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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. Meri put Sol on the phone to Batman?  Oh hell no.

    If I were any of the wives, I think I'd be combing through those voicemails and photos and crap to make sure none of my kids were involved with her online fun.  Actually, the other three wives should've gone to Kody and insisted he check every piece of evidence he could find to make extra double sure.

    No way am I trusting my kids to Meri after that.  Love how easily Robyn exchanged Brianna for King Sol, though.   #freebrianna

    • Love 5
  2. But are they in a financial hole at the moment?  I mean, at one point they had the show, their book (no clue how well it sold), their LIV schemes, and MSWC.  Now, I don't for one second presume that the Brown adults had the foresight to save as much of that income as they could, because in their minds they are a fascinating family and their show will continue until we see Baby Sister get married off.  Given how they live, I'd imagine they're going to be in serious trouble as soon as the show goes off the air.  I'm still not clear on how they purchased those gigantic houses.

    I wonder how much money Meri made appearing on the Catfish special, and if that money has to be shared with the other wives.

  3. Not only did Mariah warn Meri that making "friends" online might be a bad idea , but I am also under the impression that some of Meri's online shenanigans happened while Mariah was in the house with Meri.  That would up the "ick" factor considerably for Mariah.

    I get all stabby whenever I hear Meri say that she has to "dill with her fillings."  Yes, she does need to deal with her feelings.  And episode after episode, she not only doesn't deal, she baby steps herself further and further into being the victim, and whining about trust being lost.  Blah blah blah.  Meri talks a lot but doesn't say much of anything, and nothing is being dealt with.

    • Love 9
  4. On 5/29/2016 at 9:42 PM, iwasish said:

    That pitiful job of stocking  the pantry at Robs place? I bet Kris just cleaned out her own cockroach infested pantry and put the stuff in his. Then she tells Kourtney Rob needs to have food for various members of the family. WTF. Who goes visiting their brother and wants to snack on quinoa? 

    Well, if it's organic quinoa, then Kourtney would probably fix herself a big bowlful.  But since most of the time they all order in salads, stocking Rob's kitchen for his sisters makes zero sense...especially since I doubt Kim and Khloe are frequent visitors.

  5. 5 minutes ago, MarysWetBar said:

    I'm older, so maybe that is why I am so confused by some of the remarks about how Mariah has every right to TEAR into her mother.

    My mom could have had an affair, murdered the milkman, and ran over the priest, and it would have never occurred to me that I could put her on blast or give her my two cents about how she was living her life.

    A certain respect for parents seems to be missing these days...could just be me, though.

    Now, get off my lawn! haha

    I wonder if Mariah is directing her anger to Meri because she can't bring herself to direct it to Kody for divorcing Meri and marrying Robyn.

    • Love 3
  6. My DVR cut out before the previews for next week.  Will Robyn (modestly, LOL) give birth on camera and make noises that I don't want to hear, while Kody nuzzles her and makes noises that I don't want to hear?  'Cause I may have to take a pass on that one.

    • Love 3
  7. Someone on CJ's blog brought up an excellent point that I hadn't thought of...if the Brown adults truly believe in polygamy - that it's the only way for Kody to call everyone to his celestial planet - why are they not absolutely gutted that none of their children are planning on living polygamy?  Wouldn't this mean that they will not be able to see their children in eternity?  Kody and Janelle seem pretty laid-back with the fact that Maddie is getting married and has no polygamy plans.  None of the adults seem terribly bothered at all.  Again, it's another big ol' elephant in the room - why are NONE of the older children following the lifestyle in which they were raised?  Does Kody even discuss it with his kids?  Or is he afraid to have a mirror placed in front of him as the example as to why his children will not live plural marriage?

    • Love 3
  8. But I think that Mariah only very recently decided that polygamy was crap.  She was always the lone holdout, the one Brown kid who was going to live the wonderful polygamist life, while her siblings turned their backs on it.  Mariah came across as very superior in that regard.  Perhaps she's only recently realized the conundrum that while it's okay for dad to have several partners, it's not okay for mom.  And beyond that, she might just be figuring out how miserable this lifestyle is for Meri.  I'm not a Mariah fan, but I can see where that would mess with her head and make her question everything she thought she knew.

    • Love 3
  9. 3 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

    I am sympathetic to Meri. Others are not and that's okay. *shrug* Robin has a right to say no (a decision I agree with) and Meri has a right to feel whatever she is feeling in that moment. I wish she had handled it differently, but she didn't. I don't like Meri and haven't liked her throughout this season, but I also think her pain is very legitimate. Just like Christine's pain is very legitimate. This is a lifestyle that is draining and most of the women involved are miserable. It's sad.


    Meri's pain is real, and I think it's also very common to women, especially mothers, at a certain point in their lives.  It's why this show frustrates me so much.  When Meri starts talking about being an empty-nester, and feeling lonely and isolated within her own (large) family, you know what?  I can relate to that.  A chapter in her life closed, and sometimes it's a real struggle to find out what the next chapter should hold.  When the busyness of childcare starts to come to a close, a woman sometimes has to figure out how to re-define herself, so I do believe that Meri's head is a mess.  But watching her struggle to form sentences, and watching her eyes roll around as she thinks about what to say makes it seem like she's trying to best figure out how to paint herself as a victim in her own scheme to leave her family for a "man" she met online.  I am waiting for her to admit that she never wanted polygamy, she only wanted Kody, who wanted polygamy.  I am waiting for her to scream this from the top steps of the cuddle-sac.  But she never will.  She will talk around it over and over and over again, and paint herself as the victim of JO when she's been the victim of Kody Brown for far longer.

    Agree with everyone who said that Sol was going to be a human buffer between Meri and Mariah, and the fact that she wanted to take him at all is laughable.  I don't know if she chose Sol because she knew Robyn would say no, and then Meri could play the "poor me, no one trusts me" card or what, but it was stupid to ask in the first place.  Take a four-year old on a 3-hour car ride away from his mom who is expecting a baby?  Really, Meri?  Nice try.

    And wow - "Here's a painting I did to show you that I'm still part of this family, and whenever you walk past it, you can be reminded of how I almost bailed on y'all to run away with my rich handsome boyfriend.  I think it would look great over your couch."  Okay, Meri...whatever.

    This family makes me nuts.

    • Love 5
  10. 1 hour ago, auntl said:

    Meri didn't sound scared in any of the voice mails. I think she made the "threatened" story up after the relationship ended.

    Wait, are you saying a member of the Brown family rearranged the facts as we know them to fit the storyline that they have crafted inside of their own brain, despite the fact that us viewers all know the real story?  That almost NEVER happens! ;)

    You're right, Meri didn't sound scared in her voicemails.  She sounded like a woman in love who was ready to jet.  And I hate that I know that because I listened to them.

    I would swear, in the Catfish special, she still didn't sound like she'd been scared by the catfisher, she almost sounded like she wasn't still quite 100% convinced that Sam wasn't real, and was waiting at his private helicopter pad to come and pick her up.

  11. 1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

    I think that was Meri's though, and Meri's alone. Logistically, it doesn't make much sense for the wives with more kids to schlep them from one house to another. The main gathering spot would sort of naturally be where the bigger group of people are.

    Except that the schlepping only involves walking across the cuddle-sac.

    I don't understand why the rest of the family wouldn't want to hold all of the family gatherings at Meri's.  There's got to be something more to it.  If I have 4 or 5 kids living at home, I sure don't want to have to pick up the house and hose down the bathrooms to have a party, when Meri's house is likely not a mess, she loves doing crafty-type things, and she has the WET BAR OF GLORY.  I wonder if the other wives host the parties to subtly exclude Meri from doing the one thing she proclaimed she wanted to do when she got that huge house, which was to use it as the family gathering place...which then, of course, dropped the budget down for the remaining three wives' houses, because everything has to be shared equally, regardless if you have one kid at home or six.

    I wonder why I think so hard about the wives' ulterior motives.  I also wonder why gray tin cans have to be spray-painted gray.

    • Love 7
  12. 5 minutes ago, Jel said:

    Can you imagine the horror of being the unsuspecting, non reality tv watching dupe who bought that house. Daily scenes of Kody, hair blowing in the breeze, as he skiddaddles past your window going from one house to another.  The cul-de-sac filled with Brown family cars. The constant noise.  The very thought is a veritable "Better use a Realtor" commercial.

    This mental image has me LOL-ing.

    Not to mention one day, looking out your front window to see Kody balanced on one tippy-toe at the top of a ladder, stringing cables and lights on the remaining three cuddle-sac houses.

    • Love 8
  13. 14 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

    I just have to say, for the record, those tables looked like complete shit in my opinion.  Like a Michael's Crafts floral section EXPLODED.  Just tasteless and tacky, much like the woman who designed them.


    My first thought was, where the crap are they going to put the food?!  It looked like nearly every square inch of every table had been the victim of a Hobby Lobby heist.  Nice to know the Browns have a separate budget for "Cheap, Excessive, and Tacky Party Decorations."


    12 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

    And THAT is precisely why I can't forgive or feel too sorry for Meri. Good lord, this whole disgusting story is splayed out for the world to read about, stupid embarrassing pictures, stupid endless voice mails, and she is STILL lying, yes, lying - omitting parts of the story is lying, still not admitting her role in all this. Still denying, still trying to control the narrative. Ugh! Just tell the truth for once in your pathetic life! We all know you hate polygamy, you hate Janelle because she moved in when you were a brand new newlywed, after divorcing your brother! We all know you can't stand christene either, we know that you all get jealous of each other for good reason! We know your world was rocked when you divorced Kody so he can marry Robyn. We know that YOU know the adoption story was bullshit! We KNOW you wanted to run off with who you thought was a rich hottie. Their lives are nothing but lies, upon lies. And still, with everyone knowing the truth, she can't admit anything. Like a child, she believes her own lies and can't see the reality. Delusional.

    I finally got around to watching the Catfish episode (after watching paint dry - I mean, watching the Thanksgiving episode).

    Meri's demeanor was so odd to me.  At times she was giggly and kind of giddy, and at times she almost seemed protective of her catfisher...maybe protective isn't the right word, maybe proud of the fact that she had been chosen?  Whatever it was, if I'd been catfished to the point where I thought my home was being bugged and I was being threatened, I doubt I'd be laughing about it on national television.  She seemed to be enjoying her moment in the spotlight, and I don't think this catfish scheme is going to stop her from flirting online.  As for her being a "voice" for others who have been catfished - yeah, whatever, Meri.  I don't think anyone is going to come knocking on your door as a spokesperson for being catfished because I'd swear, a small part of your brain still thinks Sam is real.

    2 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

    This is precisely what I think they did have until this episode. Separate thanksgivings. That would explain their disorganization and ineptitude with setting it all up. They were all acting as if this was the first time they all shared thanksgiving.

    Well, you know it's not a true Brown Family Party until we get to see Kody whizzing around ineffectively while the wives step all over each other's toes...because those Browns, they are such a wacky, zany family!

    • Love 5
  14. 2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

    She may be a perp, but she's MY perp, damnit. She chose ME. She gave me her undivided attention....unlike Kody. 


    (I wonder if JO had other victims on the line during Meri's time, and if Meri knows or will ever find out.)

    This is kind of what I was thinking as well...like Meri almost has a Stockholm syndrome thing going on with her catfisher.  I suppose it's possible that, after being given so much undivided attention by JO, and Meri falling in love, she could be somewhat possessive of her catfisher.  It couldn't have been easy to let go of all of that attention, considering she wasn't getting anything at home.

    And has JO ever said, in any of her books or blogs or whatever, why she chose Meri as her target?

    • Love 1
  15. 16 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

    Robert is Garrison.

    Really?  Is Garrison his middle name?  Robert is an awfully common first name for this family.

    And Paedon's name has always bugged me, because Christine seemed to be doing a "thing" where every child in her family has a "Y" in their name...Ysabel, Truely, Aspyn, Mykelti, Gwendlyn...and then she doesn't spell Paedon "Paydon."  I mean, why the heck not continue the trend with a name that could very easily have a "Y" in it?  Y not?

    • Love 3
  16. 16 hours ago, iwasish said:

    TV Guide reports that  "Renowned authors Kendall and Kylie" are going to write another sci-fi book, this time with two co authors.

    I never knew TV Guide had that much of a sense of humor.

    For some good LOLZ, go to Goodreads and check out some of the reviews of their first book.

    So this means, what - Kendall and Kylie are going to stare at their phones and play with their hair as they attempt to come up with words, while two co-authors scribble down their nonsense and formulate it into a cohesive book?

    • Love 3
  17. In the deleted scene (which I didn't watch, just read about) Kris says that when she drops the Kardashian name, she can get better dinner reservations, and that she was the "original" Kardashian.  Is she trying to out-Kardashian her daughters?  She want her ex's name back after treating him like crap and demanding all the money she could possibly get from him in a divorce.  Is she for real?  This is so low, even for her.  It's disgusting.

    Wonder what Boy Toy Cory thinks of this.  I wonder what her son thinks, as well as Kendall and Kylie.  Kris should get slammed for this.

    • Love 6
  18. 13 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

    This is seriously 99% of the show.  They look at each other, purse their lips to duck-like, play with their hair, look at their phones, or chew salad.  The only lines on this show are "yeah" and "bible."



    Speaking of duck lips...is Khloe physically able to NOT do duck lips?  It looks like she had something done that, even while not taking a selfie, makes her lips seems permanently ducked out.  It looks beyond stupid.  She has "resting duck face."  

    • Love 12
  19. 34 minutes ago, Kellyee said:

    This show is so weird. Meri tried to escape her marriage, and would have left if it wasn't a catfish. Janelle DID apparently escape her marriage a while back for about 3 years. None of the kids, except maybe Mariah, have any interest in polygamy. the Browns cling to polygamy, even though they are clearly not religious people. So let's make napkin rings and talk about the "Sister Wife Code"! Christine is excessively cheerful, Robyn just looks tired, Janelle is completely checked out, and I wouldn't be surprised if Meri is still online dating. But at least there are lights in the cul-de-sac! And a new baby and a wedding at the same time!! And no mention of the Sister Wives Closet business, why Aspyn can't stand to live with her own mother, or what Meri's real relationship is with Kody right now.

    And this is what drives me crazy - so many storylines that they will continue to ignore because it paints polygamy in a less than desirable light, even as they tell us at the beginning of each show: "This lifestyle is awesome, makes each of us better, etc."  How is it awesome?  Why did Meri try to leave with her online boyfriend?  Why is Janelle overweight and checked out?  What happened to dressing modestly and holding a family church service every week?  Why are none of the Brown children following the lifestyle?  Isn't a benefit of having sister wives that they can help raise each other's children?  Why is this no longer happening?  Why do both Christine and Robyn need live-in help?  Why was Christine so upset that Kody helped Robyn choose a wedding dress?  What, exactly, is the Sister Wives' Code?

    If the family would actually answer any of these questions, instead of pretending like everything is unicorns and glitter, I would be extremely interested.  That's why I started watching this show in the first place - these women, any of whom could be my neighbor or co-worker or friend - living a lifestyle I didn't understand, but wanted to understand.  And season after season, they take the biggest issues and hurdles associated with living polygamy and pretend they don't exist.

    • Love 8
  20. 11 hours ago, HumblePi said:

    Kris made the announcement today that she's going to change her name back to Kardashian. Does that leave Kylie and Kendall with only a father named Caitlyn? But seriously, how is this going to affect Kylie and Kendall that their mother chooses the last name of their step-sisters over their last name?

    Seriously?!  She should change her last name back to Houghton, her maiden name.  She flaunted her boyfriend in front of Robert Kardashian Sr. when they were married, but then - once she was on television - stated how much she regretted her actions, and what a wonderful man RK was, blah blah.  She shouldn't take his last name.  She gave that up when she divorced him.  It's her desperately trying to latch on to a famous last name, nothing more.  Gross.

    8 hours ago, Phei said:

    Rob looks sick and pale. He says he lost 50 pounds, since he's been with Chyna, if he sticks to it he can reverse the diabetes but I see him on instagram eating sweets still. Hopefully he takes his meds unlike many diabetics in denial. He is awfully young to be diagnosed btw.


    I think that's what is so different, his coloring is all wrong.  Even when he was getting heavier, he didn't look pale and pasty like he does now.  Supposedly he's out and about with BC, but he looks like he just emerged from living in a basement for 5 months.  Compare his skin tone from just a couple of years ago and he looks decidedly worse in these new episodes.  I hope he gets healthy.   As much as I can't stand this family, I don't want to see anything tragic happen, especially to Rob.

    2 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

    It's very obvious that they do script their scenes. I mean, asking to re-shoot your proposal scene is incredibly vain but not at all surprising. Their brand is their family and I think even Kim would suffer business wise at this point if they were to all go their separate ways. I think they find it mutually beneficial to manufacture stories to create drama for the show, but I do also believe that there are underlying issues there that simply don't get addressed because it would hurt their bottom line. This is likely why Rob has been treated like the black sheep and the girls have no issue making fun of him on camera - for years he refused to suck it up and show up for the cameras. I honestly think they would have much rather him display his depression and confidence issues on camera rather than disappear.

    As long as the girls have Rob for their mutual punching bag, they don't have to turn on each other.  When Rob disappeared, he was STILL made fun of.  They STILL dragged his name out for their own personal joke sessions.  It's no secret I have a soft spot for this guy.  I know he's a grown man, but he seems stuck in the sticky web created by the women in his life.  They treat him terribly, yet he cannot extricate himself from their clutches.  How I would love to see him move away, find a normal job and a normal life, and watch the girls try to figure out how he did that without them - like Kendall is doing right now.

    And I agree with a poster above who spotted some serious tension between Rob and Kim while they were gathered to check out Rob's new house.  I would love to know more of that story, but I think it revolves around Kim's status as Golden Goose, Rob's disgust with how she became famous, and everyone else burying their heads in the sand because, without Kimmy, they'd all be working at the Gap.

    • Love 7
  21. Kody:

    I am going to string cables between all of the houses.  Cables.  Lots of cables.  Cables get tangled and I have to untangle them.  It takes a long time to untangle cables, but Hunter will love it.  It's windy.  I am going to stand on a ladder to hook the cables which took a long time to untangle.  It's windy on this ladder.  I am going to stand against the wind on this ladder hooking up my cables that took a long time to untangle.  Hunter will love these cables.  It's really hard to connect these untangled cables on a ladder in the wind.  But Hunter.  Will love them.

    I cannot believe I sat through that.  And I'm only 15 minutes into the show.  I turned it off after a riveting 3 minutes watching Meri and Janelle contemplate painted tin cans.  I'm not sure how much more cuddle-sac excitement I can take at this point.

    I recall, on a SW season long ago, the Brown family celebrating "Joseph Smith Day" in place of Thanksgiving, which they didn't celebrate...or am I remembering incorrectly?  I know they had a big family feast, headed by Christine, and I'd swear it took the place of another holiday.  If this is true, then once again the Browns maneuver the rules to fit what they believe that week.

    And did I hear Kody say in the previews that he was taking the entire family to Hawaii?  I might have been dozing by that time, but who is paying for that?

    • Love 5
  22. On 5/21/2016 at 5:50 PM, Featherhat said:

    I can see young Cody being something of a catch. He was handsome and whilst he's a dufus and very insensitive, doesn't come across as a controlling dufus (quite the opposite in some clown ways) and not physically abusive as far as we know. Meri was clearly enough in love with him to agree to the idea of Sister Wives and it's easy to see what appealed him to Christine and Robyn. It's marrying your ex's sister's husband that I can't wrap my head around.

    THIS.  So much this!

    She was "offered" one of Kody's brothers (nice of Winn to do that, I guess).  She decided she wanted Kody.  Now, attraction is what it is, but to take your ex-sister-in-law, and turn around and make her your sister-wife, just seems like a bizarre choice on Janelle's part.  It's kind of a weird test of loyalty on Meri's part, because it seems her loyalty would be to her brother, and now she's sharing her brother's ex with her own husband.  If you think about it, it's really kind of...icky.

    • Love 5
  23. 1 hour ago, Kellyee said:

    So Meri has a huge empty house with multiple empty bedrooms. Janelle is shortly going to be down to only 3 kids in the home, and Christine will be down to 3 or 4 kids in the home. Yet no one offers to house Robyn's oldest children, and leave her to have her youngest two share a bedroom, which they then call stupid. And she ends up with Aspyn in her house to boot. That speaks volumes about what kind of sister wife marriage these women are really having. They're 4 women sharing a lover/sperm donor.

    Mariah needs to suck it up. The real crime is that your mother has been miserable for years and not done anything about it. Your father romanced multiple women, so I don't consider Meri's catfish cheating scandal all that bad.

    ++++1 to all of this.

    Indeed, why not move Dayton in with Meri, since we know that he gets uncomfortable with all the chaos?  Heck, he could have his own quiet wing at Meri's house, what with all that empty space.  It's yet another elephant in every single room - Meri admits to being lonely, no kids in her house, too quiet, etc.  If Robyn now has Aspyn and a new baby, why not have one of Robyn's kids move into Meri's house?  I mean, I know the answer myself - would Robyn trust Meri with one of her kids?  Has Meri made it crystal clear that, although she is lonely, she doesn't want a kid - especially a kid of Robyn's - to interrupt her nightly online shenanigans?  It's like, WE know why they are doing it this way, I want to hear THEM say it.  But it won't happen.  'Cause polygamy is so awesome, blah blah blah.

    And all the +++++ to the statement about Mariah.  Still thinking about choosing this lifestyle?  I wonder if she's just super pissed that she was the one lone holdout for wanting the plyg lifestyle, because her mom and dad were legally married.  Now that they aren't, I have to wonder if she feels extremely duped by the fact that the lifestyle she always wanted is actually nothing more than her dad being able to bunk with multiple women under the banner of "religious choice."  Yet when her mom tries the same thing, she's made a fool of.  I'm not a Mariah fan per se, but that had to be a long and hard fall from only legal child of the only legal wife, to watching her dad divorce her mom, and her mom's subsequent catfishing.  That probably wasn't in Mariah's script for her perfect life.

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