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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. I could have sworn in Lisar's response to YoYos question about "why do you think I post the pictures?," that Lisar was about to say "for attention!" and caught herself. I'd have to see it again to be sure, but she then spit out "for awareness."  She should've said the truth - yes of course for attention!  Just say it someone! 

    Thank you!  I totally thought Rinna was going to say something garbled like, "for attenshhhhhh - er, ah, awareness!  Yes, I meant awareness!"  LOL.


    If Erika's house is Pasadena, I'll pass.  I'd like to visit Malibu, please.


    And Kathryn/Donnie:


    "I'll make you some oatmeal."


    "With blueberries?"


    "And I'll make you some tea."


    Scintillating conversation on par with the Kardashian sisters.  Yawn.

    • Love 12
  2. OMG, he's a damn pedophile, and it's the first one. I believe it's him talking to one of his fellow pedophiles,  his "dogs," about the minor Kylie being legal as long as she's sexually stimulated. 


    Is there another word besides nasty?


    Oh yeah, criminal

    Hold.  The.  Phone.


    Tyga wrote this about Kylie?  And Tyga is still allowed to come within 500 feet of her?  And Kris Jenner invites Tyga to family gatherings?  And where is Caitlyn in this?  And how is this remotely okay with any of Kylie's older sisters?  And...I don't have any more questions?  Because my brain hurts.

    • Love 4
  3. It's pathetic in the first place for Kim - or anyone - to HAVE to tell Kanye to back off on discussing innocent children, since he has two of his own.  Does Kanye truly think that he can say whatever the hell he wants but he himself is untouchable?  Is he really that delusional?  How many veins would explode in his head if someone dared post anything about his own kids?    And in what universe do you take and post a selfie with a woman who knows more secrets about your husband than you ever will?  


    These people!!  Will do ANYTHING to stay relevant!

    • Love 4
  4. I wonder if Kim approached Kanye and told him that, being pregnant and exhausted, she didn't want a big party for her birthday.  And then Kanye, being Kanye and wanting to show off his wealth, style, and party-planning expertise, went ahead and did it anyway.


    Without the men, this is a show about women who pet their hair, wear too much makeup, discuss each other based only on how they look that day, throw extravagant parties, and have awkward and boring conversations that consist of long shots of them staring at each other and someone ending a scene with the word "Yeah."  Pretty sure this show is on its last legs, unless Kris can figure out a way to get Lamar, Scott and Rob, with their respective dramas, back on board.

    • Love 8
  5. I learn so much here.  I have long wondered the thought processes at work here...how a family that preaches modesty at all costs can allow their womenfolk to spackle on the makeup.  If knees and any hints of skin are covered and hidden, why would the women take their face - the one bit of skin they are allowed to show - and paint it up like a burlesque dancer?  Makeup is lovely in moderation.  Michelle looks like she took every product marketed to teenager girls of the 80's and put it on all at once, and her daughters are following suit.

    • Love 6
  6. Good points, nkotb.  I just posted in the episode thread how less-than-thrilled Kim seemed during her party.  The two of them are rarely shown together on the show, and when they are, there is a palpable discomfort between them, at least from what I see.  They do not seem to be a young couple in love.  Have they ever kissed on the show (besides their wedding...and did they even kiss then)?  At least with Kourtney/Scott, they showed some affection towards one another.  The Wests seem to be operating on different planes.  It's very weird.  I get a strong feeling that Kanye wants little to nothing to do with this show nor this family, but he shows his face every now and again in an attempt to present a united front with Kim.


    Any chance Kanye/Cory would.......oh, never mind.  That's too crazy, even for this show.  Or is it?

    • Love 6
  7. Kim looked less than thrilled during every second of her surprise party, aside from when she was eating.  The whole party was odd.  When they herded everyone into another room so Kim could blow out the candles on her cake, she looked like she was truly over it, Kanye had a weird, fake grin plastered to his face, and it seemed like half the party had wandered into another room...I don't even know.  Between everyone donning pregnant bellies, the awkwardness/hostility that was Caitlyn/Cory, Kris on the phone discussing Lamar's issues, Cory trying to get Kris a drink, Kris not wanting a drink..."weird" does not begin to describe this.  It's like every single person in attendance was given a different script to follow.

    • Love 1
  8. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..........(referring to this show, not the comments).


    Kim.  Being that enormous must be extremely uncomfortable.  Squeezing yourself into sausage-casing dresses cannot be helping.  Here's an idea - dress in loose, comfortable clothing and lay off the taco salads.  Does this woman ever stop eating?  Seriously, she looked miserable throughout the entire episode but I just can't work up too much sympathy for her.  And when she was showing the "doctor" her swollen legs, all I could think of was when Rob greeted her a couple of season ago with, "Hello, Fat Feet."  But it's so not funny when it's happening to Kim.  LOL.


    Khloe...your marriage was based on the fact that Lamar loved you even when you were fat?  Is that why he insisted on having your brother move in so he could have someone to drink and play video games with all day long?


    Kris, at least act like you're aware Cory is in the same room with you.  Cory - I have no idea what your deal is, but you can do better.  However, having someone constantly over my shoulder telling me to stop stressing out would send my personal stress levels through the roof.  I could feel Kris wanting to brush him off like a pesky mosquito.


    Cory and Caitlyn together was so incredibly awkward, but it was the most interesting 15 seconds of the entire show.  Really, I think it's time that Kris realizes her show, as she knows it, is over.  The show is Rob, Scott, and Lamar.  Maybe even throw Cory in there.  The men provided the interest, the snark, the best one-liners and storylines.  The Kardashian women, minus the men, are a snoozefest.


    "The Great Kris" was the title of this episode?  Um...???

    • Love 6
  9. It's getting to where I have to sit down with a big bowl of popcorn every morning when I fire up the iPad to check on what's new in the Kardashian world.


    Oh, Robert.  I guess it's sweet that you drove over a thousand miles to pick up your drunk, arrested girlfriend in Austin.  The thing is, if she's using him and this relationship does fall apart, guess who Rob will be able to turn to?  No one.  His mom and sisters will be far too busy doing high-fives, cartwheels, and planning an "LOLZ Told You So!!" party.  For all the crap this family puts out there, I do kind of worry about Rob's mental health, and about what the next headline might be concerning him.


    EDIT: I see Kris is promoting Arthur George on Instagram again, with what I guess are a whole new batch of sock designs.  So who took over this company?  I doubt Rob is giving much thought to his sock line at the moment.

  10. I have no sympathy for Kim, but to imagine her following all of this on her phone -- her husband and his ex discussing, in great detail and for the Twitter world to see, Kanye's "proclivities..."  I mean, LOLZ.  Anyone can read between the lines: Amber has serious dirt on Kanye, and Kanye backed off with a quickness to prevent said dirt from being flung all over the interwebz.


    But sure, this is a marriage of great love.  Bwahahaha.  Right now I think Rob and Chyna's relationship will outlast every other relationship this family's got going.

    • Love 7
  11. Stupid questions, but say you're a Kardashian (sorry, just for a minute) and you want to make a statement.  Who do you go to?  Is there such a thing as a reputable venue to try and get your story out?  Is everything just based on a "source?"  Let's say Kris actually wanted to set everything straight (as if)...what steps would she take?  I guess an interview would be the only real way, but how and where do these stories come from, and how much is controlled by the subjects of the stories?


    I think I would be a complete emotional wreck if I lived in this family or any family like them, knowing that literally anything could be printed about me and wondering when the next hit would come.  I ask these questions because all you have to do is search "Rob," or "Kim," or whomever, and you will see 10 headlines pop up, all contradicting each other.  So it's impossible to believe anything.

  12. I DVR'd and skimmed through about 5 random minutes of the latest Kocktails with Khloe...


    Let's see...inappropriate questions, uncomfortable answers, Tyga sitting all slouched down on the couch with a hood over most of his face, saying he wants to marry Kylie, Scott attempting to be somewhat serious, Khloe being inappropriate with her sort-of brothers-in-law, some forced laughter, more shock-value questions from Khloe, some YouTube girl with purple hair looking uncomfortable, more awkwardness and forced laughter...and then I deleted it off the DVR.

    • Love 2
  13. Looks like Khloe kicked Rob out, & that's why he's living with Blac Chyna


    Rob had his own wing at Khloe's house?

    Is Khloe still living in the house she shared with Lamar?


    What I see is that a former recluse is starting to come out from hiding and appears to be working out.  Now, the question is - how can Kris & Ko. get too upset about this, if it means that Rob might be finally taking steps to get healthy?  Isn't that a positive thing?  Would they rather have him miserable and ill, but hey - at least he's not hanging out with a known arch-enemy of The Family?


    Yeah...never mind, I think I already know the answer.

    • Love 2
  14. Kylie doesn't need to find herself, she needs to find arithmetic. The 18 year old says she's been in relationships for 6 years, and has been in one relationship after another since she was 14. ???

    WHERE is her mother in all of this mess?  I get it - Kylie is 18 now, she can date whoever she wants, she can buy her own house, etc.  Whatever.  She might be 18 but she comes across as a 12-year old who is afraid of her own shadow.  I feel like Kris couldn't wait to get Kylie out on her own, for reasons I cannot fathom.  Why is Kris okay that her daughter is dating a guy, what - 8 years older than Kylie?  With a child?  And it supposedly started when Kylie was 14?  And now she has her own house so she can do whatever she wants and no one will be the wiser?  Yes, she's an "adult," blah blah blah.  I don't think she's got the mental mindset to deal with much of anything on her own.  If I were Kris Jenner, I would not be able to sleep at night.

    • Love 7
  15. And yes, once again, I have no doubt,  that in no way did Kylie pick up Tyga, nor visa versa. Kim, Khloe and her mommy dearest hooked this all up. Those three nasty women put their daughter/sister in this position.



    To what end, though?  Why on earth would those women foist this nasty, semi-famous (is he even well-known?  I have no clue) rapper upon poor, semi-comatose Kylie?  I know they were "friends" (yuck) from when Kylie was 14 or so, but who in their right mind would look at that guy and say, "Hey!  You know who he'd look fabulous with?  Our little Kylie!  What better way to get her name out there than to attach it to Tyga, who is sure to be super famous any day now!"


    I do not see this as a positive pairing under any circumstances.  And how much older is he than Kylie?


    Kendall, on the other hand, always seemed to connect much better with Bruce, Brody and Brandon.  It seems that they kept her grounded in reality while Kylie just floundered after Kim and has begun the process of plasticking her way to looking just like her as well.

    • Love 2
  16. Or the most useful kids are being kept home/close to home on purpose? What would Michelle/Jessa/Anna do without Jana? If Jana got married she wouldn't be able to be their go-to girl. It would be interesting to look at similar fundie families for stay-at-home children. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of families have a spinster daughter who's passed around to help out everyone else, and will be responsible for the parents in their old age.

    It's like a Jane Austen novel, but the Fundie version -- which is 10,000 times more depressing.

    • Love 6
  17. I haven't read the book myself (nor do I ever plan to) but in all the reviews I've scanned I haven't seen anything about what Khloe wrote about Rob. How does she throw him under the bus??

    In fact when did she start turning on him? I thought she was his biggest cheerleader/enabler.

    She wrote about his depression, and how she enabled him, and how she tried over and over to help him but it wouldn't take because he needed to do it by himself.


    I guess "throwing under the bus" wasn't the proper choice of words.  Nothing she wrote was untrue, I suppose.  I just found it interesting that in a book about her (and Lamar), she would need to include Rob's lack of motivation and her drive to help him, and his refusal to change.  I see where that does relate to Khloe, but I doubt that she would've written anything even slightly disparaging about any of her sister.  Just my 2 cents.

    • Love 2
  18. It's as if the Kardashian family has a pool of, like, 14 people they can be friends with or have a relationship with.  Perhaps they should expand their horizons just a tad, or their already messed-up family tree is going to start growing some pretty wonky-looking branches.


    And Rob's Instagram close-up of a makeup-free Chyna?  I totally thought it was Kim.  Awkward...

    • Love 1
  19. I read this morning on a highly credible website (LOL) that Amber Rose is hoping that Rob gets Chyna pregnant, because that'll really tick off the Kardashian Klan but good.


    While it has been very entertaining watching this all play out, I sincerely and desperately hope that an innocent baby is not created just for the purpose of enraging Kim, Kylie, etc.  I don't know why I hold out any hope of Rob having more common sense than that, but for whatever reason, I do.  I mean, maybe Rob and Chyna really are madly in love and she really is helping him manage his health...but gosh, I'm just a bit cynical about the whole thing.  No more babies need to be brought into this cluster of a family.

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    The fact Kris didn't know how much work it took for a book to be written, basically indicated she had nothing to do with her memoir book she "wrote" or her cookbooks.

    Lest we forget, this is a woman who thought a couple of singing lessons were all she'd need to end up in a Broadway musical.

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