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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. Oh my goodness...I watched about 30 seconds of last night's show...I saw Kody hanging up lights (which he's done in the past), saw both Hunter and Kody with shorter hair, Janelle looked heavier, and Robyn looked lighter, and I totally thought I was watching a re-run and changed the channel.

    This actually ticks me off as a viewer.  I have NO clue how this show is edited, or if what we are seeing is in any type of logical chronological order, or if some intern is picking up pieces of chopped up film from the garbage can and splicing it together, or what.

    Sigh...now I need to search On Demand and see if I can find the episode, because I need my daily dose of snark here on PTV.

    • Love 1
  2. 26 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

    Choicest phrases of the episode; "I like cheddar, it makes me feel good" "Sauerkraut? what's sauerkraut?"


    My fave was Kris, sounding either terribly sad or terribly loaded, saying "Did you see the Instagram Rob posted making fun of my food?"


    6 minutes ago, iwasish said:

    Corey is Grandpa now.

    Those poor kids...........

    • Love 3
  3. Rob just doesn't really look like Rob anymore.  He looks possibly medicated, which - if true - means he probably shouldn't be on the show...but PMK knows that his storyline is interesting to the viewers, so write him a big enough check and buy him a house and he'll do the show?  I don't know.  Seeing Rob on the show is similar to seeing Lamar and Scott.  They are truly the most interesting people in the family, and they draw viewers, but I think all three of them have issues that shouldn't necessarily make for good tv viewing.  And yet, if I know they're going to be on, I watch.  I'm starting to wonder about myself, honestly.

    • Love 3
  4. So if Kylie and Tyga were together while BC was pregnant, when were Tyga and BC together, or were they never really a couple?  Was Tyga flitting back and forth between the two?  And why, WHY, would Bruce and Kris be okay with their 15-year old hanging out with a guy who is expecting a baby with another woman - and not just another woman, a friend of Kim's?  Is it because Kris thought Tyga was going to be the next big thing?

    Much of what this family does doesn't surprise me anymore, but this actually does.  I am trying to wrap my brain around the pairing of Kylie and Tyga, and why anyone in this family thought it would be a good idea.  It's like, "so hey - that loser that knocked up Kim's friend BC?  Wouldn't he be PERFECT for our moody little wallflower?  She'll never be as pretty as Kendall, so we've got to think of a way to get her name out there."  I mean...who?  Why?  ????  

    • Love 10
  5. 2 hours ago, Artsda said:

    Why was Kris stocking Rob's pantry to begin with, and her excuse she was buying quinoa for when the rest of them are there that he needs their food in his pantry? How often are they going to be there hanging out with Chyna eating quinoa?

    What's the point of a driveway if you can drive cars on it?

    Kendall looked amazing in her confessionals.

    I just have to LOL at these questions, because I was wondering the same things...and yet, in the special bubble world of KUWTK, these are perfectly logical plot points.

    I especially WTF'd at why Kris would buy food for Rob that was actually meant for the other people in his family...the way Kris explained it, like "Rob has to stock food that other family members like to eat..."  Um, huh?  I don't buy food that my sister likes just in case she stops by.  Am I doing it wrong?

    Rob just looks so awkward and uncomfortable appearing on this show now.  It seems like he's just grinning his way through it, but at the same time, he knows that there's a paycheck at the end.  It's got to scare Kris to death to know that Rob & BC are the storyline now, because Rob is pretty unpredictable.

    Khloe being disgusting on Kylie's "cooking show" was just all kinds of stupid.  Khloe is so freaking desperate to stay relevant, and per usual, she thinks being crass and disgusting is the way to do it.

    It must be so exhausting to have to keep up on the status of your family relationships by constantly checking their social media accounts.

    And Kendall looked AMAZING rocking a plain gray shirt in her confessionals, I noticed that, too.

    • Love 5
  6. 57 minutes ago, kassa said:

    To me, Christine is the most religious of the Browns. She believes this stuff on a level they don't -- to the point, even, that when Kody changes the rules, she can fall back on his being her priesthood holder and that being sufficient reason to go with it.  I think her belief is sincere, if childlike in its simplicity.  


    I actually think one of the reasons Christine seems to be on medication much of the time is because she does wholeheartedly believe in polygamy and the religions aspects of their lifestyle, and she knows on a deeper level that Kody does not, and it haunts her that she has been duped and has no way out.

    I may be way off, but the way Kody constantly throws his lifestyle in people's faces tells me that he went into polygamy as a way to scream, "Look at me!  I am so desirable and awesome!  I have FOUR...count 'em...FOUR women who want me!  I have FOUR WIVES!  You wish you were me!  LOL but you're not!"

    Polygamists are raised to keep their lifestyle a secret.  Christine has said this repeatedly on the show - that she couldn't tell people about her family, lest her dad be taken to jail.  She grew up scared.  Kody isn't scared one bit.  He wants everyone to know, and it's not for religious reasons, it's for Kody reasons.

    • Love 8
  7. 3 hours ago, andromeda331 said:

    I'll admit the last part throws me every time. I can't imagine why any woman would want to throw herself at Kody. I hope he was really worth it back in the day cause I can't see anything about him that Janelle would want or Christine or Meri or really any woman would want him. 

    I cannot believe I am even going to type this, but I can KIND OF see the Kody draw.  Back before he went all caveman-surfer dude, he seemed to be one of those larger-than-life charmers, the type everyone notices when they walk into a room.  I can see how someone like Meri - more on the wallflower side - would be all up in that.  When the two of them were newlyweds, they actually seemed happy together.  Meri frequently talks about Kody as her best friend, and that they did everything together.  During the first couple of seasons, they still seemed like the best, most natural pairing.

    Now Janelle is harder to figure out.  She has never seemed like the type to marry for passion and romance.  Based on that, I wonder if she went for Kody because she wanted to be married and have kids, just without all that romantic nonsense.  I also wonder what went down with her and Meri's brother - how long were they married, and why did they divorce?  If it was acrimonious, why on earth would she attach herself to her ex's sister?  On the flip side, I also wonder why Meri ever agreed to let her brother's ex into her own family?  Where was Kody in all of this?  This particular triangle seems like it was doomed from the start.

    Christine had the hots for Kody (still in his non-caveman phase) and wanted to be a third (and LAST) wife.  Kody agreed to it because Christine was plyg royalty, and he might have felt that this cemented his image as a true polygamist - to show the outside world that he was in it for the right reasons, not his own selfishness and to show the world how desirable he was (which I can't help thinking was his secret motive).

    Robyn just wanted the TLC money.

    • Love 11
  8. If Jeff is only going to talk to a small percentage of the cast, at least let the camera pan on each person as Jeff says their names, or let them get an introduction as they walk in, or something.  I like to be reminded of who was on the cast - it's easy to forget the ones who were voted out early.  I didn't recognize, nor really even see, at least a third of this season's cast.

    • Love 6
  9. Forgive me if this was covered, but why did Nick vote for Aubry and not Michelle...was he ticked that Michelle "played dumb" when all that time, Nick actually thought she was, in fact, dumb?

    If Michelle won based on the assholic (love that word) nature of the jury, then I say good for her.  She may not be a memorable winner, but she's right when she says her social game was her strength.  I can't hate on Michelle for winning, but at the same time, I can hate on the jury members that voted for her simply because they were bitter babies.  Julia, Scot, Kyle, Foley and Will can all sit together in a dimly lit bar, clinking glasses of cheap beer and smirking about how they actually won their seasons even if they didn't get the money, while surreptitiously checking their phones for texts from Probst, begging them to come back.

    • Love 9
  10. Season 35: Cydney and Caleb come back, are made captains, and they do a school-yard pick for teams.  No collars, no worlds, no themes...like the season when Stephenie and Bobby Jon returned.  That's what I want to see happen.

    Are you listening, Burnett?

    • Love 4
  11. 1 hour ago, blackwing said:

    Have there been any other back row players who have gotten as much time at the reunion as Caleb did?  Normally Jeff doesn't even see them.


    Caleb is one of those studly alpha-male types that Probst falls in love with, so I'm actually shocked Jeff didn't spend MORE time talking to Caleb.

    31 minutes ago, gunderda said:


    Aubry looks super bummed when Michelle was announced the winner. 

    Was it just me, or did Aubrey have a look on her face during the reading of the votes that suggested she knew she wasn't winning?  Both Michelle and Aubrey seemed very passive and unemotional.  Could they have already known?

    • Love 4
  12. 2 hours ago, Mumbles said:

    I like both ideas. The final episode usually has a lot of fat they can cut. Make it 90 minutes with a 90 minute reunion.

    I should have seen this coming when Nick opened with that pretentious "advice" speech. This is the Survivor equivalent of the sarcastic golf clap.

    I admired Cydney's physical prowess and her mental sharpness but I could not shake how early in the season she was complacent when the guys in Brawn bullied that other woman. 

    Isn't this how it used to be, or am I imagining it?  The final episode bled over a little bit into the reunion show, and if Probst is going to waste time on random people in the audience and pushing new CBS shows, then they absolutely should go to the 90/90 version.  I like hearing from the players that got voted out early.  Everyone should get a chance to speak, even if only for a few seconds.  Still cannot get over that Cydney wasn't allowed to say one word.

    2 hours ago, sadiegirl1999 said:

    Has anyone talked about how at that IC with F4? When Michele won, she INSTANTLY kicked over her puzzle when Jeff declared her the winner.

    I am not sure whether to applaud or be pissed about it.

    I mean, I get it, he declared her the winner. But it felt dirty to me, like she kicked as he said Mich...boom! Her puzzle felt "off" to me (like the top ring wasn't really on, but maybe that doesn't matter).

    IDK, it just made me feel "ewwww". Anyone else?

    I seem to remember other players doing the same thing...Ozzy comes to mind?  But in a final IC, I could totally understand getting so damned excited about winning and going to the finals that I karate-kick my puzzle into smithereens.  I thought it was kind of awesome.

    • Love 2
  13. Do the Browns honestly have that many fans who will buy the green goo and the crap on MSWC?  It seems that tide turned long ago, as more and more viewers realize that the Browns are a bunch of grifting liars who lie.

    Do any of the adults wake up in the morning, drive to work, do the 9 - 5 thing, and come home?  I know Janelle used to, but I don't even know what her job is anymore.  What the hell does Kody do all day?

    • Love 2
  14. 1 hour ago, Maya said:

    Right. Is there a reason he couldn't use his college degree (and let's be honest, his father's connections) to make something of himself? Why did he think his only two options were sexy reality star or lazy pothead loser? 

    I guess I don't see him as asking for a free ride all that much.  I see a kind of directionless twenty-something trying some things to figure out what he's good at, like many people do at that age.  Yeah, he flaked on a couple of interviews that Kourtney set up for him, but who knows how much of this show is scripted for good tv.  I don't see asking family for help as a huge deal - my son got his first job through family connections.  And how many jobs did Khloe or Kourtney get through Kim, just for being her sisters?  I also see him trying to live up to this perfect golden standard of Robert Kardashian Sr., whom his sisters and even his mom wax poetically about.  It's got to be hard to carry the name of a famous - or "infamous" father.  The expectations are probably huge and intimidating to live up to.

    I also think, although I've never heard it stated outright, that he's uncomfortable with the way his family because famous (Kim)...but heaven forbid he bring it up at the dinner table, because Kim is the golden goose of the family.  Without her "leaked" tape, none of this fame and fortune would've happened and it seems to be a topic that the others have danced around, but never talk about.  Maybe they're all cool with it, who knows.

    Maybe my dislike for his evil sisters makes me feel more empathy for Rob.  Their treatment of him goes back pretty far, and we only see what is televised.  What bugs me too is that we never see the sisters turn on each other like they do to their brother.  He's an easy target, and his personality is not of someone who fights back.  I just can't imagine making fun of a family member who is struggling, especially if there's any hint of a mental disorder at work, too.

    • Love 7
  15. 21 minutes ago, Special K said:

    Just when I was looking forward to tonight... ;) 

    I just have this image in my mind of Probst interviewing the Tattoo Twins, listening to them whine about how they were so misunderstood, and Probst saying, "Well, we know another former Survivor who also felt cheated by his edit!"  Camera cuts to Foley, and I throw my remote control at my television.  I know the divisive players are the popular ones to interview at the reunion, but jerks like Scot and Bounty don't deserve to take airtime away from anyone else, and Probst tends to dwell on the "villains" far longer than necessary.

    • Love 5
  16. Aw, even when I'm not crazy about the season, I'm always a little melancholy when Survivor comes to an end.

    This is the first time in ages that I have not strongly backed a winner.  I'm okay with Aubrey, Tai, Michelle or Cydney.  They each played smart in very different ways.  I'm just thrilled that Bounty and Scot have no shot of winning, and hopefully no shot of opening their mouths at the reunion to tell us that they are really sweet and tender-hearted guys, and the show chose to edit them as jerks.  And I'd better not see Dan Foley in the studio audience.

    • Love 8
  17. On 5/13/2016 at 5:31 PM, Winston9-DT3 said:

    Thanks.  I can't find a better shot.  I seem to recall seeing some close ups of it but I can't find them.  

    But google shows us this lovely 'anus' one under his armpit.  WTH.


    LOLOLOLOL *snort* LOLOL...I wonder if he meant to spell "annus?"  Or...I don't even know, why would one tattoo that word under one's armpit with what looks like a psychedelic tree?  I mean, this almost makes the scary tree-lady being eaten by the half-finished octopus on his back look like an artistic masterpiece.


    On 5/13/2016 at 6:04 PM, Rick Kitchen said:

    Looks like a pine tree air freshener in "anus" scent.

    Actually, now that I've studied it (and now than my brain can never un-see it), this is exactly what it looks like.  And this begs the question: WTF?!??

    • Love 2
  18. What is with this family and look-alikes?  Scott with Kendall's look-alike.  Kylie looking like Blac Chyna looking like Kim, or vice-versa, or whatever.  I understand people having a "type" but this is unsettling.

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