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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. I could see Kendall being a spokesperson for outdoor gear or doing some kind of clothing line like Kate Hudson is doing for Fabletics.  Kendall seems to enjoy that  lifestyle.  And she can actually do those types of things without getting a mani-pedi and full makeup done first, which is cool.

    • Love 1
  2. Saw this headline scrolling across the bottom of my tv screen last night as I was watching KUWTK...


    "Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna celebrate their engagement with cake at a strip club."


    Several thoughts went through my mind regarding that sentence, but not one of them was "Congratulations!"

    • Love 5
  3. I have been carefully reading the posts regarding the super-idol, and I'm still not sure I understand the possible outcomes.  Now that Bounty handed over his idol to Tai, couldn't Tai just keep it - and since he now has two idols, can each be played as a regular idol, or does Tai now HAVE to use it as a super idol?  I am losing my love for Tai, but if he decides to keep both idols for himself and it results in Bounty/Lurch not making it anywhere near the final 3, then I will love him again.


    Debbie and Joe...did either of them ever watch this show before coming on?  I fail to understand how either one of them can state things like, "I am NOT NOW NOR EVER voting for (fill in the blank)."  Don't they realize that they are not privy to every single conversation that happens on that beach?  At least hear out the person coming to you with another idea that's different than your own.  At this point I expect Joe to not vote along with any alliance, ever, for the rest of this game just because he gets one name into his head and fails to see that strategies and alliances can change on a dime.  I was curious as to what Debbie and Cydney were whispering to Joe at TC, because he nodded to both of them and seemed to understand what was going on.  But they clearly both gave him a different name to write down, right?


    As hateful and awful as this season is, I will watch and hope that someone, somehow (TAI TAI TAI) can orchestrate the BotUT brigade going down in hideous tattooed flames.


    Debbie chasing Nick around the Ponderosa house and following him everywhere with her eyes fills me with unmitigated glee.


    Mark and Jim in the final two, with the million going to Mark and Jim getting Fan Favorite.

    • Love 3
  4. I have to wonder how PMK feels about Kendall's success.   A normal mother would feel proud.  I wonder if any pride Kris feels is negated by the fact that she can't  control Kendall's every move like she can her other daughters?  And yet, there's Kendall, having a wildly successful career without PMK's hand in every deal.

    • Love 3
  5. It's amazing, why do people keep renting him things? Don't they do a basic credit check?

    This is what I'd like to know.  Are things done differently in LA?  Do companies figure that if the C-list scoundrel reneges on whatever crap he's rented, they can actually make more money by suing and/or selling a story to a rag with the juicy details?

    • Love 1
  6. There's another reason for Kim's intense desperation to grab the spotlight from Kylie and Kendall; the big 4-0 looming in the very short distance.  Kylie and Kendall have got the 18 to 35 market locked up in their youth, and have 15 plus years to ride it.  Kim is slowly losing that as she ages.  She's also losing attention from the male market as she ages, which she had locked up over all of her sisters for the past 10 years.


    Without her sex symbol status, who is she?  What does she have to offer besides her face and body?

    She could always step away from the spotlight and concentrate on raising her two beautiful children.


    I know, I know...I'll see myself out.

    • Love 7
  7. Regarding Anna, I wish she'd go see a therapist and stop bothering her sisters-in-law with her marital problems. Jinger had a look on her face like "are you effing serious?!" when Anna brought up Josh yet again in the preview. I get that Anna is dying for someone to talk to, but it's inappropriate to paint Josh as a sympathetic character when two of his victims are sitting right there. It's too bad Jana is such a weakling because if I were in that position I would've shut it down very quickly.

    I know Anna has limited options here, but she has options.  She could've packed up her kids and moved in with her brother, a cousin, or someone.  It makes perfect sense that she is in desperate need of someone to talk to about what she's going through, but to think it's even remotely reasonable to move in with her husband's family and then spend all day, every day interacting in fairly close quarters with her husband's victims is just beyond bizarre.  She needs a therapist.  Will she ever see one?  Doubtful, because I think that in her mind, she feels that she can fix and save Josh with prettier makeup and MOAR BABIES.  Should she discuss her pain and sorrow with her sisters-in-law?  No, but the fact that they all live together under one uncomfortable roof means that they are all going to have to look one another in the face and feel all the feels several times each day.  


    I don't know where I'm going with this except to say that it's a terrible and awkward way to live every day, there's a way to fix that, but it won't ever happen.

    Stop stealing Bin's rap lyrics!

    +++++++++++++++++++1.  Oh my goodness, yes!

    • Love 9
  8. When Cyndey was questioning the three guys they looked SO scared. It was hilarious! Scot in particular looked sacred shitless.



    I loved how all three of them started to simultaneously scratch themselves, like monkeys in a cage.


    Speaking of which, we spent some time trying to figure out the left blob on his back tat and finally settled on a pug riding an octopus, bareback.


    Makes perfect sense.  And I think he's got "Son of Poison" or something similar tattooed at the bottom.  So clearly it's a poisonous pug.


    I wouldn't be surprised if she sees him as a doddering old codger while seeing herself as a hot young model and Tree Ballerina.

    "Tree Ballerina" is my new favorite phrase to use around the house.  As in, "I'm going to go all Tree Ballerina on you guys if you don't clean your rooms!"  That'll freak my kids out but good.

    • Love 2
  9. Is Rob the pawn of PMK?  Or is he the strategic mastermind behind the collapse and destruction of his family's empire, seeking revenge against the sisters who tormented him and the momma that ignored him in favor of his sisters?


    I mean, it's positively Shakespearean up in the Kardashian compound, y'all.  Pass the popcorn.

    • Love 3
  10. So, if Kylie gets pregnant with Tyga, and Rob marries BC, who also has a baby by Tyga, what would the kids be to each other - step-cousins?


    Never mind, I sincerely hope none of this actually happens.

    • Love 3
  11. "Empowering" and "body shaming" are two words/phrases that I wish would hurry up and just die.

    Kim is a thirsty ho desperate for attention. There's a million ways to "empower" women without taking your clothes off. How about donate to a women's scholarship fund or a domestic violence shelter? Personally, I don't feel "empowered" when I look at Kim's droopy, silicone fun bags. Mileage varies, of course.

    Because that wouldn't get enough Instagram likes to satisfy her.  Plus, she'd probably have to keep her clothes on when presenting the check.

    • Love 4
  12. Bounty was quiet during the last couple of episodes, and I briefly thought maybe, just MAYBE, he did get a really crappy edit.


    Then he opened his mouth last night and talked about stuffing geeks into lockers.  Seriously, this guy is horrible.


    Cydney - please, girl, work some magic and make him disappear.

    • Love 6
  13. Well, in 32 seasons of Survivor, we haven't seen a season quite as grisly and concerning as this one.  We've seen some bad things (burned hands, passing out, awful bugbites), but this is the roughest, gnarliest season that I can remember.  People passing out en masse, two evacs so far with possibly more to come (based on the infections they keep getting)...it really doesn't make for pleasant television, but I guess it will be memorable.  Still, when I sit down on Wednesday night with my popcorn and wine, I like to think I can keep it down and not be subjected to wounds that make me literally cringe and slap my hand over my eyes.


    I'm curious as to how Probst and Burnett feel about this season.  They're probably both thrilled that everyone came out of it alive.

    • Love 6
  14. What's the rule for giving away an idol when you're about to be evac'd?  Is it basically the same situation as getting voted out with an idol in your pocket - the voted off player doesn't get to turn around on the way out and say, "Who wants my idol?"  I don't know if a medevac is considered the same thing as a vote-out.  I really wanted to see Neal just reach into his bag and toss Aubry the idol in front of everyone.

  15. Speaking of families...I wonder if they're going to have the loved ones visit like they normally do?  If I'm a player this season, I would seriously hesitate to have a loved one come out and risk taking an infection back home to the rest of the family.  I'd rather plow through minus a visitor from home.

    • Love 2
  16. In a cast full of unlikable blowhards who think they control the game and everyone in it, I'd love to see Julia play as low-key as possible (she did pretty good in the challenge, which is encouraging) and quietly make it to the end.  More specifically, make it to the end with Bench and Bounty and take the money away from both of them while they sit there completely befuddled as to how on earth a small blonde girl bested both of them.  That would be the best poetic justice ever.

    • Love 2
  17. Nick reminds me of Cruella De Ville or some other cartoon villain.  I keep waiting for him to rub his hand together in glee and cackle "hee hee heeeee!" every time he has a confessional.


    But a million props to Debbie for making him extremely uncomfortable at the merge feast.  That was the best 10 seconds of the entire episode.

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