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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. 1 hour ago, iwasish said:

    You could see either her corset or her triple layer spanx holding her waist in and pushing all the fat up thru the back of her arms. 

    Aha!  Finally an explanation for why she always wears a coat over her shoulders - to hide the re-located fat.  

    • Love 5
  2. Khloe said something to Malika about how, when Khloe and Lamar were married, Lamar would take off and party every time Khloe was out of town, like a toddler who runs away every time his mommy gets distracted.  They're now divorced, but Lamar and Khloe are still playing each other like finely tuned violins.  They absolutely, literally deserve each other for the rest of their lives.  She needs him to make sure her sainthood remains intact, and he needs her so he can get an allowance for good behavior, and then blow it all on candy and booze.

    They make Kourtney and Scott look relatively well-adjusted in comparison.

    • Love 3
  3. 44 minutes ago, Artsda said:

    Interesting Kourt said she and Kanye got into a fight in Iceland about him always speaking out.

    Given that no one understands what Kanye is talking about because he's a genius, and Kourtney's vocabulary consists of the word "yeah," how did she even know that she and Kanye were fighting?

    • Love 15
  4. 55 minutes ago, wings707 said:

    The smart money says she threw it. 

    Natalie went from throwing the ball like a child to rolling it perfectly down the ramp three times in a row.  I hate to ask this, because this cast makes me crazy, but why throw this comp?  She seems to have moments of awareness in between doing her cheerleader kicks.  At times, I feel like she might be playing the best game of everyone, unless she's blinded by her crush on James.  Did she throw it because of the omnipresent fear of blood on the hands?

    • Love 1
  5. 13 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

    I am so tired of Nicole's perfectly mussed loose bun. So. Tired.

    And her nose, which I stare at while wondering if/when it will fall off of her face.

    Sure, getting Bridgette out would help Paul to not catch the dreaded Big Brother Bloody Hands Syndrome, but how dense is he to not realize that she is a total free agent, and would vote any way he told her?  That said, Bridgette might have a better game if she spoke to others the way she speaks in the DR.  There, she comes across as somewhat intelligent and aware, but she regresses into a three-year old in the presence of any of the men.  If she came to them with an actual plan instead of sitting there giggling, maybe she'd have a better shot to stick around.

    I hate pretty much this entire cast.  Enjoy your money, Paulie.

    • Love 9
  6. 13 hours ago, iwasish said:

    Another victim for Kylie. A dachshund puppy.  A birthday gift. So original.

    How many dogs does she have?  I think I've seen this family with every breed of dog I can think of.

    • Love 1
  7. I am THISCLOSE to finally being done with this show (until Rob and Chyna show up, that is).  It is so badly spliced and edited, I wonder if Northie and P are cutting and pasting the show together with blunt-end scissors and glitter glue.  The adult conversations make little to no sense, and they stand in awkward clusters making sentences out of words that don't normally go together.  They've had cameras following them around for what seems like forever, so one would think they'd come across as less stiff as time goes by, but I think some of the stilted conversations are so awkward because the Kardashians know that none of them have anything worthwhile to say, but they also know they'll get paid whether or not they make a lick of sense.

    Anyway...from the weird movie thing they were doing at the beginning with Scott and Kendall in bed together (seriously F'ed up, IMO), to Kris's perpetually spaced out face (she is barely coherent much of the time now), Khloe petting her stupid hair (long, then short, then long), Kourtney and Kanye's bizarre, disjointed conversation about blue contacts and diamonds, Khloe and Malika, like, discussing the, like, trainwreck that is, like, Lamar Odom...I mean, WTF are we watching?  I'd gain more information from watching the colors change on a lava lamp than trying to follow what these people are doing and saying.

    Oh, and there was Corey, hanging out in Kris's kitchen like the nosy neighbor that just won't go away no matter how much you ignore him.

    This show manages to out-stupid itself with each passing episode.  Maybe that's why I can't stop watching...I need to see the true limit of stupid.

    • Love 18
  8. 14 hours ago, GaT said:

    I'm not sure where to post things about BC, so I'll stick it in Rob's thread. It looks like she's taking her pregnancy dressing ideas from Kim, & is trying to wear regular clothes & failing miserably. These women have no problem showing their bodies to everyone, why can't they buy some decent maternity clothes?


    That dress looks hideously uncomfortable, too.  I just can't even fathom the thinking that goes into dressing like a sausage casing for daily wear, let alone when you're pregnant, in the warmth of an LA summer.  She must be sweating like crazy.  Yuck.

    • Love 2
  9. For a very brief moment, I had a smidgen of faith that maybe Paul wasn't as dumb as I thought...after discovering the code to listen to the clue, he knew that he was being watched and didn't want to go into the secret room in front of anyone.  He left the phone booth, said "I didn't figure it out" and ran off.  In that tiny span of time, I thought perhaps he would start running around the house, looking at things that had nothing to do with the clue in order to throw everyone else off the trail.  Seems like it might've been worth a shot.

    • Love 1
  10. 17 hours ago, iwasish said:

    I don't think Rob is really any better than he was before. I do believe he has some form of mental illness. He moves into that house and then days later he wants to move out? Even if he's just jerking his mom and sisters chains, that shit ain't normal.

    If Rob is really ill, putting him in a TV show and all that goes with it is not a good idea. 

    No one hides in their house for years, merely because they are overweight and embarrassed by that. His distancing himself from everyone, being MIA from family functions ( even with no cameras present), sneaking out to places unknown with persons unknown, it's more than antisocial behavior, or being in a "bad place". And you don't just wake one day like a bear from hibernation and emerge as though all is well.  They are fooling themselves if they think the last few years are but a  bad memory.


    Great post, and these are the points I agree with the most.  

    There are so many red flags that travel along with Rob, even a casual observer can see them.  I find it odd (although "odd," when used to describe this family, takes on a completely different meaning) that Chyna went to Grandma's party and Rob stayed home.  Odd that Kim is once again besties with Chyna, ignoring the fact that Chyna and Rob had a fight serious enough for Rob to miss the party.  And if the fight wasn't that big a deal, the fact that he was once again a no-show at a family gathering suggests that he could be sliding back into the dark place that I don't think he ever really left.  If a family member of mine misses several important family milestones and gatherings, I'm going to worry, and worry a lot.  I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Rob once again disappears for a length of time.

    I think he has issues that go way back to how his sisters treated him as a kid, and the fact that his dad passed away.  He's never seemed comfortable on the show like his sisters seem to be, especially seeing him in these new episodes.  Between Rob, Scott and Lamar, I don't know who is sicker.

    • Love 5
  11. 43 minutes ago, sharkfan said:

    And Paul is right up Paulie's ass, so it's quite the dudebro human centipede they've got going on there.


    LOLZ, this is the best visual ever, and also TRUE.

    The shot of Paul, Paulie, Victor and Corey walking one by one past the room where Frank was talking to Michelle was golden...it was like the Parade of the Airheads.  And then everyone barging in on Frank/Michelle - I give Frank props for not completely losing it then, and also later in the kitchen - when the Bearded One was all up in his business, and Frank is like, "um, yeah, that's how the game is played."

    I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see Frank evicted, and when he goes to open the door to Julie...the door is locked, and then we hear Julie's voice say, "Houseguests..."  I know there's a lot of things happening that we're not seeing.  I am hoping that something leads to Frank staying.  I literally cannot stand anyone else.

    Michelle reminds me SO MUCH of someone else, and I cannot think of who.  All I can sense is that she reminds me of another BB participant, and it's driving me nuts...from her eyes to her smile to her voice.  In fact, the first time I saw her, I thought she was a "returner."

    I don't know which makes me cringe with second-hand embarrassment more...the houseguests fawning over OTEV, or pretending they are laughing along with Zingbot when they really want to rip his arms off.  OTEV was particularly annoying this time around, so I'm glad that segment is over and done with.

    Oh, and shut up, Paul.  No, really, SHUT UP.  YOU ARE NOT OUR BOY SHUT UP SHUT UP.

    • Love 6
  12. I agree with others, there are so many explosive plot lines that just kind of fizzle away.  There is way too much going on, and it's hard to follow, because it's all too much and too unbelievable.

    I have occasionally watched/eye-rolled my way through The Bachelor/Bachelorette, and was pumped to see that a show was going to skewer the living crap out of those shows.  I love the casting - I cannot look away whenever Shiri is onscreen, and Quinn's one-liners aren't yet getting old for me.  Love Quinn and Chet, they are each other's deeply disturbed soulmates. 

    This season, things happen, and happen, and then more happens, and I find myself thinking - what about the women?  What are they doing?  How can they switch up filming so quickly, or change the show's events on a dime, or lose track of their suitor?  The cast of "Everlasting" is like a corral of cows that got loose.  Who is supposed to be watching over them?  Maybe this is a minor detail and I'm overlooking the bigger picture, but I want the show to be about the women and the suitor, and the messed-up machinations that go on behind the scenes.  Right now it seems to want to throw everything at us and see what sticks.  It's a confusing mess, but I hope the show gets another season and gets back to something closer to what season one brought.

    That said, Shiri is brilliant and I feel exhausted when she's onscreen...I can sense her emotions through the screen and as long as she's on the show, I'll keep watching.

    • Love 7
  13. Julie teased the "secret room" twist a couple of episodes ago, and last night's show lingered on the signs that are posted around the house (which I assume are clues to the room) but no one found the room, which I find funny.  These people have a ton of down-time, and memory challenges are usually a big part of the final few competitions.  I recall other houseguests in the past wandering around and counting lights, paying close attention to items in the house, etc.  I don't watch the live feeds, is anyone doing this now?

    The houseguests screaming "OOOOOOHHH!!" as Victor walked into the house, with no one approaching him (at first), was all kinds of weird.  Sometimes I wonder what instructions they are given.  This incident, for example, could read: "When your houseguest returns, everyone should immediately stand up and scream at him as if you've discovered a new breed of dinosaur, but are afraid to touch him in case he bites.  When your vocal cords are fried, and we have several minutes of footage of everyone looking utterly and completely shocked at this utterly shocking twist, you may approach your returning houseguest for a welcoming hug, as long as you continue to scream."

    When Frank approaced Da' during the comp to have a "secret" discussion with her, I'm blown away that someone, ANYONE, didn't get up and immediately follow him in order to blatantly listen in.  Why did everyone just sit there and let him try and make a deal with her?

    Nicole is a terrible liar.

    • Love 7
  14. On 7/21/2016 at 1:33 PM, Ina123 said:

    I think Kendall looks like she's natural unlike Kylie with the duck lips. I hope she stays that way. No matter how you feel about the whole K and Jenner clan, she really is a beautiful young woman.

    No matter how much surgery Khloe has had done, I can still reconcile her old face with her new one...as in, I can see the old Khloe buried within the plastic version.  I cannot do this with Kylie at all, and it's not just the lips that make her basically unrecognizable from how she used to look.  Maybe if she ever appeared on camera without fourteen layers of false eyelashes and eyeshadow, I'd be able to see the old Kylie, but as far as her appearance then and now, she seems to be two completely different people.  Only her sedated voice tells me it's really her.


    23 hours ago, qtpye said:

    Kylie makes me sad for some reason, though she is doing well with her lip kits.

    She makes me sad, too, because it seems that Kris and Caitlyn set her adrift into Adultworld years before she was ready.  I recall Kris pushing her to buy her own house at 18.  I would NOT want my daughter out on her own at that age - at least not all alone in a huge house with a questionable boyfriend and a stalker lurking in the shadows.  That seems to be the height of irresponsibility on Kris's part, but Kylie is too numb to know that she shouldn't be out on her own, and probably too embarrassed to admit that she's unprepared.

    • Love 8
  15. 3 hours ago, Racj82 said:

    Squeeze out fake tears? She crying all over the place. She had the complete snotty/crying all over your clothes thing going. It was annoying as all hell but it sure didn't come off as fake. To me anyway.

    I think her tears were real, but maybe she was pinching herself, or thinking about her puppy that she left back home, not crying over possibly losing Corey.  I haven't seen a lot of passion between them, but then, I don't watch the live feeds.  At least Hayden had a personality.

    • Love 1
  16. 5 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

    Now he's making muffins and no one really sees him as a threat anymore. Well done. Now if he could just stop with the "friendship!" and "your boy" crap.

    I also enjoyed how he asks the HG's if his muffins taste like "friendship." Can't stand him, yet he entertains me.  Maybe it's because whenever my initial fave, Cory, opens his mouth to talk, all I can think of is how I'd rather be watching paint dry.

    • Love 5
  17. Paul throwing random ingredients together and presenting his concoctions to the houseguests, and then staring them down with the seriousness of a 5-star chef as they sample his latest masterpiece, entertained me despite my strong dislike for Paul.  I'm mad that he made me laugh.

    Nicole's crying DR looked like she was trying to squeeze out fake tears.  I thought she was adorable in her last season, but I'm not liking her so much this time.  And I cannot STAND the way she says the word "and" ("eeeeeee-ahhhnd").  I didn't think it was possible to slaughter a tiny little word like that.

    I am rooting for Frank and Tiffany to band together and destroy everyone...I think?  I don't know.

    And why does everyone think it's perfectly fine to discuss strategy in front of James?  Is he not part of the 8-pack?

    • Love 11
  18. On 7/18/2016 at 11:04 AM, FanOfTheFans said:

    When Khole was getting her makeup done and continually making duck lip faces, I had to look away.  So strange.  


    Same here.  There's something so off about her appearance now, and it's not just the lips (although they are really, truly gross).  Khloe actually looks like a botched mannequin now, so it's somewhat creepy when she starts to talk.

    I spent nearly 2 minutes trying to understand the Kim/Kanye/Taylor feud while watching the show, but quickly realized that this was 1 minute and 55 seconds too long and gave up.  If the show was trying to explain the feud's timeline to its viewers, I don't know how they expected to do so, what with this show jumping around randomly from month to month.

    Kylie may be an "adult," but she is stupidly playing with fire and the real adults in her life (few and far between, I know) need to tell her in no uncertain terms to stop posting her location every 15 seconds.  Kris seems patently unconcerned, but I maintain that she is loaded 99% of the time anyway.

    I can't believe that no one has posted about the most riveting and controversial moment of the entire show...when we watched Khloe watch Kourtney chug an entire glass of...wait for it...UNFILTERED TAP WATER.  And then she drank ANOTHER.    I mean, WOW!!

    This show manages to top its own stupidity every Sunday night.

    • Love 2
  19. On 7/8/2016 at 2:56 PM, Galloway Cave said:

    The thing is, in any of the polygamous sects, there is divorce, reassignment, leaving the sect, etc. that happens all the time. It is common. It is even common in the Brown family. Any of the wives could leave and if they don't unseal from Kody they will still end up on his planet. If they remarry they will still go to Kody's planet if they are still sealed to him. If they remarry someone in a plyg sect then they can unseal from the Kodouche and seal to the new guy. They will then end up on HIS planet.

    They don't leave Kody right now because of TLC $$. Once the shows are over we may see some changes but until then, they will milk that cow dry.

    So when Kody married Robyn, picked out her wedding dress, had a big party, danced like a clown - that was their "sealing" ceremony?  I thought that those kinds of ceremonies were very private and simple, held in a church building, no cameras allowed.  Or maybe I'm thinking of a true polygamist sealing.  I still don't think that Kody now, or has ever, lived "true" polygamy.  He lives it not because of his deep-seated beliefs, but because he could manipulate it to have a wifey and some fun on the side, to prove his manhood, and to be large and in charge of a huge brood.  I think he chose this lifestyle to assuage his own ego.  That's why I find it strange that the whole "sealing" issue is a true reason for the wives to stay with Kody.  I don't doubt that the wives believe in it, but I have to wonder if Kody does.

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