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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. When I have to start watching this show on the sly from my family and deleting it right afterwards so it doesn't show up on the DVR list...I might have a problem.  My friend and I were discussing the trashy tv shows we watch and when I copped to this one, she looked at me like, "Wow, you win."


    Rob's depression and despondence is palpable through the television screen.  He is uncomfortable with BC showing him any affection on tv.  He's rarely seen eating on the show, even when food is right in front of him.  He complains that he wears the same clothes day after day, yet he still wears the same clothes day after day.  He hates his facial hair, but doesn't shave.  He's filmed in his bed as much as Kris Jenner is filmed in her kitchen.  He says he's diabetic and yet doesn't take his insulin, feels sick and scared, but doesn't do what he knows he needs to do to manage his health.  He feels like all eyes are always on him, hates getting his picture taken, hates being the center of attention.

    In turns, this breaks my heart and enrages me.  He is clearly depressed, I don't think there's any arguing that.  It all begs the question - what is this man doing playing out his mental health issues for entertainment television?  It's disturbing to watch, but someone in that family, or several people, more likely - think that this is a great idea, because MONEY.  Oh, and RELEVANCE.  Gotta keep the Kardashian name out there, lest the viewing public forget all about them and they fade into obscurity.

    I'm past the point of wondering why he is on television in the first place, because we already know this family has and will continue to sell their souls, as well as their sickest family members, for ratings.  What I am fearful of is turning on the news to hear something much worse has happened to Rob.

    • Love 17
  2. On 9/21/2016 at 10:47 PM, SmallTownMom said:

    And Boob saying the closet smelled bad?  

    That was probably JB's own rebound halitosis from standing in such a confined space.  That, along with the pee that JB sprayed all over the place, would surely make any space smell bad.

    • Love 10
  3. 7 hours ago, blackwing said:

    Homeless Shelter Guy on the other tribe is very irritating, he narrates everything in his Announcer Voice.


    Wasn't he also the one who, when Jeff asked his name and repeated it (Adam, I think) - Adam responded with, "Probst!"  Adam fancies himself an insider, someone who is way more comfortable in the game than he should be.  When they were evacuated, he was saying/yelling: "We've never seen this before!  We've never had an evacuation!"  Like he was a member of production or something.

    • Love 7
  4. 3 minutes ago, candall said:

    I'm know this is horrible, but I think there was an argument to be made for voting off Ms. Highly Contagious Bacterial Eye Infection.  And then burning everything she'd touched.


    That was hard to look at, and she must've been miserable.  I don't know how medical works on Survivor for things like that, but hoping she got some eyedrops STAT to prevent spreading it to everyone else.

    • Love 4
  5. 1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

    But I was glad to see they sent Rachel home first. Mainly because she said, "feel a certain way", and after an entire summer of Big Brother, I don't think I want to hear that phrase ever again. But, also, homegirl has no self awareness. At least David KNOWS he's a hot mess (seriously, who has to cover their ears when wood is being chopped??? I mean, besides my 5-year-old with sensory issues.); I think there's more of a chance of him adapting and working well with others. 

    Overall, excited for a new season, as always. Don't disappoint me, Survivor! 

    I loved your entire post, but AMEN to the bolded line.  And I'd better not hear the word "friendship" uttered either, in any sentence, in any context, ever.

    I know that one of the Survivor stereotypes is the person who doesn't camp, thinks bugs are icky, hates the water, the sand, the sun, the moon...but David kind of takes that to an extreme.  If he somehow gets a miraculous redemption arc, that's cool - but why sign up for a reality show that is literally composed of all the things you hate?  Hopefully he calms down a bit and picks up some skills, like Cirie did.

    I'm okay with the theme this year, mainly because of the Hawaiian Shirt Guy who started the fire...didn't he say something about being on a tribe with the Millennials but identifying with Gen X?  That's the kind of thing that could get interesting.

    WELCOME BACK, SURVIVOR.  I missed you.

    • Love 9
  6. It's over.  We have closure.  Even if many of us were over this group of dim bulbs weeks ago, it's finally over.  It's like getting your hands on a book you've been dying to read, only to find out that it sucks, but you have to finish it as a personal mission.

    Nicole: please go away now and take Jingle Balls with you.  You are not Jeff and Jordan.  You are not even Brenchal.  Corey was going to dump you until you won, so congrats on that, I guess?

    Paul: so much for FRIENDSHIP.  LOLZ.

    Paulie: I hope New Jersey locked you out and threw away the key.  Good luck finding a date ever again in your life.

    Z: please don't be pregnant.


    • Love 12
  7. 6 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

    Thank heavens I live in a world where these hashtags are foreign to me. #realwomenrule I say that not even being overweight. I just want women to be comfortable in their own skin and not cave in to fad diets/supplements.  

    Exactly, and to hashtag a weight-loss gimmick in the context of delivering a healthy baby - and suggesting that the newly exhausted mom should immediately start thinking about dropping that pesky baby weight - when the baby has been out of her body for mere minutes - is tacky and disgusting in the extreme.

    • Love 13
  8. 28 minutes ago, iwasish said:

    Who reacts to a call from their child in the midst of a panic attack, by suggesting a sip of water and putting her on FaceTime to watch/listen to a staged conversation with her half brother and semi brother in law? 


    This is what bugs me to no end about Kris.  She reacts to her children's various crises by talking gibberish in that stoned, dreamy voice, which suggests that every single storyline is made up or re-created for the cameras, or she truly is just too checked out or drunk on vodka to care.  Even when she does squeeze out tears, I feel like she's doing that for show as well.  There are very few times I can recall where I thought Kris's emotions on the show were actually real and raw.

    I just caught the episode where Rob had appendicitis.  After Rob calls Kim, Kris talks a big talk about how she needs to rush right over to get Rob and drive him to the hospital, and yet she does this little pretend rushing-around dance and keeps saying she needs to put on her tennis shoes, and then we see a shot of her feet.  I mean, who cares what shoes she was wearing?!  The entire thing (except Rob's pain, which seemed real) smacked of a re-creation.  I can totally see Kris getting a call from her sick son, and Kris asking him to just hang in there and not pass out until she can get to make-up, get her hair done, and make sure the camera crews are on sight and the lighting is good.

    • Love 4
  9. 1 hour ago, sometimesy said:

    Haven't seen the episode, but if the appearance of Jana's garden is any indication, the internet community does influence them. Call it FU internet, but in some cases it might just be learning.  

    What I can't understand is why the Duggars haven't had a garden for the past 20 years or so.  That's common sense for a family that large.  It's not terribly difficult to grow vegetables, and even if Michelle or JB couldn't be bothered to pull weeds or pick beans and tomatoes, they had a whole passel of kids to do that.  Plus, it would've been educational and given the kids a sense of pride.

    Ah........I think I just hit on the answers as to why JB & Michelle never had a garden.  My bad.

    • Love 19
  10. Maybe Josiah printed up Jill's midwife certificate on the old Duggar home printer, put it in a Dollar General frame, and voila - Jill is a certified midwife!

    And if Jill is depressed, would she even really understand what's wrong, and that it's not only normal but treatable?  I don't see any of the Duggars walking around with enough self-awareness to realize that something might be wrong, let alone be able to classify the feelings as depression.  I'm guessing that depression, as we know it, is something not within their realm of thinking - therefore never diagnosed and never treated.  If Jill did have PPD, she may never "grow out of it," as long as she's not being treated, or allowed to talk about it.

    • Love 3
  11. 15 hours ago, Joe Jitsu913 said:

    Jeremy reminds me of the EYE-talian men I used to come across in Rome.  The ones who whistle and cat-call the female tourists in hopes of getting laid.  I also think Jeremy has really bad breath and is probably horrible in bed. 

    If he has bad breath, Cringe should be used to that, because JB totally looks like halitosis personified.  As for part 2, Cringe has no way of knowing what's good or bad, so Jer shoots and scores on both points!

    Jinger is acting "normal" for her lifestyle -- being repressed and sheltered to the point of being emotionally damaged.  Her eyes are doing the work that the rest of her body wishes it could do.  Jeremy likely had a taste of a fairly normal lifestyle and for him to be interested in this googly-eyed, craft-making, dots-her-I's-with-hearts 23-year old with the hormone-filled brain of a 14 year old girl is not normal.  It's creepy.

    • Love 8
  12. 5 hours ago, Rainflower said:

    It's probably why the free tickets aren't flying for Strive after she posted the info on Twitter. The Brown family do not have a real, active fan base.

    And I totally want to have the cameras filming the faces of Kody and the wives at the actual moment they truly and fully comprehend this.  Especially Kody, who fancies himself a gracefully aging, charming, studly surfer-dude-brah with a following of women eager to be his #5.

    If the Browns are behind this scheme STRIVE event, I'm sure they see those 1,580 empty seats as the "haterz" seats, therefore they are much better off speaking to the 20 people (and Toodles!) that do show up.  Better a small group so Janelle can connect on a deeper level with every attendee, and tweet something like, "Even tho attendance was down, I made some friends for life!! #STRIVE #believeinyourself #showmethemonaaaay"

    • Love 7
  13. More extreme randomness in this episode, especially the Rob/Scott scene at the beginning of the show:

    Rob and Scott are talking about Rob's eye, because his eye hurts.  This issue is never resolved, because then Rob wanders off to go outside.  Scott follows, seemingly befuddled, following awkwardly after him.  Next, the twosome go to Kris's house for a...meeting, I guess?  We hear Kris's disembodied voice state that she is "obsessed with coffee table books," apropos of absolutely nothing.  I don't think "obsessed" means what she thinks it does, but whatever.  And didn't she say that exact same thing last season when Khloe was visiting (I hate myself for knowing that).  It's like they took a random non-sequitur voice-over from Kris to establish where they were.  Then Kris and Rob talk about Chyna with Scott sitting and listening, while Rob rubs his face and smirks in a way that suggests he'd rather be in a dark room with the covers over his head.  Then, just when it can't get any weirder, Kendall calls in the middle of a panic attack, Kris tells her to drink some water and maybe a sip of juice, and then Kris puts her on facetime so she can eavesdrop on the personal conversation between Kris and Rob (and Scott) because...???  I don't know.

    This is why I get so angry at myself for watching this.  We're not watching anything in any sort of logical timeline, and the producers/Kardashians aren't even pretending to try and make anything cohesive anymore.  Hair goes from short to dark to red to long to short.  People wander back and forth and hang out with each other just to make it part of a storyline.  Awkward conversations are filmed that clearly have either taken place earlier minus the camera and then re-created, or the players are reading from cue cards written in gibberish.

    And yet I watch.  Even my husband, who got me hooked on KUWTK several summers ago, professed shock that I am continuing to watch this awfulness.  So I can't blame anyone but myself.

    • Love 7
  14. "The 48-year old has no source of income other than the show."

    That's pathetic, sad and neglectful.  Kody loves to boast about his four wives and 18 or so kids...not so much about how he feeds them.

    I have to wonder how things are going in the cuddle-sac nowadays, without the cameras and indulgent parties and money.

    • Love 3
  15. 1 hour ago, toodles said:

    Today was the MSWC "investors" meeting.  It's probably off topic for this thread, but they were supposed to be grossing $10m in 2016 on MSWC crap.

    ...they were supposed to be grossing $10m in 2016 on MSWC crap. (fixed)

    Did they really think they were going to make $10 million??  Is that what the "m" stands for?  Because that's just.........did they really think that?

    Godspeed, Toodles, on your STRIVE venture!  Don't drink the Kool-Aid OR the green goo!!

    • LOL 1
    • Love 8
  16. 3 hours ago, becca3891 said:

    Disgusting, misogynistic Boob is falling back on the old putdown of suggesting a man is womanly, as if that's the worst thing imaginable.

    I thought there was an entertainment center on the opposite side of the room to the (only) couch, but maybe not.


    Regarding the put-down of a man as "womanly," JB is deflecting so hard because it's likely he has at least one gay child at home.  Not that he'll ever admit it, or let his child admit it, or let the child live any sort of fulfilling life, or anything sane like that.  Which is yet another way the Duggar kids are not allowed to express any sort of individuality or personality that isn't programmed into their brains by JB.  It's disgusting.

    As for Babe having a tv, I thought for sure there was a flatscreen on the entertainment center?  Although Babe could've just thrown a blanket over it and JB could've pretended to not see it...as he does with so many other things.  Cover it up and it goes away - right, Boob?

    Where exactly are Josh and Anna living right now?  Are they roaming around the shadows of the Duggar house, being instructed by JB to stay out of the line of filming?  If we've seen their kids, Josh must be nearby.  I can see JB motioning for Josh to duck behind the kitchen counter, or hide behind a couch, when the cameras are on.  Are they ever going to show Josh again?  If they do, they're putting a known molester on their family tv show.  If they don't, they will be accused of hiding him.  Tough situation to be in.  Good luck figuring that out, Headship.  

    • Love 8
  17. If we're going to get these ridiculously boring types of clip shows to drag out the season, then I hope they start wrapping this show up much, much earlier.

    Missing shoes?  Talking to plants?  Watching Big Meech meowing and...eating food out of a cat bowl, or whatever that was?!

    A new low indeed.  Snap out of it, Grodner, and go back to basics.

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