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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. 15 hours ago, toodles said:

    Are you charging for this advice???  LOL

    Yes - you can find this advice and more on my blog.  It's called "DUHHHHHHHHHHHH."

    9 minutes ago, Jellybeans said:

    I would NEVER let anyone but a Dr prescribe an infusion...and I would never get a vanity bag.  I mean what the hell?  Put some sunscreen, makeup, and a big smile on and COMB your hair and you are good to go.

    Yeah, I don't really get this, either.  I remember reading here that a poster saw Janelle at her shill booth and said that Janelle wasn't making eye contact with the few people that did approach her - instead, she had Logan do the work.  And I'm not saying she has to wear makeup to look attractive, but for Janelle, the alternative seems to be looking like she just rolled out of bed and pulled her hair back without bothering to run a comb through it.  That kind of look might work if you're a teenager.  Grown-ups need to look professional if you want anyone to buy what you're selling.  Janelle must think her "celebrity" status is enough, or she honestly does not want anyone talking to her or challenging her regarding STRIVE.  Either way, what she's doing cannot possibly be bringing in anough money to support her kids and Kody. 

    • Love 3
  2. On 6/15/2017 at 7:05 AM, ginger90 said:

    Christine paints too! Wonder who her bestie is.


    That's actually kind of a cool picture.  I wonder if she's doing this as an "oh snap!" to Meri's paintings - those deep, meaningful, symbolic labors of love and forgiveness that she passed out to the wives and Kody after she was caught playing naughty on the computer.

    • Love 1
  3. STRIVE is ridulous.  Next she's going to post a picture of the kitten hanging on a tree branch with the caption that reads "Hang in There!"

    Gee - get an exercise partner!  Hang a "fat" picture on the fridge!  Give yourself a day off once in awhile!  GROUNDBREAKING STUFF, y'all.  I hope you're taking notes like I am.

    • Love 8
  4. On 6/18/2017 at 2:02 AM, 4leafclover said:

    I just had a thought.  The Browns bought their McMansions in December of 2012--this December will mark the 5th year.  Wasn't the builder-financed-interest-only-loan good for 5 years?  If so, that means they will all have to secure new financing or come up with the money to pay off 4 huge balloon notes in less than 6 months.

    I really want to see the entire Brown family have to move into Meri's house because they can only afford one place to live.  You know, Meri's house - the one she demanded be as big, if not bigger, than everyone else's houses because she only had one child but it's not her fault that she couldn't have more?  The house that had to be re-drafted to make room for the wet bar?  I want to see Robyn and her brood move into the hobby room.  Janelle and gang can put up tents in the Computer Room of Misguided Online Pretend Boyfriends (thereby making it impossible for Meri to "chat" in privacy, which we all know she is still totally doing).  I want to see Truly and Sol color with Sharpies on the wet bar, while Kody snoozes on the couch.  Heck, there's probably another wing in that house that we've never even seen for Christine and her kids.

    Make it happen, TLC.  I would watch the crap outta that show.

    • Love 13
  5. 40 minutes ago, Jellybeans said:

    I am perplexed by these women...they profess to be modest but they wear the tightest clothes possible.  I am not particularly modest but I would not be caught dead in that outfit because it reveals all except pubic hair lol.

    Girl needs decent maternity wear.

    Similar to the Sister Wives, who also profess modesty but wear tops so tight they might as well be made from sausage casings.

    I cannot fathom how those tight tops can possibly be comfortable in the heat and humidity, while your internal pregnant thermostat is turned up to 11.  Give me a loose, sleeveless tank top any day over a shirt that clings everywhere it touches.  Yuck.  And also, gross.

    • Love 14
  6. 15 hours ago, floridamom said:

    How can anyone think that looks good. Jill is neither modest or tasteful in that get up. If anyone, SHE should invest in a large, elegant maternity collection. She'll get good use out of it over the next 25 years or so. She really looks like a slob. Those awful cheap, thin stretchy NOT maternity tops are the worst. It looks more like she has a 19 pound Thanksgiving turkey under there.  She really needs to deliver with proper assistance in a medical facility......but who am I kidding? I worry about that child though.

    Why can't she just borrow a few maternity frocks from Michelle?  I'm sure Michelle still has many pregnancy outfits....just in case.

    I also worry about the new baby.  I mean, I was bigger with my second child than my first, but she does look awfully big for still having a few weeks to go.  Although that might have something to do with the skintight, modest shirt she's wearing.

    What prompted Dreck to cut the man-bun?  He's lost that crunchy, Jim-Bob defying look.  While he looks much healthier in that picture, I was kind of hoping he'd grow his hair longer than his wife's.

    • Love 3
  7. 14 hours ago, JennyMominFL said:

    What is wrong with me. Why am I tearing up at watching Joy Duggar become Ofaustin?

    OH.  SNAP!

    I no longer have cable, so I'm not sure if or when I will be able to view this breath-taking, beautiful event (LOL).  Did Joshie make an appearance?  Did anyone notice a squishy man half-hidden behind a potted plant at any time?  And am I reading correctly...hay and confetti inside a church??!  No freaking way.

    Does anyone know if this is streamable on Hulu, etc?  I kind of want to see this for myself.

    • Love 3
  8. On 6/3/2017 at 2:02 PM, Veronique Bette said:

    Yep. It’s a clever (and desperate) marketing ploy to benefit both parties. Not only is this tempest–in-a-teapot fake feud designed to drive up book sales for Caitlyn since the OJ “revelation” apparently didn’t do the job, but it’s also a ploy to lure more viewers to KUWTK with its steadily declining ratings.

    This makes me sick.  But I'm not surprised.  They filmed Scott drunk and stoned and smashing mirrors every chance they had, they dragged a semi-lucid Lamar to Madison Square Garden, they parade mentally ill Rob past the cameras and give him two lines to memorize while begging him to not rub his face and smirk...now it's Caitlyn's turn.  And I have no doubt that Kris hands over the weekly royalty check and Caitlyn gleefully cashes it to buy more ill-advised makeup.  They have all sold their souls, every single one.  I just hope the next generation collectively rebels and gets the hell out of Pimp Gramma Kris's klutches before it's too late.

    • Love 3
  9. On 6/5/2017 at 10:56 PM, iwasish said:

    I think that's all she did read. The rest the glam team told her while putting her face on.

    I found it hysterical that at least three people asked Kim if she "read the whole thing."  What I find even more odd is that seemingly no one else except for Kris read the damn thing at all.  I find that literally unbelievable.  Again, I am assuming that any of them actually can read anything longer than the label on a Kylie Lip Kit.  But now that I think on it for a hot second, I can't remember ever seeing anyone in this entire extended family reading a book...and the only reference to books that I can recall was when Kris proclaimed that she was "obsessed with coffee table books."  Which, as we know, are mostly pictures. 


    2 hours ago, smores said:

    Ok, the Prince is eating a huge salad in the pic above.  Khloe is apparently skipping the meal.  Cool.  Who is having the 2 oreos on the other side of the table?  And, was the Prince offered the choice of 2 oreos vs salad?  I'm just puzzled.

    I believe Kim also had a salad but as we know, she's not truly happy unless she's forking huge amounts of food into her mouth.  I'm completely shocked that Khloe isn't eating, since she loves talking with her mouth full.  Kendall is an airhead and probably forgot where the kitchen was, and Kourtney was silently protesting that the salad toppings weren't 100% gluten, dairy and wheat free, nor were they organic.  The two oreos came from one of the ginormous glass cookie jars they all seem to have in their kitchens which, mind you, they don't eat from.  They just look at them.  Or something.

    And the prince's salad?  Looks mighty delicious to me.  How weird do you think he felt eating in front of all of them while they all sat there and stared at him?

    • Love 6
  10. For those of us streaming old seasons, is there any season of Survivor that you refuse to watch a second time?

    I have Hulu and in the past few months have re-watched seasons 12 through 31, with the exception of season 15 (China) and season 30 (Worlds Apart).

    I remember being bored to tears by the Todd/Amanda combo, plus I seem to recall Amanda's half-closed eyes and semi-comatose manner of speaking drove me nuts.  And while there were some great players on Worlds, the whole Shirin/Will thing really bothered me, as did every word that came out of Dan Foley's mouth.

    Anyone else?

  11. 4 hours ago, Mollie said:

    I think Jill needs to cut off her pony tail like Derick did.  

    I understand that Jill is taking a month off 'work' for early maternity leave, but what about Derick?  Can't he find some place in Arkansas to be a missionary for several months and justify asking for donations?


    0 0 1 a Pete.png

    To me, Jill looks terribly uncomfortable.  Her belly is huge, and she's got her t-shirt sleeves rolled up like I do when I feel hot and sticky.  I'm sure she's thrilled to once again have to pose with Burt Reynolds - I mean, Pistol Pete - reliving Derrick's college glory days that she played no part in.

    • Love 20
  12. This was going to be a rhetorical question, but I think I need an actual answer.  I don't know why, I just do.  I apologize.

    While I realize these people live in a nonsensical world of their own creation, they HAVE to know - just on the basis that they are mostly human beings (minus fillers and plastic) - that a grown brother and sister mingling and holding hands in bed, under the covers, is strange.  Stranger yet was the conversation between Rob and Khloe on how he had sex with a woman who won a Kim Kardashian look-alike contest...and Khloe wanted to know if he would do the same with a Khloe look-alike.  There are so many wrong parts to that scene, it overwhelms my mind.  If they are putting on some sort of act, do they honestly believe that their viewers want to listen to Rob and Khloe talk about sex and periods while cuddling in bed?  I'd say they are doing it for shock value but I don't think they are actually that smart.  Not to mention, who would want bloated, sweaty, sandals-wearing, no hair-washing Rob to get in bed with them in the first place, let alone his sister?  I mean, ??????  

    Other observations:

    Who puts a gigantic bowl of watermelons on the kitchen table?  Why did Kendall take one?  When Kris smiles, does anyone else see the Joker?  How do these people not literally fall on the floor laughing when Caitlyn does her "How's my little KIMMMMMMY??!" shtick on the phone?  If Kris looks like the Joker, Caitlyn sounds like him.  And is denim what one wears when meeting with an Indian prince?  Why did the prince's salad appear and disappear and reappear multiple times over the course of their conversation (never mind, I know the answer to that).

    I'm exhausted.

    • Love 7
  13. On 5/31/2017 at 7:50 PM, Bec said:

    I still feel for John because everyone from Kevin to Danny to Sally is always saying everything is John’s fault (even though plenty is their own damn fault) and John just takes this crap from them for years and years. He’s about the only character in this who doesn’t blame somebody else for crap that goes wrong in his life (even when he would be kind of justified), he does blame himself.

    Oddly enough, that tendency to blame himself way too much even for things beyond his control is something John has in common with Nolan.

    Remember that old guy at the trial who knew he did something wrong by letting the Rayburn family’s abuse case slide? And he’s only confessing to John all these years later because the only good his confession can do now is to serve as a cautionary tale? John has become that guy. Maybe the narration in John’s voice throughout the show has been John telling Nolan the whole story of what happened.

    “We’re not bad people, we just did a bad thang...” and y'all know the rest! Hee!

    I really should've just quoted your entire post and bolded the whole thing.  Great observations, especially the fact that John and Nolan both have the Rayburn "it's all my fault" gene.  I love the idea that John's narration was him telling Nolan the story of the Rayburns.

    As for that last tagline...didn't John come very close to saying it at some point during the last episode?  I distinctly recall him saying, "We're not bad people."  I can't remember if it was Nolan he was talking to at the time.  (extra points for "thang."  I love Kyle's accent).


    On 6/1/2017 at 10:14 AM, Suzy123 said:

    I think she was saying that John is the cause of the pain that she and the family went through.His birth hurt her physically and literally. He tore her when he was born, and he tore the family apart because of his actions. When he was born, he left a stain on his mother's gown, but to her, that stain never went away. Sally blames John for everything bad that happened to her family.

    I find this interesting.  So Sally's constant demand towards John of "fix this!" wasn't because she thought he was the only family member capable of doing so, it was because she thought that everything bad that happened was John's fault in the first place.  Now I hate Sally even more.  Wow, she was awful.


    14 hours ago, Mama No Life said:

    I assume that Robert and Roy buried the guy Roy stabbed beneath the bungalow that always had shower problems? 

    Since we didn't get closure on this particular issue (among others), I am perfectly satisfied with this.

    I thought from way back that Nolan was Robert's son.  I remember Nolan telling Sally about some huge fight that Danny and Eve had on Father's Day, and my conclusion was it was because Eve told Danny that he wasn't really Nolan's father.  I guess it would be kind of symmetric to have Nolan and John actually be half-brothers, forging ahead and trying to ditch the Rayburn curse.  Did anyone else think that Nolan was Robert's?

    As for Beth...was she the person that Danny was sitting and talking with on his initial bus ride back in season 1?  I can't remember.  I thought she was in his imagination, and that he was talking to Sarah.  If this isn't the same person, then my apologies.  Interesting that some think she is a product of Robert's affairs, but there was no closure on her.  When she was sitting with Danny during the last episode, John looked at her as if he knew who she was but couldn't place her.  Man, so many interesting threads that weren't developed because of time.

    • Love 2
  14. On 5/29/2017 at 0:35 AM, MarysWetBar said:

    Yeah I'm kinda there myself right now.  I read that they had the storyline running to 6 seasons, and this shows they weren't able to wrap it up like they wanted to. 

    What a shame cus I really liked this show a lot. It wasn't promoted at all. 

    All on Netflix. 

    I am the only person I know (besides you fine people) who watch this show.  When I mention it, many people haven't heard of it.  They're all binging back seasons of Grey's Anatomy or OITNB, etc.  It's really a shame.  Had this been promoted, maybe it could've run its full course of seasons instead of being cut off at the knees, and the many characters and plots awkwardly squeezed to fit into this last season.  

    But for me, I'm going out happy.  It was far from perfect but again, I blame the lack of airtime.  The acting was stellar.  Kyle Chandler frequently made me forget to breathe.  Mendelsohn - I couldn't take my eyes off of him.  Spacek was incredible, etc.  To me, they were a family of believable characters.  Sad that it had to end before its time.


    On 5/29/2017 at 11:55 PM, BlackberryJam said:

    I felt as if Belle left the GPS on purposefully. Although part of her wanted to run away with Kevin, she knew she couldn't live with a man who had bludgeoned another to death. Or maybe I'm giving Belle too much credit. It was just the vibe I got from her conversation with John's wife. They both loved their husband and yet were terrified by what their husbands had become.

    True.  There was a short scene in a previous episode where Belle and Diana are discussing their husbands.  They both seemed to know, and it looked as if they were trying to suss out if they both knew.

    Diana's speech to John about how his family always had an air of sadness was amazing, as was Belle, trying to get her husband to give her the gun.  Two women, both clearly know that they are in love with a man who is very, very flawed.  And it all comes back to the lies they told as kids.


    On 5/30/2017 at 8:58 PM, Mindthinkr said:

    I had always thought that Kevin was Roy Gilberts son. So when Roy died that Kevin would have inherited a ton of moola. Or his grandson/godson Rocky. 

    I think that's true.  I thought the truth kind of came out when Kevin and John were talking at the inn, and John said, "Roy and mom had an affair."  Kevin told John that he was paranoid.  Maybe I read too much into it, but I thought John's expression - raised eyebrows, a sort of "come on,  seriously?" - while looking at Kevin, was John's way of saying that Kevin also knew the truth, but couldn't say it out loud.

    I thought the ending for each Rayburn was satisfying.  Sally has lost everything, and deservedly so.  She was in love with a building.  Her kids were spare parts in the "happy perfect family" storyline that she and her equally awful husband presented to the public.  Kevin is heading to prison, something that John - for once - can't fix.  Meg is gone, reclaiming a life of her own, no longer the spare daughter.  John cannot even confess to anyone who believes him and has to live with his lies for the rest of his life.  Nolan, the son of the brother he killed, is now basically the only family he has left.  I was also satisfied with the vague ending.  My take is, John has to confess to someone.  That person is Nolan.  Afterwards, does Nolan leave and never speak to John again?  Or do the two of them forge ahead as members of the same damaged family?

    In a way, I'm glad it's over because watching this show was, at times, actually stressful for me.  I credit the actors, especially Kyle and Ben.  I haven't concentrated on a show this intently since Mad Men.  This was one show I could never multi-task while watching, as I tend to do.  The settings, the weather, the humidity - all part of everything.  Facial expressions, quiet words, exchanged looks - all part of a very well-done drama.  There are shows that knock you over the head with telling you how you're going to feel, and tell you to make sure to have Kleenex nearby 'cause you're gonna feel all the feelz...and that's not good television.  Characters that can make you feel exactly what they are feeling, and can make you root for them and hate them at the same time...that's incredible.  Bloodline did that for me.  I'm glad I found it.

    • Love 13
  15. So............what did I just watch??!

    Even though I am thoroughly perplexed, two things stood out - first, the juxtaposition of the pre-murder John talking to his post-murder self.  That was very clever, IMO.  It did an amazing job of showing how all of the stress and lying aged him.  He was so fresh-faced at the start of the show that when the first scene came of the two Johns together, I had to blink and make sure that Kyle was playing both parts.

    And the scene in the hospital hallway between Danny and John was extraordinary.  John painfully whispering "I'm so sorry."  The brothers embracing.  I so wish this show hadn't been limited to three seasons.  There's so much more to explore, and so many loose ends left dangling.

    EDIT: When Danny tells John that he has to go to work, and John replies: "and just what work are you capable of?"  It made me laugh, and I realized that I'd pretty much been holding my breath up to that point, trying to figure out what was going on.  Nice touch.

    Off to watch the finale even though I don't want it to be over.

    • Love 3
  16. On 5/31/2017 at 3:33 AM, Bec said:

    Maybe we're about to find out everyone has been in purgatory all along, or they are all in a Florida-themed snowglobe.

    Nooooooo...no no no, I don't want it to end that way!  No dreams, no snowglobes, no!!

    I say this as I purposely avoid watching the last two episodes so it won't be over.....

  17. On 5/31/2017 at 0:55 AM, Armchair Critic said:

    I still wonder if there is a body buried under the room at Sally's inn where the shower kept going out. Maybe it's tied in with Gilbert.

    Ooh, I forgot about that!

    • Love 2
  18. 4 minutes ago, Mama No Life said:

    Yeah it probably is when Paw Rayburn hurt Danny for losing Sarah.  But even if John knew and lied, so what? He doesn't owe Chelsea an explanation about his family's dirty laundry.

    You're absolutely right...now I'm confused.  What did she think John was going to say about the picture?  It does kind of suspend belief that John's failure to tell Chelsea what really happened to Danny was suddenly enough to make her believe her brother.  

    I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to re-watch this entire show when I finally finish the last two episodes.

    • Love 1
  19. 5 hours ago, Xcptnl said:

    I am wondering if the photo is a bigger deal because that is where Danny has the broken arm and I thought that was brought up in the past.  Did his dad break it?

    I think that's it.  Chelsea asked John what happened to Danny's arm, and John replied that he didn't know...I think he said, "I don't know, I wasn't there."  Which is two lies in one.  He was there, and he did know.

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