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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. 17 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

    It was the only option they had. Their credit was for shit.  And I'm sure they figured they would be on TLC until the end of time because we are all so incredibly fascinated with their fabulous lives.

    The thing is, and Kody has to know this...his show would be long gone if it weren't for the snarkers here, on CJ's blog, and elsewhere, actually tuning in to watch his one-man trainwreck.  The very same people he said were trying to ruin his marriage to Meri, the very same people he flipped off.  His stupidity knows no bounds.

    13 hours ago, riverblue22 said:

    I agree, I think he is sick of the headaches that come with teenagers.  And I think he meant it when he was ready to be done with babies.  Kody wants to get on with his celebrity life of hanging around in Vegas.

    In his wrinkly, ill-fitting, faded denim shirts and jeans combo, no less.  'Cause he's cool like that.

    I finally forced myself to finish watcing the captivating tell-all (eye roll), and I totally agree with the poster that said that Kody and Meri were communicating with their eyes.  But worse than that, Meri is such a completely unconvincing liar.  I loathe when she says things like, "he, she, it, WHATEVER" and uses the words "dumb" and "stupid" not to describe herself, but the situation she found herself in.  Once again, she is completely dancing around the fact that she THOUGHT she was talking to a man, saying "I love you," and still insists that she only said the things she said, and took those pictures, and sent those voicemails because she was being "threatened."  BS BS BS.  Those were not the pictures of a woman being threatened, and the mushy voicemails were sent by a woman in love with the man she thought was going to take her away from everything.  When she lies, which is most of the time, her eyes dart all over the place and she uses 100 words where 10 would do.  It's revolting.  And her family is sitting there, pretending to buy what she's selling.  Do we really think that none of them, Meri included, have looked at or listened to all of the evidence?  Her voicemails were SPLICED?!  Come on!  I was SO hoping the interviewer would pull out her phone and play one of the voicemails for the adults and ask them, one by one, what they thought...much like she did with the younger kids regarding polygamy.  It's okay to put young kids on the spot by asking them about their future marriage plans, but not okay to put a clearly lying Meri on the spot for what she did?

    • Love 15
  2. 13 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

    Kim and Khloe only seem to care when it's Rob that's 'letting down' their mom. When they do it, I guess it's okay. They also said they were raised better than to do what Rob did when he excluded them from such an important decision in his life yet they turned around and said that they wouldn't go to the wedding.

    Oh, how I LOLOL whenever they preach about how they were raised to do this, that, etc.  Raised by who to be better than what?  If they're trying to say that their dad raised them better than how they are currently behaving, that may be true...but when you look up "Pot, Meet Kettle" in the dictionary, you'll find pictures of Kim and Khloe.  What a crock.

    7 hours ago, Summerday said:

    Agree 100%.

    Kim is like ,"yeah I got married without telling anyone in my family, but it's different when Rob gets engaged without telling the sisters because...reasons."

    They kept calling his actions bizarre, what is bizarre about proposing to your girlfriend? Because he did it in front of her family...like the way Kanye proposed in front of Kim's family? I don't remember seeing any of his family there. So it's OK when Kanye does it but not when Rob does?

    Is it bizarre like getting married after knowing someone for 30 days like Khloe with Lamar, or bizarre like getting divorced after 72 days like Kim. Or bizarre like the way Khloe is all flirty and touchy touchy with Rob? Or bizarre like Kylie dating a 25 yr old man when she was 15 years old? 

    And I still don't understand what they're so pissed about? He's getting engaged...what's wrong with that?

    Because he did it wrong!  Without the FAMILY!  Because...reasons!  Made-up reasons that can be bent and twisted to fit the scenario that makes Kim and Khloe look oh so wronged!  By their ungrateful meanie of a brother!

    It is simply bizarre how they hold their brother up to some high moral standard and claim it's how they treat each other as a family, but they themselves fall far short of this magical barometer they set for Rob.  I have no clue if this Rob/BC/baby thing is going to work, but his whack-job sisters are going to have to deal with it, just like Rob dealt with Kris Humphries (72 days).  And Lamar (dark places).  And Scott (punches mirrors, substance abuser, Kourtney repeatedly takes him back).  And Tyga (dating his underage half-sister). 

    • Love 8
  3. I wondered too if Rob would name a son Robert III.  My sense is that, at least when Rob was younger, he felt enormous pressure to live up to that name.  I wonder if he would feel like he wouldn't want that for his own son?

    I would love it if they chose a completely normal name that DID NOT start with a K.  

    • Love 3
  4. Thank you, Celia, that answers some of my questions.  I know in plyg circles, everyone is somehow related, but I just can't figure out this particular "love" triangle.  It would seem, logically, that all three adults would've understood that Kody and Janelle would not be a good idea, given Janelle's former marriage.  Janelle doesn't seem like a flirty temptress, and one would think that Kody would have more than two brain cells telling him that this particular inter-relationship might not be good for Meri or Janelle.  I'm probably giving Kody too much credit, I guess he was a doofus Neanderthal from way back.  

    • Love 1
  5. My poor brain...

    I was fascinated with the scene of the family discussing Rob and BC.  I was listening to Tyga talk...and forgive me, was he actually making sense?!  Or was I just confused?  He kept saying normal things like, "you have to let it go," "just leave them alone and be happy for them," and "she (BC) is not a bad person."  I was both dumbfounded and repulsed that I found him the most logical person at that table.  Just when I think this show can't get any weirder...

    Listening to them all at the table discussing Rob and BC is like watching each member of that family shoot Silly String at each other, and then have to get up and unravel all of it.  I was sitting there trying to figure out Kim's point of view on Rob and BC...compared to Tyga's, compared to Kylie's, etc.  It's just bizarre to me that this family, in part, "communicates" with each other using social media as a weapon.  And Tyga pointing out that Kim should be the first one to call BC...again with the SENSE.  What is happening?!

    Khloe is so inappropriately bothered by Rob and BC, I'd swear she's somehow jealous that Rob didn't propose to Khloe herself.  There is something so "off" about the relationship she thinks she has with her brother.

    In other pet peeves...Kris sounds stoned half the time now.  She draws out her sentences like she's speaking in colors or something.

    Again with the three Koven sisters wasting vacation time getting their makeup done...they are a parody of themselves, but they don't even realize it.

    I felt palpable sadness whenever Corey was on the screen.  He is like a cute puppy who doesn't realize his mistress doesn't really love him and wishes she's never picked him up from the pound.  When he was on the phone with her, all excited about skiing - Kris was checked out.  When she picked up the phone at dinner with her two friends, Corey looked at her with real concern while she ignored him.  When he fell on the skis, Kris wandered over and showed zero concern.  Corey deserves way better, but I'm sure his paycheck signed by Kris Jenner would beg to disagree.

    And I didn't even get to watch the last 30 minutes yet.

    • Love 12
  6. Pet peeve: when the houseguests react with jaw-dropping horror whenever Julie mentions the word "twist," and the HG's don't even know what the twist is yet, or how it actually works.  Bridget is ridiculous with this, so is Bronte.

    Also, in a house with 16 people (I think) - if eight go missing (as in the 8-pack meeting in the HOH room), how are those remaining HG's not aware that something is up?  Wouldn't they simply have to look around, wander in and out of a couple of rooms, and see that half the cast is gone?

    And LOL that every time an alliance is made, they have to use up 90% of their collective brain power coming up with a clever name, and the remaining 10% on actually formulating a plan.

    Still liking Confused Corey.  And Frank, who has too much class to go all hyper over-drive in his DR's.  I enjoy the occasional houseguest who can speak without making himself into a raging idiot.

    • Love 2
  7. All of this still boggles my mind.  Janelle picks up and moves for two years - I didn't realize it was that long.  So she's on her own with 5 small kids (if Savannah was the result of one of Kody's "visits")...how on earth did she do this?  Who watched her kids?  Why did she allow Kody to have conjugal visits, resulting in another child for her to take care of? 

    None of this makes sense to me.  Janelle and Meri obviously knew each other - I think they knew each other before Meri and Kody got married, and before Janelle married Adam.  Janelle had to have been very familiar with Meri's personality.  Janelle married Meri's brother and then divorces him.  It would seem the very LAST place on earth she'd want to end up is with Meri and Kody.  Did Janelle really have that much of the hots for Kody that she was willing to overlook not only Meri's personality, but the very awkward fact that Janelle had already been Meri's sister-in-law?  The familial "connections," shall we say, border on a strong ICK factor.  And then, after popping out 5 babies, she finally has enough of Meri and leaves her awesome, hot husband behind with the very woman she professes she cannot stand?

    I don't know why this bugs me, but it does.  None of Janelle's actions make a lick of sense.  It's not just confusing, it's downright bizarre.  Unless Janelle wanted Kody from the beginning, Meri got to him first, Janelle decided to keep an eye on them by maneuvering herself into the family by marrying Adam, found out that Kody wanted polygamy so she dropped Adam like a hot potato, pursued Kody...crap, I don't know.  The whole Kody-Meri-Janelle triangle seems so unnatural.  And gross.  It's really gross, too.

    • Love 7
  8. 9 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

    The Brown kids all seem alright, I don't expect 13 year olds to have any inkling on whether they will be polygamists. I think it is a silly question to ask young teens. Since Kody doesn't seem to be pushing or even encouraging the religious aspects of their life, why would the kids choose  polygamy? I did like Mariah saying she liked the experience of having other moms. I believe all of the moms really love all of the kids. 

    See also: the eating of pork, Sunday church services (attendance optional, even for Kody, the self-appointed pastor of the church), modesty in the form of no tank tops/bare skin showing on his girls (enforced a few seasons ago, now not even commented on), etc.  Kody makes up rules and then, when he realizes that he'd actually have to get up off the La-Z-Boy and enforce his rules onto so many children, he just shrugs and goes back to napping.

    8 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

    Once again Dayton proves he is the smartest person in the entire family.  I hope he manages to influence the younger kids to explore the world and not just hop a broom at age 19 and commence to breedin' which I fear is going to be the example set by Maddie and Mykelti.

    I realize it's partly the result of the scar above his eye, but I just love the side-eye look Dayton always seems to be giving that suggests subtle skepticism of what is going on around him.  Sometimes he seems like the only person who is aware how messed up things in this family are. 

    Oh, Dayton!  Run fast and far!  Go see the world!  Do you, Dayton!

    Seriously love this kid.  From the calm, confident way he was seated, the way he very politely and directly answered questions, his slight, ever-present smile, which told me he absolutely knows that this television stuff is fleeting and he has his own plans for his life...how on earth did Robyn raise such a great kid?  A kid who was told that he was going to be adopted by Kody and had to go to court to basically renounce his own father, had his bio dad literally replaced in a (CREEPY) portrait, is a quiet kid at heart but was plunked down into the middle of a five-ring circus...and yet, he seems to be wise beyond his years.  Go, Dayton.

    8 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

    Christine shouldn't feel too bad about butting heads with Aspyn and it being better for Aspyn to live with Robyn.  Sometimes it's tough to have your 20 year old daughter return home after she's lived on her own because young women who have had a taste of independence sometimes have a way of being hard to live with when they return to the nest.  Ask me how I know.  Go ahead, ask lol  


    I have a 16-year old daughter who is rather difficult to live with now...you can't tell me it's going to get worse when she leaves and returns to the nest!  LALALA I can't hear you!

    Other comments: Aspyn and Mykelti sound EXACTLY like Christine when they talk...Garrison sounds identical to Logan, Savannah sounds just like Maddie.  I too found it a waste of time for the interviewer to go around the room and ask each young kid whether or not they were going to live polygamy.  At 12, 13, 14...they aren't thinking about that at all.  Might as well ask Truely and Sol the same thing.

    Here is where I would normally say, SHUT UP, ROBYN.  But I have made a sort of uncomfortable peace with the fact that she is always going to butt into conversations that aren't about her.  So...whatever, Robyn (but really, shut up).

    • Love 5
  9. 16 hours ago, vb68 said:

    She really is Vanessa to a tee.  I don't see how anyone could miss it.

    Dye her hair blond and layer on some unbecoming green eyeshadow, and she IS Vanessa.  Their voices are identical.

    Pet peeve: the way Nicole says the word "and" in two syllables..."eee-aaaand."  Fingernails on a chalkboard.

    Hoping Bronte takes it down about 17 notches in her DR's pretty soon...she is exhausting to watch, even for a few seconds at a time.

    • Love 2
  10. 13 hours ago, JudyObscure said:


    Why was Nicole so hard on Glen?  It seemed like he was the one who understood the puzzle if they had only listened to him. 


    The "Old Person" curse of BB - and note, I don't think Glen is too old for this show, but he was damned-if-he-did, damned-if-he-didn't...if he speaks up too loud, he's going to be seen as bossy and obnoxious (see: Paul).  If he doesn't speak up enough, he'll be accused of not helping his team fix what was wrong.

    13 hours ago, BlackMamba said:


    Bronte is Tori Spelling's sister right?   I think she might be a wee bit annoying but she needs to bring it down a few. 


    I  noticed that too, especially when she leans forward in her DR's and her head suddenly takes on that Tori shape, complete with overlarge eyes and mouth.

    Are the cast members given cue cards to read in the DR, and told to gesticulate awkwardly, enunciate strangely, and shift their bodies so that they look like they are sitting gingerly on a cactus?  I swear, every season the DR's get more and more weird.  My fave was Jozea saying, "You know what, Julie?  YOU can go home!"  What a zinger.  Hope the Zing-Bot wrote that one down.

    I kind of like Corey right now but I don't know why...maybe because he seems the most sane?  Plus I love baseball, so there's that.

    Tiffany, LOL...if you close your eyes, you'd swear Vanessa was talking.  It's bizarre that they sound exactly the same.

    Michelle not wanting to sit on the rocket because she's afraid of North Korea...oh boy, I can't wait to see what else she comes up with.

    • Love 9
  11. 14 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    This is why I hate the strapless/sweetheart trend. There are just way too many dresses that are a wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen. You spend a lot of time moving, bending, hugging, etc. in your wedding dress. Make sure the "girls" are covered and kept in place.

    My own wedding gown had short sleeves, but this was before the strapless trend really got huge.  To me, it would just be downright uncomfortable, since the bodice has to be pretty snug to keep the top up.  I could've totally seen Maddie in something more flowing and layered, more of the bohemian looks she was going for.  She's adorable and feisty and her dress, while pretty, didn't seem to fit her personality.

    • Love 2
  12. Words cannot express how much I loathe the Browns' season-ending "tell-alls."  No actual "telling" is ever done, as the interviewers always go light and fluffy on the Browns, never hit the really hard questions, and the Browns put on their fake "serious" faces and dance around the answers.  Meanwhile, we're going to have to be subjected once again to watching Robyn wipe goo out of her eyes and examine it.  Christine will giggle and have several flippant, breathy answers, Meri's forehead frown line will be on full display as she struggles mightily to "dill with her fillings," eyes darting every which way.  Janelle will remain completely neutral and expressionless, except when she's praising Kody's awesomeness...and Kody will sit there, stone-face and beady-eyed, rage simmering just beneath the surface.  Nothing will be revealed, and 90% of the show will be flashbacks.

    And YES I WILL WATCH and hate myself for doing so.

    • Love 23
  13. 2 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

    I've only been to Hawaii the state once (in March) and then just stayed on Maui. 

    I don't just assume that the Browns are getting free eats for a little publicity.  They already have lots of publicity as a Google search shows that they have a 4.5 star average on Yelp, 5 stars on Google Reviews, have been featured on The Cooking Channel, and so on.  They already have plenty of visibility (in fact, from what is being said here, I'd say this was ADVERSE publicity, since they apparently didn't show the view or the food, and Kody bitched about parking).  More than likely, TLC/producers paid for the Browns' food out of the show budget and the place was selected because of its proximity to the hostel they were staying at + their willingness to put up with the filming bullshit.  If anything, I would hope TLC paid the place EXTRA for having to deal with the filming crap.

    I did see someone (on review, I'm pretty sure it was Dayton) looking out the window of the restaurant and taking pictures while Kody was pontificating about the difficulty of parking one's car in a parking lot.  I think it sucks that, at least from what we saw, none of the Browns made any comment about the breath-taking view from the Coffee Shack.  However, after taking 4 hours to get everyone loaded into cars, watching Kody pitch a fit in the parking lot, and listen to him whine, they were probably too damn hungry to appreciate anything but the food.

  14. Okay, I LOVED me some Andy Gibb, and I was all prepared to yell and shake my fist at the comparison...but I kind of get it now.  But Kody wishes his frizzy, thinning caveman coif looked as good as Andy's.

    I find it really sad that Mykelti feels like she has to rush into marriage before her other brothers and sisters get there in order to have a decent share of attention from Kody.  If that's the case, Truely is going to have to get married in kindergarten.

    • Love 5
  15. 19 hours ago, gardendiva said:

    I've been to that Coffee Shack place, and Kody's complaints are even more ridiculous about the parking if you know the situation. He is lucky he found enough places to park to begin with, without the extra stress of him fussing about backing in all the cars. The place is right on a busy highway that is basically built on the side of a volcano. No room for parking lots. There are some bump outs on either side of the highway for cars, and the restaurant itself is perched precariously on the edge of a steep dropoff. There is only room for a few cars out front, but the back is a sheer dropoff. It makes for a spectacular view out those windows, but not much room for cars. Unless they called ahead and made plans to clear the place out for the Brown Clowns, I am surprised they were able to all squeeze in there at all.

    Yikes, who thought it would be a good idea to bring a ton of children to a place like this, when you know that the adults cannot possibly keep an eye on everyone?

    19 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I think Kody is being inundated from every side with the message that he isn't going to continue to live a life of being worshipped and gifted at every turn. His kids are disgusted with him. His wives are sick of him. TLC is hoping he'll fall in a volcano. 

    Ah...answered my own question from above.  MISSED OPPORTUNITY, WIVES!!

    16 hours ago, Galloway Cave said:

    Didn't Christine date Kody for just a few months before they married? And wasn't she pretty young too? Maybe she is just looking at Mykelti and seeing herself....


    And inside her own head, Christine was screaming, "Noooooooooo!"  I wonder if Christine is even capable of verbalizing her reservations to Mykelti, when Christine has been lying and pretending for so long in her marriage to Kody.  Does she even know her real feelings anymore?


    12 hours ago, auntl said:

    I can't stand to watch Meri and Janelle together. Those two women despise each other. I think that this forced, fake, niceness is uncomfortable to watch. Now Christine is doing it with Robyn. I thought it was better when they just admitted they didn't like each other and stayed away from one another as much as possible.

    I agree, it's super awkward.  Christine is probably the most comfortable with playing along, but does the worst job of it.  She gets all giggly and breathy with Robyn now, like they are sisters sharing silly secrets and having blanket-fort sleepovers or something.  I'm sure Christine knows that she needs to turn on the charm with Robyn now that Aspyn is living at Robyn's house...gotta keep up that facade of, "well, of COURSE it's fine that Aspyn is living with Robyn!  That's part of the beautiful splendor of having sister wives!  We take care of each other's children like they're our very own!"  But deep down, she's seething, because Christine never has gotten over how Robyn bumped her from that coveted, special "last wifey" spot.  Not to mention the other crap Kody did to Christine once Robyn flirted her skinny self into the picture.  And now, her beloved first daughter (and shoulder to lean on) is sleeping under the roof of the enemy.

    • Love 1
  16. 42 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I wonder if when the trip was proposed he thought TLC would be sending them to some fancy 5 star resort and it would be super 1st class. But either TLC wouldn't pay for that much or wouldn't pay at all so they had to fork over for it and he was pouting.

    All of the 5-star resorts in Hawaii, when asked if they would like to accommodate the Browns, collectively said "HELLZ NAW."

    41 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

    OKAY i officially recind my previous comment in wanting to actually see the show.  But I did really enjoy the pix that All About the Tea posted in their recap.  Whoever commented on Janelle's "amphibian-like" features - well, I don't want to snark on looks as generally there is nothing the person can do about it - was spot on.  Plus MAN that dirty red apron and the photo with "Mindy#5" and Janelle beached on the sofa with plates of food...did neither of them any favors.


    I don't normally comment on looks either, but when I saw Janelle wearing that long-sleeved (polyester?) track suit and apron...she looked sweaty and exhausted.  Do we think she agreed to stay behind and cook while everyone went to the beach so she didn't have to put on a bathing suit?  But even so - a long sleeved shirt, while cooking for 28, in Hawaii (where it's known to be warm) adds up to a kind of gross fashion choice.

    • Love 3
  17. 9 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

    "Piss-Poor Luau" is my new band name. 

    Perhaps you could open up for Van Lady Love.

    1 hour ago, gardendiva said:

    Kody's pointless rant about there being "too many people" on the island during the parking escapade was really rich, coming from the guy who just increased the population of the island significantly just by being there with his family.

    Hawaii, did you hear that?  The next time Kody Brown visits your fine state with his brood, please do what you must to decrease the tourist population so that Mr. Brown can successfully park his 14 rental vehicles facing outward without throwing an epic hissy fit.

    Seriously, did Kody even want to go on this trip?  He was behaving like a gigantic spoiled brat the entire time.  I mean, it's not like he really had to do anything to prepare or pack other than flit around the cul-de-sac, going from house to house looking for his best faded denim dress shirt.

    • Love 3
  18. 3 hours ago, iwasish said:

    She said last night she uses duct tape to hold them up. It appears even duct tape has its limits.

    Wouldn't duct tape also remove a layer of skin?  I'm pretty sure that while it might be of strong enough material to heft the weight of her boobage, I don't think that's what it's meant to do.

    • Love 1
  19. 1 hour ago, RHJunkie said:

    Rob should have given his family a heads up before posting a social media. Khloe claims that Rob was involved her marriage to Lamar - SHE involved him in her marriage. Rob was Lamar's friend. He wouldn't know shit about their marriage if she didn't tell Rob stuff. Kim is so offended and passing it off as if she doesn't care - family is not a free pass for a punching bag. There is no rule that says that you can treat a family member however you want and at the end of the day, they'll still have to play nice with you, confide in you and include you in their happy moments when you only take opportunities to shit all over them. Khloe wants to know why Rob keeps a separate life - well why wouldn't he when you constantly talk about wanting him back but not understanding that she is now part of the package. If they reached out to Rob and Chyna, he would probably feel more comfortable in coming around the family more and bringing her with him but of course there's drama there because of Tyga. 


    Respectfully disagree...I wonder if Kim gave Rob a heads-up before the show aired where she made fun of his tattoo morphing because he'd gained so much weight...oh, and I wonder if Kris and Khloe gave Rob a heads-up that they both laughed along with Kim.  They treat their brother like crap, and this goes way back to when he was a little kid.  Kris allows it to happen, except in her rare instances of semi-lucid clarity, where she proclaims that they need to take it easy on him.  Then she drinks a few more glasses of wine and laughs again.

    And Khloe can take her self-righteous anger regarding Rob and shove it.  I am so sick of her proclaiming to the world that she had his back, she was the only one who knew Rob's schedule, etc.  She knew it because she guilted the hell out of him and used who knows what kind of mind games to get him into her house with Lamar, where she herself says that "dark things" happened.  She uses all of this to state that Rob owes her.  He does not.  The only chance he has at a somewhat normal life would be to escape her creepy, boundary-free clutches.  He's doing just that, Khloe has lost her psychological playtoy, and she's pissed about it.

    • Love 5
  20. 47 minutes ago, Castina said:

    Regarding the pork.  Janelle is heard saying "as the kids got older" that the no pork thing is something Kody adopted.   Logan sounds thrilled to eat pork and mentions it's been so long since he has had it.  I think they all ate pig until the kids "got older" and Kody probably latched onto everything and anything to make himself feel he was the leader of the family and his imaginary make it up as you go along religion.  I think all those wives would have stopped buying pork when it became part of Kody's "religion" so the kids probably have fond memories of crispy bacon but it hasn't been on the menu for a long time.  


    And Janelle said that she tried some pork because she was "curious."  Is she trying to tell us that she's never had a piece of bacon, or that it's been so long that she forgot what it tastes like?  Somehow, I doubt it.

    • Love 2
  21. 2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

    As for Kody taking a 5th wife, specifically Robyn's niece/cousin/aunt whatever....I don't know. I definitely can see HIM wanting to. I don't believe his whole "it's not in the cards" thing.

    Robyn is now Queen Bee of the Cuddle-Sac.  If Kody dared broach the subject of a 5th wife with Robyn, and she raised even half an eyebrow as she thought about it, Kody would take that as her assent, and he'd be out the door of Robyn's house so fast to find a #5 to start a' courtin' with, his hair would get caught in the door hinges.

    • Love 2
  22. 2 hours ago, mwell345 said:


    And speaking of wastes of space -Why even invite Corey to a vacation where the point is to remember all the "fun times" you had with your family and first husband?  Kris is supposedly so media savvy - when is she going to realize no one is buying her and Corey?

    This is why I think Cory might be Kris's window dressing, and everyone is in on it except him...when Kris was on the phone with Rob, listing all of the family members who were going to Vail, she omitted Cory, and Cory looked truly sad.  Pretty crappy when Kris forgets to mention the dude sitting directly to her left as a family member going on the trip.


    2 hours ago, Artsda said:

    So Rob had agreed to the trip alone? Interesting that even alone, he couldn't be in the same place as Tyga and wouldn't go if Tyga was there. Tyga really did have to go for the family to be able to co-exist with Rob.


    I might be giving Rob too much credit, but perhaps - PERHAPS - he and BC have an understanding when it comes to Tyga, since they are all intertwined in one big nasty web...that if Tyga is going to be tagging along, Rob will stay behind and let his family go on without him out of respect to BC.  In that respect, it could be seen as chivalrous.

    Or maybe the thought of Rob and Tyga being in the same room together, knowing that Rob's future step-son's daddy is now, and probably has been, doing Rob's underage (at the time) half-sister, likely while his baby-mamma was pregnant with Tyga's baby............you know, after taxing my brain with how these people are all related, I forgot where I was going with this.  Never mind.

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