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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. 11 hours ago, PaperTree said:

    Codybot trying to do bot likefullness.  The new module appears to be an improvement, but it doesn't seem to have fully downloaded.  

    He seems to spend most of his DR time stuck in "buffering" mode.  Seriously, sometimes his non-blinking blankfaced stares make me think my screen has frozen.


    11 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

    Just a few Christmas Notes (sorry): She really is a badass. First of all on a shallow note did you see that shot of her in the backyard? Girls' core could shred a boulder. Damn. Also I love that they have piped in squeaks of her little trolley when she is scooting around the house. Makes me laugh every time.

    It's the little things, LOL.  I like that the editors have a sense of humor.  And it's nice that they could recycle the "jingle bells" used on Corey for Christmas.

    I liked the NASCAR segment between Cody and Christmas so much that I watched it three times.  I liked how she kept that info to herself - if Cody hadn't gone all "pit crew" on whatever he was cooking, it probably still wouldn't have come up.  I don't watch NASCAR, but good for her to break the female pit crew barrier.  My hubby was watching that segment with me and said, "go ahead, Google it."  I did, and there she was.

    Ramses over-the-top, non-informative and non-humorous DR's drive me crazy.  I won't be sad to see him go, and I cannot wait to see Jess's expression when she finds out she was right all along.

    • Love 2
  2. On 7/25/2017 at 5:46 AM, Nysha said:

    It was Joy's wedding. She posted these on her Facebook page along with an explanation that they had booked a tent revival last year for the same day as the wedding. I could see where the second picture makes it seem like it's more of an invitation to send a gift than an invitation to the actual wedding.


    When I look at this, all I can see is that the printer forgot to bold the "h" in "Forsyth."  It makes me twitchy.

    • Love 16
  3. Speculation on Pickles & Hairspray is that Jill had a hysterectomy.  It does kind of check off all of the speculation boxes - no sign of Jill except the one photo, Izzy staying for two weeks with Cathy, the mysterious post-it note verse, no interviews, no family photos, no video of the entire Duggar clan passing the new baby from person to person.  So at this point I just hope Jill's mental health is okay and that she's getting help from Cathy, since her parents are busy sight-seeing and shopping for new black support hose in Hawaii.

    • Love 10
  4. Where does the little pug nose come from with Jessa and Jill's kids?  It must come from the Duggar side, because Sam looks so much like his cousin Spurge.  I suppose the girls had that nose when they were little and outgrew it.  It's adorable, though.

    • Love 4
  5. It does seem very odd that we still don't have a picture of Jill with Sam, or even one of the family together...just the one of her holding the baby, and now one of Sam alone.  Considering how long she was supposedly in labor, and the size of the baby, who knows how the delivery affected her.

    IMO, in the one photo of Jill and Sam that we've seen, she looks older and very tired....she looks so different from the wide-eyed, forehead-wrinkled photos we're used to.  Maybe that photo is Jill with her "keep sweet" guard down?

    • Love 3
  6. 10 hours ago, JoanArc said:

    Jill could be trolling us at this point, or something could be very wrong. I really hope it's the former.

    I can't believe Jill would be trolling her followers using the health of her baby as bait...that would almost be a new low for this family (Joshgate is hard to beat).  My hope/guess is that the baby is fine, but as others have speculated, Jill got the news that she shouldn't have any more children and is possibly depressed, or relieved, or depressed that she's relieved.  She strikes me as emotionally fragile, and if her job is to make babies with Heavy D, she likely thinks she's failed.  I sincerely hope that D isn't giving her any sermonizing on how she should risk herself for more babies, though.  Perhaps she's finally at a point in her life where she's questioning everything that's happened to her?  One can dream.


    10 hours ago, HooHooHoo said:

    Surely JimBob and Michelle wouldn't be vacationing in Hawaii if something was terribly wrong. Even they aren't that self-centered, right?  RIGHT????

    LOLOLOLZ *snort*

    Their vacation is another factor that makes me think the baby is okay, but Jill isn't.  Because we know for a fact that neither JB or Mechelle are capable of noticing any sort of emotional distress in their children, and even if they did see it, they wouldn't do anything about it.

    • Love 16
  7. On 7/21/2017 at 3:46 PM, howmanywords said:

    Actually, what I find interesting about the non disclosure agreement is that Lamar is getting ready to shoot his mouth off in his upcoming book and all the Kardashians are scared. I wonder if the agreements have some sort of expirate date? Even if Tyga really did try and warn Rob (I'm not convinced he's telling the truth) its not a shock Rob wouldn't listen to him considering he doesn't even listen to his family.

    Can this actually happen?  Is there truly anyone - Lamar, Tyga, Rob, Kris Humphries, etc. - who is legally able to give the public the real dirt on this sideshow?  Or does Kris control the thoughts, actions, words, and brainwaves of anyone who signs on the dotted line to appear on her shows?  I get the feeling that no one is either willing or able to tell the truth about what goes on behind closed doors of this family.  Although honestly, if anyone did manage to tell the truth, how would we know it was real anyway?

    Never mind.

    • Love 1
  8. My hope is that North and P team up, realize their family is a bunch of circus freaks, and support each other as they head off to college for a good education and then settle down to start non-famewhore families of their own.  I have high hopes for P due to the large amount of side-eye she seems to give her grandmother, aunts and father.  Given how close the two little girls are, I hope they find their way out of their "family legacy." While they're at it, I hope they manage to rescue Dream as well.

    • Love 6
  9. 24 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

    How is that not a defrauding butt shot? Is that not considered a front hug? Aren't their hands awfully close to some 'personal' areas?

    I mean, that shot is so unintentionally funny that I giggle every time I see it.  At least, that's what I'm telling myself is the reason why I'm giggling.

    Seriously, everything @RazzleberryPie mentioned is altogether true.  Do they really think everyone is looking at the ring here?  If Joe is turned slightly towards Kendra, then I have nothing to giggle about...but then, if he does that, it's more of a front hug than it already is.

    Joe, stop confusing me, this is not healthy.

    • Love 5
  10. On 7/21/2017 at 4:26 PM, Mya said:

    Since we are sharing I also wonder if Joe since he does resemble a young JB suffers from the terrible breath that JB does I remember Michelle mentioning it once.

    I posted earlier how I thought Joe resembled young JB and was also going to comment on the breath thing but thought, the poor kid already has the Wonder-Bread Duggar complexion and receding hairline and is marrying a girl who is asking for cute plastic strawberry earrings from Claire's for a wedding gift, so I held back.  But I was SO thinking it!


    On 7/21/2017 at 8:01 PM, Genevrier said:

    I think he's sniffing the diamond. Why? Why do Duggars do anything? 

    Maybe Josie told him to lick it.  Truly, though, it looks like he is trying to kiss her hands but doesn't know what to do with his lips.


    9 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

     OH hai Joe?!!!??

    (I hate myself so much right now)

    • Love 5
  11. On 7/22/2017 at 0:21 AM, answerphone said:

    The mustard sweater and Michelle's green shirt! Best laugh I've had all week!  And we could add a few more of their clothing favorites.

    I have to know - has Michelle ever worn the mustard cardigan with the green shirt?  Or is the mustard cardigan only shared amongst the sisters?  Was it originally Michelle's?  Did it come from Goodwill?  How long has it been in the family?

    We could almost start a thread on the ol' MC.  After all, it has more personality than anyone in that family.

    • Love 13
  12. 11 hours ago, helpmerhonda said:

    Did Josh refer to himself as "your boy"? STOP THAT.

    He sure did, and I about did a spit-take.  I found it unreasonably funny that Josh is trying to take over Paul's shtick.  I guess they're both meatheads who like to yell and be the center of attention, so I suppose it makes sense.


    2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

    House guests have been yelling in the house for years.  I seriously doubt any of them are doing it all on their own.

    Regarding the yelling...they have to know that the louder and more over-the-top they are, the more screen time they will get.  However, there is a  - shall we say - "finesse" to being a good DR yeller on BB.  Paul, while incredibly obnoxious, does tend to have a way with words and phrases, and has the occasional ability to actually say something moderately amusing.  Elena and Ramses, on the other hand, yell nice and loud, but have nothing interesting to say...i.e. "my HEAD IS ON THE CHOPPING BLOCK, so I have to WIN THIS COMP and I KNOW I CAN DO IT BECAUSE I HAVE TO WIN but my legs were SHAKING and it was SO HARD and MY SHOULDERS WERE SO SORE so I had to STEP DOWN.  GAHHHHHHH!!!"  That's not doing it right.  Meanwhile, Josh just goes in and scream-mumbles some scary stream-of-consciousness that no one can follow.  For the record, I am very sad that I've given this meaningless topic so much thought.

    Jody/Conica...LOLZ.  Conica sounds like a brand of copy machine.  I like it, it matches Cody's personality.

    • Love 2
  13. I was honestly shocked that Josh didn't go all Rambo on the pool table, the hammock, the washing machine and Mark after Mark threw the juice in Josh's face.  His restraint in that one moment made me think - albeit briefly - that maybe Josh isn't the raging hothead he's been portrayed to be.  But then came the ketchup and the mayo, and the tantrum in the kiddie pool, so...yeah.

    • Love 3
  14. 12 hours ago, mojoween said:

    Josh is a lying liar who lies who fucked up a pool game and when Mark called him out on it Josh lied some more and Mark threw hot sauce in his face (which admittedly is uncool) and Josh threw ketchup and mayo on Mark and then their mommies said they should lay down for nappy time.

    Eerily accurate and concise description of what went down.  Josh is a toddler in a huge man's body.  That's a dangerous combo - it would be smart of the houseguests to give that guy a wide berth.  Of course, no one is that smart, so they'll keep poking the hornet's nest for kicks.

    I was SO hoping Kevin would throw a vote to Jessica, and then be all, "wha--not me!" when questioned on who didn't vote Dom.  I love when he does that.  I can't decide if he's on the up-and-up when he says he doesn't know what's going on, or he's playing that role like Robert DeNiro.  Also, I love how he tells everyone to chill because he just wants to sit outside and enjoy the day without watching the preschoolers use up all the condiments in a food fight.

    I don't know which is more annoying during voting...Raven's "HIIIIII JULIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" or Elena's stupid "Hi grrrrrrlllllll!" while conspicuously yanking on her earlobe  - obviously a shout-out to someone at home, but Carol Burnett did it first and better.

    • Love 6
  15. On 7/17/2017 at 7:45 AM, Jellybeans said:

    Most of us have caught, gutted and fried the catfish.  I think we are DONE.  No more.

    WE are done.  But is Meri done?

    I think she is addicted to that high she got when texting with her sweet babboo.  I mention this because of the way her and that other "victim" were giggling like 12-year olds when they met and went to dinner, shopping, wine tasting, painting the town red, etc.  They were supposedly connected by the fact that they were both horribly scammed by that rascal Sam.  But Meri has never really seemed all that upset about it, except when she's being interviewed about her fillings or being stared down by Kody's dead eyes, and then she does that thing where she looks to the skies so that the tears might fall quicker.

    If, as someone posted, she is indeed meeting with another "victim," that's only to keep the high going a little longer, not to try and spread awareness of the evils of catfishing or whatever she's claiming those meetings are for.  She has, not once, come off to me as sincerely sorry for all that went down, she's only sorry she got caught.


    EDIT: add me to the list of those who would like to see Kody sprayed with the poop hose once again.

    • Love 8
  16. So why could Dom clearly and concisely state her reasons why Paul is a snake while in the DR, but with Alex she had to act out a 14-part analogy which made little to no sense to Alex or most of the viewers?  I also didn't understand why Dom and Jason had to play 20 Questions when Jason asked her who the "snake" was.  Why couldn't she just tell him flat out?

    And that whole thing with Paul getting Alex to nominate Dom, and telling her why she needed to nominate Dom, only to run to everyone else and have them listen to Alex's "idea" of nominating Dom was just plain nuts.  Does Alex not see that Paul is planting thoughts into her brain and then making her explain herself to everyone else?  Or is Alex actually onto Paul and his shenanigans?  Can it please be the latter?  Because I don't really want to spend my summer watching Paul play puppetmaster to a bunch of morons, after which they all happily cast their vote for him to win because he's such a cool guy.  Come on, they can't really all be that stupid.

    Come back, Cory, you were right about Paul all along.

    • Love 2
  17. On 7/12/2017 at 4:21 PM, Boofish said:

    Chyna is no more a shitty parent than Scott, Caitlyn, Kayne or Kim. None of these people are going the make the cover of parenting magazine and we can't possibly believe that Dream will be anymore damaged than Turn Left  and little Thunder or whatever they are naming their hybrids. Y'all can miss me with that nonsense. I hope their entire house of cards comes crashing down quicker than the one Marcia knocked over with her bracelet on the Brady Bunch

    This entire situation is not funny, but this post is.  And you had me at "Marcia." 

    "Turn Left Disick?"  I like it.


    On 7/14/2017 at 4:33 PM, nexxie said:

    So much for that caring stepdad who helped raise Rob!


    "I don't know the Blac Chyna/Rob thing," Caitlyn said while guest co-hosting The View Friday. "Rob was stupid for doing that and he kind of apologized. I really have not had much of a relation- I've never met Blac Chyna. I've never met the kid. Rob, I haven't really had a serious conversation with in years. So I've kind of been out of that scene so I really can't comment on what's going on there."


    If Caitlyn has no relationship with Rob and has never met BC or "the kid," then perhaps something along the lines of, "I can't comment on any of that" would be a tad more appropriate than calling Rob stupid (even if it's true).

    • Love 6
  18. 9 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

    I don't care about any of these fools. I just want an hour of Kevin's stories and DRs.

    I would also like him to do a one-man fashion show, modeling all of those dapper outfits he packed.  I might have a crush on him, not sure yet.


    25 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

    And, frankly, I don't really care if she works with Paul. I am not really a fan of Vets playing with Newbies, but Paul doesn't make me angry like he does a lot of other people. Sure, his personality can grate, but I think he's smart and knows how to work people and I enjoy watching him play. Alex's brain works the same way, so they might actually be a good pair. If the other sheeple in the house want to follow Paul blindly, that's THEIR problem. But I think Alex knows what she's doing. 

    I agree, and I get the feeling that Alex wouldn't do anything she didn't want to do.  Her explanation to Jason, about how she's going to become part of the larger group and then dismantle them, was insightful.  She has this clipped way of talking that suggests to me that while she may be going along with Paul, she also has other ideas cooking in her brain.  I'd like to think she's playing everyone, including Paul.  Perhaps she's going to use him until the showmance group has been disabled, and then take him out too.  Or maybe I'm giving her too much credit, I don't know.  I just get excited when a non-sheep displays some actual strategy in this game.

    Jessica's false eyelash falling off during the HOH comp was funny.  I was waiting for her to loosen her grip to pull it off, and then fall.

    • Love 8
  19. Gosh, all this time I though Josiah was one of the twins...well, it's not my fault they all look like Wonder Bread and their stupid names all start with "J!!"

    That said...is Jed the sinner twin?  He's the one that actually doesn't resemble the lumps in a bowl of mashed potatoes, right?  Is he the one I think is cute?

    Crap, I don't even know anymore.

    • Love 3
  20. 15 hours ago, toodles said:

    Claires, Gap, Old Navy, Ulta etc.  This is looks more like a gift registry for a sweet 16 party than a wedding registry.  This is OK?  This is acceptable?  Yes, I'm a crabby old bag, but REALLY?

    Now get off my lawn.

    To me this is just proof that JoKen are far, FAR too young to be getting married.  Who registers for cheap jewerly and makeup?  Unless, in her teenagery mind, she's thinking that she needs those things to get all prettied up for her husband.

    That said, we should pool our money and buy Kendra a $5 gift card to Claire's.  If they're having a sale, she could buy several pairs of earrings which - as we know - every young, newly married couple needs to start a home.  I'll chip in the nickel I found in the parking lot.

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