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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. 52 minutes ago, auntl said:

    That Hawaii announcement showed Kody's need for absolute control even when it's not necessary.

    He kept insisting that they gather around the table. What difference did it make if some of the kids leaned on the kitchen counters? They could still hear him. Nope, he would not speak until they were all around the table. He just wanted to order them around and win. He's such a jerk.

    I forgot about that...he's asking 17 hungry kids to get their food and stand in a certain place...what was his point there, anyway?  He was like, "If you have your food, stand behind the table.  If you're still getting your food, stop and stand behind me.  If you have food in your mouth, sit down.  If you chose the bacon instead of the ham, walk ten paces backward and stop."  This was breakfast, right?  Where coffee is involved?  Man, my husband knows not to start asking me questions before I've at least had a sip or two of coffee and some food in my stomach in the morning.  I'm surprised someone didn't bean him over the head with a cast-iron skillet full of scrambled eggs.  He just wants the attention WHEN he wants it, the circumstances don't matter. 

    • Love 12
  2. Just another aspect of Kody's narcissist personality...he seems to think that all these births are just his wives' way of glorifying him, and that the kids should revere him simply because he is the supposed head of the family.  It's absolutely ridiculous for him to think for one second that all conversation should come to a screeching halt whenever he has something to say.  Many of the mid-to-younger age kids simply don't have a lot of respect for him.  In order to gain respect from your kids, you have to get up off the couch and follow through...and my guess is, as his brood became larger and larger, those middle kids didn't get near the time and attention from Kody as the older ones, so they quickly learned that he wasn't someone they had to behave for.  I can totally see Joe Darger getting up in front of his family and having everyone quiet down immediately because he has that demeanor (I actually find him a bit scary).  Kody is all fluff and hairspray and no follow-through.

    • Love 5
  3. 4 hours ago, Cheryl Marie said:

    If polygamists have home births because of legal/hospital fears, does that extend to skipping pediatrician visits?

    I found that photo of Maddie disturbing. A pediatrician would suggest formula, no? Were they just going to wing it until Meri's magical milk cured her?

    Since the Browns tend to embellish the truth, I don't really buy that they let Maddie suffer for 6 months until Meri's Magic Milk swooped in and save the day.  I thought the whole exchange on the couch was awkward...I believe it probably happened, but Meri didn't seem thrilled to be discussing it.  I think it was just another ploy to let us silly monogamists realize just how awesome sister wives can be.

    • Love 2
  4. Well, in a normal family if someone gets hurt, or overdoses, or suffers from mental illness, it might cause that family to quietly and privately gather together, reflect on their actions, get help for those who are struggling, and try to find a deeper meaning to their lives.

    But this is the Kardashian/Jenners.  They'd film that shizz, they'd SnapChat it, Instagram it, Tweet it and create an endorsement out of it.

    • Love 3
  5. This entire family is sick.

    BC has to know the undue stress she'd be putting on herself and her baby if she purposefully tries to gain 100 pounds.  That's just stupid...not to mention, the father is a man who has severe issues with food and depression, so what are we supposed to think - that while BC is chowing down on steaks fried in butter, Rob is nearby, happily munching on a salad?  It angers me that they can all be so collectively STUPID.  And it angers me even more that I watch them..

    • Love 6
  6. As far as poor Kylie wanting to walk around like a "normal" person, I'm reminded of when The Osbournes was on, and the oldest sister Aimee never appeared on the show and thus, probably didn't have the press chasing her around like her sister, brother and parents.  There is a way to be "famous" and not be hounded.  Kylie, on a daily basis, posts so much crap on social media, it's clear she craves the attention and would be lost without it.  So I don't want to hear Kylie say she wants to be normal.  While I agree it would be difficult for her, given the shameless family she was born into, it wouldn't be impossible for her to live her life under the radar.  Don't ask for fame, and then whine when you have too much of it because of your own actions, "King" Kylie.

    • Love 6
  7. 6 hours ago, Granny58 said:

    So I'm finally watching this episode.  1.  If you child is not gaining wt for 6 months, you don't wait that long to figure it out!  Give her formula!!  What is the big mystery?  2.  They are on the couch discussing how quickly the babies came in the early years, and Kody chimes in "and of course Robyn has (names her kids here), although she wasn't part of the family yet.".  Well then how is it relevant?    


    Because they all shoulda been together from Day One, that's why.  In Robyn's mind - and now, apparently Kody's pea-brain too - Robyn's entire pre-Kody life, including her "purity," did not really ever happen.  Robyn has basically erased the giving away of her cookie three times before Kody, and had an artistic rendering of a young Kody put in her fam'ly pictures with her kids.  It's the behavior of a sociopath, if you ask me.  She has done everything in her power to have made herself part of this family from the beginning.  That's why she frequently jumps in when the original three and Kody reminisce about the old days...she cannot stand it that they have actual memories that don't include her.  I find it very creepy.

    6 hours ago, TeeMo said:

    I often forget how stealthily witchy Robin is and then we get a scene where they are all on the couch talking about Kody's awesome labor coaching skills and Robin puts on her concerned face, turns to Meri and asks "are you feeling left out with all of us talking about our birth stories and you missed out?" or however she phrased it. Witch. No, Meri wasn't able to pop out a litter to help populate Kody's eternal planet but she did give birth once so don't worry, Robin, she didn't totally miss out on Kody's super special labor coaching. 

    Robyn's concerned face is horrible.  She frowns to the point that the corners of her sad, downturned mouth practically touch her neck.  It's hilarious to look at.  I don't know how the other wives keep from LOL-ing themselves right off the couch when Robyn does this.

    I'm with Celia Rubenstein...I have to keep the show on my DVR after watching it so I can reference the details brought up here.  I missed seeing Sol chewing on electricity, for instance.

    • Love 21
  8. 2 hours ago, CofCinci said:

    And she was homeless.  (Sorry, I'm not buying into her 'I wanted to live in a tee-pee and didn't last the night' revisionist bullshit.  She was homeless and Kody's father wouldn't let her stay inside their home).

    This is exactly why I kind of hate myself for wondering about this family's dynamics, because we are never going to get a straight, honest story from any of them.  I never bought the tee-pee story either, but it's just so odd, I don't even know where to begin...Janelle wanted to live in a tee pee and Winn said, hey, camp out on my lawn, and Janelle can't make it through one single night?  I can't remember the rest of the story...did she get cold and crawl into bed with Kody to stay warm or was Kody married by then?

    • Love 3
  9. 6 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

    Christine is keeping sweet. I don't think for one second does she trust Robyn. If Christine and Aspyn aren't quite getting along - just normal mother daughter coming of age conflict - she's probably happe Aspyn has a safe place to go that's not her house, and vice versa. However, I don't doubt for a second that Christine is playing a game.

    I think this is very true...she was raised this way and probably couldn't turn it off if she wanted to.  And I hope to the heavens that she does not trust Robyn for one second.  That's all the time it would take for Robyn to turn on Christine.

    • Love 1
  10. 2 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

    I'm like there was a safe shaped like an ass? Then I re-read it. Thanks for the chuckle- what is in that thing??

    Lots and lots and lots of Victoria's Secret undawares.

    1 hour ago, CofCinci said:

    I'm just going to say it because we're all thinking it.....  You know that Kody looks at the picture of his old Lexus convertible while banging Robyn.


    Regarding the trip to Hawaii...I get that lots of places comp in order to get their name on television for some publicity, but who in the hell would comp a resort or hotel rooms for a group of F-list "celebrities" like the Browns?  I mean, you know Kody's gonna take over wherever he goes, flitting around showing off his 4 wives and 18 kids every single chance he gets.  And don't forget, our Kode fancies himself somewhat of a surfer-dude, so who wants to bet he shoves himself into a wetsuit and gets to know all the bros at the surf shop?  Hawaii doesn't need the minuscule amount of publicity the Brown viewing demographic would bring.  The only thing I would consider on a trip to Hawaii is to make sure the Browns had already gone home.

    • Love 1
  11. 3 hours ago, FanOfTheFans said:

    Most poignant part of the show was two addicts having a conversation.  I do feel Scott speaks from his heart but he is as lost as Lamar. A truly sad scene. 

    I can't recall the last time I watched this show where I felt as acutely uncomfortable as I was watching Scott numbly make his way through that family dinner.  I realize this family puts literally everything out there for public entertainment, but in turn Scott seemed dazed, on the verge of tears, possibly about to pass out, lethargic, confused, uncomfortable, and as if he'd rather be anywhere but with that family.  He seems caught, like a fish on a hook - he needs the money the show provides, but I think filming him now is the most irresponsible thing the Kardashians can do with him.  He seems more unstable than ever.  And watching him and Lamar try and have a conversation...I felt like they were trying to blink "GET ME OUT OF HERE" in Morse code or something.

    3 hours ago, HumblePi said:

    I heard Kris say to Lamar while they were all at their family dinner together at the Armenian restaurant that Robert Sr. loved so much, "Lamar, if you had not pulled through your 'little thing', we'd be going to the {fucking Red} Lobster once a month so thank you for saving us from that"

    What did that mean, anyway?

    1 hour ago, druzy said:

    Every year on Robert Kardashian's birthday, the family honors his memory by having dinner at Rob Sr.'s favorite Armenian restaurant.

    Lamar's favorite restaurant is Red Lobster. Since Lamar survived his overdose they don't have to eat at Red Lobster once a year to honor his memory.


    She said that?  Out loud?  To Lamar?  What is wrong with that woman?!?

    • Love 11
  12. So now, I am really questioning why Janelle would pursue her ex-sister-in-law's husband.  I suppose in polygamy everyone ends up kind of related anyway, but Janelle wasn't raised that way, so why go after Kody in the first place?  It just seems that there were boundaries that Janelle had no problem stepping over.  Plus, didn't she know Meri from before she was married to Kody?  Did she not get a taste of Meri's personality back then?  If Janelle is supposedly the passive person she claims to be, why marry into Meri and Kody's family?  Unless Kody's hold over Meri was so strong that Meri falsely welcomed Janelle with open arms because that's what Kody told her to do...in which case, Kody is a bigger jerk than I thought possible.  And that's saying something.

    Something about this triangle fascinates me.  I may need to step away for awhile and watch the Kardashians to clear my head........

    • Love 10
  13. During one of the couch sessions (this past week or the week before, they all blend together), Kody said to Meri that they'd been living in Vegas for a longer period of time than they'd lived in the house in Lehi, and Robyn was all, "Oh wow, REALLY??"  And I thought: geez, woman, do you EVER shut up regarding memories that are not your own?  I know she knew about the Lehi house, but she never lived there.  I noticed too in the montage last night where they were showing pictures of the wives with their babies, they put in a picture of Robyn holding Dayton as a baby...which I find funny, since she was not even close to being a Brown back then.  They sure are working hard to cram down our throats that Robyn, despite evidence to the contrary, has been an honorary "Brown" since Day One.  I guess all you have to do is insert Kody's mug into any family portrait and he magically becomes your husband.  I'd be extremely careful with this information, mind you...don't want anyone here to unintentionally end up the 5th Mrs. Brown.

    • Love 6
  14. Mariah was surprisingly well-spoken on camera about Meri's affair.  She says she told Meri that it was a bad idea from the get-go, but Meri ignored her.  Mariah is probably aware that Meri was sending pictures and mushy voicemails while Mariah was under Meri's roof.  Mariah says that none of this is her fault, which is 100% true, but I can totally see Meri spinning it that way, with her "poor me, I only had one child and that child is leaving me so I'm lonely"  spiel.  Meri is pouring all of her love into Mariah and Mariah can't handle it (excellent point by Mariah)...that Meri wants forgiveness on her terms, but that's not going to happen, it's going to be on Mariah's terms, which it should be.  I can't recall what else Mariah said, but I found myself practically high-fiving her through my television, and I usually don't feel that way about Mariah.

    Meri's got her work cut out for her regarding her daughter.  Apparently Mariah went to college and gained not only knowledge, but a pretty strong backbone.

    • Love 5
  15. Does anyone know more details of the Meri/Janelle situation?  I am trying to figure out how in the world Janelle divorces Meri's brother and then marries Meri's husband.  Assuming Meri and her brother had a good relationship, wouldn't Meri have been like, "OH NO YOU DON'T" about going after Kody, post-divorce?  It seems that Meri would side with her brother here, even if she'd known Janelle for years.  What I am wondering is if Kody told Meri, "Janelle is my next wife, deal with it?"  And that's where the problems started between the two of them?  And why would Janelle even consider her ex sister-in-law's husband as a viable mate?  

    I wish they would speak honestly about this.  I can't believe that Meri would be okay with bringing Janelle into her marriage, that Janelle would go after Kody in the first place, and that Kody wouldn't think twice about how Meri and Janelle were once related.  It's all so weird.  There's got to be more to it.

    • Love 5
  16. Count me in as one who had to do a double-take when Dayton appeared - wow, he's a handsome boy.  And I tend to listen to everything he says, because I think he's by far the smartest, most sensitive and intuitive person in that entire cul-de-sac.

    Hunter is also growing up handsome.  I'm thinking the same will happen with Paedon, Garrrison, etc.

    Kody: Robyn is not breathing!  Not breathing enough for Baby Sister!  Baby Sister needs more oxygen from Robyn, who is not breathing enough!  Baby Sister is not out yet and still needs Robyn's oxygen, of which she is not partaking enough of!  Deeper breathes must be done so that Baby Sister can enjoy the oxygen of Robyn...GAHHHHH SHUT UP KODY STOP KODYSPLAINING

    Sol did NOT need to be present for the ceremonial umbilical-cutting.  Poor kid, he looked freaked out.  That's not something a 4-year old needs to see.

    Agree 1000% with not dragging the kids out of bed in the middle of the night to pay homage to the newest Brown.  The kids can say "hello" and fawn over Robyn in the morning, seriously.  They do not care, this is baby number 18.  And props to Gwen, I love her honest take on her crazytrain family.

    And speaking of Robyn, I am SO TIRED of her saying she's going to have an "anxiety attack."  Real anxiety attacks are scary to watch, and scary to have.  You're going to have one because you've decided to film your birth for the world to see?  Here's an idea - DON'T FILM IT.  And stop overusing that phrase immediately.

    Kody...LOL at saying "here comes the JAW..."  Who says that?  Unless the child belongs to Robyn, she of the lantern jaw...but LOL.

    Wait, so Kody is cool with Logan and his girlfriend living together...but I thought kisses contained hormones, or something like that...shouldn't he be blowing a gasket?  I love how the Brown adults used to talk about all of their pretend "rules," and here we sit, watching the older kids ignore pretty much all of those rules and live their lives, while Kody sits idly by with a befuddled look on his face, but not concerned enough to actually do anything about it.

    So this means we will never have to hear the words "baby sister" again ever on this show, right?!

    I wish I had a spare $75,000 to take myself and 30 of my family members to Hawaii for a week.

    • Love 15
  17. Part of this cluster is the fact that the women can subversively, or blatantly, throw each other under the bus depending on who is the Reigning Queen for the Day.  It's like watching four 13-year old girls fight, regroup, and form cliques where one is always going to be left out.  Meri feels that Kody is angry at her for how the tables are arranged?  Okay, Kody seems a bit cold on Christine today, let's sacrifice her for Meri's benefit.  Meri got caught playing with a virtual millionaire?  Awesome for Christine - she can be a little more bubbly and charming, knowing that Kody is probably seething at Meri.  Robyn is getting all the attention?  Let's have Meri get annoyed at Janelle for something, anything, so that Meri can finagle herself back into the #3 spot.  I have a feeling this type of behavior goes on every single day to some degree, since there are four women vying for the attention of one man with the attention span of a squirrel, who doesn't care one iota if any of his wives feel slighted - that's on THEM, not on him.

    Kody is a narcissistic jerk.  He chooses not to see how his wives are suffering.  One is playing danger games online, one is extremely overweight and checked out, one is likely on anti-depressants, and the last one is Legal Wifey Du Jour, spinning fantasy stories about purity and literally erasing history by placing Kody into her family pictures.  Sounds like one big, happy, well-adjusted fam'ly who shoulda all been together from Day One.

    I cannot believe he hasn't brought in a 5th wife yet....

    • Love 20
  18. 18 hours ago, auntl said:

    Christine and Janelle did not like Meri and were stonewalling her. I think that Meri brought Robyn in, in an attempt to get them back. She was trying to win and it blew up in her face. YAY


    1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

    @StayingAfterSunday  I agree that she's depressed and I have a lot of pity for her. But that doesn't excuse abusive behavior or make those around her with any complaints about her incorrect.

    So yeah, I don't think she's evil and I see her suffering, but I also see her causing it in others. 

    The eternal Meri Brown conundrum, y'all.

    So Meri falls for that swashbuckling rascal Kody Brown, he of the big personality and dazzling smile (back in the day).  He is all about polygamy (for reasons that I think were more selfish than religious).  Meri, although raised with polygamy, probably wasn't thrilled about having to share Kody, but knew what she was getting into when she said "I do."  I think she felt entitled as the first and legal wife of Kody, and assumed she'd always have the upper hand when it came to her man.  But she was only 19 years old, and I give her a little bit of leeway for falling in love.

    Enter Janelle, who divorces Meri's brother and marries Kody.  I would've loved to have been a fly on the wall when this arrangement went down, because what a tangled, messy web of familial boundaries this is.  Is it possible that Meri wouldn't have been so mean and aggressive with Janelle had she not divorced Meri's brother to marry Meri's husband?  I think if Meri ever does decide to delve into some deep therapy, she needs to start right here.  Did Meri have much of a say about bringing Janelle into the family, or was she just blindly agreeing to whatever Kody wanted?

    The Christine comes along...cute, funny, dizzy Christine, daughter of plyg royalty.  She chases Kody until he catches her.  What follows is a veritable baby-parade, with Janelle and Christine playing tag at becoming pregnant over and over and over, while Meri stands by, watching.  Here, I do feel for Meri, as her desire for more children was just not going to be part of her story.  I'd imagine Janelle and Christine share a bond that Meri could not be part of.  That had to hurt.

    Enter Robyn, the person who Meri was going to bring over to "her" side in order to freeze out the pain that Janelle and Christine were unintentionally (probably, maybe) causing in Meri's life.  Meri and Robyn apparently become very close, to the point that Robyn offers to rent her womb space to Meri.

    EXCEPT...Meri's man divorces her to marry Robyn (for the sake of the children, of course...no ulterior motive there, ROBYN).  Meri is getting older, and fluctuating hormones are no joke.  Kody tells Meri to drop the baby-making stuff (since he's got a new baby machine in Robyn).  Meri's only child grows up and leaves.  Kody is otherwise occupied with his new toy.  To those of us who watch her on our televisions every Sunday, it is crystal clear that Meri is depressed, sometimes painfully so.  As a woman, I can empathize.  Even though this is a situation of her own making in that she married a polygamist, it's difficult to turn away from her obvious sadness.

    So Meri finds an online sweetheart and engages in what, to me, is an affair, and then artfully plays the victim as she attempts to regain the trust of the "fam'ly."  BUT I still empathize, because despite everything, what we have at the very foundation of this wacky family is the fact that Kody can sleep around and Meri cannot.  I don't know if this is what Meri thinks when she closes her eyes alone in her McMansion, but how can she not?  Kody and Meri are having marital problems, but Kody gets to escape in a way that Meri never can.  This is where I struggle, because although she is living in a situation of her own making, at the heart of it it's unfair to Meri.  Kody can flit from one house to another when one of his wives is struggling, and I have a feeling that's exactly what he does.  What can Meri do?  Who can she turn to?  She is so brainwashed that not only is Kody the King of the Kuddle-Sac, she has been taught that jealously is a moral failing within herself.  Sick and twisted to those of us on the outside, but to Meri, it's her truth.

    Is it wrong of me to want to smack her upside the head and make her see things my way - that she is stuck, her husband has moved on, and if she wants any shred of happiness, she's going to have to strike out on her own, leave the family behind, and find herself, apart from her place in this family?  Even if she does realize this, can she actually do it?

    Wow, sorry for the dissertation!  I started typing the thoughts and couldn't stop.  LONG STORY SHORT: I both dislike Meri for being so mean, while also understanding where the meanness comes from. 

    • Love 20
  19. I wonder if there is pressure on Maddie to have all four wives act as mother of the bride, or if she has any say in it.  As she's the first to get married, she may be the one to set the precedent.  EasySpreeStep is right in that Janelle is her bio mom but Christine raised her (and I have noticed that several of Janelle's older children really seem to care for Christine as they do their bio mom).  Why on earth would she want flight-risk Meri and dad's newest squeeze to act as her mothers also, if they've not done so in the past?

    • Love 4
  20. 18 hours ago, HumblePi said:


    And Brody and Brandon Jenner are half-brothers to Kylie and Kendall but Brandon and Brody were also step-brothers to Bella, Anwar and Gigi Hadid because their mother Linda Thompson (former girlfriend of Elvis) was married to David Foster before he divorced her and married Yolanda Hadid. I've come to the conclusion that that's only four major families in the entire State of California. The Jenners, Kardashians, Hadids and Fosters, and they're all related in some way.


    I'd like to see a flow chart documenting how everyone is related to everyone else.  Whoever does it is going to have to come up with some new tags, such as "step-aunt/half-sister/second wife," "father/half brother/step-grandfather," etc.  It would look like a Technicolor web spun by a drunk spider when it's all finished.

    • Love 5
  21. 15 minutes ago, RealityCowgirl said:

    Third, trust broken is not easily earned back. Girlfriend needs to accept that. Really accept and deal with that. Two years ago, my husband was forced to admit to similar extracurricular texting fun when his playmate's husband discovered their interactions. I can tell you that, physical or not, the experience of lost trust is real. To the extent that her Meri broke the trust of family members, including Robyn, that is completely on her. Regaining it won't happen overnight, if at all. She doesn't get to expect people to pretend everything's hunky dory and jump just because she wants it.

    I think this is EXACTLY what Meri expects, because it's what's happened her entire freaking life as a sister wife.  Janelle admits to simply shutting down to avoid confrontations with Meri from Day One, and I'd imagine the collection of older Brown children all understood early on that it would be easier to just let Mariah have her way as well.  Meri and Mariah are two spoiled peas in a pod, with Mariah learning the ropes from watching her mom, and Kody fostered this behavior by not shutting it down (of course, that would mean he'd have to get up off the couch, but whatever).  Meri has it set in her head that she was always the special snowflake, until Kody gleefully took Meri up on her offer to divorce her for the sake of the kids.

    In fact, Meri said in one of her talking heads that everything is about the kids.  EVERYTHING.  Not buying it.  If she really believes this, then why not fend off some of her loneliness by taking care of some of the other kids?  There's a whole group of littles that Meri could hang out with.  She doesn't just have to have Sol - but I think she does it because she knows Sol is Kody's fave, and it's her way of getting into his good graces, at the expense of the other young ones.

    So much passive-aggressive stealthy behavior with these women, it's a wonder any of them can sleep at night.

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