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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. Is Scott far enough removed from his own issues to be helping Rob with his?  I don't know about that whole situation.  Scott setting up spy cameras in Rob's house crosses the line from helpful to creepy.

    This show is really about the downward spiral of two people that don't belong together, an innocent baby on the way, and a mentally ill man who clearly feels awful in his own skin and being on television is perhaps the very last thing he needs to be doing right now.  But unless/until he finally "gets right," he has no other way to make an income at the moment, and Kris knows that televising her son's issues is a money maker for her.

    And Scott was right...saying " you have to work on yourself" to a person in the midst of depression is just talk.  It means nothing to Rob, and the one silver lining for Rob is that Scott does understand that.  Who knows, I'd like to see both Scott and Rob get healthy and have a lot of success.  But I don't think it's going to happen as long as both of them are on tv.

    • Love 8
  2. Rob was adorable on DWTS, and I remember his season (one of the last ones I watched).  I'm pretty sure the judges commented that his personality and smile helped to get him really far in the competition.  It's too bad that he couldn't take the confidence boost he got from that show and somehow parlay it into something else he enjoyed doing.  I don't think he was ever cut out for the famewhore lifestyle like his sisters.  Maybe he tried to convince himself that he could deal with the cameras in his face, but I don't know that he ever looked comfortable on KUWTK - at least, not like his mom and sisters are.

    I do wish he'd lose the current all-black wardrobe and baseball hat, but in the state of mind he's in, he probably doesn't think he'd look good in anything else.

    • Love 8
  3. "We love babies!" sounds like the mindless ranting of a disturbed woman.  Michelle loves babies, as in what a baby REPRESENTS.  I'm sure she loves being pregnant with those babies so the world can see how she's dutifully filling up her quiver, and so her headship can strut around like a potent peacock.  It's after they're born, and start to enter that adorable stage where they begin to show a unique personality...that's when it's not so much fun anymore for Michelle, and it's time for her to quickly get another bun baking in the oven.  To say "We love babies!" implies rather strongly that she loves the process of growing the baby.  After that, game over, move along..."hey, Number Five, here's your New Buddy - meet Number 15!  Momma OUT."

    This whole exchange between Joy and Michelle is sickening, a huge FU to everyone, and yet another way to insulate their specialness from us heathens that don't love babies because we choose to only have one, or two, or none.

    • Love 10
  4. I can't with Bridgette anymore.  I don't want to hear her speak at Finale night, don't want to hear her ask any questions, she's ridiculous.  As in, "Paulie?  You know what I think of you *giggle giggle*?  I think you're a *giggle* misogynist and you make my *giggle* blood boil!  And Z, you can do so much *giggle* better than Paulie *giggle giggle*!"  How does anyone take her seriously, including her place of employment?  I know people who laugh when they're nervous (I am one of them), but she can't even speak a complete sentence without laughing.  It's really weird.

    But Paulie, he's gross.  From the way he sits (aggressively) to the way he smiles (more of a reptilian smirk), to his stupid Paul-wannabe-haircut (makes him look deranged) to his clothes (1983 called, they want their white basketball shoes and stone-washed jeans back).  I actually thought he was cute when the season started, but his personality has turned him into one of the ugliest players to ever play this game.

    • Love 11
  5. 3 hours ago, iwasish said:

    That ugly ass painting that Scott, Rob and Chyna were looking at, wrapped in plastic. It was of all the K ladies having a Victorian type tea party. Did Chyna say she painted it? Cause that painting was in a episode years ago. I think someone gifted it to Kris.

    Actually, it wasn't that long ago (I think)...didn't Kris and Corey go visit some artist that Kris was currently"obsessed with" and that painting was sitting agsint a wall, and I thought it was odd that Kris didn't want to buy it and bring it to her own house.  So when I saw Chyna with it, it bugged me and I started wondering how on earth it came to be in her possession, and why would Chyna and Rob want a painting of Rob's mom and sisters in their house...and then I took a drink and forgot about it.

    • Love 2
  6. Churchhoney....seriously, you are so right-on with that wonderful list of things that most teens/young adults do as they grow up and learn about themselves.

    The Duggar kids are insulated, yes - but they also have access to the interwebz, social media, etc.  There is no way they don't know what else is out there in the world...the question is, why are they not attempting, even a little bit, to explore outside of their own family?  Are they truly that brainwashed?  Have they been somehow threatened by JB?  Are they simply still afraid to step off the blanket?  Are they holding back for the protection of their brothers and sisters?  I too am gobsmacked that not even one of the older kids has made the smallest attempt at trying for something more than the sadness of returning, night after night, to their messy, musty, shared dormrooms, cream-of-tater-tot casseroles, and being monitored by a father who will not protect them and a mother with marbles rolling around in her head instead of a brain.  What happens to the kids when JB and Michelle are no longer around?  Will any of them have the first clue how to take care of themselves?  This is awful, and sad, and abusive.

    • Love 7
  7. 3 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

    Well it's too late, Jim Bob! You can buy all the houses and storefronts you want to dangle in front of her as bait, but Jinger has busted out of the pasture and left the gate open behind her.  The others won't be far behind.  Soon they will be holding hands before marriage and laughing in your face.  The HORROR!!!

    And I will tune in each and every week to watch!!  Hang in there, TLC....you might just find your ratings go through the roof!

    • Love 2
  8. 3 hours ago, iwasish said:

    More likely the kid will be doing the visitation in the local psych ward.  Rob is seriously not well. And his weight is the least of his issues.

    Momma Kris said to Chyna "He might be a little depressed"     The understatement of the year. 

    Gahhh, what a load of crap.  What is her freaking problem?  He goes into hiding, he gains 100 pounds, misses several family milestones...and he MIGHT be a LITTLE depressed?  Is she trying to minimize the problem in the hopes that it will magically disappear?  Or, more likely, is she minimizing it so that viewers will continue to tune in to see the wacky shenanigans of  her mentally ill son?  Kris is a horrible person.

    • Love 3
  9. 2 hours ago, Aja said:

    Yeah and meanwhile I practically needed a cold shower after watching Josh and Anna's on-screen hand sex. 

    I don't remember the whole Josh/Anna courtship...did they actually hold hands?  How did Boob feel about that?  is it one of those things that's cool if his son is doing the blasphemous hand-holding, but not his daughter?

    2 hours ago, Magoo said:

     I think that's what caused the snarly escalator glare. .

    This is the name of my new band.

    • Love 5
  10. The whole apartment visit was over-the-top awkward - with JinJer mashed together on the couch, the 'rents bookending them, watching them watch each other, with Jer's arm superglued around Jinge's shoulders, and her unable to stop gazing at him like she wanted to eat his head.  You just know JB wanted to forcibly remove Jeremy's arm (probably from his virginal daughter's untouched shoulders, preferably from Jer's body), but couldn't do it.  So instead the two men engaged in some alpha-male, verbal "sparring," if you will, which was as hilarious as it was useless.  Jeremy wins this round, and JB cannot deal.

    • Love 18
  11. 24 minutes ago, sometimesy said:

    Boob actually advised Jeremy to get a part time job to support a thrift store habit? Isn't it more practical to advise Jinger to work within a budget? We know she isn't going to get a job.


    My first thought was, gosh - why not let Jinge get her OWN job?  Or does Jeremy frown on that kind of forward thinking?  I'm sure it's blasphemy for Boob.

    When Jinge was packing for Laredo, she was up in the girls' dorm room, choosing clothing from a huge rack of crap.  Do they girls share those clothes?  Can any girl take what she wants off the rack?  And why did Jinge pull out the t-shirt that said "I HEART TEXAS" and then put it back?  Seems like the perfect thing for a 13-year old girl to wear on a trip to see her babe in Texas.

    • Love 14
  12. Do the Duggars have a garden, or have they ever had one?  If not, why?  With that many mouths to feed, and that many J'slaves to weed, water and harvest, why would they not choose this option to give these kids something to eat that doesn't come out of a box or can?

    I didn't watch this show from the beginning, so I can't recall if I've ever seen any of the Duggars tending a garden.

  13. LOLZ, yeah...like Kris would ever let Rob move away from under her control with her grandbaby on the way and Chyna calling the shots.  Kris and Kim need their minions close by, so they can drop in whenever they want and film the results.

    This is the sad thing...Kris and the Evil Sisters claim they want Rob to be happy.  But they've brainwashed him into believing that he cannot function without them.  Heck, in this episode, we see Scott (who now also seems to be firmly and bizarrely under Kris's thumb) driving Rob to buy a freaking toothbrush.  Is he really that dependent on his family members?  Is he that lazy?  Or is he being taken advantage of because he is ill?  Could he survive on his own, or has so much time passed that he literally doesn't know how to do that anymore?

    For whatever reason, Rob's mom and older sisters see him not as an independent person but as their commodity.  And right now, ill or not, the public interest is on Rob and BC, so Kris and Kim must throw Rob in front of a bunch of cameras and film the results, and Rob either cannot or does not know how to say no.

    • Love 4
  14. Based on this episode, Rob seems to be less Chyna's love interest; he's more like the punchline to her jokes.  From Chyna and friends all laughing in the car when he called her and said he was talking to his mom...Chyna tossing the flowers in the pool, and then Rob out of her house...stalking his place for a key to let herself into his house...all took place with her posse around her.  I don't suppose any of Rob's family members watched this and saw how it made Rob look like a marble-mouthed buffoon.  They were probably too busy checking Twitter and counting the money.

    • Love 8
  15. I find it funny that, when production uses interior shots of the house to segue between segments, it's always spotlessly clean and organized...then, they'll show the houseguests hanging out in a room that has clothes all over the floor and musty, twisted sheets that probably haven't been washed since Day One.  All I could think of when Corey was cleaning the kitchen was - if the kitchen is that gross, what must it be like to use the communal toilet and shower?

    And then I gagged, and tried to drink away the imagery out of my brain.

    • Love 3
  16. 4 hours ago, tricknasty said:

    That cleaning montage complete with dead eyed Corey talking to himself and horror movie music scared the crap out of me. I thought he was sleep walking and talking. Then he started cleaning

    I absolutely thought he was sitting there staring at the Memory Wall, sound asleep.  If he'd have started chanting "Harry Potter, Harry Potter," I would've screamed and thrown the covers over my head.

    During the very first episode, I singled out Corey to go far, based on nothing other than he didn't seem like the typical crazy famehoor this show frequently employs, and because I like baseball.  Then, as time went on, I grew to hate his vapidness.  Now, I foresee him winning this game and I dislike him a little less.

    And wasn't it initially Nicole's idea to put up Paul and Victor?  So she plants the seed in Corey's dusty brain, then proceeds to freak out when he claims he's actually going to go through with it?  I cannot stand Nicole.  I actually fist-pumped the air when Paul's mug appeared below Victor's.  As Corey says, gotta play Big Brother, not Big Baby.  LOLZ.

    • Love 2
  17. 2 hours ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

    Rob was never the brightest light in the house, but he seems like he's gotten extra stupid recently.  He sounds like he's trying to coin his own new phrases ("Bible", and whatever strange word he used to describe the weight he lost) in the most awkward way possible.  Does he own 100 black shirt/shorts outfits or is he wearing the same one everyday?  Why was his Dodgers hat logo blurred out on KUWTK but in full view on Rob & Chyna?  And Scott lecturing Rob on taking/not taking care of himself was pretty ironic.  Would have sounded better coming from Lamar.

    Thank you - I was like, "what word is he saying and why don't I know what it means?"  I still don't know what he said, and if this is how he's going to talk from now on, I may have to.....oh, who am I kidding, I'm going to watch this with dread and fascination and a bowl of popcorn until it plays out.

    Also, I was kind of twitchy with second-hard embarrassment for Rob as Chyna drop-kicked his flowers into the pool and physically threw him out of her house with her entourage looking on quietly.  Awkward.

    • Love 5
  18. 11 hours ago, iwasish said:

    Kris should have waited till Rob was dealing with his disease, maybe even after the kid was born to do this show. 

    Money never sleeps.

    7 hours ago, GaT said:

    I really liked how Chyna's friend told her that Rob was what she chose, so now she has to deal with it, but who are those 2 guys hanging out with Chyna? Are they just friends? Are they her Jonathans?


    That was the best 3 seconds of the show...Chyna has been friends with Kim for years, knew Rob, knew of his issues, and chose to enmesh herself into this family, even after her son's father took up with Rob's underage sister.  Chyna made that bed, and now Rob is in it.

    Rob seems to be slimming down, but his eyes are still empty and he no longer sounds like he used to.  People have a tendency to pick up on accents or manners of speaking from those around them, but it makes Rob seem even more off-kilter, because it doesn't even sound like him anymore.  It wasn't that long ago - 4, 5 years - that he was on Dancing With the Stars.  I can't even reconcile that Rob to the one I saw last night.

    3 hours ago, orangekit said:

    The show is actually disturbing, like you are watching a couple that will soon make the local news for some horrible incident. Hopefully, this mess will follow I Am Cait to cancellation.

    +++++1.  I feel icky for watching.  And...sadly, I will continue to do so.  I don't know what that says about me.

    My husband and I laughed every time Chyna turned around.  She looks deformed, like she has DDD implants that migrated or something.

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