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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. Varner stated in an interview that he wasn't 100% certain that everyone knew about Zeke.  In another interview, he states that he was sure everyone already knew.  Clearly it can't be both, and the more he talks about it, the deeper he gets.  He honestly needs to step away from social media and let things rest for awhile...although I'm sure there will be plenty of people who think him cowardly for doing just that.  At least for awhile, Varner won't be able to do anything right.

    That said, I cannot imagine what he must've been going through for the 10 months leading up to the airing of this episode.  That had to have been his own personal version of hell.  And while his public apologies are necessary (especially since the episode just aired), there comes a point where he needs to be able to stop and heal and hopefully make some sense of what he did, why he did it, and learn from it.

    As for Zeke, I had no clue he was transgender.  I remember Zeke saying that he was a former fat kid who got in shape, managed to get on Survivor and be the person to make fire.  Between that, his Harvard education, his awesome mustache and his ability to do a slide puzzle without breaking it into a million pieces, he's someone I'd like to see win the whole thing.

    • Love 8
  2. Really stupid question, but does Zeke even have an alliance with Ozzy?  How did that thought even get into Varner's head in the first place?  Did he think that Zeke was being deceptive about Ozzy and then made the leap from that to outing Zeke?  I mean, what Varner did is awful, but the train of thought he used to get there in the first place was also rather bizarre.

    • Love 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, MostlyContent said:

    I can't believe that nobody has referenced Franz Kafka.  His work 'The Metamorphosis' is the only reason I even know what that word means, and the only reason I think Survivor is pretty innocent here.  They thought their viewers were a whole lot more well-read than they appear to be.  

    The story was horrifying when I was assigned to to read it as a sophomore.  It. was. awful.  My mother, a published author of four books, and a local weekly columnist, said at that time, "Is that 'The Metamorphosis'?  I've heard about it all my life. Give it to me."   She threw it across the living room and retreated to the master bedroom after reading it.  Takes about an hour if one can actually read.  

    Wikipedia (yeah, I know, but in this case, they're right) describes his works:  "His work, which fuses elements of realism and the fantastic, typically features isolated protagonists faced by bizarre or surrealistic predicaments and incomprehensible social-bureaucratic powers, and has been interpreted as exploring themes of alienation, existential anxiety, guilt, and absurdity. <snip> The term Kafkaesque has entered the English language to describe situations like those in his writing." 

    So, the word metamorphosis is entirely appropriate before the awful shit by Varner.  

    I'm now wondering who came up with that word during the challenge.   I heard one voice say, "I think she got it" (or something like that).  Then we saw Michala hug and throw Hali around, so perhaps Hali was the one? 

    That is one creepy book, to be sure.  It's been years since I read it but the mental imagery has always stayed with me.

    Hali was indeed the one who insisted they try "M-E-T-A" as the first four letters, and it seemed like no one really wanted to give that a try until Cirie said, "try it, maybe she's right."  I found that to be a small but powerful exchange.

    EDIT: I also recall thinking that Hali was wrong because I thought they were spelling out a phrase, not one long word...did Jeff tell them that they were unscrambling a word?

    • Love 4
  4. I was also pretty impressed with her.  The tribe's reactions to Varner and Zeke seemed very raw and honest.  Some were in tears, some needed to tell Varner off, some sat quietly and let the others do most of the talking.  Debbie and Ozzy were in that last category, both got a chance to talk, and I thought they both said what they needed to say in a calm and thoughtful manner.  I don't know if I'd have been able to do the same in the heat of the moment.

    • Love 4
  5. 4 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    I disturb myself by how much I love Ozzy.  He's in my top 3 players/contestants of all time.  Number 3 I'd say.  I'm pretty much in love with him, and I completely admit he's a flawed player, and seems to turn a lot of people off, and I get it.  

    I was hoping you'd weigh in on this particular topic. :)

    • Love 4
  6. 12 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

    I'm going to say it now: I cannot see Jeff Varner coming to the Reunion. If he has a brain, he would not show up. I do not consider him to be anywhere near the upper echelon of assholes showcased on this series, but he wouldn't just be booed. Debris would be thrown at him. Of course, Probst will talk to Zeke about what happened, even if he winds up winning, because the host will need to make three minutes super awkward. But Varner should not be present. I'm thinking he has to move to another continent, where nobody has even heard of Survivor, and try to do good to atone for his stupid, stupid mouth.

    With that said? He'll show. And we'll get the most uncomfortable five minutes in Reunion history. Don't forget, that includes going over Hatch grinding on Sue in S8, with Rob Cesternino the only obstacle to a potential bloodbath.

    I read the bolded line as "Debbie would be thrown at him."  And deservedly so, I might add.

    Did both Hatch and Sue attend the reunion after the incident?  I'm assuming they did based on your last sentence.

    I also can't see Varner attending the reunion.  There's only so much control Probst can have over a live studio audience, and I'd imagine the backlash would be a bit too unpredictable for live television.

    • Love 2
  7. 9 minutes ago, Dominii said:

    I agree that the Varner outing was despicable, but since that has been commented on ad nauseum, I'd like to ask an unrelated question: am I the only Ozzy fan here?

    The dude rules in challenges. There's no one that can beat him physically. He provides food for his tribe mates and helps out around camp. Also, he seems to be a pretty nice guy. Why aren't there more people who want to see him win this thing? Am I missing something?

    My gf is a big Cirie fan, and I like her too, but I'm hoping Ozzy gets the big bucks this time.

    HUGE Ozzy fan since Cook Islands.  I would LOVE to see him win, but the problem is, I think everyone else playing this game knows that if they are seated next to Ozzy in the final 3, they've just handed him a million dollars (with the possible exception of Cirie).  The one criticism I have for Ozzy is that he consistently plays a less-than-stellar social game, but at this point I don't think he knows how to change it up.  He seems to be a naturally quiet person and wants his actions to speak for themselves, but at this level, I don't think it's enough. 

    • Love 6
  8. Given that Varner was the local anchor of one of my hometown stations for years, this is even harder for me to make sense of.  I guess I saw him in a certain positive light and when he went against everything I thought I knew, well - I'm still kind of shell-shocked.

    I keep thinking, too, how gut-wrenching it must've been for Varner to watch this season at home, after the fact, knowing what was coming.  So while I am disgusted at what he did, at the same time, I can't help but feel for him.  Most people make big mistakes in their lifetimes, but most of us don't do it on a national television show, so I do hope that what happened doesn't signal a downward spiral for Varner that he can never come out of.  

    • Love 14
  9. 3 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

    Also, did Zeke tell him or did he know from the internet? As soon as he said it, I remembered someone saying that here last season and they got shouted down by others who thought they were making an offensive joke about him being feminine or something. 

    The best part of that bonding session for me was Troyzan, who was just kinda glancing around like "WTF is happening here?" while everyone else was crying. 

    I assumed that Zeke told Varner while they were playing the game.  They both talked about how close they'd become and how they spent a lot of time talking.  That's another reason this was so shocking - Zeke felt that he'd formed a strong friendship and alliance with Varner, and even talked about how he wanted to take him to the end.

    LOL at Troyzan...I think Michaela was doing the same thing - drawing in the sand, wondering why all these people were suddenly crying over pizza.

    • Love 3
  10. It's not just what Varner said, it's his supposed reasons for doing it.  He clearly stated that he thought everyone knew about Zeke, but presented it in a way where he tried to make Zeke seem duplicitous for not sharing it with everyone.  Which is it?  It can't be both.  

    Varner had a momentary and very serious lapse in judgement.  He does not strike me as a malicious person.  And while I think his tears and regret were real, those things didn't present until everyone else on the tribe expressed their shock and outrage at what he did.  So if Zeke forgives him, that's a profound lesson in grace.  As a viewer, though, my opinion of Varner has permanently changed because it's clear to me that he did it to further himself in the game, and his regret came a few beats too late for me.

    • Love 14
  11. 11 hours ago, ptuscadero said:

    Well, in other news, I see the Real Eyebrows have finally made an appearance.

    Thanks for the much needed LOLZ.  I am still very gutted from what I watched last night and seriously, those eyebrows need to be voted off ASAP.  They are rapidly approaching the "fuzzy caterpillar" stage.


    11 hours ago, Stephres said:

    My daughter kept saying, "he is majestic!" It was quite the comparison watching him gracefully dive in the water and the Culpepper plop off the raft.

    Another belly laugh.  I have to wonder if the editors do this on purpose to see if we're paying attention.  Ozzy in the water is pure poetry in motion.  Culpepper is...not.


    10 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

    I wonder why Ozzy said nothing throughout that whole TC.

    I noticed that too, but Ozzy has always been a pretty quiet player.  It doesn't seem to be in his nature to "speechify."  I also think he was gobsmacked, like all the others.  I saw that he had tears in his eyes towards the end of TC.  There are times when the best thing to say is nothing at all.


    10 hours ago, millennium said:

    Now and forevermore Zeke will be the "trans Survivor" he never wanted to be, and not just the young man he saw himself as.  Jeff Varner robbed him of his very identity on national television.

    I had no idea that was coming.  When Varner did that I felt like I'd been kicked in the stomach.

    I am in no way arguing the part I bolded, just offering a different view...Zeke did say something about, "if it helps one person," didn't he?  Not that he ever in a million years wanted Jeff Freaking Varner to out him on national television, but for Zeke to be that stunned, and yet be able to pull something positive out of that trainwreck of a TC...that's what I will remember about him.  That and his incredible poise and grace towards Varner.  I was honestly floored watching Zeke's face.  Every time the camera panned to a close-up of Zeke, I expected him to break down.  But he didn't.  And that is amazing.  This is also the very first time I have cried at a TC, and I have seen every single one.

    • Love 10
  12. 23 hours ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

    They broke up?  And Chyna is single now, too?  How konvenient.   Are human beings Kris' own personal Lego set?

    I read on some celebrity site that Chyna wants Tyga back, at which point the entire Kardashian/Jenner/Miscellaneous family tree will catch on fire and burn to the ground.  And if anyone can bring that empire down, it's Chyna.

    • LOL 1
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  13. My takeaways from this episode:

    Kourtney is never going to let Scott back in, no matter what he does.  He's made lots of mistakes, but he does seem to be trying very hard to get back in her good graces.  I actually felt a moment's empathy for him when he said that Kourtney was the love of his life.  But I think Kourtney is very much enjoying having Scott as her panting lapdog.  Perhaps eventually he'll realize that he created three beautiful babies with an actual ice queen, and he will move on.  And when he does, Kourtney will cry, "See?  I knew all along that he'd leave."  Kourtney seems annoyed by him but she's the one who keeps letting him back in, just so she can send him on his way again.  Scott might as well install a revolving door on Kourtney's front porch.

    Caitlyn has this horrible tone to her voice that I don't remember Bruce having...she comes across as extremely judgmental and defensive every time she speaks.  When she was talking to Kris about Khloe, her voice had an edge as sharp as a razor's.  No wonder her family doesn't want to spend time with her.

    Rob is a child.  He sounded like a moron, pranking his mom at her birthday dinner.  But Kris was acting like a drunken fool at Kendall's party so I guess they cancel each other out.

    The bathing suit Khloe was wearing when Scott stopped over just made me laugh.  She is so inappropriate, the word "inappropriate" doesn't even apply anymore.

    • Love 6
  14. 58 minutes ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

    Never fear, this show will be loaded with Kardashians and their adjacents, so there will be fairly little pure Kylie screen time.  She always comes across in her talking heads like someone just woke her up suddenly from a valium nap.

    This.  Can we really sit through 8 episodes of Kylie trying to make sentences in that vapid, breathy monotone of hers?

    Although - and I hate to admit this - Kylie sort of fascinates me, because I sometimes look at her and try to find any vestiges of the old Kylie.  While Khloe has also drastically changed her appearance, I can clearly remember what she used to look like.  Kylie, not at all.  She's gone.

    Also, to me it seems that Kylie is the one true "product" of PMK.  Kylie was never packaged as herself, only in conjunction with Kendall.  I don't think Kris knew what to do with her youngest, average-looking (but adorable) daughter until she had her lips blown up.  Then came the lipkits and a skeevy, questionable boyfriend, and behold - Kylie had a purpose and a way to bring in more kash.

    I'm sure it will never be addressed on the show, but I would love to know the thought process at work when a perfectly cute young girl starts getting plastic surgery before she even graduates from high school.  I totally blame her parents for starting it, and Kylie for not being able to stop.

    • Love 8
  15. 14 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    Caitlyn Jenner Reveals She’s Had Gender Reassignment Surgery in New Memoir


    Yet another book I will check out from the library, sneak it out sandwiched between other books so the title can't be seen, read when no one's around or everyone's gone to bed, and return to the drop slot after hours so no one sees me with it...just like I did with Khloe and Kris's books.

    • Love 8
  16. Now that SS Exile has been put in play, I kind of want it to keep going.  It would have some added interest...for example, when you go to Exile, do you tell anyone that it's really a boat stocked with food?  And that you get an advantage in the game?  Or do you keep it a secret, and then once someone new goes, you kind of have to make a new alliance because you know that person also has an advantage, but you wouldn't know what that advantage was?  I guess my hope is that they keep it going at least until the Box O' Advantages is depleted.  I'm probably thinking way too much into what is likely to be a one-and-done twist, but I don't think it should be.

    And I'd love to see either Yul or Boston Rob meet up with Ozzy, giving the most physical player in the game some much-needed strategy to get to the end of the game and win.

    • Love 3
  17. On 4/6/2017 at 8:37 PM, Maggie Mae said:

    Couple of observations..Probst never said Exile ISLAND. He only said Exile. Was Debbie allowed to shower on that boat? If yes, wouldn't that be a giveaway when she returned. I couldn't tell if she looked cleaner at Tribal. I was also going to add that if she told her tribe, they wouldn't believe her (but someone beat me to that comment). She is delusional after all. So if she tells, they think she's making up and if she doesn't and someone else goes, she'll be ostracized for not telling.  Tai, I love you but you're a crazy fool. 

    I noticed that right away, she did look cleaner and her hair looked like it had been washed.  Seems like the tribe would notice something like that, if for no other reason than that she probably smelled better...as in, they'd be able to smell soap and shampoo on her (not that she reeked, even though she probably did and she basically admitted that to Cochran).


    On 4/7/2017 at 8:47 AM, Lamb18 said:

    I think it would have to stop once there's a jury.  We can hear what people are saying because of the microphones, but the jury wouldn't be able to hear.

    I hope so.  Even though Probst loves it, I personally don't.  Although I suppose all the cross-whispering can be seen as an "evolution" of the game, I prefer my Tribal Councils where either someone has to come right out and state what is going on, or they have to try and communicate to each other with body language.

    • Love 3
  18. 4 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

    I've noticed that,  but I just think it's Sarah's official cop stance.  You know, knees bent like a tennis player, ready to spring to the left or right and arms out, ready for that lightning fast gun draw. Or it could just be they get used to their arms hanging six inches from their sides to allow for all the crap they hang on their belts. 

    I've decided to root for Sarah.  In her bio she says things like, "I'm not lazy or stupid,"  Rather than the usual, "I'm going to win because I'm awesome and  brilliant and everyone who ever met me adores me."  Sarah is quiet and watchful and she's a Queen-slayer.

    I'd rather have Sarah patrolling my neighborhood with quiet confidence than Tony, with his "lalalalalalala look at me running away looking for all the idols and digging a Spy Shack lalalalala!" crazy hair-trigger personality.

    • Love 12
  19. 2 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    Cirie is obviously Madeleine.
    Debbie is obviously Renata.
    Michaela is Celeste.
    Hali is Jane.
    Andrea can be Zoe Kravitz.
    (No spoilers I promise)

    (the book was better)!!!


    27 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

    I was never a Sandra fan on her previous two seasons.  But I was warming up to her on this one, I think because they were finally showing us what makes her so magic.  In her talking head interviews, she is so arrogant and cackling that it makes me hate her, and it makes me wonder how and why her tribemates would want to keep such an unpleasant person around.  But this season--especially last night--they've been showing us more of Sandra's constantly actively strategizing mind and her working her manipulations.  She is quite deft at turning hearts and minds, and appears quite pleasant when doing so, in total contrast to her talking head sessions.  When she was doing her little strategy session with Ozzy et al, I though she had really done it--and to an extent she had.  They were totally on board with her insight and strategy, they just didn't need her to carry it out.   I think Sandra was her own worst enemy, her "anyone but me" philosophy that she spouts all the time and the familiarity all these veterans had with that was her downfall, they knew that ultimately she was not on anyone's side but her own.  Sandra is fiercely loyal--but only to herself.  She'd throw anyone else under the bus without a second thought.

    Sarah explained it best...Sandra is calm, doesn't raise her voice, explains herself well and "grooms" others to do her bidding.  I felt like she was almost talking Ozzie, Andrea and Sarah into a trance.  Girl is GOOD.  She deserved her two wins, and the applause upon leaving.  Even Probst couldn't help smirking at her as she begged him to spare her torch, LOL.  I'll miss her.

    • Love 17
  20. 17 hours ago, escape said:

    This was an obvious attempt to have Kendall do something outside of modeling.  Most models careers are done by the time they are 25.  And she only got as far as she did because of her family.  I don't see her having the talent, charisma, brains to sustain any real post modeling career.

    Chalk this up to yet another failed K attempt to do something that requires some real work - Kris' cancelled talk show.  Khloe getting fired from X-Factor.  Kim bombing big time on Dancing With The Stars.

    Kim bombed, Rob did great...Kendall is totally next for that show.

    • Love 1
  21. 4 hours ago, CofCinci said:

    I'm curious about this video but I haven't watch -- it could be like the movie The Ring. 

    That's what I'm afraid of...you watch the video, and suddenly LLR leggings show up in your mailbox along with a case of green goo, a STRIVE membership, and lots of unexplained charges on your credit card.

    • Love 12
  22. So do we think that with each Exile, a different "game changer" is going to show up to talk strategy?  That could be interesting.

    In my dreams, Ozzy gets sent to Exile and Yul shows up to give Ozzy a foolproof strategy to win the game.  I get the swoons just thinking about it.

    • Love 2
  23. I am still stuck on Debbie telling Probst, when asked if she ever spent time alone, that she spent lots of time alone with her pony.  Did she mean as a child?  How does one run away with a pony?  Did she actually mean a horse, and she spent lots of time riding alone?  I'm not trying to suggest anything weird, but it was just such a non-sequitur and I can't figure out what she was talking about.  Of course, one could argue that it's better to not try and understand Debbie...although the #giddyup had me rolling.

    • Love 8
  24. Although I'm a pretty strong opponent to continually bringing back cast members, I wonder how a season full of one-and-done players might work?  Some of the low-profile players, or those who didn't last long, but really want to come back and don't have the magnetism of an Ozzie or a Cirie...that could be interesting.  Reading the above posts, I had completely forgotten about Neleh, or Sean, or John Carroll (had to look them up to remember who they were).

    I am currently working my way through seasons 13 - 34 on Hulu (on season 24 at the moment) and there's at least two or three "lesser" players on each season who I would love to see again.  I get the draw of bringing back the big guns, but honestly, watching someone play for the 4th time gets a little old (and this is coming from someone who adores Ozzy).  It might also have the benefit of making fans of the show seek out those earlier seasons for binge-watching.

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