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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. I remember an episode where Kris was weeping at Robert's grave, saying her biggest regret was divorcing him.  At the time, I thought it didn't quite ring true, and now that I know she was flaunting her boyfriend all over town while still married to him, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that while she may be somewhat sorry now, she didn't give a crap while she was married, nor care what it did to her children.

    • Love 6
  2. Except on Survivor, calling a player by their last name is a sign of respect (or mancrush) from Probst: Donaldson, Penner, Cochran, etc.  I'd hate to think that this guy is trying to insert himself into this category by calling himself by his last name.

    • Love 3
  3. I agree that Joe would not have let Liz make a fire and would have reacted extremely poorly had she made one.  Avoiding conflict is a worthwhile strategy, Liz followed that.  Joe is a complete idiot thus far.




    That's what makes the whole thing so ridiculous, and made Joe look so bad IMO.  The most logical things to do when setting up camp in a dangerously hot and humid environment are to get a fire going and drink lots of clean water.  I don't think Liz went overboard by trying to acquire those simple things.  But she realized she was dealing with Joe and Debbie, who both insisted that water did not need to be boiled.  Knowing that I was starting out on a tribe who acted so dismissive of simple survival tools would shake me as well.  Joe may not have been physically standing in Liz's way of making a fire, but his tone of voice and posture were threatening and demeaning.  I was happy to see her walk away from the situation.  She was never going to win in that moment against Joe's ego and Debbie's indestructible gut.

    • Love 12
  4. I think Peter's got exactly the right idea regarding Debbie, she's a great pawn (not sure she's a goat in the sense that I think she'll drive people too insane to keep to the bitter end, but Phillip got there, so who knows?). She's the easiest type of person to manipulate, just make her believe that you're in complete and utter awe of her many talents and that she's the one leading you and her vote is in the bag. 


    I couldn't help wondering if he overthought it and it wasn't nearly as high as he thought (unless they showed him seeing it, which I missed). It just seems unlikely that anything would be hidden in an   essentially unscalable tree (straight up and down without much in the way of footholds.) 


    I agree, I thought Joe was unnecessarily harsh, but something about Liz's breakdown rubbed me the wrong way too. Kind of hard to articulate why since I do agree that boiling the water is a good idea and with a massive fire-making kit, boiling water should not have been a problem, but her whimpering had a tinge of spoiled child to it that put me off. 


    I was absolutely sure that she was going to accomplish nothing but stripping the flint bare, so I was pleasantly surprised that she actually got somewhere at long last. That said, it seemed like her initial "embryo" went out and it was Jason who got it going in the end. It appeared that without her initiative to TRY, he wouldn't have gotten off his fat ass, but without him, I don't think that fire would have been started and I suspect the tribe won't be giving her much credit for that. 



    Anyone who can pretend to be in awe of Debbie's multitude of accomplishments for 39 days absolutely deserves to be the sole Survivor.  And also an Oscar winner.


    As for the idol, I know I was getting tired of idols being hidden in plain sight and thus far too easy to find, but this multi-step process of clues, keys, and having to scale a tree seems like a wee bit of overkill.  I would've loved to have seen another season of hiding the idols at challenges.  Since last season was filmed after this one but televised first, this cast would've been the first to try and retrieve idols from challenges.  I'm not sure too many on this season would've been able to pull it off quite so skillfully as Wentworth and Jeremy last season.


    I can sympathize with Liz.  She was probably feeling bad and knew that some water would help, yet Joe seemed to want to stand in her way of getting any and basically called her a baby for wanting clean water to drink.  I liked Joe on the first episode.  Now, not so much.


    And if Alecia has worked on that fire for 5 hours, worn down the flint and not gotten anywhere, can you imagine the glee Bounty would've had coming up with new words for "dumb" and "blonde?"  Can't stand that jerk.

    • Love 3

    The bad:  I realized that one of the publisher/author guys played Andy Garvey from Little House on the Prairie - and I realized I'm approaching 'Old crotchety lady' if I can figure out who he was from that far back.

    Let me push my rocking chair up next to yours.  That's 100% how I remembered him, too.  Wonder what his cute little brother Matthew is up to?

    • Love 3
  6. It's called high time preference - since they had hens and not roosters there was the possibility that, if cared for properly, in a couple days eggs could be forthcoming.  Eggs that would then provide some much needed fat and protein for several days.  But instead the thought process was basically Me Hungry/Got Fire/Eat Chicken.  Unless there's is a reshuffling soon I expect to see these chowderheads remove themselves from the game through a a series of bad decisions and complete lack of strategic thinking.



    PERFECT description of that tribe.  Two seconds after Alecia got the fire going, they sacrificed a chicken and had dinner.  Did they even discuss it?  Or did Bountry run over and snap the chicken's neck before anyone could blink?


    Also, I do not understand the thought process of a tribe that all hangs out together, except for the one person who is knowingly looking for an idol.  It happened with Beauty (everyone playing in the water while Tai climbed a tree) and also with Brawn (Alecia out looking while everyone sat around saying she was clearly too dumb to find it).  Why do tribes just chill and let one person search for idols, unchecked, and then proceed to sit back and say, "Gee, look - there they go again, looking for an idol.  Pass the coconut juice."  That makes zero sense to me.  


    I would LOVE for Alecia to find the idol.  LOVE.

    • Love 8
  7. e1c7fe77115e2f9375a8fa11b77a4290.jpg?ito




    The promos for the show are somewhat misleading because TLC makes it look like most of the Duggar herd will be in each episode but the show is essentially the Jill & Jessa parade of cuteness that TLC was hell-bent to make in the first place. Is Jill even in that picture? It looks like Jessa, Jana, Jinger and Joy-Anna, so where's Jessa? It is her and Jessa's show, right?

    This just enrages me.  "Jill and Jessa: Counting On."  Yet, there's no Jill.  But there is a SPURGE.  Why is there a Spurge?  If this show is about focusing on the healing of the girls, I'm not sure why the baby needs to be featured.  I mean, I know why, but it's ridiculous.


    And Anna - is she even part of the show?  I sure didn't see her jumping for joy and rushing to adore the baby Spurge in the promo pictures.  Sickening.  This woman needs to heal as much as the sisters.  The fact that she is so completely stuck in this cluster makes me all kinds of sad.


    Jana is way prettier than Jessa.  Just wanted to throw that out there, too.

    • Love 9
  8. Tattoos can be beautiful, creative, and tell a story.  Bounty's tattoos all look scribbled on and oddly placed, like his friends colored on him one night when he was drunk and he thought it'd be cool to turn them all into tats.  Between that, his knuckle cracking, and his deep-seated meanness to Alecia, I totally hope he does pull a Dan Foley and get voted out when he holds some powerful advantage and then scratches his head in befuddlement all the was to Loser's Lodge.

    • Love 6
  9. Completely hating the Brawn tribe, especially Sunburn and Lurch.



    It's still early, but I'm finding these people to be an odd mismatch of weirdness.  Maybe it's subconsciously bugging me that, as been suggested, some of the cast don't seem to fit into their tribe and I'm waiting for the old switcheroo.  But I almost feel like the casting department didn't do their homework as well as they usually do.  Scot, Bounty, Cydynyey, Nick, Joe, Debbie and Barack all annoy me greatly.  Thankfully I have the budding romance between Caleb and Tai to make me smile in between watching the Brawn tribe sleep and the Brain tribe roll their eyes at each other.


    But I will still watch and savor every episode multiple times because SURVIVOR.

    • Love 4
  10. She always talked nasty, from way back when the show first started - I don't know if this was her attempt to grab some of the spotlight or what, but as she gets older and comes into her own somewhat, she's only getting worse when she should be getting better.  It's not attractive for a 30-something woman to talk like she does, it's juvenile and embarrassing.  And I still cannot figure out why no one in that family (besides Kris, who is useless) hasn't attempted to reign her in.  I remember seeing both Bruce and Rob asking her to cool it on occasion, but no one takes her to task so she runs her mouth like a spoiled teenage brat with literally no limits.  Some of the things she's said to Tyga, Rob and Scott are truly disgusting and disturbing.

    • Love 3
  11. It just makes me shake my head when I look at the men in these women's lives...Kanye, Rob, Lamar, Bruce/Caitlyn, Scott.  I mean, everyone has issues but there's not one regular guy in the group, one who gets up in the morning, goes out and earns his paycheck, comes home to his wife and kids, and just exists.  That's why I loved when Brandon and Leah used to pop up on the show.  It's like - HEY LOOK - a well-adjusted man on KUWTK!  How strange and wonderful!!  It's like spotting a Yeti or something.


    Khloe takes care of Lamar because then the spotlight remains on her, and she gets to play the hero and the martyr at the same time.

    • Love 9
  12. Tai goes in for a kiss (or wanting to share the food that is already in Caleb's mouth, LOL), Caleb jumps back in surprise.  Tai says something like, "Oh, sorry!" and Caleb replies, "Hey, next time just ask me first!"


    Two episodes in and I'm still digging Beast Mode Cowboy.  He could've taken that little scene in a completely different direction but so far, he seems somewhat perplexed, yet okay with the fact that Tai has a pretty obvious crush on him.

    • Love 5
  13. Sometimes I think Alecia's big eyes and confused smiles are because she doesn't really have a clue what's going on. Then all of a sudden, she talks complete sense with Jen about how, if they make the merge, their two big, brawny and brainless male tribemates will be targeted first, so an all-girls alliance is the smart way to go.  Could've knocked me over with a feather.  She annoys me (but not greatly), yet now I'm kind of rooting for her.


    I don't understand why Joe thought using up half the kerosene to start the tribe's first fire was the logical thing to do.  That stuff was their liquid gold.  They should've rationed and protected the heck out of it.  And now it's basically gone.  That was weird.


    Debbie as the love-child of Agent Phil and Shirin is both accurate and terrifying.  I cringe in second-hand embarrassment every time she opens her mouth, but yet, I hope she sticks around for awhile because, like Phil, she makes for entertaining television.  Plus, her eyes apparently have built-in microscopes that can detect microbes in water, so that's cool, I guess.


    I am liking Caleb a lot.  JudyObscure made a great point about Caleb's stalkerish tendencies on BB...at least he didn't try and force a cuddle or a kiss like Tai is doing to Caleb.  But so far, Caleb seems to be taking it in stride.


    Jason?  Shut the hell up about "Blondie."  You profess to be this amazing father to two young girls, yet you treat Alecia like a brainless airhead who only takes up space and breathes your air.  Nice, jerk.


    Kind of a strange episode all the way around.

    Kindergarten camp is damn right for the Brawn tribe. It's like I watch one of the first seasons of Survivor, the only thing missing is the soft guy who was voting people off alphabetically. It was a dull, boring, predictable and forgettable episode up until the big boom at tribal council. In fact I just watched it and the only thing I do remember that made me giggle was Tai trying to climb a tree saying "how did Ozzie do it"? Oh I miss Ozzie so much, not the one flirting with that girl, Ozzie from his first season, the pure kid. And when you start missing a player who hasn't played for 15 seasons or so and you don't remember a thing from the season that is not on air, that is a bad thing now ain't it?



    I miss Ozzy from Cook Island every single season.:)

    • Love 10
  14. Those four promo screenshots had me LOL-ing, until I realized they were real.


    What they said to me was:


    Picture #1 - Here are the damaged girls.  They need to heal.  But they love and support each other.  You can tell by the way they are posed.  It's for real.
    Picture #2 - but LOOK!  It's the SPURGE and he makes everything A-OK!  Jessa raises him in the air like Simba!  Let the Duggar children run to him, and jump for joy whilst doing so, revealing all the pit stains!
    Picture #3 - Frolicking ensues, as all the happy brothers and sisters rush in to see who can get get closest to the Spurge while simultaneously not knocking the babe right out of his mother's arms!  Bin is relegated to the background, he must not have bin fast enough for those speedy Duggers and Duggerettes!  Poor Bin!

    Picture #4 - Happy, happy family!  Everyone is hugging and is happy.  All is healed!  And they all lived happily ever after.  Happy!



    This is for real, right?

    • Love 19
  15. Besides Tay-Tay beating Beyonce at the VH1s, what exactly is his beef with her?  She's a young, talented female singer.  Why can't Kanye let this go?  Does he want to be her?  Does he want to be the first male member of her Girl Squad?  If Kanye is King of the Universe, what is it about her that gets under his skin?  It's such a bizarre feud on his part and he sounds more and more nuts every single time he mentions her.


    And while I have no sympathy for Kim, it must be getting old for her to constantly hear about Kanye and Amber's sexytimes.  

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