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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. Get off my television, Bounty.  Go find Foley and you can both cry in your beers because you're just so misunderstood.  Pick up Bench on the way.

    • Love 5
  2. Me too. There's been some backlash against her as in, "Why do people like Alecia? She sucks at challenges/strategy/etc," but she was a resilient chick. I don't ever remember her breaking down to tears (even though she would have been justified). In all her confessionals, she kept her head up and stayed positive about her surroundings and even in her day after video, described her Survivor experience as positive. She didn't quit and go for the instant tribal council even though the writing was absolutely on the wall after the challenge.


    I really think what so annoyed Scot and Fuck-face about her was the fact that they couldn't phase her. She took it all and didn't let them beat her down. 

    And just when I thought I couldn't hate on Lurch and Bench any more than I already do...I agree with the fact that they couldn't defeat Alecia and it ticked them off.  What I cannot understand, though, is once they realized this - why not back the hell off?  What purpose did it serve for a big, bad bounty hunter and a professional champion basketball player to try and break a 23-year old girl's spirit?  And they both have daughters of their own??


    Perhaps it's because Bounty Hunter isn't so great at his job.  Same with Bench.  And facing a self-assured young woman threatened their fragile egos, so to protect themselves, they had to go after the person they saw as the weakest.  If Jen had stayed, would they have turned on her in Alecia's absence?


    Alecia appears to have more strength of character in her little finger than those two jerks combined.  Throw Cydney in there as well for going along with everything.  I don't know if Survivor ever brings back contestants who clearly got the short end of the straw as far as tribemates, but I hope to see Alecia back and placed on a team of non-neanderthals. 

    • Love 8
  3. I don't even want to see this jerk dragged to the end as a goat (along with Lurch) because then he will: 


    A: get a chance to talk some more and attempt to justify his bullying of Alecia, and

    B: get a decent payday for coming in either 2nd or 3rd.


    Go away, go away soon, and don't ever come back, Benchwarmer.

    • Love 6
  4. Considering their behaviour on Twitter tonight, I sure as hell don't blame her. One of Scot's gems: "We both have two daughters and if they grow up like Alecia we will be disappointed."

    Vile pigs.

    Gosh, so they don't want their daughters to have qualities like fortitude (spending hours starting a fire which is essential to survival while her tribemates called her names and took lil' nappies under the shelter)?  Or smarts, leading Alecia to find an idol clue (while her tribemates laughed and proclaimed that she was far too stupid to find it)?  Or the backbone to stand up to two obnoxious bullies and not back down from their demeaning comments, which were clearly intended to break her?  Gee...I have a daughter and I think those qualities are pretty kick-ass, myself.


    Casting needs to be careful going forward.  I, for one, have had my fill of of Dan Foley-type pigs.  Some discord makes for interesting and compelling television, but out and out bullying and misogyny is just not all that entertaining, especially on a show that's done it before.

    • Love 20
  5. Agreed. The kicker for me was when they were voting and Scott said, "I hope you watch this again and again and realize we were trying to help you."  GAG.  This is a classic mean girls move - they snub/tease/freeze out/otherwise torment another girl and then claim it's the victim's fault, they were "just trying to help." Total BS. Calling you "blondie" instead of her name...barking at her for just trying to be encouraging....generally treating her like crap - yeah, really "helpful."

    THANK YOU.  Along the same lines was Scot trying to backpedal on his "just stand there and be a cheerleader" comment at TC...trying to make it sound like he was actually encouraging Alecia to keep cheering because it was helping the Brawn tribe dig the sand.  What a crock of crap.  I was thinking about giving Scot the benefit of the doubt, thinking perhaps he was being a gigantic tool because Bounty was rubbing off on him, but forget that.  Scot is a bully, plain and simple, and needs to take several seats.


    And Bounty - I don't even know where to start with this moron.  I found his tender care of Cydney completely self-serving, because if that had been Alecia, he wouldn't have been anywhere near her.  And Probst, sitting there with Caleb, but cooing to Cydney that she was in great hands with Bounty?!  WHATEVER.  All that did was fuel Bounty's enormous ego.


    I am a die-hard fan of this show, so I won't quit on it.  But I am about at my limit for watching misogynistic bully morons get a chance to speak about anything at all, let alone Alecia - who, if I recall, made them a fire and found them an idol clue.  Combined with Caleb's evacuation, I don't recall an episode of Survivor ever making me so angry, sad, and frustrated at the same time.


    Bring back both Caleb and Alecia, and do it soon, Burnett.

    • Love 10
  6. In the picture at the top of this page (with ombre hair) I think she looks very cute.  Not necessarily a show-stopper, but a pretty girl.  It's too bad that simply being pretty or cute is not enough in her family.  One must start in on the plastic before one graduates high school to keep up with the Kardashians.  I find it sad, because there was nothing wrong with how she looked before.  Now, she looks comically enhanced and much older than her years.

    • Love 5
  7. So her little sisters are stealing the spotlight.  Kim, however, has two little people at home who call her "mama" and need her to be present.  Clearly, they are not enough of a distraction for her sad, plastic life, and she needs the constant fawning from strangers to boost her ego.  

    • Love 7
  8. GAH!!  This episode put me through the wringer.


    Did Judge Ito really say, "Good morning, Ms. Clark - I think?"  DID HE REALLY SAY THAT?!


    As far as the hair goes, I thought last night's episode was going to show the point when she went from curly to straight hair.  I was all in an uproar early on because her longer hair didn't match what I remembered.  Now it does.  Sadly, those poodle perms were once in style.  I also kind of hate myself for vividly remembering her various hairstyles.  Because it shouldn't matter one bit.  But it did.


    I kept wondering when - not IF, but WHEN - Clark would finally break down.  A person can hold their emotions in check for only so long.  And unfortunately, I know that when the emotional breakdown does occur, it tends to happen when you're doing your absolute best to hold it all in.  If Judge Ito really did call for a recess when Marcia simply couldn't continue, I give him a small prop for doing so.  He could've jumped on the misogynist bandwagon very easily at that moment and forced her to continue.


    Before I burn out on all things related to this case, I need to get my hands on Marcia Clark's book.  I watched this as a young, married and childless 20-something.  Watching it now with kids of my own, I cannot imagine the intense pressure on her shoulders every single day of this fiasco of a trial.


    I keep thinking this show cannot possibly get any more disturbing to watch, and every Tuesday night, I am taken aback.

    • Love 3
  9. Well, that was 2 hours of second-hand embarrassment.  But this is my first time watching the tell-all so maybe it's par for the course.


    Chris: "How are you feeling?  Are you sad?  You look sad."  Awkward silence.  "Your eyes look sad.  What's going through your head?  Sadness?"  Awkward pause.  "OOH I SEE A TEAR. So why are you sad?  Do you have the sads yet?"  GEEZ, man!


    Did the chicken have to be there the whole time?  I found myself more interested in it than the women.


    The weird camera cuts from audience reactions to what was going on up on stage rarely felt logical.  Very odd editing.


    The Lace tattoo guy?  Was that supposed to be funny, scary, or awkward?  Or all three?  That was beyond strange.


    Rewatching Caila's limo meltdown, I felt like she was acting big time, and clearly auditioning for her upcoming role on The Bachlorette.


    Can't wait for next week to see which one Ben is really in love with.

    • Love 8
  10. Andy: "We'll be back after this........"


    Cut to a break and the tape of Daisy running out to the sofa, needle and IV, platter of almond and if they have time, an enema.......

    I see what you did there.  I laughed so hard I had to cover it up with pretend coughing so my co-workers wouldn't be alarmed.


    I wonder if Yo will carefully study the word "Munchausen" beforehand, or will we be treated to several of her 143 variations?


    Who will be the first to cry?  It can't always be Kyle.  But...I'll put money on Kyle anyway.

    • Love 3
  11. If they are actually trying to keep their relationship healthy by keeping a low profile, then this might be the smartest and most thoughtful thing a Kardashian kid has done in...well, ever.


    So okay, you two.  Stop with the videos, pictures, cryptic posts, etc.  I'd bet Rob could go a lot longer without a play by play of their relationship on social media presence than his girlfriend, but we'll see.

    • Love 6
  12. Another mom here who rarely dressed her little boy in adult-type clothes except for special occasions, and even then, hardly ever. No turtlenecks (because I hated trying to squish his little head through the thing).  Nothing with decals on the front (because they are scratchy when rubbed against the skin).  No buttons, just in case one fell off.  This smacks a little bit of Jessa wanting to play dress-up with her new doll, IMO, and Instagram the results.

    • Love 8
  13. Kim has an Armenian heritage.  Kylie does not.  She's never going to have the coloring that Kim has, and she looks ridiculous trying.  It's too bad Kylie can't accept her own personal qualities and stop trying to copy Kim.  Kylie was so much prettier when she was Kylie and not Kim 2.0.

    • Love 3
  14. Alecia could have also sat on top of the box so they couldn't open it, but I have no doubt they would have physically dragged her off of it.

    I am thinking the same thing - based on the fact that Bounty acted like she wasn't even there the entire time Scot was trying to push the key out with the stick.  He completely ignored her as she was standing next to him while he and Scot joyfully exclaimed that they'd gotten the idol.  This ticks me off to no end.  He acts like she's not worthy of his attention.  Which might be funny - except that Bounty is now being warmed and hydrated by the fire that Alecia created, and he is enjoying the idol based on the clue that Alecia found.  And yet, he treats her like she's invisible.


    I want him to stick around long enough to be booted out by a grand scheme of Alecia's creation.  Preferably while he smugly sits at Tribal with an idol.  Bounty might actually be worse than Dan Foley (and THANK YOU, Survivor, for constantly reminding me of that guy)!  While Dan treated the women in his tribe like they were morons, Bounty is barely acknowledging that he has someone named Alecia on his tribe.  

    • Love 4
  15. Forgot to specify: Both figures are tied to stakes.

    Because why not?  It's like he pulled 14 random words out of the dictionary, handed them to the tattoo artist, and said, "Draw that!"

    • Love 4
  16. I approve of continuing the speculation into what Jason's back tattoo is supposed to depict.

    Might need its own topic, as it is highly subject to interpretation.  Scot's back mess could be up for debate as well - I just remember seeing the word POISON spelled out in huge purple letters with what looked like the tattoo artist's drunk interpretation of a Jackson Pollock painting.

    • Love 2
  17. I'm on the fence.  Don't really like him, but compared to some of the others, I'll take him.  Something about him strikes me as a little creepy.


    I was digging the ice cream pants, though, as well as the bow tie.  What exactly did he do to make Peter want to target him?

    I think Liz and Peter assumed Neal had an idol (based on an interview Liz gave after she was booted).

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