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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. Despite her edit, I think she has a good understanding of the game and is stronger than she seems based on editing. She won't win but she might be called back in the future (and then she could win....). There's a special something about her, maybe the disconnect betwewen how others in her tribe see her/how she is and sees herself/how she knew to stay mute when Jenn self-imploded, that makes me think it would not be wise to underestimate her.  

    And I truly hope that the players who most underestimate her become the very same players that she herself has a strong hand in sending home.


    That video cemented it - I am really rooting for her to go as far as she can.

    • Love 4
  2. Being a loyal viewer of Big Brother, Caleb is a much better fit for Survivor. I don't want him to win, but I have to admit he is a beast in competitions.


    I almost gagged when Jason mentioned he's from Southeast Michigan. Is that what i smell around here? 


    The Stepford Model guy? Don't care to look up his name. He basically admitted he has sociopathic tendencies. Uh huh...just fake it that you care. 


    Debbie is growing on me. I could only take her in small doses, but she'd be a good ally in this game that I'd suffer through to get to the end. 


    Peter looks like an Obama/ Joker morph face.

    I'm on the southwest side of the state and I smell it here, too.  And I think his back tattoo is an octopus trying to eat a sheep, but the tattoo artist got bored and didn't feel like finishing the sheep.


    I'm nervous for next week's episode.  I'm all for making Survivor challenging, but not to the point of what looks like several cast members down and at least one evacuation.  Of course, I also cringe every time I see a challenge that involves one player grabbing a pole while several others gang up and try to rip the person off and drag them towards a finish line.  Also not a fan of blindfolding players and having them walk into sharp objects.  It seems counterintuitive to make the challenges that dangerous, because voting someone off is often not necessary in those situations.

    • Love 2
  3. I know they aren't technically cast members, but what about the critters? WHAT WAS THAT SPINY THING? It looked like a land urchin, but maybe some kind of spiny shrimp? 


    And I swear I saw a lizard with lips.

    Yes, what on earth was the little creature in the tree, shown right before Aubry and Debbie had their chat in the shelter?  I don't know if this was the lizard with lips that you saw, but that's an accurate description of what I saw.  I couldn't decide if it was cute and cuddly or spiny and scary.

  4. Right!? Mr. Straycat and I wondered the same thing. All he was wearing were those little underwear shorts. WHERE and how did he hide it from his teammates? Inquiring mind want to know!

    I thought he reburied it under another tree but I could be wrong.  I did think it was sweet that he thanked the tree for the idol, too.

    • Love 5

    I found it interesting that Brawn apparently wouldn't let Alecia try the puzzle?  I'm not sure if she'd be any good at it, but she at least should have gotten her turn.  Cydney went first and failed spectacularly, and a few tries in, one of the D Bags asked her if she wanted to switch.  Yet they completely minimised Alecia in that challenge.


    I don't think her game is good at all.  Her game pretty much consists of doing nothing.  She seems to have no idea that Scot and Jason are the Final 2 in their own minds.  She would have been way better off teaming with Alecia.  If they happened to lose the challenge, vote out Jason.  Then with only 3 members left, there could possibly be a merge next time around.  Instead, she immediately runs to Jason and Scot and tells them that Alecia found a clue and exactly what the clue said "the idol is hidden at the base of this tree".  


    So Alecia found the clue and shared it with Cydney.  Cydney then told Jason and Scot.  Jason and Scot then find the idol.  Which somehow becomes Jason's because he picked up the key.  Ugh.  If Cydney still thinks they are loyal to her, she is even more of an idiot that I thought.

    And I may be mistaken, but I believe Bounty replied, "the base of what tree?"


    Um.  That would be the tree where you saw Cydney and Alecia digging.  And Alecia is the airhead.


    I too was ticked that Alecia was never given a chance at the challenge.  I wonder if she asked and was told no, or if they just ignored her like they did when they found the idol.  I think that's what bugs me the most about Bounty and Lurch - they ignore Alecia completely because they think she's a non-entity, until she does Survivor-type stuff like make fire and find the clue to an immunity idol.  Both of which no one else could or bothered to do.


    And here I didn't think it was at all possible to despise a player, let alone two, more than Foley.  Good work, Survivor!

    • Love 10
  6. Doesn't he have a child who has autism? I assumed he mentioned it in the first interview because he wanted to garner sympathy for himself. I do remember him pulling out the "I'll do whatever it takes for my family!" card. I'm sure that bear has a sob story attached to it.


    I guess I'm so used to any mention of a contestant's family is automatically a kind of tragic motivational force. That's always how it is on Chopped, anyway.

    That's why I don't care to hear any part of his sob story at all, but I'm certain that we will.  Don't try and sell us your soft and tender heart when you go on national television and don't bother to learn the name of one of your tribemates because you think she's a useless airhead.  Guess what?  She's someone's daughter, too. 

    • Love 21
  7. So Kourtney and Kylie hang out with Adrienne.  Then Rob hangs out and Instagrams himself with French Montana (excuse me, I can't type that name without laughing.........okay, I'm done).  What is it with this family?  I am trying to imagine hanging out with someone who hurt one of my sisters and posing happily for photos, but I can't.  They literally have no boundaries.  It's like once you are sucked into the Kardashian family's twisted web, that's it - you're in for life.

  8. Prior to the scandals, I can imagine that Joshie enjoyed a lot of independence from Jim Boob because he was their first experiment in terms of pushing one of their creations out into the actual world. And things were going, at least in Boob and MeChelle's eyes, swimmingly. Joshie was yukking it up with fundie superstars and using his smug, fat little face to further bolster the holier-than-Jesus-himself Duggar brand.He found a dutiful and obedient muppet in Anna and she commenced popping out soldiers for his Jesus army immediately and unquestioningly. They probably didn't feel like they had any reason to worry. As far as they knew, they'd successfully buried the molestations years before. Even when Josh was still living at home, there was a sense that he was the golden boy who was catered to and adored for being the cherished oldest male. I doubt Boob concerned himself too much with the details of Pugsley's spending. He probably will NOW, though. The Duggar brand can't afford to get covered in Josh manure again.

    This is an excellent and well-written synopsis.  It's also terrifying, because it's true.

    • Love 7
  9. What puzzles me is, did this guy watch any previous episodes of Survivor before applying?  At all?  Because when you start puffing out your chest and talking like you own the game, other people tend to notice, and they typically don't like it.  I wish he'd gotten the boot instead of Liz, only because I think he's going to be more insufferable going forward.

    • Love 1

    Poultry execution, Caleb assures Tai that he's dead and out of pain

    Khaleesi:  Caleb's being really sweet.  Maybe he just needs to be outdoors to be a good person. 



    Aww, I think Khaleesi is right!  Having watched him on BB, I can't yet decide if he's getting a good edit on Survivor or perhaps he's done some growing up during the break between the shows.  I hope it's the latter.  I can't help but feel like he is a good person at heart.  Time will tell.

    • Love 5
  11. I am also wondering about the super idol...are there two idols buried at each camp?  Or will each tribe have one idol and be forced to find out post-merge who has the other idols to make that super-idol?  It's interesting, because it could force people to align that might not have otherwise done so, but it's a bit confusing.

    • Love 5
  12. I love the ice cream pants. And the bow tie. Fantastic.


    I just want Alecia to stay around longer than Jason. I hope something awful happens to his teddy bear.

    I want Alecia to kidnap the bear and give it back covered in tattoos made from berries with both its ears gauged.


    Every time Jason utters the words "southeast Michigan," I wilt a little bit inside.  The Detroit area does not need to be represented by this tool.


    Loved how Alecia found the clue while the two tattooed morons sat there proclaiming that she was far too stupid to find it.  I was then enraged when they retrieved the idol and refused to look Alecia in the eyes while she stood there watching.  I want Bounty gone and I want Alecia to be the mastermind behind it.  And I don't even want to hear one word from that guy about how that teddy bear reminds him of his sweet daughters back home.  Don't.  EVEN.


    I have worked in healthcare for years.  Nobama reminds me strongly of some of the biggest egos I have ever dealt with.  I too wish he'd been voted out because I have the feeling that Liz might not be quite so hard to handle, come the merge.  I can see Peter and Nick teaming up and doing damage, 'cause they are both so handsome and all.


    I didn't realize until last night how truly awful Scot's back tattoo is.


    Debbie wouldn't scare me so much if she didn't yell at the cameraperson in her talking heads.  The. TIME! TO! ACT! IS! NOW!  Yikes!!

    • Love 4
  13. I can't believe how my liking of Jenny/dislike of Alecia in episode 1 totally flipped around during episode 2.


    Jenny quizzing Alecia on the best Survivor move ticked me off.  Jenny knew that the rest of the tribe thought Alecia was an airhead, and Jenny played on that during that segment with her tone of voice and facial expressions.  She might as well have asked Alecia "what is the best color?  No, it's not blue, stupid!  Not red, moron!"  A purposely vague question posed in order to make Jenny look superior.  Bye, Jen-ay.

    • Love 5
  14. I don't know if this is the right thread, but in what universe does a crime scene for an active murder investigation get gutted of all furnishings and scrubbed down?  I was gobsmacked at the "tours" through Nicole's and OJ's homes.  Neither of those homes presented the truth - wouldn't this be the very definition of tampering with evidence?  If this show were fiction, I'd laugh and change the channel because it's too crazy to be real.  How did OJ's team get away with rearranging the artwork, pictures, etc.?  How did they manage to do this unchecked and unseen?  I also cannot figure out why OJ was present at the tour of his own home, and allowed to move around somewhat freely in the presence of the jury.  None of this makes any sense.


    Mind blown.


    And I can't wait to get my hands on Christopher Darden's book now.

    • Love 5
  15. As this is my first time watching an entire season of The Bachelor, I get a strong "squicky" feeling from Ben.  Based on the other bachelors that came before him, is Ben extra-squicky or do I just need to develop a stronger tolerance for squick?  Between his forlorn and somewhat glassy-eyed gazes, and the way he keeps asking the women why they're scared, he just doesn't seem very easy to like or empathize with.

    • Love 1
  16. Comparing those two pictures above, it seems she really only messed with her lips, yet she looks completely different than she used to.  I can't see any real difference with her eyes (except for the 14 layers of eyeshadow and mascara), her nose, chin, etc. all look the same.  But still, she now looks like Kim Junior, whereas before, she looked like Kendall.  Can't figure it out and it's bugging me.  

    • Love 1
  17. Are we talking "Rob and Lamar, sitting in a tree..." or a coke fueled orgy weekend involving them and others?

    That's what's so weird about the way she talks around it.  If it were the latter, I would think she'd be much more furious than she seems to be when she talks about it on the show, because that's Lamar cheating on her in her own house.  I can't help but wonder if it's the former, but again, shouldn't she be furious no matter what?  Either one is a basis for ending the marriage and severing all ties with Lamar.  And yet, she will always love him, he's her soul-mate, etc.  It makes zero sense.

    • Love 2
  18. Wow, she used to be adorable.  She looked more like Kendall.  Now she looks like mini-Kim.  I swear, the Kardashian-Jenner girls were all beautiful and different.  Now, with the exceptions of Kourtney and Kendall, they look entirely made of plastic, Botox and spackle.  So ridiculous.

    • Love 7
  19. Sure would like to know the truth about all those "dark" things that were going on under her roof with Lamar and Rob.  She has vaguely mentioned that whatever went on, Rob was damaged by it.  There's a lot there that we will never know because it doesn't spin Khloe in a good light, and that's all that matters to her.

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