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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. So, according to the article, the models did not pass out from heat, or lack of water, or lack of food...but because of the emotional stress of standing and having people look at them for two hours.

    And Kanye purposely started late because this caused his audience to fall into a meditative state due to observing and having to wait.


    • Love 5
  2. 10 hours ago, North of Eden said:

    DaVonne....oh she is priceless...throwing shade on Paulie for naming Corey as his number one while Zakiya stands there and takes yet another round of humiliation.


     I don't blame DaVonne and Bridget for no longer speaking to Z.  It sickens me that she's back with Paulie.  I wonder who Z is going to cry to when Paulie dumps her like last night's leftovers the second they leave the jury house.

    1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

    Poor Natalie.  She was so excited to meet Julie that her voice went to scream level like the two year old we sat next to in the Dairy Queen last night. 

    I don't know anything Nat said to James that compared with the way he treated her.  Nat was feeling bad and just wanted to sleep alone and his reaction was to  get mad, as though he had some permanent right to her body,  and then bring up all her past relationships in the house from before they were together.  She's been a NFL cheerleader, just wait till he hears about all the big athletes she dated before him.  Is he going to try to shame her for it?  I hope she goes home and forgets him.

    Oh, Natalie!  She was so composed and thoughtful with Julie in the beginning.  She spoke like a grown woman, didn't shy away from the questions or try to giggle them away, and I actually thought - was she seriously putting on the ditzy cheerleader act the entire summer?  But then, she went up three octaves and it was all over.

    I understood the Jatalie tension from both sides, until James brought up Victor, Corey, and (shudder) Paulie.  I thought Natalie dealt with his accusations calmly, and to me it seemed that she'd simply had all she was going to take from James during that particular conversation, and she went to sleep.  It's kind of gross how Nicorey and Vic/Paul all immediately started circling around James like vultures, wanting to be his shoulder to cry on, but they all need him now, badly.

    I was enjoying Victor's hearty laughing at Nicole's expense during the slip & slide challenge.  I hope her messy bun ends up coated in rancid, warm butter.

    • Love 5
  3. 1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

    There was something awfully phony about that Veto comp, and I don't mean just the fact that Corey managed to win it. The players who got "blown up" must have had to stop by the makeup department before retreating to the HoH room because there was nothing in that comp that would have blackened their faces (and I think Victor's shirt was even "torn" to make it look like he'd been in an explosion). We got stock footage of some building explosion then cut to the players entering the HoH room with blackened faces. How'd they get their faces blackened? They weren't actually in an explosion.


    I  noticed that and thought, no wonder Corey and Paul were doing the comp in the dark...not only did production have to re-fill the water tank and re-stack the plutonium (or whatever), but also make-up and wardrobe had to drag the non-winners into a room, paint them with soot, and hack up their shirts with scissors.

  4. So let me get this straight...Corey goes into the first room of the MacGyver comp and immediately knows that he has to take down some random pipe when he hasn't even looked at the manhole cover...and yet, his brain short-circuits as he tries to figure out how to say the phrase "look who won the mental comp?"  I call BS.  He had to have been given instructions.  And that's crap.  Even Nicole doesn't think Corey could fight his way out of a paper bag.

    I don't know what to think of Natalie, I tend to want to give her a pass on her behavior with James.  While it's true she didn't follow her instincts and try to side with Paul/Victor, she was ride-or-die with James, who has played this game before, and went along with his instincts instead.  However, if James did have a final deal with Nicole all along (which I suspect he does), and he never told Natalie, then she was taken along for James's ride, and probably realized that in a final four of Jatalie and Nicorey, Nat was going to be the one who was cut loose if/when it got to that point.

    Further, I find James' behavior odd, as mentioned above.  Natalie told him exactly what she said to Paul/Victor.  But when Paul/Victor repeated her words to James, he acted like he'd just been blindsided.  Except...he wasn't.  Natalie had already come clean.  That's weird.

    • Love 9
  5. I may be mistaken, but given what we know of this family, I would think depression is considered a spiritual weakness, something that can be "fixed" with more prayer.  Although Michelle frequently looks medicated...either that or she's simply too far gone to manage any semblance of emotion other than adoring gazes at her headship (blech).

    I will no longer be able to look at Jeremy without getting the full-body shivers.  He really is a grown man dating an emotionally stunted girl.  What on earth does he even talk to her about during their 45 daily video chats?  Right now it's likely all "I luuurrrve youuuuuuuuuu," but that's going to get old really fast.

    Now that the Duggars are all up to speed with the wilderness, I would like to see them dropped off in the middle of nowhere and be forced to make their way home.  With NO CELL SERVICE.  Maybe Jeff Probst would be interested in an all-Duggar season of Survivor?  I'll tweet CBS, see what's up.

    • Love 10
  6. Rob may not be a self-starter, but I wonder what would've happened to Khloe and Kylie if they had been male.

    Khloe is Kim's hanger-on, and I think most of her "success" (for lack of a better word) is because Kim, at least in the beginning, did everything with Kourt and Khloe.  Kim's name and face got the jobs, Khloe (and Kourtney) were brought along for the ride.  Kylie seems afraid of her own shadow, would she have had success had it not been for her mom pushing her to start bringing in some money?  Who signed the paperwork for Kylie to get her lips done, which is what vaulted her into stardom in the first place?  Before that, she was the "ugly" sister (not that I think that of her, I thought she was adorable before she started messing with her face). 

    Kourtney at least went to college and seems to have a brain, and Kendall is doing her thing without Kris micro-managing her.  It seems that Rob was born with three strikes against him - he's a boy, he doesn't have the drive that his mom and Kim want him to have (not everyone was born to be a self-starter), and he has mental health issues.  I don't know, I waver between thinking he's lazy and thinking he was dealt a bad hand by being born into this family.

    • Love 8
  7. 33 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:


    Okay, now I'm truly devastated to be missing this. WTF?

    When your child's name is Spurgeon, I guess you don't have much of a choice. Spur? Spu? Sp? 'on?

    Oh my goodness, yes...Bin was dressing The Spurge in overalls, and started blathering on about how they barely covered his knees, so they were actually shorts...and then, that other baby that Binessa visited had on overalls that were also shorts and Bin said that they were twinsies or something...crap, I don't even know, I think I hit myself in the head with my remote control to make sure that I wasn't hallucinating all of it.

    • Love 9
  8. 1 hour ago, Maya said:

    Did no one warn the survival guides about the Duggars? They seemed genuinely perplexed by this freak show. That said, NO WAY in hell would I sleep in a pile of leaves and spiders. 

    Those survival guides should've either sent the girls home due to their absolute stupidity in wearing skirts and flip flops to a survival camp, or they should've made them do anything and everything in those dumb outfits, like trek through the mud, climb a tree, build a shelter, etc.  Yes, we all know the Duggars do things "differently."  But what in tarnation is the point of going to survival camp if you're not dressed appropriately for the woods, you refuse to drink the charcoal-purified water, and you constantly weep and wail about the lack of cellphone service?  Seriously, I had to turn it off halfway through because I could not sit there and listen to another Duggar say the phrase "cellphone service" one more time.  Had it been the catchphrase for a drinking game, we all would've been passed out cold in the first 5 minutes of the show.

    I thought Jessa and Bin were going to call Spurgeon "Elliott" or some other random name?  All I've heard is Spurge, Spurgie, and Spurgeon - and all are horrible.  

    And listening to Bin discuss how overalls can also be shorts was riveting.

    • Love 8
  9. I wouldn't mind a season where they go bankrupt and everyone has to move into Meri's McManse to save money.  I kind of want to see the Wet Bar of Tears defaced by King Sol and Truely scribbling all over it with Sharpies, and poor Mer having zero down time to "chat" with "friends" on the interwebz due to the comings and goings of all of her precious bonus children and her beloved sister wives.  I also want to see Kody completely lose his mind when he realized he no longer has a quiet place to nap, crash on a couch, or run away from whichever wifey is giving him grief.  And his hair falls out.

    • Love 10
  10. Why is Scott's attendance suddenly necessary at every lunch with Kris?  I can only assume she knows that he is the lone member of the family worth watching at this point, but his weird fawning over her and their strange back-and-forth is annoying.  He's so loud and boisterous, and she's so stoned/drunk/spaced out, they make for a strange pairing.

    LOLZ at baby Reign running around in a black Yeezy shirt.  LOLZ at all of them wearing his stuff, in fact.  Product placement at its finest.

    And is Dave & Buster's going bankrupt?  That's the only reason I can think of for Khloe name-dropping the place and having her party there.  Way to seal your fate, D&B.

    • Love 4
  11. He went to college and graduated because that's what his dad wanted him to do.  So up until graduating, he had a blueprint for his life.  Afterwards, not only did he not know which direction to take, but his entire family was cashing in on the reality show, so I'm sure he figured, heck - why not party for awhile, get paid, and figure it out later?  But when later came, his mom no longer had time for him, his step-dad was on his way out, his father was gone, his sisters were making ridiculous amounts of money and calling him lazy because he couldn't figure out how to do what they were doing.  He's not unique in being 22,, 23, 24 and going through that scary time of knowing you need to get going on a path, and not having a clue what that path should look like.  But I can't imagine struggling to find your way in that crazy family.  Added to that is the likelihood of mental and emotional issues that probably go back farther than we know.

    It's too bad, I was always kind of hoping for Rob to figure out a way to shake off his family and succeed on his own, but at this point, I'm not sure if he can do it.

    • Love 14
  12. 12 hours ago, iwasish said:

    What's up with his house? When Kim and Kourtney were there, the rooms were empty, even the kitchen was barely furnished. Yet Kris and Faye Resnick furnished and decorated the whole thing.

    I was wondering this as well.  We know this show likes to employ creative continuity, but what the heck happened to all of the extravagant furnishings and wall art, etc.?  Why did the house look abandoned?  Are we supposed to think that Rob and Chyna had a fight and...the furniture disappeared?  I don't understand.

    12 hours ago, iwasish said:

    Too bad Chyna didn't realize that before she and Rob decided to have a child.  

    Rob clearly has mental and emotional issues (that may or may not be improving or stabilizing, it's hard to tell).  On this episode, he said that it's bizarre to him to have a child with someone and not be involved with that person.  I can't help but feel that Chyna can and will pack up and take that baby away from Rob if she decides that she can't handle being married to him, and what that might do to Rob's psyche.  I also agree 100% that it's shocking to see this being played out on a reality show.  I'm not sure if anyone, let alone his sisters, his mom, and BC - truly have Rob's best interests at heart.  Rob may have agreed to the new reality show, and I understand that he's a grown man with the ability to say "no," but I don't know if he can.  He's spent his entire life trying to please his mom and sisters, and now Chyna.  Furthermore, he probably has no other source of income.  The show pays the bills.  But putting cameras in the face of someone who appears to be emotionally fragile seems like a really bad idea.

    • Love 3
  13. Someone (I can't find the post) mentioned that Rob is showing side-effects from taking psych meds - namely sweating and weight gain.  And to me, his eyes don't look right - he seems unfocused, and his smiles don't look legit.

    So, I guess it's good that he's being prescribed meds under a doctor's care, but I question why this same doctor isn't explaining to him that being on his own reality tv show might not be good for him - since Rob himself says he went into hiding because he couldn't handle all the press staring and commenting on him.

    But then, these are the Kardashians, and when I think it through, his doc could either be the same one who makes house calls at the Kardashian manse to give them all vaccines...or (more likely), Rob's doctor actually is telling him to back away from the cameras, but PMK is whispering over Rob's shoulder, telling him all about the cash money and how he needs to do it for the family.  Because no one goes against the family, or so I've heard.

    • Love 4
  14. Why do the women have to wear modesty shirts, wear skirts past their knees, but they get to let their bare piggies show for all the world to see?  I've never understood that, and I've always been afraid to ask, because part of me doesn't want to know.

    • Love 2
  15. 11 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

    No, it was more like 7-8 months all told. 

    Regarding Josiah - was he the only one who went to "camp" for so long, or did some of the other Duggar boys go for the same amount of time?

    And regarding Josie, who is her "buddy?"  She doesn't seem to have anyone accountable for her.  It's clear that Michelle and JB don't care what she does, and that's unspeakably sad.

    • Love 1
  16. 2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

    It was really weird, to me, that they showed a Have Nots segment this week, when we really haven't seen any this summer. I wish they'd be more consistent with that. In fact, I wish they'd go back to the old way of doing it altogether. 


    Thank you!  Remove the 154 ways to get back in the house and spend some time showing the basic stuff.  Once you're evicted, you're out for good.  At this point, that would actually be a shocking twist.  No one would see that coming.

    Um, Nicole...when a guy you heart constantly refers to you as "dude" and "brah," he might not be that into you.

    Big Meech the Nutritionist knows what's up!  Kiwi skin is packed with fiber and preserves much of the vitamins you'd remove from peeling it.  I tried it that way exactly one time and it's not for me, but kudos to her.

    So will Nicorey buy a clue and realize that by keeping Paul, they've just handed over their game?  Or is Corey still too dazzled by all teh Christmas lightzzzzzz?

    • Love 13
  17. After watching the latest episode, I was actually somewhat impressed that Derick is fairly well-spoken.  He even used the word "negate" properly in a sentence.  Or maybe it's just the stark contrast between him and the rest of the Duggars, who speak in halting, jumbled word salads that make Derick sound smarter.

    • Love 7
  18. 17 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

    Out and about the other day, I saw a woman with a lesser version of the possum head. I nearly tossed my cookies, but recognized this woman was wearing jeans and a grubby tee shirt. She just has that kind of hair. With Mechelle? Who knows what her hair in its natural state looks like?

    And this begs the question - who was watching her babies (before she could hand them off to her older babies) while she was spending time crimping and curling and unraveling and spraying that hair into crunchy perfection?  I can't imagine she rolls out of bed with that look.  With hair that long and permed, it must resemble a large, tangled rat's nest every morning.

    • Love 5
  19. How is it possible that Jinge doesn't know how to make anything but spaghetti?!  Unless Jana did all the cooking, every single day - but still, you have to really be a dim bulb if you can't figure out how to make a grilled ham and cheese or scramble some eggs, or follow a recipe on the back of a box.  I'm dumbfounded.

    • Love 5
  20. 43 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

    Josiah looks like a really sweet kid.  Even though not all boys want to be jocks, that alone doesn't give my gaydar an automatic ping.  He's expressed a desire to be an accountant, so that gave me the impression he's more of a bookish and shyer kid to begin with.

    Personally, I could care less if he's really gay or not, and he has made my gaydar Ping, but what worries me more is the level of suffering he'd have to endure living at the TTH not being allowed to be who he is if that's really the case. 

    I'd like to think in today's society that being gay isn't the big freaking shocking deal it used to be, but most in Fundieland, they're still in the dark ages when it comes to accepting "that sort of thing".  Josiah seems much more open minded than most of the Duggar kids, so I'd hate to see that sweet and gentle kid manhandled by Boob.  KJB is a tyrant and a bully and it's his way or the highway, and Si knows it. Poor kid has been isolated from the rest of the world,so it's not like he's got anywhere else to go. Most people, regardless of orientation, have enough bumps in the road figuring out "who" they are as an individual away from their family of origin. Duggar parenting short circuited that journey for all their kids.

    On another note, after the humiliating birthday video, where's the Duggar drippy sundae picture? 

    All of this is very well-said, especially the bolded line.  These kids, gay or straight or whatever they are deep in their souls is completely meaningless, because they have one road to take, and that's JB's road.  I wonder if JB and Michelle have ever discussed the possibility, or is it simply a non-issue because that's how they want it to be?  Is sexual orientation something that they believe can be prayed away?

    As the Duggar kids get older and we start knowing their personalities, I find myself rooting for one or two of them to break away, and lead the others to realize that there is so much more in the world for them than what they know.  At the moment I seem to have the most empathy for John David, who seems extremely shy, has a good, solid work ethic, but also has the burden of his older brother's crap to deal with, feels like he needs to be the leader of his brothers and the watcher of his sisters, so at the end of the day, there's nothing left over for him.  His eyes seem palpably sad when he talks, IMO.

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