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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. I forgot that Kendall, Gigi, and Bella are, like -- step-sisters, twice removed?  Second cousins by divorce?  Somehow related because Kendall's half-brothers are David's stepsons?  Not related in any way whatsoever?


    I don't know anymore.  Between these people and the Kardashians, my brain is oatmeal.


    I really need it to be baseball season........

    • Love 5
  2. I truly believe Vince is a self absorbed ass who is annoyed when he is expected to be involved in anything in which he or his interests are not center stage.

    Agreed.  At first I thought he and Eileen were a desperately needed breath of fresh air.  But a few episodes ago, she accompanied him to see his father's star on the Walk of Fame and supported him while he cried.  But when Eileen mentioned scattering the ashes while in Italy, Vince seemed perturbed that Eileen was harshing his itinerary planning mellow.

    • Love 3
  3. I just picked up Khloe's book from the library last night.  I hid it under some other books so no one would see me slink out the door holding it.


    I skimmed it in about 45 minutes.  Nothing really thought-provoking, but I do have to say I admire her for using exercise to cope with her marriage problems.  And some of the picture choices were questionable, IMO.  Just not particularly flattering.


    She pretty much throws Rob under the bus.  And this is in print, in a book where the words won't change if she ever regrets writing them.  Not sure how smart that was, but whatever.  She's selling books, I guess.

    • Love 1
  4. I find it hysterical that Yolanda plops herself into the center of whatever party is happening, waits until she is certain that she is the center of attention, blathers about how she now shuns nail polish, hair color, implants, Botox, and alcohol...to a group of women who are made up entirely of those things.  And then, after she's got them all good and befuddled, tells them all she has to go home and take a nap, and then gets angry when she thinks they're questioning her sanity.


    It's all very WTF.

    • Love 14
  5. As a mom, I am not okay with Yo posting this picture of Bella.  It smacks of Yo's typical self-serving nature.  Bella looks miserable, and there's Yo, being the all-caring mama bear, with a half-smile that says, "See?  I wasn't lying!  Bella's sick too!  Look!  She has an IV, just like mine!"  And heaven only knows what's being pumped into Bella's veins.


    Wow, this gets under my skin for reasons I can't even verbalize.

    • Love 24

    It's interesting to think of the complications this could cause down the road. Blac Chyna and Tyga have a child together, King Cairo (correct name?). So if Kylie marries Tyga and Rob marries BC, then Kylie would be King's stepmother and Rob would be King's stepfather. We'd have a sister and brother being step-parents of the same child.  LOL, how weird.

    I had to read the bolded line about 14 times before it made sense to me.  This whole entire thing is weird beyond my comprehension.

    • Love 2
  7. I think Kendall is more suited to those CK ads, personally.  She's tall, thin and athletic.  I really hope her sisters don't get their hooks in her and convince her that she needs bigger lips, boobs, butt, etc.  Kendall is refreshingly natural and pretty in a family made up of wax sisters.

    • Love 10
  8. Since I am not a celebrity, I have to wonder how this kind of thing plays out...


    Celebrity (or reality show personality) is bored.  He/she posts something cryptic, or bizarre, or inflammatory, on social media.  Do they then just chill in their manse all day long, sipping champagne and reading the replies?  How does that work?  Obviously it's done for attention, both positive and negative.  I have never understood the using of social media to convey "messages" to family members or friends when obviously other people are going to see whatever gets posted and comment on it.


    I think this is part of the reason I watch this show.  I am trying to understand the mindsets at work here, while knowing that I never will because they operate on such a different plane of reality.

    • Love 4
  9. I agree her issues run way deep. I notice recently that Kris is always going out of her way to compliment Khloe on her appearance. Kind of sad that she's doing it now, when Khloe has started to morph into exactly what Kris has wanted all along, instead of when she was struggling with being odd girl out. It reinforces Khloe's deep seated feelings of not being good looking enough, thin enough, "Kardashian enough" to suit her mother's standards.

    It bugs me how when the women greet each other, they always exchange comments on one another's appearance.  Not "How are you?" or "What's new?"  But "You look cute," or "that's a really ugly sweatshirt."  I noticed they even do this with Penelope.


    Could be, even if she said yes to Khloe I can see Kim not wanting to do it. But Kim's not known for flaking on work commitments. Kanye would never do it, so he's out. 


    We're running out of family members, can't be Caitlyn either. She was in Palm Springs for something with the National Gay Pilots Association.

    According to Khloe, she has over 100 family members, so it could've been her second cousin Steve on her mother's side.  Oh, wait - no one has ever heard of Steve?  He's not a famewhore?  Ah.  Never mind.

    • Love 1
  10. Rob is suddenly in the spotlight right before his product launch. Enough said.

    Everything this family does is fake and manufactured for publicity.

    If this is really what they're doing, that's twisted.  I'm having a hard time understanding the thought process that would lead to such a bizarre way to get one's name back in the headlines...although damned if RK isn't totally trending just about everywhere right now.  I suppose bad press is better than no press, but still.

    • Love 1
  11. I follow Kris Jenner on Instagram (yes, I am ashamed).  Four days ago she posted some cryptic page with "#ArthurGeorge, website coming soon."  I wonder if they are jump-starting his brand?  Is he still running his sock line or did it fade away?  I wonder if Mamma Kris is going to take it all away now that Rob has been naughty and is being mean to her fave daughter.

  12. Oh I can't imagine doing 99% of the things they do to themselves to look like they do every day.  For a party or something? Sure.  But EVERY DAY? I suppose it's their job but my job has no dress code and I'm thankful for that every day because I have no idea how I'd walk around in heels. 


    For me it's the full-on makeup they wear while on va-cay.  Kendall is the only one doing it right.  Who wears extensions, false eyelashes, and the like, when you're sweating in the hot sun, swimming in the beautiful oceans, getting some sun on a yacht, etc.?


    Oh, that's right...they really don't do much of any of  that anymore.  They just sit and eat and play on their phones.

    • Love 3
  13. With everything that Rob has been through - from the loss of his dad, the loss of several male "role-models" (for better or worse), living with a group of incredibly loud and opinionated women who both coddle him and then make fun of him for being coddled, being mercilessly teased by his mostly made-of-plastic sisters, having his depression played out on television for entertainment, a mother who apparently either doesn't know how or doesn't care to raise a son, paparazzi who need a money shot...I mean, I'm kind of proud of the guy for getting out of bed every day.  Not saying that he didn't bring some of this on himself, but I have to wonder if he even really knows where to start to make his own way out of this mess of a family.


    If this is the way he starts to climb out of his depression, I have to admire him for giving Kim back a little of what she loves to dish out.  She shouldn't be so untouchable.  She shouldn't be able to say or do whatever she wants to her family while everyone else stands back, chuckling uncomfortably but refusing to call her on it.  It's pretty clear Kim will do anything to remain firmly in the Kardashian spotlight.  For someone who claims to be all about family, she'd throw any one of them under the bus in a heartbeat if it would get her another magazine cover.


    Now, I am out of popcorn.  BRB.

    • Love 11
  14. Oh you betcha he knows what he's doing! I LOVE it haa. Imagine Rob bringing her over for a family dinner? Talk about shit hitting the fan. Kim use to be be all BFF with Blac Chyna, she dated Tyga for a while and they had a kid together, and he apparently cheated on her with an underage Kylie and eventually he dumped her for Kylie. Chyna started mocking Kylie on social media like with this hysterical gem. It got to the point Khloe stepped and defend Kylie. Then a few months back Chyna posted screencaps of texts Tyga sent her where he told her he misses her and wants to be a family together. This shit has been going on and on. Most recently when Kylie was seen driving a car that was allegedly a b'd day gift from Tyga, Chyna immediately claimed it was actually her old car.


    eta: No one knows for sure if Kylie and Tyga are still together or not but the fact remains this woman pretty much tormented Rob's sister and is hated by his whole family.

    WOW, okay - y'all are making this stuff up, right?  I mean, no family on Earth could be this dysfunctional.  RIGHT?!


    That said, I don't know whether to be extremely proud of Rob or horrified by him.  THIS is a plotline I would totally stay awake for on Sunday nights.

    • Love 3
  15. And the way she and Kanye change their minds on decor, she'd have ended up redoing her bathrooms anyway. Just like she was selling her exercise equipment because she didn't like the color anymore.

    LOL, yes, selling the exercise equipment.  Wow.  There are no words.  Well, delusional, absurd and insane comes to mind.


    Those girls (with the exception of Kendall because she apparently has a soul) are pretty awful to Kris, but I find it odd that Kris constantly takes things (clothes, imported one-of-a-kind marble tile, jewelry, etc) that belongs to her girls, knowing it will tick them off to no end.  Everyone in this family needs help.

    • Love 1
  16. Zzzzzzzzzzzz....oh, is it over?  I'm struggling with finding anything remotely interesting about this show without the menfolk making appearances.


    Of course, there would be only ONE type of marble on the planet that Kim needs for her bathroom, or she'll have to completely remodel the other 15 bathrooms to match.  Is that even what she was trying to say?  And why would Kris take Kim's marble in the first place?  Why does any of this matter?  How can anyone in that entire family take Kim seriously at all anymore?  And WHAT is up with Kim and the shoulder coats?  Is she trying to hide some crazy tattoo or something?  That is one fashion statement that makes no sense.  They live in LA.  I've heard it's warm there.  I don't get it.


    When Khloe and Kim were discussing the "Gone Girl" Instagram, my very first thought was, "damage control."  Khloe seemed to find it funny.  Kim, not so much.  I guess Kim can make fun of Rob and call him a loser every other episode but Rob better not retaliate.  Whatever, Kim.  


    Kylie's monotone talking heads and ever-changing hair color gets weirder and weirder.

    • Love 1
  17. I am exhausted just trying to keep up with this bizarre web of lies.  Oh, Meri - you picked a good one, hon.  Best of luck extricating yourself from this nutjob.


    Has it been proven/not proven that this book actually exists, in any form (other than inside Batfish's brain)?

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