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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. Yes, and I find it odd that Janelle was chosen...Janelle, she of sitting on the interview couch and not saying a word.  I've seen the commercial several times but have never heard what Janelle says.  I also recall Kody doing his King Doofus Dance on the commercial as well.  LOL, excellent advertising for a show that is quickly circling the drain.

    • Love 1
  2. Such very strong "ick" vibes radiated from my television as I watched this..."show?"  "trainwreck?"  "bits of film taken out of the trash and glued together?"  What exactly are we watching now, anyway?

    The Kanye/Kim/Kourtney stuff was snoozeville.  Except that van they were riding around in was super cool.

    I 100% agree with MarysWetBar that Scott appears to be close to tears in nearly every scene.  I feel like he's struggling not only to stay sober, but to figure out his next set of actions that won't anger or irritate Kourtney.  He has to weigh everything on what he thinks her reaction will be.  Granted, he brought much of this on himself, but given that Kourtney is part robot whose "Yeah" button is frequently stuck in the "ON" position, I have some sympathy for Scott trying to figure out the daily puzzle of his life with Kourtney.

    Penelope gives amazing side-eye and seems smartly suspicious of just about everything and everyone.

    The "ick" came along during the Khloe/Lamar/Rob chat.  Neither Lamar nor Rob are right.  Lamar looks like he's gained a lot of weight and it seemed all he wanted to do was break into all the cookie jars and devour the contents.  His eyes seemed glazed and empty, as if he wasn't completely sure where he was or what he was supposed to say.  Rob, too - I don't know what his deal is as he mumbles behind his hands, smiles weirdly, and seems either confused by or resigned to saying his lines.  For a (very) brief moment, I actually felt bad for Khloe, sitting in a room with two addicts and trying to have a conversation.  But I also think the Khloe is very aware that there is a portion of the viewing audience that only tunes in to see what's going on with the men (especially Rob), so she name-drops him repeatedly as a way of drawing more attention to herself.

    • Love 4
  3. 16 hours ago, North of Eden said:

    Nicole thinks Corey is the best looking man she's ever seen? Clearly she's never met SURVIVOR's Woo.

    Or Survivor's Malcolm.  Or Joe.  Or Ozzy, or Yul, or Fabio.  Or James, or Bobby Jon, or Tom.  Nicole, you might want to look around you a little bit.

    13 hours ago, NYCFree said:

    I found this week to be a fascinating microcosm of workplace harassment.  The fact that these women can not actually tell the harasser they do not welcome the inappropriate touching and derogatory language without fear of retaliation was perfectly shown.  It was obvious that Frank was the "real" HOH.  Anything they did that might offend Frank, could have placed them on the block.  Frank would never have said "Day didn't like being popped on the butt, so she must go."  It would have been something like "Day isn't a team player, she is emotional and unstable and puts the house in turmoil."

    I found it very sad that Day had to temper her anger even a little bit for fear that it would put a target on her back with the HOH Bridgette Frank.  I don't watch the live feeds so for me, Frank's behavior was shocking and came out of nowhere.  Apparently it's not new behavior on his part, and I look forward to watching Day's strategies to remove him from the house.

    I have always found it interesting how very few BB HG's in general seem to have a fear of public speaking, especially when they win HOH and have to go through that scripted nominee ceremony.  But Bridgette seemed like a nervous wreck.  She could hardly get the words out.  I'd like to think that her giggling and cutesy way of talking and smiling is just strategy and she's really a back-stabbing diva, but then she goes to the DR and whispers revenge on the Roadkill winner.  She's about as threatening as a newborn poodle.

    • Love 5
  4. 1 hour ago, Zahdii said:

    Possibly.  I think I remember something about how she had to add another room to get the wet bar.

    I remember that too, and I also remember wondering why an entire room had to be added to gain the precious wet bar.  Can't a wet bar just be built into an existing kitchen - especially one as big as the kitchen in Meri's house?

    I still find it humorous that Meri insisted on justifying the wet bar because her house could be the family gathering spot.  How's that working out, Mer?

    • Love 2
  5. 2 hours ago, llewis823 said:

    I wonder if they will all move into one or two houses since a lot of the older kids are moving out...oh, wait, at least 2 came back recently! They were fixing the house up in Utah to sell, but I don't think they have sold it - maybe they were fixing it up because they know when the show is canceled that they will have to move back there.

    Didn't Meri say her sister lives in the Lehi house now?  But with who, I wonder...that house is huge.  I too believe that the house is still in the family because the Browns are too afraid to actually sell it, knowing that it's very likely some or all of them will end up right back there when the show ends.

    And I know Meri is an entitled Whiny McWhinerson, but I would think it would be much harder to rattle around all alone in a huge house like hers.  If those are my circumstances, I'd much prefer a cozier, smaller home.  But Meri has to have what the other wives have, despite not having the children to fill all those empty rooms.  Any previous thoughts I might have retained about the sister wives looking out for each other were completely erased the day I watched the episode where Meri pissed and moaned about her stupid wet bar, and having a house as big as the others.  What a joke.

    • Love 5
  6. 25 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

    Does Kody really have that much authority over any of them?  He struts around but they seem to ignore him. At least on TV

    I wonder if any of the wives think about this...what's the worst that could happen if they leave him?  Is it really still about the celestial planet?  At this point, do they truly still believe that a lifetime of forever on Planet Kody is worth being so unhappy every day of their earthly lives?  Seriously, if one wife left, she would at least make a small profit on a tell-all book and possibly a TLC special of her very own ("Leaving Kody Brown: A Sister Wife On Her Own.")  I would totally watch that.

    • Love 9
  7. 20 hours ago, iwasish said:

    I'm confused, if Rob didn't know where the vacation destination was, and his stylist (pray tell, why does a man who wears a black sweat suit, socks and sandals everyday need a stylist?) packed him shorts, wouldn't he have merely arrived in Vail woefully underdressed?

    And what was the deal with Khloe's comment on Rob's sweat suit, and Rob's response that it's the same one he wore 10 days in a row.  Was he joking?  Because...ewwww?  Please tell me he owns, like, 40 black sweat suits and rotates them regularly.

    Gosh, imagine not wanting to go on a super-secret vacation on a private jet with your rich mamma because your stylist didn't know what to pack.  Does this family have even the smallest concept that the things that come out of their mouths are over-the-top ridiculous?  I swear, sometimes I feel like they flip through a dictionary, choose 10 random words, and make a sentence out of it.

    LOL...I know, none of them actually own a dictionary, just using it as an illustration.

    • Love 6
  8. 2 hours ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

    According to Mariah Smith's blog Rob's pregnancy confession scene was staged (big surprise!)  Rob's line delivery always comes off as awkward because he's not a very good actor and he's completely over this show and his ridiculous family.  And who sits down for a serious conversation with their younger brother with their tits hanging out of their top?!

    First time reading Mariah Smith's blog and I love it.  No wonder Khloe's hair keeps going from short to long to short with every passing scene.  LOL at the insane amount of cutting and pasting this show has to go through to gather enough fluff for 40 minutes of non-cohesive storylines.  No wonder Kris always seems drunk - she has no idea what month it is!

  9. I missed the entire Kim/Kris H. wedding season...not that I want to go hunting for it but what season was it?  (I'm totally going to hunt for it).

    19 hours ago, BananaRama said:

    He doesn't seem sincere when he speaks with his sisters.  The producers must tell him what to say.

    Maybe that's it, he has an awkward smile when he talks, like he's reading lines and trying to be serious, but failing, and not caring.

    • Love 3
  10. 1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

    Final thought - does everyone just shower in the HOH room? I might piss people off, but damn....if I had my own shower for the week, I wouldn't be letting everybody and their brother funk it up.

    Twice now, I've heard one HG ask another, "did you shower?" while in the HOH room.  Is there a schedule for using that shower?  Or do they not want smelly people in the HOH room?  It's a weird question.

    Not only is "SUSTAINABILITY" an awesome word choice, I am trying to figure out how Paulie retrieved all of those particular letters in only 12 minutes.  That's a lot of slime-searching in a fairly short amount of time.

    Does Paul consult the Encyclopedia of Cliches before every visit to the DR?  "So my hands are tied, and I'm at the end of my rope, but actions speak louder than words, better to be safe than sorry, and you can't judge a book by its cover blah blah blah...."

    Is anyone else bothered by the "clink-clink" sound whenever a HG reaches into the name bag to pull out a chip?  I don't know why that gives me shivers, but it totally does...especially when they rattle their hand around in there for several seconds.  I'm like, "DRAW A DAMN NAME ALREADY."

    And while I'm nitpicking, it also bugs me the way Julie Chen holds her cue cards during live shows, but this may be a sign that I've watched this show for far too many seasons.....

    • Love 6
  11. 5 hours ago, CofCinci said:

    Still going on about this? The voicemails are real. Meri scratching Sam into her arm was real. 

    What "read" is she talking about?  The Catfisher's books?  CJ's blog?  These threads here on PTV?  If she's so sure none of it was real, why is she giving it any weight by reading about it?

    Please...she puts King Sol and Princess Arialala to bed, curls up on the couch with a glass of wine and reads all about it.  And I'm sure, for Robyn, it is a pretty fun read.  I don't believe for one second that none of the wives have no clue what Meri put out there.

    • Love 3
  12. It must be exhausting to have to constantly check Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, etc. every minute of every day to figure out what your family is doing, what your enemies are doing, where everyone is, how everyone feels about everything, if your sister is friends with your enemy, if your brother is hanging out with your sister's boyfriend's ex...no wonder they are glued to their phones all damn day long and only have time to eat take-out salads.  My goodness, they barely have time to do a squat or two with their personal trainer before they need to rush right back to their phones because something important might've happened.

    • Love 9
  13. On 7/3/2016 at 2:06 PM, Celia Rubenstein said:

    What is the point of that tweet? What is Meri trying to accomplish or communicate? It seems rather random. I sense some kind of purpose but I can't figure out what it is. Is she trying to explain away something or throw subtle shade somehow? 

    I know this is my age showing, but I have such rage for people who use social media to "communicate" things passive-aggressively, or to be purposefully vague, or to tell the virtual world how happy and wonderful their lives are, etc.  What is Meri trying to communicate?  To me, it sounds like she's trying to dig at both Christine (see, your daughter is living with another wife so I'm not the only one with a sucky mother-daughter relationship!) and Janelle (look, there's a party and you're not invited!) in order to give herself a satisfying, if very brief, chance to throw a little shade someone else's way in order to feel like she's being successful at clawing her way back up towards the top of the Kody totem pole.

    • Love 7
  14. 22 hours ago, mojoween said:

    I want Paulie to stop wearing that backwards cap and stop talking with his head cocked to the side like an over-anxious Labrador.

    On that note, I want Paul to stop shaking his mohawk back and forth like a wet poodle in his DR's.

    I must've zoned out during some strategy talk - why did James throw the berry competition?

    And the Jodi air-freshener in the Roadkill comp - I don't remember her, can someone refresh my memory?

    • Love 1
  15. On 7/3/2016 at 10:01 PM, WhosThatGirl said:

    So, Corey's role on this show: Laugh sometimes and then be mute all the other times. I haven't seen him contribute anything insightful during some actual moments in this show this season. 

    He's really good at giving Kris these super-concerned looks when she's playing on her phone, and I don't know if I find it funny or pathetic.  He comes across looking like a clueless idiot, trying to be supportive of Kris, who only seems partially aware that he's even there.

    On 7/3/2016 at 11:19 PM, iwasish said:

    There's something off about Rob. I can't put my finger on it, I can't decide if he's playing a role for the cameras or if he's on some kind of meds.


    Same here...when I see him on tv, I know it's him, but something is weird and I can't figure out what it is.  I actually find myself doing a mental checklist...like, "that's his voice, those are his tattoos, it looks like Rob...what's missing?"

    22 hours ago, gotta watch said:

    Someone posted before about Kris possibly being medicated, speaking very slowly. I really noticed it in the scene of her and Corey in the underwater dining room. "Which. fish. would. be. Kylie?" 

    That was me, and I agree - she was back at it again discussing the fish.  Drunk or medicated, I don't know.  Someone suggested that she's taking on the speech patterns of her daughters, but there's something really off about her, too - she seems mentally checked out and exhausted by having to carry her storyline to the point where it's a struggle to speak coherently.

    And my "quoter" is frozen, but what HumblePi suggested about the true nature of Khloe and Rob's relationship is something I have often thought as well, but never wanted to say out loud.  Khloe is weirdly possessive of Rob, and Rob is strangely subdued by her.  Something's very "off" between the two of them.

    • Love 8
  16. I know this show is sort of scripted (if "yeah" counts as a script), and the timelines are a mess, but I would clap my hands in glee if they actually showed Rob dropping the news about the baby to a completely unprepared Koven and watching their reactions.

    • Love 2
  17. 23 minutes ago, wings707 said:

    HGs watching Jozea's pic turn black and white was the most awkward I have seen yet.  Frank bolted first.  They don't usually stand there that long.  You could feel the tension right through the TV.  

    My thought was - the group that thought Paulie was going home was standing frozen in shock.  The group that voted out Jozea was frozen in place, not wanting to be the first to move away, lest all eyes turn towards that person.

    • Love 1
  18. 10 hours ago, mamey2422 said:

    I saw this too but wasn't sure. I interpreted it as the other boy giving Dayton a sorts of thumbs up gesture/good job sentiment. 

    I don't know, but it makes me happy.  Whether or not Dayton is indeed autistic (as Robyn has said in the past, but Robyn likes to rearrange the truth to fit her own purposes, so who really knows), I'm glad to see that he seems to have found a quiet place for himself in this circus.  It can't be easy to go from having two sisters to having 87 new siblings to adjust to - not to mention the noise, the chaos, and having Kody erase history and become Dayton's "dad."  I was fearful for Dayton at first - my heart ached for this sweet, low-key kid who seemed to know exactly what was going on, and his calm, thoughtful reactions to the changes that happened around him.  The only good thing to come out of this entire season is knowing that Dayton has some pretty cool plans for his future, and no, Kody - you don't get one iota of credit for that.

    • Love 10
  19. First of all, I need to know where I can buy that adorable blouse Julie was wearing.  Is there a special "Chenbot Wardrobe" website somewhere?

    Bridget sounded ridiculous in her speech.  I was cringing in second-hand embarrassment.  She's an ER nurse, and that takes serious brains and stamina, yet she acts like a giggly 12-year old girl in the BB house.  Strategy, maybe?  I hope so.

    LOVED Bronte giving Paul the business, explaining to him exactly what he needed to do.  Paul clearly doesn't respond well to taking orders from a woman, so I hope he follows right behind his best friend Messiah on the way out the door.  Victor and his chest can go right after that.

    Are the HG's instructed to congregate and stare at the wall for a certain period of time after someone is evicted?  I mean, that was some very awkward live tv with everyone still standing motionless, several minutes after Jozea's picture grayed out...like no one wanted to be the first one to move or something.  Riveting television for sure (zzzzzzzzz).

    • Love 5
  20. 3 hours ago, missy jo said:

    So we watched table settings, beach umbrella debates and parking cars. And more therapy sessions, because all these people hate each other. 

    I think they showed two episodes at a time each week to get it off the air more quickly. Doesn't bode well. 

    We learned that cans of creamed corn, spray-painted gray, make lovely table arrangements, especially when you put 385 of them on each table.  We learned that sand, in Hawaii, gets hot.  We also learned that parking cars in a parking lot is very hard work.

    That's what the Browns wanted us to see - the wacky, map-cap silliness of having such a large fam'ly.

    What we really saw is that Meri and Janelle have deep-seated hate and distrust in one another and can barely tolerate being in the same room together.  We learned that Kody doesn't listen to his wives, ever.  We also learned that no matter the task, Kody will make it as difficult as possible because he's got the emotional maturity of a bratty, spoiled child.

    That's what we all saw.  And those are the issues that the Browns will continue to dance around for as long as this show is on the air.

    • Love 8
  21. In an earlier thread, someone mentioned Nicole's nose, and how it seems to have been re-sculpted out of Silly Putty or something...I agree, and now it's all I can see whenever she comes on my screen.

    Props to every single houseguest who had to sit there stone-faced, and listen to Jozea blather on about how good he is at reading people.  I can't believe that not one person has burst out laughing during one of his diatribes.

    And LOLOL at James scampering into the super-secret meeting called by Jozea, and no one even blinking at the fact that James was not only there and listening, but COUNTING.  I mean, hello?  Victor?  Paul?  If Jozea, Paul and Victor got together to count their collective brain cells, would they end up with a negative number?  Jozea is so high on his horse that he doesn't care that the guy they want to get out is sitting right there, hearing all about the scenarios.  As entertaining as Jozea is, he deserves to go because he's clueless.

    And reluctant props to Paul for the way he stacked his doghouse puzzle.  I can understand why no one else thought of it - based on the way it was situated, I too would've thought the bones had to be somehow balanced between the two silver bones.  I doubt I would've thought to do it the super-easy way Paul thought of.  Can't stand him and the way he shakes his mohawk in DR's, but good for him.

    • Love 4
  22. What was up when Meri said that the catfisher was "obsessed" with Robyn?  Was JO stalking Robyn on Twitter?  Because I have always thought that Robyn was either somehow in on it, or was aware that Meri was being catfished but never said anything.

  23. 4 hours ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

    I'm not sure about the timing here, but didn't Rob & BC announce the engagement first, and then the pregnancy?

    If I just found out my brother proposed to his girlfriend of a hot minute, my very first question would be, "When's her due date?"  That no one has asked that (and that Tyga the genius is the only one to be that forward thinking) makes me suspect that the family already found out about the engagement and all of these scenes were scripted re-creations.

    I'm going to have to clean my glasses and read that bolded line again.

    The entire dinner scene where they were discussing/dissing Rob, it really was Tyga making the most sense, wasn't it?  I didn't dream that?

    I struggle to think that they re-created that scene, because conversations were happening, using words other than "yeah."  They seemed to be having an actual, non-scripted discussion.  Plus, there's no way that Tyga could come off that convincingly if he had been given a script.  The others, sure - they've had years to hone their craft.  Tyga's a relative newbie.

    My favorite part of the entire episode was when Kris was shopping with her friend and pulled her phone out of her ginormous purple Wookie costume.  Like, how'd she even know where to find it in all that fur?

    My second favorite part was when Kendall was getting ready to jet off with Tyga, and they showed a quick, random shot of Kris looking...puzzled?  Vacant?  Drunk?  I don't even know but whichever intern is cutting and pasting this show together deserves a raise for "generous use of a glue stick."

    • Love 1
  24. On 6/23/2016 at 8:52 PM, BlackWidow said:

    Robin: (does annoying shirt-fidget-adjusting-and-plays-with-hair) "Wull, I juss keep lis'nin' and we keep talkin' n stuff. (more noises, little content).

    Meri:I theeeenkk me and kody-we're just all in a better place now than we were when Robin came into the fahhmlee. It would just depend. On a lottttt of theeeeenngzzz. But it's all about the kids, havin' more of 'em, so if it has to happen for that to happen, ok"

    Christine: "Oh  that would be fun! I'm doing sooooo much better now, and my expectations are lower, I mean more realistic- too!, just kidding guys, love ya!"

    Janelle: " It'd be pretty cool ."

    This was poetic!  The above lines are my faves, and I can completely hear their individual voices as they struggle to talk about their fillings.

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