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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. As far as Rob goes, to me it seems like he's never healed from losing his dad.  I have heard him say more than once that he wishes his father was still around to help steer him in the right direction.  He seems lost, and his family either has no time or interest in helping him out.  He may live with Khloe but that relationship seems more dysfunctional and enabling than supportive.


    I've had a soft spot for Rob since I caught him on DWTS.  My first thought was, seriously - another Kardashian on this show?  Give me a break.  But then he totally won me over.  It can't be easy being saddled with that name and that family, being depressed, not knowing the way out, wondering if your family will support you, and knowing that if you step out of your house, there's going to be a bunch of people with cameras looking for their money shot.  I can't imagine.  I really hope that he manages to somehow break away from his family and get healthy, and realizes that he's more than just a name and reality tv personality.


    I'm still seething at Kim and her fat joke about her brother.  And also at Kris for not slapping her golden goose upside the head.  It's sickening.

    • Love 4
  2. I just watched that episode with Rob and Kim and the name-calling.  I thought it was weird that they were on vacation, Rob was relaxing in the pool, Kim was relaxing with Kris H, and she starts taunting Rob by calling him a loser.  Rob referenced in a TH that Kim calls him "loser" several times a week, and that at some point he would explode.  And he did.  It's hard to blame him.  I cannot see Kim going after any of her sisters the way she goes after Rob.  She really does seem to enjoy getting under his skin.


    Part of why I watch this show is to see the dynamics between the siblings.  Having only one sister, I find this all really interesting.  From what I have seen, Rob clearly sees Kim as the golden child, and Kim knows it - so she can say whatever she wants to her brother, and she can then run to her mommy when Rob has the gall to say something back, saying things to Kris like "Your son is so unstable!  He's being mean to me, make him stop!"  Maybe Kim gets bored when everyone is getting along?  Maybe she sees out of the corner of her eye that the camera is panning away from her and needs a way to make it come back?


    Have Kim and Rob ever gotten along?  Admittedly, I haven't seen the first few seasons and am playing catch-up.


    See?  FASCINATING stuff!

    • Love 3
  3. I realize that Yo said she had to go to Ohio to get her implants removed because that's where a big specialist in implant removal is, but I really just don't get it.  You cannot tell me that there are not surgeons in the LA/OC area that are top of the field.  I just feel like LA/OC probably has more implants per capita than most places and therefore more demand.  Maybe she couldn't find anyone in LA that would let her "health advocate" in the operating room, but I also find that doubtful.  At this rate they need to set up an LA to Ohio commuter route for all the howives' miniature horse and implant needs.  Too bad Lisa and Yo didn't plan better so they could have carpooled (private jet pooled?) and been a little greener.



    I say, gather all the BH wives and drop them off in Ohio.  Film them for a few months.  Watch them struggle with crazy, random things such as thunderstorms and hobbled miniature ponies.  No private jets, no white parties, make them shop for clothes at Target and food at Aldi.  Ratings gold.


    I loooooove Eileen, but agree with most here - there's something off about her marriage.  Vince treats her like a bumbling airhead.  And holy cow, watching him try to pull the price tag off of a $500 dress almost had me hyperventilating.  However, I think that $500 is probably fairly reasonable compared to what the other wives might purchase.  I like that Eileen felt kind of bad about such an extravagant expense.


    EDITING to add: I mean no disrespect to Ohio.  I am just north in Michigan.  They can come here too...we also have thunder and rain.:)

    • Love 11
  4. The way he was going on about it, copping one last feel, they should have stuck the implant in a Ziploc and handed it to David as a souvenir then he can squeeze it all he wants.


    This wins the Interwebz for today.  Seriously.  I watched him do it and still cannot believe the utter lack of empathy.  What a creeper.

    • Love 2
  5. When Fred Savage said the words "upside-down," I belly-laughed so hard I surprised even myself.  Did NOT see that particular detail coming at all!


    I can't get over how perfect Rob and Fred are as brothers.  They play off of each other so well!

  6. And as disgusting as Kim was with that, (and the rest of them for laughing along), the real prize goes to Mommie Kris, who as executive producer, felt the need to include that scene instead of cutting it out of some consideration for the son she loves so much.


    I've always had a soft spot for Scott, in spite of his screw ups.  I also think the show is really suffering from the loss of Scott, and Bruce (pre-Caitlyn) as well.  I never realized it before, but the men added something to the show.   They almost grounded it somehow.  In its current state, it consists of these adult women sitting around eating, looking at their phones and cackling like hens.  Boring - KUWTK vacations used to be fun to watch - this was was pathetic.

    How much say does Kris get over what goes into the shows?  You're right - she should've either shut Kim down or had the scene removed.  I wonder if it had been anyone but Kim making that horrible joke about Rob, would Kris have spoken up?  But now that I think about it, I doubt any of the other sisters would've made that joke.  Kim is the only one who would laugh at her very likely mentally ill brother.  Good one, Kim, you witch.


    And a possibly dumb question about Kylie - did she have her lips surgically enhanced, or is she drawing on those clown lips with makeup?  If it's surgical, what on earth would possess Kris to okay something like that?  Kylie looked so much prettier before she turned herself into Kim 2.0.  Is Kris so desperate to keep her kids in the headlines that she okayed Kylie enhancing her lips to laughable proportions?

    • Love 1
  7. Abram interviewed that he worked hard to portray himself as a crazy person, and in his own words, "apparently, it worked."


    So is he crazy?  Not crazy?  Giving us a long-term, Oscar-worthy performance of a crazy person?  Is he really completely calm, gentle and rational, and is laughing at everyone who ever called him crazy?  Is he crazy and just doesn't know it?


    I don't know, but every time he's on the screen, I can't take my eyes off of him.  I love his hatred of John.  I hold out much hope that Abram and CT join (crazy) forces and reduce Johnny Bananas to a mushy pile of banana tears.

    • Love 3
  8. I've heard the K sisters mention that they coddled Rob after their father passed away.  I'm sure they were all grief-stricken, but perhaps Rob (as the only son) most of all.  I have to wonder if they really knew or understood how to care for their brother, so they just gave him whatever he wanted.  Unfortunately, he seems stuck now - maybe in his mind, he is still a 15-year old missing his father and the advice Robert Sr. would've given him and can't figure out how to move on.  Like Scott said about his own situation: he wants to be happy, he just has no idea how to go about it.  Both of these men seem truly stuck in their bad habits and addictions and have not been able to figure out how to be happy.  I feel for both of them.  At some point, they have to decide to make changes and make those changes stick, but I can see how awful of a struggle it must be.  And while they both signed on for this show, to have your real-life struggles filmed and packaged neatly into people's Sunday evening entertainment is just too weird for me to wrap my head around.

    • Love 3
  9. When will they get it, at least for me, when family is ill you don't need to text. Forget the fans, if they were genuinely concerned about him they wouldn't be texting, on twitter etc.. But that's my opinion, I get that social media is the thing and it surely helps their "business" but... Please, if my loved one is sick I'm not sending out grand messages to a world of people who may be my fans but they are NOT family.  I don't know what it is with the lack of boundaries when it comes to social media. It's a need for connection but to me it's a false connection.  I mean I'm reading about them on this website, cause this is as much of a "connection" as I want. I don't do Facebook, Twitter or any of that stuff...so if I don't found out how Rob is doing, life will go on. I'm not salivating to know and just wish him well as one human being to another. But I don't need to know and would believe in his family's love for him a bit more if they never mentioned him since from what I can tell he does not want to be mentioned. He simply does not want to share his life with the world. 


    They are going to be criticized regardless, if that's what they are concerned with as in people saying shit about them when they don't provide social media updates on his well being. People don't trust their love as being genuine so why bother. Just give him the privacy he needs, end of story. Don't even mention his name on your show much less social media.

    You said exactly what I've been thinking.


    There's something so very "off" about going on with social media as if nothing is wrong.  I guess I expect it from the girls, but it's Kris that really bothers me the most.  I know she's the "momager" and her brand is her kids.  But as a mother myself, I just cannot fathom the thought process that would keep me posting inane selfies and re-posts while I had a child in crisis.  I certainly wouldn't want her posting about Rob (even though I can't help but think she's got to be wondering how to spin all this for money and attention), but I guess I'd prefer to think that she is lying low and spending time with her son, not glued to her phone.


    And that joke from Kim about Rob's tattoos...while I get that this was filmed before his health scare, it's still in extremely bad taste, especially when it must be well-established that Rob does not want to appear or be part of his family's show at this time.  Bringing up his name, especially with such a craptastically insensitive joke, shows a complete lack of respect and regard for Rob.  But coming from Kim...well, I suppose we shouldn't be surprised at all.

    • Love 4
  10. Isn't there another new Ho?  I thought there were supposed to be two new Ho's.  It's already been 5 episodes; when do they introduce her?

    Right - Cody Simpson's mom, if I'm not mistaken (and I only know who Cody Simpson is because my daughter got his autograph several years ago).


    ETA: Just read that her work schedule and visa complicated her filming with the RHOBH.  So...does that mean we get yet another wife?

    • Love 3
  11. I wonder if Rob's step-brothers would be able to give him some support in getting healthy.  The Jenner boys seem to be all about being outside and doing different activities to stay in shape.  I don't suppose Caitlyn would be much help to Rob at this point.  I know Rob is a grown man, but there seems to be a serious lack of male role models for him to relate to.


    Or maybe I'm giving the entire extended family way too much credit, who knows.


    Oh, and nice to see Kris is flying back home.  Color me shocked.

    • Love 2
  12. Lisa V. played with Erika in the same way my cat used to catch and stun a chipmunk, and then playfully paw at him on the back porch.   I loved it.  I'm not sure about Erika yet, but she didn't fold under the withering, gleeful Britishness of Lisa V.  I'm pretty sure it wouldn't take much for Lisa to make me cry, so there's that.


    I am terrified of swans and geese.  They can be vicious when provoked, so it cracked me up how Ken simply tucked the giant bird under his arm and herded it into the car, as if this is something one does every day.  I think Lisa asked Ken to buckle the bird's seat belt as well.  Just another day in the VanderPump home.

    • Love 13
  13. I am so over Lisa Rinna's talking heads where she says something and then cackles like it's hysterical. So annoying and so fake. 

    THIS x 1,000.  Who is she laughing with?  The cameraman?  I doubt he finds her funny.  Does she think we're sitting on our couches laughing along with her?  It's so weird.


    Oh, Yo.  She is sick, no doubt.  But I feel like once her women friends start to accept her illness, she has to one-up herself for some reason - in order to keep them asking questions?  Worrying about her?  I don't know.  But once they all seemed to accept the Lyme disease diagnosis, Yo starts discussing the 457 treatments she's doing.  Once that shock wore off a little bit, Yo announces that her children also have Lyme.  Yo keeps pushing and pushing, and feeding the others more tidbits of information...is this Yo's way of making sure the other wives don't forget about her?  I have no idea but it sure seems bizarre that after all this time, she only now mentions that her children also have the disease.  Yo might end up being the little girl who cried "wolf" pretty soon.

    • Love 11
  14. I do hope he takes this seriously and gets better.  He can control it (my husband is also diabetic), but he has to want to.  It does take a fairly large amount of work and discipline.  He'll have to learn a brand new lifestyle.  I wish him well.


    Interestingly, last night I caught the two-part "Therapy" episodes.  I'd never seen them before, so I'm not sure how long ago they were filmed, but Rob was certainly in a fair amount of emotional pain back then.  The reactions from his family were interesting to me - Khloe went after him when he left the room in tears, Kris daintily dabbed at a tear or two but remained seated right next to Kim.  Kourtney was visibly upset, but I don't think Kim's expression changed at all.  I'd imagine Rob feels the loss of their father the most, and it's no wonder he probably thinks that no one really understands him.  I don't think they try.  When Kim said that Kris doesn't know how to be a mother to a son, I about fell off the couch.  What I took that to mean is, Kris doesn't know how to market and make money off of Rob, so she ignores him.


    I also find it difficult to believe that, with all of the doctors the Kardashians seem to have coming and going, no one thought to test him for diabetes before he basically collapsed?  I'm sure he had pronounced symptoms (I know my husband certainly did) - did no one think to check for this?  Unless Rob himself refused to see a doctor, which I suppose is possible, but this is not rocket science - there are definitive symptoms when one has diabetes, and I'm trying to figure out how no one ever suspected it.

    • Love 4
  15. De-lurking on this forum to say: bring back Derrick, Abram, Mark (original RR..yes, I am old) and CT and I'm all in.  Anyone remember Yes?  Bring him back, too.


    I am far too old to still be watching these challenge shows.  So thank you, Abram, for showing up and giving me a flimsy but viable excuse for continuing to watch: and that excuse was, "Hey, someone I actually remember from Road Rules!  Must keep watching!"  And although I would not be able to handle his version of crazy in real life, he makes for scarily unpredictable television...and he and Cara Maria are an oddly perfect couple.  Should be interesting.


    Now where is CT?!

    • Love 2
  16. Does the whole family have to sit there and watch her open each one? IMO, it's less about him getting any kind of joy out of giving and more about his own ego. 

    Wait, seriously - did the rest of the family actually sit there and watch her open all of those gifts??  Holy &^%$, I'd be hitting the eggnog hard and then taking a nap until it was all over.


    And was Rob there, or did they forget he exists?

    • Love 2
  17. Well, I'm going to finally have to de-lurk on this show's forum and declare myself a guilty pleasure viewer.  I discovered this show really late (it's been on for 11 seasons?!) and since it's LITERALLY on all the time on E, I have been hopping around the seasons when I can catch it, trying to put the pieces together and to understand why I am suddenly sort of hooked on this family.


    Some random questions and observations:


    Maybe it's my age (older than Kourtney, younger than Kris), but I will never understand going to a breathtakingly beautiful location, only to stare for hours at my phone.  This family lives and breathes by social media.  It's a really bizarre concept to me.  They are literally (sorry, won't use that word again) unable to go anywhere and do anything without their phones.  It's like they created themselves solely to exist on social media, and if they stop posting for a few hours, their identity disappears.


    Kendall, bless her, seems to actually have a logical head on her shoulders, even with her modeling career and her momager.  She seems to understand that she is lucky and blessed, and if it all went away, she might be the only one who could soldier on without the fan adoration.


    Kim used to be really beautiful.  Now she literally (last time) looks like she's made of plastic and would melt in direct sunlight.  Kylie is quickly becoming Kim 2.0 and whatever she's doing to alter her looks, I hope she stops ASAP.


    Khloe makes me laugh, Kourtney's lack of facial expressions and monotone voice are both funny and kind of scary.


    Now that I know Rob's backstory, I sincerely hope he finds happiness far away from his sisters.  He's basically lost every male role model he ever had, and that's very sad.  I can't help but wonder how much friction there is between him and his mom right now, and wonder if his refusal to appear on the show now really gets under Kris's skin.  I'm sure she's keenly aware that a photo of him, or having him back on the show, would bring her several extra truckloads of money, but possibly at the expense of his mental well-being.  Of anyone in this entire extended family, I'm rooting for Rob the most.


    And mostly, I really need to know where the Kardashian girls get those big green salads..the ones in the big plastic containers that they shake?  They look delish!

    • Love 1
  18. I cringed with second-hand embarrassment when Yo was adoringly stroking King David's face out on the patio.  At least she didn't call him "my love" 15 times.  Awkward.


    What I found interesting was the wives' discussion about social media, the things they post, and why they do it.  I find this whole topic interesting, as I myself have an Instagram account but never use it - I only have it to see what others post.  The thought of having to post pictures of yourself multiple times a day to stay relevant is so odd to me.  I suspect many use it to push the idea that they are happy, have it all together, have a wonderful life, when just the opposite is true.  Yo posting pictures of her personal health struggles is her way of staying relevant, and the housewives know this (and they do it as well), so they hesitate to bring it up, but it's still an interesting topic for gossip.


    I have been a fan of Eileen's from way back in the day on Y&R.  That woman gets more gorgeous every year.


    Why wasn't Rinna on vacay with her family?  Because she had to go to Lisa V's house to look at the ponies?


    And I'm curious if Kim had to give any sort of permission for her Sharknado scene to be shown on the show last night.  Careful, Rinna, when you talk about actresses taking any job that comes their way....

    • Love 6
  19. It takes me so long to watch an episode of The Grinder, because I am constantly rewinding to laugh at the jokes.


    I can't imagine I will ever get tired of watching Dean and Stewart watching The Grinder...Dean, with his oh-so-serious eyes, silently applauding his acting performances in his mind, and Stewart, preoccupied with his paperwork, occasionally glancing up at the television in bemused disbelief.  Rob Lowe and Fred Savage are completely perfect and believable as brothers.  I'd love to see this show continue on for awhile - not sure what kind of ratings or publicity it's getting, but so far, it sure brings the laughs.

    • Love 4
  20. I'm so relieved that I generally like everyone left in the game. I was also concerned about Tasha, but couldn't quite follow everything that happened, as my husband broke a cardinal rule and spoke while I was watching the show. 


    Mine did the same thing.  And he totally knows better - I've only been watching this show for 15 years.  This is why I must DVR it and re-watch it over the weekend.  

    • Love 4
  21. Joe looks like he might have been living it up a little too hard at Ponderosa.  Especially when he did the double finger point at Keith.  In one of his interviews he mentioned that sooner or late his hair is coming off. 



    I have never wanted anyone to go on an immunity run more than I want Keith to go on one right now. The only way a Keith run would be better is if it annoyed Russell Hantz somehow.

    And Dan.  Can it annoy Dan, too, please?


    I was somewhat shocked that Abi didn't tell everyone on set, including the cameramen and the prop guys, that they were all dead to her when she was voted out.  She actually left with class.  But it was a great move, IMO.  She's a goat, but a completely unpredictable, turn-on-a-dime, crazy/scary goat.  Have fun, jurors!


    I just love Jeremy's facial expressions when he talks strategy.  So quiet, polite, and unassuming, eyes downcast, appearing to be willing to be swayed.  Jeremy for the win.

    • Love 9
  22. Lisa Rinna and Jax Taylor from Vanderpump Rules are the 2 reality stars I have a hard time looking at directly. It's not that I think they're unattractive, but they each have features that remind me of something unpleasant. Rinna's lips = a shiny butthole.  Jax's hairy jawline = a set of greasy, hairy, low hanging balls.  Sorry.


    I have to watch both of them with my head turned to the side and I frequently catch myself grimacing. LOL.

    I made the grave mistake of reading this post in the midst of sipping from a can of diet Coke.  While at work.  Slight choking ensued while I attempted to swallow and laugh simultaneously.  And ZOMG...I will NEVER look at Lisar the same, like, EVER.

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