by season 1 rules.  

    +++++100000000.  Cast a group of fans.  No returning players, no one who was medically evacuated, no Hantzes, no idols, Redemption, Exile, etc.  Probst stands there, smug dimples and all, and tells them that he hopes they've been watching the show since Season One, because that's how they will be playing.  Plus I want to see Probst skydive, rappel from a jagged cliff, and swim with sharks to deliver the urn to the Live Vote.  He's gotten too soft.


    1 hour ago, Kelda Feegle said:

    Debbie looks totally crazy next week - has she always been like that? or done that before?

    I think she's been walking a fine line of crazy, and now we get to see it in action.  Some of her past season's TH's seemed dangerously close to the crazy line as well.  Should be fun!!

    • Love 10
  20. 1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    Also, either I block out Sierra's eyebrows like censored bars, or what, I don't know, but what bothers me most about Sierra's face are her nose and her lips which look very plastic and unnatural to me.  That's what makes her hard to look at for me personally.

    Malibu Barbie, circa 1980.  That's who Sierra reminds me of, especially now that her face has that weird plastic thing going on.

    • Love 3
  21. As for Sandra being Mouthy McBossyPants...I think she's doing exactly what she knows she needs to do.  If Sandra all of a sudden became pensive and quiet?  Her tribemates would need to sleep with one eye open and hide the sharp objects, IMO.  As long as she's chatting up a storm and telling everyone how it's gonna be, at least it gives everyone an idea of what she's thinking.  They might as well let her think she's Queen, because if they don't get her the heck out of there pretty soon, she's going to bank another million.

    • Love 4
  22. 25 minutes ago, Daisy said:

    I didn't take Sierra kissing Malcolm as a big thing. 

    Perhaps not, but given how shocked and devastated Malcolm was, Sierra really didn't need to rub it in his face by giving him a goodbye smooch.  I just found it unnecessarily selfish on her part.  It was only by a series of bizarre events and a chaotic TC that Sierra stayed in the game, so it's not like she outsmarted him.  Brad was the one who saved her.  Plus, I don't remember her doing much of anything on her first season except to attach herself to a bunch of meatheads, so...I guess I just don't like her.  Or her scheming eyebrows.

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