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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. 8 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

    Jay's so freaking adorable.  I really hope we see him again in a future season (another set of pretty hair to add to my fantasy Malcolm/Ozzy/Joe season). 

    You too, huh?  Those curly-haired boys get me every time.  It's all Ozzy's fault.

    • Love 4
  2. 1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

    So Maddie had one less lackey scurrying around fulfilling her every whim and hanging on her every word.  Big freaking deal, that's life.  Grow up, girl, you won't always be the center of attention.  If she and her mother were thick as thieves it would be one thing.  But they aren't and if it kept Janelle from flaming out then let her excuse herself and chill for a short period.

    I took Maddie's detailed lists and bossiness in stride, because Maddie knows her family is a cluster**** when it comes to getting anywhere on time or doing anything in a semi-cohesive manner.  Added to that is the fact that Kody, the supposed head of this family, is the flightiest of them all.  Without Maddie spelling out what she needed from every member of that family, they'd all be wandering everywhere, impossible to corral.  We know Kody is useless in that manner, because no one listens to him.  I was all, "GO MADDIE" during her no-nonsense talk with her family.

    • Love 19
  3. On 6/17/2016 at 10:31 PM, ladders said:

    Speculation: I can't shake the offhand thought that we could learn Nolan is not really Danny's son. I can't recall evidence to disprove this theory. All his fault?

    I may have missed this in another thread, but my money is on the fact that Nolan is Robert's son - and the brother of Danny, Kevin, John and Meg.  Basing that on the fact that Nolan told Sally he'd met Robert once, on Father's Day...and that day Eve and Danny had a huge blowout fight and didn't speak for two years.  And that's also why Robert was sending Eve money - it was hush money.  Am I way off base?

    Kyle Chandler is riveting.  I sometimes forget to breathe when he's onscreen.

    I'm suspending all belief for this show.  I love it, and it can take me wherever it wants.  Sad that there's only one more season, but I binge-watched both seasons earlier this year and I'm now watching them one at a time, savoring each episode like a fine wine.  In fact, I usually treat myself to a glass of fine wine while watching.  Everyone on the show drinks, I might as well join them.

    My only (minor) issue is that I watched Jacinda Barrett (Diana) on the Real World and it bugs me how her Australian accent keeps popping into her dialogue.

    Bungalow 3...what secret are you hiding?? 

    Bring on Season 3!

    • Love 4
  4. I wondered about the fishing thing too.  The other wives wrote it off as, "oh, Janelle is just all super-stressed and fishing calms her mind."  Now while I understand that being a mother of the bride is going to be stressful, I cannot comprehend why Janelle was so adamant about fishing the morning of the wedding.  Maddie was right to shut that down.  There's going to be dozens of little things to do the day of the wedding.  I am positive that this was Janelle's way of checking out like she always does.  If she's out on a boat somewhere, she's off the hook for anything that happens while she's gone, and things will fall to the other wives, Maddie, her friends, etc.  This was incredibly selfish on Janelle's part, especially when Maddie told her no and Janelle kept pushing.  I'm not sure I've ever seen Janelle voice an opinion so strongly before on this show, and it was because of fishing on her daughter's wedding day, of all things.

    • Love 14
  5. As awful as these women are sometimes, I still think Robyn takes the HBIC cake because she constantly inserts herself into past family situations as if she were there when she wasn't.  How many times have we heard her prattle on and on about something that happened in the family before she was a part of it?  She came in as the newbie but quickly and firmly established herself as the voice of the entire family.  She was brand-new at being a sister wife when she married Kody but she always presents herself as an expert in all things sister wives.  She manipulates with tears all the time.  She also takes Kody on in a self-assured way that the other wives can't ever do, and she does this because she knows that she's Kody's #1 Wifey.  The other wives tend to tiptoe around him, lest they slip a notch on Kody's totem pole.  Robyn knew just how infatuated Kody was with her so she's never had to take that humbled, mousy, quiet role.  She lets the other wives fight for second place because she knows she's got the #1 place on lock.  That's why she can be so snippy around Kody and tell him what she thinks he should do, and he'll sit there and take it from her like a naughty schoolboy.

    Heck, in just the last episode where Christine and Robyn were discussing some vague thing that happened - Christine was mad at Kody but took it out on Robyn - Robyn was able to manufacture the waterworks, while referencing an event that happened, what - two months ago?  Or more?  That's pure manipulation on her part.  If you have a fight with someone and you're asked about it months later, do you typically cry about it?  Or have you moved on and can talk about it as an adult?  Robyn is so stealth.  What I'd love to know is how Meri feels now about sneaking Robyn into Kody's arms.  Probably didn't work out quite the way Meri intended.

    @RazzleberryPie...your post was awesome and I'd love to see you write something up like that about the other three wives.

    • Love 13
  6. All this wedding crap is Mykelti's way of shoving it in Kody's face that she grew up knowing full well that her mom, her sisters and brother were neglected by Kody.

    From what I've seen, Kody tends to gravitate towards the houses where he can get peace and quiet (Meri's), or where he can bond with his studly sons (Janelle's) or where his newest squeeze is hanging out (Robyn).  Rotation-shmotation, we know he liked Christine the least of his wives and was probably annoyed at all that estrogen running wild in her house.  Given what we've seen, he gets easily frustrated by Christine's neediness and depression.  My guess is Mykelti grew up watching her overwhelmed and depressed mom dance and smile and otherwise try to cajole Kody over to her house to occasionally give her a hand raising six children.  Mykelti isn't stupid - she grew up with a flight-risk of a dad.  She's now throwing it in his face - as in, "go ahead...I dare you to show preference to Maddie over me.  I DARE YOU, DAD."

    As much as I can't stand Tony and Mykelti together, Kody is right about one thing - Mykelti is pushing his buttons.  And IMO, Kody deserves it.  Don't go around bragging about your four wives and upteen children when you're busy neglecting many of them.  Jerkwad.

    • Love 22
  7. Also wanted to mention how great Christine is looking.  I loved her patterned maxi skirt with the red t-shirt and denim jacket.  And later she had on a denim shirt and reddish pants.  Go Christine.  Her attractiveness seems to be inversely proportional to Robyn, who is looking more and more sour and frumpy.  Interesting.

    I wonder why Princess Arielalalalala isn't being featured like King Sol was?  We saw her a little bit, but......oh, never mind.  She's a girl.  Answered my own question.

    • Love 18
  8. And to me, his forgiving nature is what makes him such an interesting player.  He's been lied to by pretty much everyone.  He always seems to be on the wrong end of the vote.  Adam basically lies to Jay every time he opens his mouth.  And yet, Jay hasn't gone all "crazy Ken" on anyone.  He gets frustrated, and then forgives.  He is both playing hard and playing laid-back.  I want to see the kid win!

    • Love 6
  9. Well, I can see why some of the Survivors lost less weight than they wanted to, what with Chef Ken cooking seasoned pizza rice and lightly salted coconut over mashed pumpkin puree.  Heck, I'd take some of all of that right now!  Including Chef Ken!

    I wish TPTB would've shown more of Ken's humor on the show.  Usually we get him scowling and not saying much of anything.  Other than the TC where he waxed poetic about vinyl records, we didn't get to see him being snarky or funny.  He's actually got a quirky sense of humor behind that adorably crooked smile.  I demand that Ken get a do-over!  Hear me, Probst?!?

    • Love 12
  10. 9 hours ago, sadiegirl1999 said:

    And I think this is the 1st time at a TC with rain that Jeff actually fixed/styled his hair. It was hilarious.

    Everyone else looked waterlogged.  Probst had hair and makeup on standby to slick his hair back just so and powder the raindrops from his golden skin.  LOLZ.


    3 hours ago, SVNBob said:

    Well, they were whispering pretty well.  So between that and the sounds of chopping, Ken may not have heard anything even if he tried.

    I'm wondering how that works, because I heard several voices talking in the background, so clearly most of the cast was there - so they had to have seen a camera trained on Jay and Adam.  Maybe they saw what appeared to be an emotional conversation and respectfully stayed away, or maybe another camera or two was there filming as well.  I'm glad no one intruded on Jay and Adam, but at the same time - if I'm playing the game and I notice two people crying, I'm going to wonder what's going on.


    3 hours ago, Sarnia said:

    Will a HII get re-hidden now that they have all been played, or is it too late in the game now? I know there are only 2 hours of show left, but can't an HII be played up to final 5?

    THIS...does Jay anyone still have time to find one more idol?

    Best season since Cook Islands!

  11. I watched Jay's video, and it's awesome that he sees a brother figure in Adam.

    "I love him, but he drives me absolutely insane.  I want to hug him, but then I want to turn around and punch him in the mouth."

    Hands down the best Survivor duo ever, IMO.

    • Love 9
  12. Kylie was a normal teenage girl.  But normal does not fly in the Kardashian/Jenner household.  Somewhere along the line, Kylie started feeling bad about her looks, like most teen girls do.  What I hate is that Kris had to have signed for Kylie to start having plastic surgery, since she wasn't 18.  Kris just reinforced Kylie's feelings - basically telling her daughter that no, you're not good enough.  There was nothing wrong with Kylie at all.  She was just "plain" compared to her sisters.  The fact that she has surgically morphed into Kim - a.k.a. "The Golden Child," tells me that this is Kylie's way of getting her mother's attention.  Which she has done, in spades.  It's all twisted.

    • Love 9
  13. 2 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

    Jay is 27? I had him pegged for maybe 21 or 22. Do 27 year olds really go around saying "Dude" and "bro" as often as Jay does? I can understand Ken talking as if there's a huge age difference between them though because Ken kind of has the soul of an 80 year old man who has lived 1000 lives. Or so he thinks.

    Hey, that's my pretend troubadour poet model vinyl-loving boyfriend you're talking about!

    Although I do believe that Jay has replaced Ken in my heart.  In the end, those young dudes with the out-of-control curls get me every time.  I blame Ozzy.

    • Love 6
  14. 7 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

    The guys who get voted out need to stop letting Michelle cut their hair. She is massacring them.

    LOLZ...on Taylor, it looked natural, because he's kind of a goof.  Chris looks like a 3-year old who just got his first haircut - all parted and slicked down.  Zeke looks ridiculous.  What I want to know is, how did Will escape Michelle's Beauty Shoppe?  I was SO hoping Will would come out half-scalped or with a mohawk or something.  The Shaun Cassidy hair doesn't really work on Will.

    • Love 9
  15. I'm wondering if the advantage will be like Keith Nale's advantage of a few seasons ago, where he received some extended time to practice for the upcoming immunity challenge and won the challenge.

    Or maybe, because this season has been so completely awesome, TPTB invented something we'd never see coming.

    As much as I hate to see this season end (and then the long, dark winter of no Survivor), I cannot wait to see how it all goes down.

  16. The question I keep asking myself is, how can this show end up with a miraculous FTC of David, Jay and Adam?

    Makes sense that Ken's advantage is an eviction, with 6 players left.  I wonder if he'd pick Jay, though, based on the fact that he sees so much of himself in Jay.  Also wondering if Jay could talk Ken out of choosing Adam.  If this is indeed an eviction, and Ken takes out Bret, I will do a dance right in the middle of my living room.

    4 minutes ago, waving feather said:

    I loved that conversation between Jay and Adam too. But I was quite amused that we have these two dudes lying together on the hammock, having a heartfelt conversation and crying, while Ken is obliviously chopping wood just in front of them. Did Ken even try to eavesdrop? I would have but knowing Ken, probably not. My heart when Jay pulled his buff over his face to hide the crying and Adam clutching that pillow to hide his. Both looked like they are 7 years old right then.

    Heart-breakingly accurate.

    • Love 11
  17. I can't watch the video at work, but that's okay...I don't want to cry at work, either.

    Really hoping Jay wins this thing with Adam seated next to him.  Jay is playing a great game in that he's trying to make moves, has the odds stacked against him, but he doesn't seem to be panicking.  And I think I could listen to Jay and Adam talk strategy all day.  Yin-Yang indeed.

    Jay for the win.

    Editing to add that Jay's handling of Will was brilliant in this episode.  Jay was all, "hey, whatever you want, Will."  Then later, Will asked Jay if the vote was going to be David (while they were talking with Hannah and Bret) and Jay said, "yes, isn't that what you wanted?"  Jay played the cowed "yes-man" to Will's King Neptune perfectly.

    • Love 8
  18. 12 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

    This may be my favourite season ever. They cast actual fans and they're all playing hard. They even know to get rid of the goat! And they're all relatively nice and likable people. It just goes to show that you don't have to cast a Russell or a Dan Foley to get a dramatic season. As a fan, I find it so refreshing to have a season where there isn't a hateful person who was clearly cast because they're an asshole.  

    I absolutely love the relationship between Jay and Adam. I wish they both could win. But I also want Ken, David and Hannah to win. I don't know, I'd be happy with any of them winning at this point except Brett.

    Pretty pretty Ken won a puzzle challenge! He has a brain! Nice of Adam to watch Ken's ball (hee!) towards the end there.

    ++++1 to this entire post.  I was heading over here to basically say all of this (up to and including Ken's ball).  hee!


    12 hours ago, LanceM said:

    Hannah's thinking was strategically sound. It was the Cirie strategy from Panama. If someone on your tribe is planning on bring a goat to the final that means they are not bringing you.  You solve this dilemma by voting out the goat. 

    I was all, Hannah!!  THANK YOU.  I absolutely did not want to see Sunday at the end, even though she would've made a perfect goat.  But Hannah was right - Sunday sitting there instead of someone who actually played the game is the Survivor conundrum...a goat is a waste of space in the Final 3, and yet it's a great way to win the game when you've actually played hard.  I found it funny that it was always "BretandSunday," since what one did, the other followed.  Still two semi-goats in the game in Bret and Ken, but I'd like to think that they'd at least have something interesting to say at a FTC.


    11 hours ago, mojoween said:

    I am so not ready for this season to be over.


    I am already suffering from the PSFTCB (post-Survivor Final Tribal Council Blues).  Seriously, this season for me has been so redemptive, and that makes me happy.  It's just a tv show, yes.  But I've been watching since Season 1 and it has found a place in my heart for many reasons.

    I was so happy to see Poseidon Will get the boot.  When you go around shouting from the mountaintops that you're the one running the game, you might as well snuff your own torch.

    I am loving the Adam/Jay relationship.  I'm wondering if they might just find a way to be seated together at the end, with the understanding that one of them would take first place and the other, second.  It cracks me up when the two of them discuss their "sick relationship."  And I agree with other posters - I won't soon forget their bonding conversation in the hammock.  

    • Love 20
  19. 20 minutes ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

    Tony and Mykelti. Yeesh. "I wrotecha a pome. Oh kah?"

    I nominate Tabbygirl521 as the new subtitle writer for Sister Wives.

    And proof that this show is all over the place...I'd like to refer you to CCS's hair.  During lunch with Kody, it was a shaggy mess with one chunk weirdly tucked behind his ear.  On the couch with Mykelti, it looked like he'd finally figured out how to use a comb.  In yet another part of the show, it was shorter and curly.  I go from thinking this guy is an unkempt slob to kind of understanding what Mykelti sees in him.  KIND OF.

    • Love 5
  20. Janelle needs to take a chill pill regarding the morally offensive presence of lingerie at Maddie's shower.  The more she protests, the lamer she sounds.  And Janelle wanting to print "NO NO NO TO THE LINGERIE PLZ" in big block letters on the shower invites?  Stupid.  Just let it go.  Go wander off to the cake table if Maddie opens some lingerie.  If Janelle needs to be acclimated to lingerie, she should just wander over to Robyn's when she's not home and look through her dresser drawers.  Sheesh.

    • Love 14
  21. 6 hours ago, BlackWidow said:

    some of this stuff looks sadly like what random homeless people wear. Not making fun of the homeless, they obviously may not have a choice to just whatever whatever they can find.   Gotta take some pretty big balls to be like 4'9" and put this on and say you're wearing it to church...


      meanwhileI suppose I missed Sunday's debacle for the latest show it looks like some here have seen it though cable says it airs later this week- maybe that is when they put it up in the on demand-they did put that awful 'honeymoon special' thing back up  . If you think oh you can watch it now, and you'll have a different take on it or something like that, no, you won't- it only highlights exactly how they got where they are now as well as both the utter self-absorption and level of kool-aid drinking going on. I'll have to look at the latest thread  and see the latest cattiness and snark.





    That middle picture - of the polka-dot sweater and floral hot pants?  Honestly, if my sister or any of my friends ventured out in that outfit, I'd tell them "oh sweetie - no."  There are ways to mix prints.  Lularoe seems to think that literally any and all prints and designs are meant to be mixed for delightfully stylish, fashion-forward results.  Instead, that woman looks like she got dressed in the dark - that, or she let her 2-year old son pick out her clothes for the day.

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