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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. Given the body language we get to see during couch sessions, they seem to barely conceal their hatred of one another.  Kody, on the other hand, has his vapid "duhhhhhhhhhh" look perfected, as he sits there thinking about how it all went wrong...marry four women, prove that he's King Studly McStud, only to have to deal with all those messy and irrational hormones on a daily basis.

    • Love 4
  2. 15 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

    Do they all celebrate thanksgiving together or does each wife have a separate dinner. 

    Well, last year was the great "Hobby Lobby Debacle," where we watched as Meri and Janelle decided to tackle a project together - Thanksgiving Day decorations - and then Meri went out and did it all herself, leaving Janelle to spray-paint tin cans all by herself.  Or something.  

    All I remember from that episode was that there had to be little to no room on any of the tables for actual food, because of the $34,068 worth of decorations scattered over every available surface.

    • Love 5
  3. 5 hours ago, GaT said:

    Rob posted a gif of Chyna & Dream sleeping & commented "Just watching my girls sleep but man Chyna needs to chill with that snoring" Anybody else feel that you would kill your baby daddy if he did that to you?


    Well, I certainly would.  But this is BC, who allowed a stupid mannequin challenge to be filmed right before her c-section, so who knows.

    • Love 1
  4. 1 hour ago, DakotaJustice said:

    I think Meri is trying to find new revenue streams without actually getting a job or having to do any real work, I read somewhere that her sister was already an LLR consultant and the Browns already have a long history of being susceptible to Get Rich Quick pyramid schemes, so Meri was probably an easy sell. 

    But whyyyyyyy??  WHY is Meri allergic to real work?!  This is what I cannot understand.  Polygamist, monogamist, any-ist...if you are still young, healthy, have an empty nest and are all alone in a big ol' lonely mansion - and, in Meri's case, only having the "hubby" drop by every 4th night - what is her deal with not wanting to earn a normal paycheck?  Does she actually think her "celebrity" status means she can't go out and earn some real money?  Does she think that as a plyg, she won't get hired?  Isn't that why they moved to Vegas, so no one would care about that?  Does she think she needs to stick around home base and keep an eye on her Caveman?  Guess not, because she's traveling all over with Lularoe.  Doesn't she feel a need to contribute to all those precious bonus children she claims to love?

    These people used to have real jobs.  Why have they all decided that promoting random schemes is the only way to get a paycheck?

    Don't worry if none of these questions can be answered.  I ask the same kind of ridiculous questions on the Kardashian thread.  I should know better.

    • Love 7
  5. So far I've seen an IG video of the Mannequin Challenge before Chyna's c-section, saw a post from Rob of Chyna and Dream sleeping, with a comment from Rob that Chyna snores too loud, and a picture of baby Dream using the dog filter.

    Sadly, this is about what I expected from Rob.

    Congrats, Chyna - have fun spending that Kash from Grandma Kris.

    • Love 5
  6. 9 hours ago, Zerographic said:

    As someone who is infertile I really appreciate that the show/Kim keeps talking about infertility and high risk pregnancies. I don't even care if tonight's visit to the doctors was just a plot point. I want it to be in people's face and normalize it. Families shouldn't hide it as a shameful thing. 

    Between that discussion and the lunch with the families at "Everytown for Gun Safety," I was thinking that THESE are the types of shows the Kardashians should've done far more often.  Kendall was 100% right - she and her family should be using their "fame" (ill-begotten as it is), to bring awareness to issues that they believe in.  We used to see it briefly off and on - there was an episode long ago where Kim and her siblings bought new furniture for a family affected by a hurricane, and I recall Khloe visiting and helping at a woman's shelter.  These types of episodes would make this family easier to deal with.  If they acknowledge that they have the resources to make a difference and then do so, a least they'd be using their fame for some good.

    But it's far too little, far too late.  They can't sit around a table and discuss topical issues and expect that their fanbase is going to take them seriously...because in between anything somewhat relevant, we are going to be shown vapid crap filler like Scott doing water aerobics with a bunch of older women, Khloe pumping even more plastic into her various body parts, lots and lots of salad-eating, and social media ads for Fit Tea.

    • Love 5
  7. As usual, I have to wonder if there is some sabotage here between Meri and Janelle...

    Meri finds out that Janelle is going to launch "Strive," a weight-loss motivational site, as her latest get-rich-quick marketing scheme business venture.  Meri knows that Janelle is very sensitive about her weight, so Meri uses that as motivation to drop some weight first, faster, and better.  Kind of a "LOL, Janelle - while you're putting together a website full of information anyone can get on Pinterest, I'm going to kick it into high gear and lose weight while you sit at home, munching peanut butter Fritos and trying to choose the right fonts."

    I mean, good for Meri.  She looks good.  The timing is interesting to me, and I am convinced these women don't do anything without trying to subtly undermine as many of the other wives as they can. 

    EDIT: Lularoe sounds like a nightmare to run.  Good luck, Meri.  You can always turn to Robyn to discuss the impacts of a failed business.

    • Love 9
  8. Dream is actually not nearly as bad as what I thought she'd be named.  Pairing it with "Renee," though...I'm a child of the 70's where every other girl's middle name was Renee or Marie (not that there's anything wrong with that).  If you're going to give a child an ethereal name like Dream, might as well pair it with a middle name like Marigold or November.

    And all this is just babble, because I'm truly afraid that this child is going to be used as a pawn very soon, and that's sad.

    • Love 3
  9. Any thoughts as to why Adam is trying so hard to be besties with Taylor?  I posted this in the episode thread also.  When I see Adam so earnestly apologizing to Tayls, giving up secrets, etc...I don't understand the point of what Adam is trying to do.  In all other aspects of the game, Adam seems to be a fairly smart super-fan.  So it makes his near-desperation to be liked by Taylor all the more confusing.  

    I kind of have a handle on everyone's gameplay except for Adam.  I want to like him but he's not making it easy. 

  10. 1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

    I'd agree it's certainly not the most interesting cast they've ever had, but at the same time, it's one of the least offensive they've had as well. I tend to value to latter more lately. I don't even know who I'm rooting for, really - but there have been too many seasons where I had to shut the damn thing off and quit watching until they got rid of a certain player because I simply couldn't stand the sight of them (cough*hantz*cough).

    Which is why I'm loving this season so far.  A cast doesn't have to be controversial to be entertaining.  I'm liking the fact that we have thinkers and players this season in Ken, Zeke, David, Michelle, etc.  I've had enough of players like Dan/Will/Scot/Bounty to last me a few seasons.

    1 hour ago, survivinmt said:

     I am completely baffled by Adam's relationship with Taylor. First they are on opposite sides of the tribe. Then Adam helps vote Figgy off. His "explanation" to Taylor is "No two ways about it - I screwed you over." Taylor agrees, so Adam thinks ? he's forgiven? I guess? Then Adam catches Taylor stealing food. Goes straight to him and spills his guts because now that Adam caught him, they are best friends again? What the -- ? Then Adam says, "Don't tell." Taylor tells. So Adam says, "Well, dang, Taylor. Don't tell THIS TIME." There is just no rhyme or reason other than a Kaa-like mesmerization of the blue eyes.

    Adam is just so darned earnest with Taylor, I cringe with second-hand embarrassment for him.  There's absolutely no need for Adam to kowtow to Taylor, so it makes his excessive apologies seem strange.  The only thing I can think of is that, unlike Zeke, Adam wants very much to be in with the "cool kids," while Zeke recognizes that hanging with Tayls and Jay would get him nowhere except booted out at the first available opportunity.  I think all of Adam's talking about Jay's "right-hand man" was his way of trying to ingratiate himself into becoming Tayl's confidante, forgoing Jay for Adam.  Still don't know why, though.

    33 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

    Jay's looks aren't really my taste, but he definitely looks like he could step into a boy band and blend right in. Taylor's got beautiful eyes but the 'duh' vibes radiate so hard off of him that I can't find him attractive either. Ken, on the other hand...just stunning. 

    THIS. ^^^

    • Love 10
  11. Okay, come on!  Day 8 and she's thankful for some guy who makes gluten-free donut holes??  I don't think that's what the intention was for the 30 Days of Gratitude, much as it bugs me.  And I'm not sure what thankfulness has to do with free advertising, but whatever.

    Although this could be intentional on her part.  She's thankful for a lot of things that have zilch to do with her family.  Maybe she really is starting to see her husband for the caveman that he is, and how she's been duped to play the role of eternal jealous wife, whilst Kody dallies hither and yon from bed to bed, hair carelessly flapping in the breeze.  If this is the case, I kind of like it.

    That said, Meri is definitely looking thinner and oranger than ever.

    • Love 5
  12. I'm not sure how "being good with Mason jars" translates into "I'm gonna steal this food 'cause I'm hungry," but whatever, Tayls.  And you're actually not good with Mason jars, as you woke at least two of your tribemates while you clinked and rattled around in the middle of the night.  And that stupid smirk at TC when asked about stealing the food - dude had zero remorse.  Tayls should've gone home, but I can see the reasoning behind voting off an unexpected player to avoid Jay passing his idol to Tayls.  I was sad to see Michelle go, because I think she actually had some gameplay in her.

    I feel awful for Adam, knowing what we know about his mom.  But I do wish he'd stop talking in Gameshow Announcer Voice.  I feel like he's speaking in soundbites in order to get screentime, and it's working.

    Stay under that radar, Ken!  

    EDIT: @BusyOctober - we had the same thoughts re: Mason jars.  I didn't understand the logic, either.

    • LOL 1
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  13. I didn't know that Jinge is the only Duggar who is left-handed.  For that reason alone, I am hopeful that she breaks away from the pack and doesn't have a baby nine months from last Saturday.

    I fast-forwarded through the rest and then deleted it off my DVR.

    • Love 3
  14. 1 hour ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

    Nice how Meri picked a picture that flatters her but her darling daughter's face is obscured. At least I think that's Mariah. I'm not sure because she has a face full of leaves. 

    Not Mariah...that's #LularoeSarah.  Or maybe it's #LularoeCarly.  Or it could be #LularoeMonroe.    Perhaps even #LularoeLeggings.  I wonder if they all refer to Meri as #LularoeMeri?

    Kind of sounds like a cult.

    EDIT: I just realized that "Sarah" is the name of Meri's sweater.  Are her leggings called Carly and is the oversized t-shirt known as Monroe?  I don't freaking know.  But I don't think it's Mariah in the picture.

    • Love 4
  15. On 11/6/2016 at 9:25 PM, Malvina said:

    Grammatical error aside, what exactly was "Davidncil" trying to say when they wrote, "You all are doing great?"  Meaning Smuganna's marriage?  Like it's something to aspire to?  Or just the fact that they're appearing in public?  Interesting caption.

    I can't tell if Pris is wearing a similarly colored shirt as that of her headship, but I'm going to just guess and say that she is.

    You could not pay me enough to share a sloppy sundae with that lot.

    • Love 3
  16. On 11/6/2016 at 10:45 PM, Sew Sumi said:

    Jason Hartono's pictures are down (Insta Story? although one was taken around 3am, so it hasn't been 24 hours yet...maybe he got in trouble), but someone was nice enough to crop out Mechelle in the outfit I described above. Most everyone at this shindig looks like they'd changed into casual clothes, Boob included, so I will assume she also changed out of whatever monstrosity she wore to the actual ceremony. 



    This is the outfit I was referring to.  Don't look at it too long as it may cause drowsiness.

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