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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. 11 hours ago, Fostersmom said:

    I think Sam looks like Henry.

    I think Sam looks strikingly like The Spurge when he was a baby.

    To me, Jill looked much older than her years in that photo with Sam, but that could just be the angle.  If Sam is in the NICU, I assume that preclude Iz from visiting?  I hope Derrick is staying with his mom and Iz, and Iz hasn't just been dropped off at Cathy's until everyone is healthy enough to come home.


    10 hours ago, Beaner said:

    I'm kind of overjoyed that People has snubbed them.

    At some point People isn't going to be able to keep up with all the Duggar babies, especially when Joy and Kendra get going.

    • Love 5
  2. 8 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    What was Julie wearing? Did she have a crinoline on under there?

    She looked like she was off to attend a picnic in the park.  Come on, Chenbot, surely you can do better.

    I went from being thrilled that Cody got the boot to, post-interview, wanting him to come right back in the house and mastermind some evictions - Paul and Mark, to be exact.  And Cody calling out the Den as a cheat is spot-on.  At this point, the HOH might as well ask the houseguests to pick a number between 1 and 100 and use that as a guide to nominations, because with all the twists and temptations you can't be certain that any of your noms are going to stick.  I'm all for a few twists, but this - and now the BBBB - is getting ridiculous.

    I also liked what Cody said about getting rid of Paul so the remaining houseguests could just battle it out against each other without his "celebrity" presense getting in the way.  And he cracked me up with the visual of all the houseguests gathered at Paul's feet like children, begging for another bedtime story.

    Not sure how smart it is for Christmas to come back in the house post-surgery?  I mean, she is going to be somewhat loopy and dependant on that bunch of morons taking care of her, at least for a little while.  I assumed she was hopped up on painkillers when she voted to evict Ramses, because I didn't think there was any way she believed Cody's apology tour.

    Still not hating this season.  Color me surprised.

    • Love 4
  3. 212. Do you open doors for ladies?
    213. Do you let them go first?


    212.  Yes.

    213.  No, I hold the door open, then scoot through first and let the door hit them in the face.  Sometimes I playfully shove them into the doorjamb just for kicks.


    Did Jim Bob write this whole thing himself, or is this a standard Gothard form that he printed off somewhere?

    Either way, the questions are both stupid and none of JB's damn business.

    • Love 13
  4. 15 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

    I'm hoping Samuel has just fallen under 2nd child syndrome = first baby gets 24/7 photos,everything on a schedule, entire area disinfected, and the next kid doesn't get his picture taken for a few days. Baby #5 doesn't even get a name until he's 2 and no pics until Kindergardten. 

    This doesn't really hold true with the Duggars, though, since baby-making is their claim to fame.


    13 minutes ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

    per Ms. Cathys twitter she still has Izzy. They are either still at the hospital or at home bonding with Sammy without Izzy :/ I can't imagine leaving my firstborn with family during this time unless something is wrong. 

    At this point, Izzy should've been brought to the hospital to meet Samuel and photos would've been taken and posted on social media.  The fact that this hasn't happened gives me some bad vibes.  I can't help feeling that the issue is with Jill...perhaps she is emotionally wrecked, or has been told that she shouldn't have more babies or something along those lines.  It's also wishful thinking on my part because I don't want to hear that something is wrong with the baby.  I don't think Jill is strong enough to deal with that.  Ever since she had Iz, my gut tells me that she is dealing with undiagnosed and untreated depression.  A baby in the NICU or a doctor telling her that she should close up shop might be more than she can handle.

    All speculation on my part, of course.  I kind of dread coming here, because I'm afraid of what I might read.

    • Love 14
  5. 8 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    "It doesn't bother me that much." Oh, dear, the Codybot seems to have acquired some malware.

    Codybot, Chenbot and Zingbot...who wins in a brawl?  I'm thinking Chen.

    What, exactly, is "slop?'  I remember it looking more like oatmeal in previous seasons, but wow, it looked horrible when Cody and Jessica were eating it.  The poster that said it looks like cat barf was spot-on.  Either that or they scrape whatever's been burned onto the bottom on the pots and pans for the week and serve it up.  Gross.

    Regarding Ramses...even if he did win POV, why couldn't he use the veto to take Josh or Alex off the block?  Paul acted like if Ramses won, the entire plot would be soiled...or foiled.  I feel like Ramses could probably trusted to do so, since if he used it on himself, the wrath of the house would fall squarely on him.

    Kevin has really pretty eyes.

    • Love 2
  6. On 7/10/2017 at 1:20 PM, Aja said:

    I doubt any of his daughters could (make a sandwich)

    Bolding mine...I have a visual of Joy handing JB a sandwich with mayo and mustard spread all over the outside of the bread.

    Forgive me for asking this, but as far as we know, is Michelle still "joyfully available?"  Could we end up having Duggar kids that are younger than their nieces and nephews?  Or has she closed up shop?

    • Love 2
  7. I'm not watching Josh's video, but please tell me that this not the Duggar's way of slowly introducing his pasty mug back onto our television screens?  As in, we'll let Joshie appear to offer congrats on this blessed event, in the hopes that people will forget what he did because everyone's too busy speculating on Jill and Samuel?

    I don't think that he should be congratulating Jill and Derrick on video.  There's no reason he couldn't just do it privately (although I really don't think he should be anywhere near Jill in the first place).  And yet, there he is.  It's gross.  And while I'm no Jill fan, it's over-the-top disrepectful to the new mother.

    • Love 8
  8. I find it incredibly sad that we have to speculate on the health of the new baby by looking at the Duggars social media accounts.  What I mean is - not every single family event has to be posted on social media, but we all know that the Duggars roll that way, which just grates on my last nerve.  It's how they stay relevant.  It smacks of their awful egos and hugely inflated self-importance.  It bothers me that the lack of social media speaks to the fact that something is wrong, either with Jill or Samuel.  And that's where the Duggars have led us....if everything they do gets splashed on social media, and they've just had a big family event take place with only one photo, then either something is wrong or they are trying to drum up interest.  I sincerely hope it's not the former, but if it's the latter I will be furious....because I am genuinely worried about this baby, and this had better not be a media ploy on their part.

    • Love 14
  9. 16 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

    For the record, I wouldn't consider what Josh did to Megan as bullying. Josh was an asshole to her and then apologized, sincerely, afterwards. Someone being upset with you and letting you know, even if they're shouting, isn't bullying.  As for Josh not knowing when to stop with Cody, I'm firmly on Josh's side here. Cody literally would not let Josh get one single word out.  Josh never even got a chance to start. Like he couldn't even get out the words "Can we talk later?" Cody didn't get his way, decided he was going to take it out on the most emotionally fragile person in the house, and then refused to even let Josh get out a single solitary word in his own defense. I probably would have thrown something at his head and been removed from the house.

    Exactly this.  Because when Cody confronted Mark and asked him if he voted to keep Christmas,  I think Cody initially wanted to give Mark a piece of his mind, but instead they bro-hugged it out and Cody walked away.  With Josh, not only would Cody not let him talk, but Cody had a tense, jaw-clenching thing going on that I personally found pretty scary.  Cody's overall demeanor so far has been of a tightly-coiled spring, but that doesn't give him the right to tell someone that they can't speak in their own defense.

    • Love 6
  10. Cody and Jessica ganging up on Josh was disgusting, especially when Josh was attempting to talk to them and Cody got visibly, scarily angry and told him he couldn't even speak.  And I don't even know what Jessica's problem is...her showmance partner goes rogue and she blindly follows him because - he's cute??  She knew he ticked off their entire alliance.  If she goes to that alliance and says, hey - I didn't know anything about if and I'm as upset as you are, she wouldn't have an enormous bullseye on her back.  What she's doing makes no sense - they've been in the house for a couple of weeks and she's going to risk furthering herself in the game for a cuddle-buddy?  She could've distanced herself from him like Mark did but she chose not to, so she needs to stop whining about how everyone associates her with Cody. 

    Paul is tolerable so far, only because he's not yet turned himself up to 11.  I can handle him if he stays sort of low-key and doesn't scream in his DR sesssions.

    I love Kevin, if only to see what he's going to wear.  That is one sharp-dressed man!

    • Love 12
  11. 21 hours ago, iwasish said:

    Caitlyn spilled secrets, mostly petty stuff typical of divorcing spouses.  I think Rob secrets /stories will be much more interesting.

    I may be going out on a very large and shaky limb here, but regarding "family secrets?"  Perhaps Caitlyn knows a lot, but might be keeping her Wanda lips sealed shut because she actually has a modicum of awareness that anything she says will hurt her children and if she spills, she will end up completely alone for the rest of her life.

    Rob?  That's like poking a hornet's nest.  We know the disdain he's had for Kim.  We know that "dark things" happened with Khloe and Lamar.  He's got major issues with Kylie and that whole twisted, disgusting familial web.  He watched his mother sell his sister's sex tape for fame and kash.  If anyone is going to spill, it's Rob, and I will be ready with the popcorn when he does.  As for him not being believable, I personally would believe him over anyone else in that family, if only because he is clearly the most outwardly damaged and probably thinks he has the least to lose.

    • Love 11
  12. 15 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

    In my experience in L&D, no reputable doctor would allow a woman to labor for 40 hours anywhere, home or hospital.  Personally I think Jill is trying to win the "Longest Labor" award and is lying about how long she was in real labor.  Either that or she's so damned dumb that she doesn't know how to tell what real labor is.


    Jill had some midwife training (even if it was just looking at pictures in a book or similar).  She watched her mother birth 376 babies.  She was plenty aware of what happened with Jubilee.  Even if she is as dumb as a box of rocks, SOME of the ins and outs (forgive me) of baby birthing had to make it through her skull and into her brain - unless she is being willfully ignorant, and is trying to win the martyr award for most difficult births.  If that is indeed the case, she and her dimbulb husband need to stop procreating immediately and be thankful that they have two healthy sons, and that Jill is also okay after birthing what looks to be a 6-month old baby.

    In Jill's mind, if heaven forbid something should happen to her while attempting to deliver a 13 pound baby, does that make her the "winner?"  I'm not trying to make light of anything, but I honestly wonder if this is the mindset that has been ingrained in her psyche while watching her mother deal with baby after baby...that in the end, it doesn't necessarily matter what happens to the mother, as long as she is in the process of birthing more babies.

    3 minutes ago, magpye29 said:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         I haven't seen anyone else mention this (although I have rushed through the last batch of posts), but is there any chance Jill had gestational diabetes with this pregnancy?  That can cause babies to be bigger than the norm.  With the lack of prenatal care, it could have gone undiagnosed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

    I am not a doctor (I'm so glad we have one here in the house) but I think it's highly likely.

    • Love 6
  13. Good grief, 9 pounds 10 ounces??  WOW.

    I'm glad everything went well, but Jill's going to be cooking 12-pounders before it's all said and done.  She needs to be super careful, assuming she goes on to have another dozen kids or so.

    That said, I honestly worry about how she's going to handle jetting off to play missionary while taking care of a newborn and a toddler, while Dreck spends hours and hours looking for a nice, quiet spot to write his "sermons."

    • Love 12
  14. Random topic change...I saw someone on Pickles and Hairspray mention something about an old, possibly still-current feud between Jed and Joe.  Any merit to this?  Are the Duggar siblings even allowed to disagree with one another?  Just curious.  Or nosy.  Or both.

  15. 1 hour ago, Churchhoney said:

    A. There would have to be such a thing for each kid. 

    B. As you mention, JB and/or M would have to know what it is.  

    Yeah...I sometimes forget that in real life, the Duggar kids are the human equivalent of the lumps in a bowl of plain, white mashed potatoes.

    • Love 3
  16. 59 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

    Fun-loving, kind, gentle, blessing, proud - check, check, check, check and check.  It's like "JB and Michelle's Mad-Libs."

    Honestly, you'd think that if they have to post this drivel again and again, they'd actually say something about each child that makes them truly unique.  Of course, Michelle probably doesn't know what those qualities are anyway, so.....whatever.

    2 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

    Maybe the restaurant looked at the rapidly expanding Duggar population (after all, by a few months from now they'll be able to pump 'em out at the rate of nearly six per year), envisioned them stopping by on a daily basis for a freebie (with which at least Jim Bob probably also collects a free sodie, in the "water" cup he asks for), and canceled the promotion. 

    "Sodie."  :)

    The mental image of JB sneaking up to the soda fountain, furtively checking over his shoulder for that damn pesky waiter, made me LOL.

    • Love 11
  17. 39 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

    I may have read this in a different way because of Josh. I guess Derick didn't.


    That is so wrong, we need a new word for how wrong that is.

    Does he possess a modicum of the self-awareness necessary to understand that the things he tweets are just all kinds of wrong and/or incredibly hypocritical?  I mean, I know he has a brain and some experience living life in the non-Duggar insulated bubble world, so WTF is wrong with him?!

    • Love 7
  18. Has anyone in Rob's family made a peep about his latest escapades?  How do you think they handle it - call a family meeting over take-out salads and discuss how they can best capture everything on film for the next season?  I mean, Rob practically broke Twitter.  The fact that they are all collectively not saying anything is weirder than if they did have something to say.  

    • Love 2
  19. I guess my question is, where is Dream while her mom is in bed with other men and Rob is breaking down on social media?  Do they get up to all their shenanigans during nap time?

    And I agree 100% with @iwasish.  Rob's issues are deep, and probably go way back.  The fact that his own mother would rather shove her son and his illness in front of a camera for ratings than get him some real help (not counting what's-his-name, the Life Counselor) sometimes blows my mind, if I think about it too much (which I try not to do).  


    6 hours ago, GaT said:

    They've admitted to playing with his penis when he was little, he's grown up watching them all do anything for attention, he's seen them on the show comparing how their vagina's smell. he lived with Khloe & Lamar & we all know something seriously screwed up was happening there, he's seen  his sister's sex tape, he's watched his mother pimp out her daughters, & saw that the daughters were happy about it, & one of his biggest male role models, his stepfather, wanted to be a girl the whole time. 

    I'm actually surprised he can get out of bed in the morning.......

    • Love 4
  20. 7 hours ago, sheshark said:

    Derick Dillard @derick4Him·3h

    "A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, & poverty will come upon you like a robber..." (Proverbs 6:10-11a)   Hmmm, Derick, all you do is rest in your free McMansion with pool.

    Pot, meet kettle.

    • Love 12
  21. If neither of them can shut the hell up, I wish they'd stop swearing on their kids' lives that they are each telling the truth.

    (checking Rob's twitter)....I didn't realize Kylie and Tyga broke up.  Or is this just a ratings break-up?  Kylie's got that new show - gotta draw some viewer!

    • Love 1
  22. On 7/3/2017 at 4:02 PM, floridamom said:

    I hope that's not the majority of what Izzy eats every day. Not a healthy diet IMO.

    Weighing in on the chicken nuggets and fries for Izzy - I wouldn't knock that, per se, except I feel like we've been shown how much Iz craves healthy foods - haven't we seen him chugging tomato sauce and begging Jill for fruit?  If the child wants healthy foods, Jill freaking owes it to her child to give him those things.  And as we've seen from multiple photos, we know Jill loves to cook "healthy" and "nutritious" food for her man.  So why can't she seem to be bothered to do the same for her son?  Add a few orange slices and this is a perfectly normal meal for a toddler.

    All this photo makes me think is that there remains a strong disconnect between Jill and Iz.  It's terribly sad, because it's not fair to Izzy and the multiple children who come after him.  It's not fair to Jill to have been raised to think that any emotional problems she might have are a direct result of not praying hard enough.  She's about to experience another go-round of post-partum depression, and I don't think she's recovered from her first one yet.  How long until she breaks?

    I really hope that Dreck's mom is keeping an eagle-eye on her grandchild.

    • Love 10
  23. 2 hours ago, iwasish said:

    Dream was conceived because of the greed Kris has and has instilled in her kids and has encouraged others outside her family to use any opportunity to exploit any and all aspects of their lives for the all mighty dollar.

    Rob and Chyna hooked up in order to have a project to present to Kris and E! Ramped up with a pregnancy and a volatile and unstable relationship, it appealed to Kris's base instinct as a money maker.

    Just bolding the parts that make me very sad for Dream.  She was a by-product of PMK and E! Entertainment.  She is never going to know a normal life.  If she turns into Kylie 2.0 in about 16 years, I am blaming her stupid parents first, but Kris most of all.

    I just can't imagine living in a family where everything you do will eventually be spun for entertainment and cash.  One might think (I know I did) that in a family full of women, Rob might have been strongly advised to stay the hell away from Chyna while he was clearly a mess, physically and mentally.  But given that there's not one Kardashian who would know a healthy relationship if it hit them between the eyes, I suppose they just let it slide.  Now, yet another innocent baby is set to inherit this dysfunctional family's crap.

    And while I admit to passing time on a long car trip reading Rob's IG account, I still feel bad that we're watching a man have a breakdown on social media.  Or maybe he's not and it's all a ratings game.  Who can tell.

    • Love 3
  24. On 6/30/2017 at 7:12 AM, ginger90 said:

    In that update there are a few pictures. One is of Derick at their house. The picture is captioned,

    "Some of the brothers came over for some guy time the other night"


    Yup, SOME



    While I did LOL and agree with the pasty Wonder Bread comment, I actually do think -  now, bear with me because I swear I'm sober - that these boys, if allowed a personality and some individuality, wouldn't be all that bad looking.  I mean, if some of the Duggar boys played football or baseball, and one had a great sense of humor, and one of them kicked ass on the debate team, etc., I can see where they'd be cute.  But this picture just bugs the crap out of me because half of them are wearing t-shirts that promote themselves, their religion, or some college football team that they will never see (and don't get me started on Dreck and that ministry shirt).  They all wear the patented Duggar smugly-satisfied smirk.  And as usual, I hate JB and Michelle for raising a group of clueless robots instead of a healthy, smart, talented bunch of sons.  They should be dating and going to movies and stressing over their AP calculus exams, instead of doing whatever the hell they're doing over at Heavy D's house on a Friday night.


    P.S. Is that Sinner Twin next to Derrick?  I didn't realize he was so short.

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