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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. I  was hoping to come here and read about 40 posts about the show so I wouldn't have to watch it.  But who am I kidding, I'm totally going to watch it, hate myself for it, delete it off my DVR immediately after, and do the walk of shame to my kitchen and drink some wine.

    Sadly, I follow Rob on Instagram.  So he posts all teh sad, sad lonely videos.  Which coincidentally are now gone, and he's back to shilling something or other.

    So it was all an act, yes?

    These people are horrible.

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  2. On 12/14/2016 at 10:47 AM, MaggieG said:

    I was never really a Tom Cruise fan (though A Few Good Men is one of my favorites), so I didn't really care for him either way. After watching Going Clear, I am terrified of him and I hope I never run into him in a dark alley.

    It's his eyes.  There's something dark and unsettling behind them.  I think it was Leah who talked about how when Tom looks at you, it's like laser beams staring into your soul or something (total paraphrasing, mind you).  I find him one heartbeat away from becoming unhinged.

    I would stand in line in the rain at midnight for a chance to grab a book written by Katie Holmes about her experiences with Cruise.  I doubt she'd ever do that because of her daughter, and because she's afraid of what Cruise would do.  Maybe someday she'll be able to tell her story.

  3. On 12/17/2016 at 9:49 PM, Kostgard said:

    My question here is when do people's BS detector go off? When do they look around and go, "I'm OT VI now. I'm supposed to be able to move objects with my mind. Why can't I do that?" Or "This is the third time they made me retake a class because they changed/corrected stuff. Damn! Get your shit together, Scientology!"

    This is what I wanted to hear more of from Mary Kahn, who had gone as high as she could go.  I wanted to know from her what was going through her mind when she realized she didn't have the powers that come with being an OT VIII - and also, I'd love to hear more about how she got to that level in the first place.

    Maybe this has been covered in Leah's tweets, but how on earth did she balance being on a tv show with studying for the COS?  Or did she get some leeway because she was a celebrity?  

    I love Leah.  I want to go clothes shopping with her because she'd be all, "are you freaking kidding me with that skirt?  That looks ridiculous, take it off.  Now give me a hug and let's go get some coffee."  Loved her in KOQ, loved her on The Talk.  That said, I sincerely hope she escapes any serious retribution from anyone in the COS for doing this amazing and informative show.  I mean, even Tom Cruise...that dude can be super crazy-eyed and intimidating.  I give her so much credit for going up against Miscavige and Cruise.

    • Love 14
  4. Either this is a really sick, twisted publicity stunt, or Rob is in the process of having a breakdown.  I don't know what to think when a grown man accuses his fiance of not just taking his baby, but his waffles and his BBQ sauce too.  So they're both laughing all the way to the bank or we're watching a mental breakdown in real time.

    • Love 9
  5. 10 minutes ago, kassa said:

    Her bargaining power is reasonably strong -- there's nothing stopping her from collaborating with the producers on some Brown Child Tells ALL special or writing a book about the downside of growing up in a large family with feuding adults, and keeping the proceeds for herself.   I'm not saying anybody would pay her for it, necessarily, but if she's the child most likely to spill all to a curious public, it does create an incentive to at least rein her in until the show is over.  "You can have my wedding on your show as a storyline to extend the payday... or I'll find a way to finance it myself, on my own terms."

    Oh my goodness, +++++++1 to this entire idea.  Mykelti does indeed get this little glimmer in her eyes and a certain lift to her chin when she's explaining to Kody what she wants.  I love her if only for the fact that she grifts hard, if not harder, than her dear ol' dad.

    I also find Mykelti quite pretty.  She and Aspyn both have amazing skin and gorgeous hair - I even liked Mykelti as a redhead.  As much as I hate to say it, Christine and Kody do produce lovely daughters.  And one terrifyingly ginormous son, whom I wish so desperately would challenge Kody to a wrestling match...loser has to shave his head.

    • Love 9
  6. 1 hour ago, waving feather said:

    Ken/David might actually function (brain and brawn), but Jay/Adam would be such an entertaining train-wreck (which I would love to watch). Imagine the bickering and the I-hate-yous and the I-love-yous!

    Oh, I'd definitely rather have Jay/Adam.  I'd tune in just to watch them fight, hug, punch each other, argue, and hug again.

    • Love 5
  7. At this point, I fully expect to see a re-re-re-re-hashing of Janelle making her way over to sit next to Meri on the couch.  I literally can't think of how many times we've had to watch that exact same snippet of film.  If TLC has to pad that much of a two-hour show with repeated filler, why not cut it down to one hour?

    Although I'm the nitwit who eventually sits through the whole thing, so maybe somewhere, several SW editors are LOL-ing all the way to the bank, who knows.

    • Love 2
  8. 50 minutes ago, waving feather said:

    Maybe he is just not in the mood or a people's person. He did look quite down at the reunion and he really thought he would get some votes at least. :-(

    I definitely saw him look down when Probst was waxing poetic on Ken's and Hannah's supposed romance...when Probst called Ken "ridiculously handsome" or something like that, Ken pointedly looked down and shook his head.  He seems almost stuck between the boy he was (stuttering, tics, anxiety) and the smart, handsome man he grew up to be who, because of the things he went through as a kid, comes across as perhaps a little off-putting when he speaks.

    I'm convinced that Bret, Paul and Chris ostracized Ken from the start because of his looks - that and the fact that he formed a quick bond with David.

    • Love 7
  9. Do we know why SW is now running two-hour episodes every week instead of one-hour shows?  Seems like Kody would want the one-hour format to continue, in order to run the show longer and make more money (but I don't know how it works as far as the Browns getting paid).  I can usually make it through an hour, and then I get bored and it takes me most of the week to slog through the remaining hour.  By doing it this way, we should be seeing the season finale in about two weeks, yes?

    • Love 1
  10. I liked when Ken said at the reunion that people look at him and expect him to have a certain type of life.  I feel like Ken's social anxiety was kind of swept under the rug by some of the players - possibly because of what he looks like - while David and Hannah's anxiety issues took more of a front seat role and were subsequently praised by the other players as them having a strong redemptive story arc.  It doesn't seem quite fair to me.

    During FTC, I remember Bret heavily rolling his eyes during one of Ken's answers.  Not sure what the animosity was there, but I don't understand the basis for it.  It made Bret come off like a jerk.  I too am very surprised that Ken didn't get any votes.  Adam said something to the effect that Ken's style of play might have won him the game in the early seasons of the show, but Survivor has "evolved" since then.  I don't really get how loyalty, providing, and winning crucial immunity challenges doesn't add up to a couple of votes.

    • Love 16
  11. 18 hours ago, Galloway Cave said:

    They are all related. Multiple times over.

    Go and read "The Principle Tumblr" if you want your head to spin for awhile.  They are absolutely all related somehow, and it's crazy.  

    But if you ask Robyn, her kids are not part Jessop.  She had that part of their history erased with that lovely portrait of her young kids and Kody.


    12 hours ago, Buffytoes said:

    The fishing thing was a bit weird to me. I agree Janelle likes to check out more often as time progresses. She seems so very unhappy. I'm sure it calms her, but I see Maddie as crying out as if to say "Look, Mom...I'm an adult. I'm getting married. It's the most important day of my life and I need you. And you're going on and on and on about fishing."  I agree that Janelle could go fishing while everyone is sleeping, but you'd think she could just focus on the day her girl is getting married, get up early and offer to help in some way or get herself all spruced up. Seems a bit Passive-Agressive on Janelle's part to be so manic about going fishing. Lol. Let it go, Janelle....just for this day. Fishies will be there always.

    In one of her talking heads, Janelle discussed her own wedding, how it was in the church basement and none of her family and friends were there because they were all hurt and shocked at what she was doing marrying Kody, but in the end she was "fine with it."  Is she somehow jealous or irritated that Maddie's wedding is going to be this big to-do, with lots of family and friends in attendance?

    I think something happened in Janelle's past - something we will probably never know - that has caused her to not only emotionally check out most of the time, but marry her ex-husband's sister's husband, put up with years of abuse from Meri, and continues to this day with her inability to be present in anything involving the family.  I don't want to speculate, but there is an emotional chip missing there.  Janelle wanting to go fishing the morning of Maddie's wedding was one thing...Janelle not letting it go after it was clear that it upset Maddie is something else.

    • Love 10
  12. What was his argument to the jury for voting Adam?  I don't understand why he was so swayed by Adam that he felt compelled to speechify to everyone that Adam was the only logical choice.  I just feel like Chris was vanilla pretty much all season, so I was surprised by his strong opinion.

    • Love 2
  13. At the end, when Probst brought out the players for next season, I saw Ozzy smile and nod at someone, and I'm assuming that person was Adam.  That was nice, and I'm sure as a superfan, Adam was happy to be acknowledged by the Oz.

    Tony, go away.  Or get voted out first.  Either/or.

    • Love 12
  14. 8 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

    Good call from Jessica on the question to Ken.  He talked about loyalty and then turns on his closest ally.

    Man, I don't know - Ken was going to get raked over the coals no matter what he did.  Vote out David?!  What about your stance as a loyal person?  Not vote out David?!  You moron, you just handed him a million bucks!

    I thought Probst did a better job at keeping the conversation to the players, but I am incredibly upset that we didn't get to see Michaela giving Jay the death-stare again.  I was hoping Probst would ask, "Jay, what was going through your mind as Michaela was trying to blow up your head with her eyes?"  That was the best moment IMO.

    How did David get that fake idol inside the coconut?

    Oh, Jay!!  Oh, my poor sweet Jay!  Forgetting to cover the numbers (stupid on the designer's part IMO to make all the combinations the same) and then the fake idol...but wow, did he take it in stride!  No bitterness, and that's kind of awesome.  Would love to see Jay get another chance.

    Adam's win - I'm okay with it.  Adam wasn't playing Survivor so much as he was narrating it for the viewers at home.  I found that super annoying, but hey - I hope he takes the money and changes people's lives with his Foundation.  He seems like a good soul.

    I got the strong vibe that Hannah and Ken were a couple...could this be?!  

    • Love 11
  15. I agree, @Special K - and I do typically watch the reunion the next morning (can't stay up that late).  But we know Probst can interview everyone (however briefly) because he's done it before.  I expect him to be on his very best behavior, keep things moving, and dispense with any extraneous nonsense.  This has been a great season and I need Probst to wrap it up nicely for all of us with a bow on top.

    Having said that, though, he can totally grab the urn and swing from the outside of a helicopter or swim the ocean or rapel down a mountainside as he makes his way from FTC to the live set.  That's always good times.

    EDIT: I normally don't need to hear from everyone, but I really liked this cast.  I do want to hear from Paul, Rachel, Michaela, Mari...even if it's just to acknowledge that they were indeed on the show.  I find it more awkward when Probst completely ignores half a dozen people.

    • Love 1
  16. 14 hours ago, Runnergirl said:

    Dude. His VOICE. It's like he's got a Wizard of Oz Munchkin lodged in his throat.

    This is extremely accurate.  To me, it sounds like he always needs to clear his throat.  So when he kisses Mykelti, I'm with Truely - it's "GROSS."

    And I am so over listening to Janelle state over and over that Mykelti's wedding will tick off Maddie.  How?  In what way?  Maddie's wedding was set and in the full preparation stages when Mykelti stomped her foot and insisted on August.  How does that affect Maddie's wedding?  Not to mention, Maddie and Mykelti have two different mothers so as far as "taking time away from Madison," that's a ridiculous excuse.  Unless Mykelti decided to have Maddie as her maid of honor, it wouldn't affect Maddie in the least.  Unfortunatley, knowing how this show rolls, we're going to hear about 17 different flashbacks of every single adult whining about how Mykelti's wedding will mess with Maddie's.  They do enjoy taking a moot point and beating us all over the heads with it (see also: "persecution," "losing my cookie," "baby sister," "catfish," "wet bar").

    • Love 11
  17. On 12/9/2016 at 3:28 AM, Fostersmom said:

    I'm going to wildly speculate here that Jay wins this season because of another CBS show. Does anyone watch Life in Pieces? Tonight's episode had 2 characters making a crazy Survivor audition tape and one scene had Probst and a woman, I'm guessing casting or a producer, watching the tape in an office. 

    I saw the preview for this show and all I could think was, please Probst - do NOT spend any time talking with anyone in the Life in Pieces cast, or discuss the show's cross-over with Survivor, or waste precious time plugging the show - not when there's a cast full of interesting people sitting behind you.  I need Probst to talk to every single person from the season...not just talk to a select few and ignore the rest and fill "extra" time with weird singers babbling on stage or interviewing random audience members.  JUST TALK TO THE CAST.  Probst - do you hear me?!??

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