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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. 14 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

    We know that, but does Paulie? Wasn't he the one who said Natalie was going to have to clean up the kitchen after James made a mess, because "you're his woman?"  Maybe it was someone else, but going by the way he talks about his home life and the way he treated Z, he seems like an old fashioned male chauvinist who believes women belong in the kitchen and men don't.  It just seems like the perfect punishment to me, Paulie would enjoy strutting around pretending to be a secret service man, but doing something his mother usually does? Ewwww. 

    Excellent work, Mama and Papa Cauliflower, for raising such a misogynistic, whiny, entitled, spoiled, and altogether icky son.

    That said, is it safe to assume that next summer's BB cast will include the Cauliflower sister among the houseguests?

    • Love 3
  2. 10 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    I can't decide whether or not I like the name "Adora." 

    I think it's cute, but NOT with the middle name "Borealis!"  But she's an adorable baby, and maybe she'll grow up to disappoint her mom and become an astronomer rather than a contestant on Big Brother.  Good luck, Baby Brenchal!

    10 hours ago, Nashville said:

    Battle Back + Round-Trip ticket + now a Jury buyback = too many second chances in one season.  Remember the Good Old Days, when "eviction" meant you were, you know, actually EVICTED?  :P

    You are evicted from the Big Brother house!  But you might get another chance!  And if you don't get that chance, you might get another chance!  And if you don't get those other two chances, here's a shocking twist - you might get yet ANOTHER chance!  

    I too miss the old days, when the word "evicted" actually meant something.

    I would've paid good money to watch Big Meech knee Paulie in the groin when he attacked her during his final speech, and make no mistake - that's exactly what he did.  Grab her on live television and plant a kiss on her when she had ZERO time to react?  Disgusting on so many levels.

    I can only assume that BB stocked the live audience with random CBS staffers and interns, based on Paulie's reception.  Paulie ate that up.  He's got the strangest, smirkiest fake smile that I think I have ever seen on another human being.  It's actually pretty chilling, because we all know that under that forced smile is a lot of rage and tears and butterflies.  He's unstable, and I hope he doesn't get a 14th chance to get back in the house.

    Da'Vonne's expression to Z was such a thing of beauty, I rewound my DVR 5 times just so I could fall in love with it over and over again.

    • Love 14
  3. 5 minutes ago, bbaddict said:


    It would be interesting if lets say Paul, James, and Natalie were final 3 and Natalie had to choose who goes to the final 2.

    I believe she really cares for James but she is there to win.

    Nat would have to think long and hard about who is on the jury, and who they'd be likely to vote for.  I think she'd actually have a better shot to win with James next to her.

    To quote a post, click the red " or +" under the person's post.

    • Love 1
  4. Thank the BB heavens that Paulie did not get Paul's punishment.  That could've been brutal for everyone except Paulie (and maybe Corey).


    44 minutes ago, Nashville said:

    Doesn't happen often, but every now and then BBKarma gets it juuuuuuuuuuust right.

    Judging from Paulie's reaction, I don't think any of the other punishments would've hit him where it hurts quite so hard.

    Again, he is baking pies and waving a flag.  The fact that he's being such a complete snotty baby about it is just beyond ridiculous.  I mean, Paul spent half the summer baking Friendship muffins, for crying out loud.

    • Love 4
  5. Julie: Congratulations, Paulie - you have the RT ticket!

    Paulie: If I go back into the house, will I have to keep baking pies?

    Julie: Yes.

    Paulie: (starts to cry) Nope, I'm out, &*^% the money, *#$% everyone, I ain't making no more &^$%$ pies.  I'm going back to Jersey.

    Julie: New Jersey called.  You can't go back there.  It's either back into the house or the Jury house.  What's your choice?

    Paulie: (ugly cries, begs for Corey)

    • Love 19
  6. 11 hours ago, Cosmosgravitation said:

    But maybe we're paranoid.  Maybe Paulie doesn't have the RT, but the person who does have the RT gets to pick a returning juror and we get Bridgette back.  That'd be nice.

    Can this please happen?!  Except what if Corey has the RT and brings Paulie back?  Can this please not happen?!?

    This stupid RT twist is making me stabby.  If Paulie has it, is it rigged?  I want say yes, because he's a fave of Production...but at the same time, if TPTB know how despised he is, do they bring him back anyway?  My fear is that BB is afraid that they will lose viewers once Paulie is gone, but do they understand that they'll lose viewers if Paulie gets back in the house?  I don't know if there's a way for Grodner to win this one.  Would she let the big RT twist just fade away - if Paulie doesn't have it, do all the other HG's just toss their cards and it's over? 

    9 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

    Sometimes I wonder if Paulie can read people at all.   Why would he even consider picking Michelle for veto?  And when she told him she wouldn't use it on him, he laughed it off.  But he started blushing.  I've noticed he does that when he's embarrassed or failing - he tries to act nonchalant but he's really affected.  It's very obvious.  Just like he laughed at Zingbot but you can tell it really stung.  He's incapable of self-deprecation, whereas Michelle has it in spades.  It's a quality I love in people.

    Of all the "laughing at myself" Zingbot close-ups, Paulie's was by far the most uncomfortable.  He looked like he was trying to squeeze out the laugh.  His face was contorted in a weird way.  Everyone else was pretty cool, with Nicole being the obvious exception.

    • Love 4
  7. 2 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

    Armpit hair?  Really, Zingbot?  Could they all just leave Natalie's body alone for awhile?

    I agree 100%.  That was really reaching.  At least she seemed to take it in fun, unlike Nicole, who pouted in the DR that Zingbot is such a Meanie McMeaniePants (especially since Nicole's "zings" were spot-on).  And regarding Natalie, I normally despise the whole Zingbot routine, but Nat's narration of the "Zing" related POV comp was actually very cute, she did a good job.

    The best "Zing" of the night, IMO, came from Big Meech to Paulie: "You're not Cody or Derrick!"  ZING!!

    I found it interesting that the person who offered Sad Chef Paulie a hug was Natalie.  She certainly didn't have to do that, after the way Paulie has treated her.  Has Paulie ever apologized to her?  I think that Paulie wanted Natalie for himself from Day One and it wounds his Jersey Boy pride that she likes James.

    So Paulie is bred to win Big Brother?  Huh.  Those are some...lofty goals, I guess.  And I still hope New Jersey locks him out when he tries to cross the state line.

    • Love 12
  8. On 8/14/2016 at 2:53 AM, Temperance said:

    I think he likes having son-in-laws that are continuing the family show, but I disagree the Ben and Josiah are the same as Derrick and Jeremy Vuolo. Jeremy and Derrick have college degrees and skills they can fallback on should the show totally fall apart. Jeremy can coach soccer or do something else. Derrick can back to whatever office work he did for Walmart. 

    I think future son-in-laws will follow this trend. 

    Wait, Bin can rap, yes?  That takes skillz, yo.

    • Love 4
  9. 19 hours ago, Missy Vixen said:

    These people do not possess the intelligence, resources, or common sense skills other adults have. Their "quiver" is not a litter of puppies. They're children, who require more than a once-a-month lunch out with their parents and some semblance of adult supervision.

    Hey now, they also get a delightful melted pile of sludge on their birthdays, don't forget.

    • Love 5
  10. 35 minutes ago, TimWil said:

    Last night Paulie was talking about the movie Cody's in (What Happened Last  Night) and he mentioned it had a premiere at the Cannes Film Festival. Of course he pronounced it "cans." OK, I know that's a common mistake but still...

    *spit-take* CODY was in a movie?!?

    2 minutes ago, Cosmosgravitation said:

    Not necessarily.  About an hour ago Michelle told live feeders she wants to align with Paul/Vic and go to final three with them.  I guess she's playing for second place.

    If I can't have Natalie as the winner, I would like Paul/Vic to "drag" Michelle to the final two...at which point, the crying suddenly ceases, and Big Meech goes on to discuss at length how she's been playing everyone this entire season, and wins the money.  Which I realize is about as likely as Corey suddenly spouting Shakespeare, but whatev, I can dream.

    • Love 5
  11. 48 minutes ago, zibnchy said:

    You're being completely unfair here. Paulie is not pond scum. Don't be mean. Pond scum actually serves a purpose (food for ducks and such). Paulie serves no discernible purpose.

    Paulie is that gross old bit of (jersey) dog poop stuck to the bottom of one's shoe. That serves no purpose.

    My sincerest apologies to pond scum.  I meant no offense by comparing you to Paulie.  I do like the Jersey Dog Poop comparison very much.

    16 minutes ago, wings707 said:

    On the Friday show I expect to hear Julie announce this was taped earlier in the week.  Before giving the rules for the auction she will say, Corey and Paulie, whoever is evicted on Thursday will not be able to benefit from anything won. 

    My guess is the HGs will be told the results of the auction on Friday, and it will be blocked by those fucking fish.   We will have to listen on the feeds to figure it out by what they say.  

    When I think about how this show is run, what comes to my mind is the scene in Ferris Bueller's Day Off, where Principal Rooney and Grace are running around the office, throwing papers into the air, tossing the phone back and forth, and trying to figure out what the hell they should be doing.  I mean, is this show scripted on the fly based on how much America loathes one of the HG's?  That said, I can't wait to see how they fill the extra day on Friday, and it had better not be 40 minutes of Ziggy Marley and two minutes of strategizing.

    • Love 6
  12. On 8/10/2016 at 7:49 PM, Celia Rubenstein said:

    I see Jinger and Jeremy are at it again. There is only a thin layer of fabric between their bare legs, for Christ sakes!!!! Their knees are almost touching.  Someone needs to turn the hose on these two sex fiends! 

    Jim Bob needs to put a stop to these wicked displays of vulgarity.  I am being defrauded left and right by these two.

    Did she place that shirt there strategically, or is it just a happy accident?  I don't know why I need to know, but I do.

    • Love 3
  13. On 8/12/2016 at 0:02 PM, Artsda said:

    Kris Jenner Connects with Caitlyn’s Dad on ‘Hollywood Medium’ (Exclusive Video)


    Huh?!  Why is Kris contacting anyone from Caitlyn's family in the first place?  She is no longer married to Caitlyn, this seems like a bizarre thing to do, even for Kris.  Why not contact your ex-husband and ask if he's okay with the way the kids turned out?

    And I'm sadfaced that there is no Hollywood Medium forum here.  I have all kinds of questions about Tyler.

    • Love 4
  14. 8 hours ago, Umbelina said:

    Nat's neck is seriously messed up.

    How did she hurt her neck?

    8 hours ago, Marie80 said:

    This is only the 4th pie he's had to make. Ridiculous. I really hope they make the HN food this week pie, because I hate to see it go to waste. When he made the 2nd pie yesterday he threw away the first one even though like half was left.

    This concerns me...who's eating these pies?  I suppose there's not much Paulie could get away with, but even so, I would not touch those pies, as his snotty tears are one of the likely ingredients.

    2 hours ago, brdwygurl said:

    Paulie: Skill. After an X amount of days, It was very simple to be done. Last and final moments were pretty solid... I was like (to Zakiyah during sex): "Shut-up, shut the ***** up, stop making noises, cameras, turn around, turn a-round, she tried to kiss me and I was like no, no, no, can't kiss me" ... Ok, just put the covers over... "


    This might be the most vile, disgusting thing Paulie has ever said and that's saying something.  He is pond scum.

    • Love 7
  15. 14 minutes ago, gunderda said:

    There was a lot of fish and after the 1st pie was done, about 5 min later they wanted him to make another just as he was getting ready to work out.  He ignored them, said he wasn't doing it, then they called him to the DR multiple times and he ignored it, then lots of fish... then we come back to Corey basically telling him to quit being an a-hole and suck it up. A little bit later Paulie is back outside, his song goes off and he comes back in and makes his 2nd pie.

    That's what makes his diva hissy fits all the more ridiculous...he has to BAKE A PIE.  Not kick a soccer ball until he loses toenails...bake a pie.

    So how far does Production push him?  I mean, I'd want to send him to the kitchen 20 times an hour, 24 hours a day.  But he's also nuts, so....

    • Love 7
  16. And I loved watching James' face when Natalie was talking...not too much reaction, but James doesn't come across as overly demonstrative.  Just quietly impressed and humbled.  It was awesome.  I adored watching Nat defend James in a way that Paulie would NEVER defend Z, and this made Paulie look like an even bigger douchecanoe.  It was the cherry on top of the sad Paulie sundae.

    • Love 12
  17. 1 minute ago, Katesus7 said:

    Paulie talking about his plans to just leave if there's no RT or Buyback.  My new hope: he doesn't get the RT, and they aren't told about Buyback UNTIL they get to the jury house.  He leaves, and doesn't get to participate in the buyback :)

    What an insufferable crybaby.  So, what - the BB rules simply do not apply to the famous Paulie Calafiore?  I hope he gets booted, Julie opens his ticket and he has the RT, but then she tells him that since he repeatedly ignored production and refused to take his punishment, your RT is null and void.  And here comes Security to escort your scared, misogynistic ass to the Jury House.  Good luck, moron.

    22 minutes ago, MrHufflepuff said:

    Is anyone actually eating the pies?

    I'm amused that they make a hamster bake pies in a house infested with ants.  

    I would not come within 20 feet of a pie baked by that guy, after watching him sob and snot for the past several days.  

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