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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. It sounds like the catfish book and My Sisterwives' Closet have very similar marketing and shipping issues.


    If there is no book, what the crap does JO think is going to happen when the 8 people who actually care try to purchase it?  How can you set up a PP account for an item that doesn't even exist?

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  2. Thank you, I've always wondered about the whole "exhaustion" thing.  I mean, when I'm exhausted, I take a nap.  "Exhaustion" obviously covers a much larger territory than simply not getting enough zzzz's.  Interesting how Kendall managed to keep that private.


    I find myself wondering if Kris is busy talking Rob into chronicling his depression/weight gain journey for the show, telling him that it would be such a help to others. While I don't doubt that, it's clear to me that Rob never felt terribly comfortable in front of the camera (especially in later episodes) and maybe it's best if she lets her son heal in private.  I can't imagine having a mom who wanted to throw my misery on television.  I don't know if Rob knows how to say no to her.

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  3. With that said, I don't know why the rest of the family puts up with her shit. The only ones who don't seem to care are Rob and Kendall.

    Because they know that none of this - the show, the trips, the bling, the mansions, the cars - wouldn't have been possible if Kim's video never existed?


    I feel like some of the K kids (Khloe, Kourtney and Kylie) thoroughly enjoy the trappings of wealth stemming from Kim's shenanigans.  Some, perhaps Rob and Kendall, also enjoy it but have more of a conscience and realize exactly why they are a famous family, feel somewhat conflicted about it, and would actually be okay (perhaps better off) if it all went away.

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  4. Let's see what happens when Kimye breaks up and Kim is left to not only dress herself, but to raise two kids on her own.  And then she needs her family to drop everything and rally around her.  And some of them don't show up for her.


    It's not that I don't believe in true love, but I really don't see Kim/Kanye's marriage as one for the ages.  Although they really are two peas in a pod, so who knows.

    • Love 2
  5. It's like Kris Jenner picks up a magazine, reads about some random thing, and decides that she simply MUST get all of her kids (a.k.a. her GIRLS) on board with her latest obsession.  Whenever Kris starts a sentence with, "So I was reading about (insert whatever)," my brain shuts down, because you know she's going to strong-arm everyone into participating.  So Kris has the doctor and lab staff wait patiently for the women to finish their ridiculous Goth photo shoot.  Then, the entire clan must get in several cars and drive to San Diego to get the results - from Dr. Paul Nassif, of all people.  The entire storyline was beyond preposterous, and actually incredibly dull.  Kris must just be going crazy, knowing that there's all this juicy drama going on in her family, and trying to figure out how to spin it into television entertainment $$$.


    By the way, who is Chris Reda, how did he know where Scott was, and how did Kris know to call him?

    • Love 3
  6. Two things keep standing out to me when it comes to Rob.  First, the two-part "Therapy" shows that were aired a few years ago, where Rob broke down and the only person we saw going after him was Khloe.  It bothered me to no end that Kris didn't even get up off the couch and attempt to console her son.  I'm sorry, but that spoke volumes to me.  Kris says she's worried, she's afraid for him, etc. But she sure seems content to let her daughter take care of him while she continues to concentrate on her girls and bringing in the money.  When Kim said that Kris doesn't know how to be a mom to a son, that had to be incredibly hurtful to Rob.


    The other thing is that the girls have all basically admitted to coddling Rob when their father passed away.  I'm sure all the kids took it hard, but it's easy to imagine Rob took it the hardest.  Perhaps with all the "coddling," he never had a chance to properly grieve and still hasn't?  He seems way more sensitive than his older sisters and simply does not have the support system within his own family.  I think he hangs onto the fact that if his dad were alive, he'd have some direction.  Because he doesn't, he bends to the whims of his mom and sisters even though it makes him unhappy.


    I still wish him the best, and that goes for Scott and Lamar, too.

    • Love 4
  7. So I don't really follow how this episode played out...Scott calls Khloe, desperately sad and drunk.  Khloe calls Kim and puts Scott on speakerphone so the family can listen in, and for the benefit of the cameras, which just happen to capture and record the whole exchange.  I don't mean to be insensitive, but it seems contrived.  And then I feel bad for thinking it was contrived if it somehow wasn't.


    And who gets the final say on what airs and what doesn't?  If it's Kris, I already have a hard enough time respecting her as a mother for using her children's pain as entertainment.  If Scott okayed this, what is he thinking?  His children are going to see this someday.  Does he think they will enjoy listening to their dad threaten to end his life?


    At the heart of all of this lies the fact that while I am usually appalled by what this family puts out there for entertainment, I still sit on my couch with my glass of wine and watch it all go down.  So, I don't know what to think anymore.


    And on a lighter note: Kim - I know Kanye dresses you now, but PLEASE - the skintight beige dress with beige coat over the arms?  BORING.  Just sayin'.

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  8. I just watched an old episode with Kim, Kourtney and Khloe in Miami, and was STUNNED at how naturally gorgeous Kim was back then.  I mean, she didn't have to do a thing to any part of her face or body, she was beautiful!  She is such a sad caricature of herself now.  I don't understand way she started down this plastic surgery road, but she seems unable to stop at this point and heaven only knows what she is going to look like in 10 - 20 years.


    Another thing I found interesting was in this same episode, Kim is crying about Reggie and Kourtney is in tears for a large part of the episode over Scott punching the mirror.  Nowadays, these two rarely if ever shed any tears.  I liked them much better when they were natural and let their emotions come into play.

    • Love 1
  9. CT walking away from Vince was gold and made Vince look like even more of a moron.  What was the point of approaching CT at all, when he was there on basically a goodwill visit to remember Diem, and had no stake in anything at that time?  I would've liked CT to take a quick stutter-step towards Vince to watch Vince flinch before walking away from him.


    CT and Faith's interactions were so sweet, especially when he told her not to be nervous because he had her back.


    Every time Abram calls Bananas "JOHN" in that condescending voice, I love Abram a little more, even though he scares the crap outta me.

    • Love 6
  10. Clearly I missed something, because I thought this episode was hands-down the most boring I have ever sat through.  I don't really know Bethenny (except it bugs me how she spells her name).  The Eileen/LVP apology scene seemed very scripted.  The entire LONG exchange between Erika and Bethenny about the details of her video were snooze-inducing.  I think I get the edit - Erika is a badass and she will stand up to any and all criticism.  The only thing I loved was Bethenny's really cool mini-barn/bar/hideaway.  I want one of those in my backyard STAT.

    • Love 1
  11. Does anyone else watch this show and wonder why they are sitting watching this show? I find myself sighing and shaking my head, I feel annoyed and irritated watching these people. There's nothing else on once I finish watching the Real Housewives and I'm stuck watching this, I need a new TV show, I just finished watching Making a Murderer and now I'm bored.



    I myself am waiting for Karma to come a' calling and bite Kim firmly on the butt.  Then, realizing it cannot bite through so much filler, watch as Karma finds a blowtorch and lights Kim's butt on fire.  I want to see a healthy and happy Rob make his way out of seclusion and into a job and life that makes him happy.  I want to see Kendall make her own way in life as well, without Kris following her around and attempting to tell her what to do when Kendall is clearly doing okay on her own.  I want to see Kanye and Cory find true love together and leave Kris and Kim making the ugly Botox cry.  I'd love to see Scott battle his demons and be a father to his adorable kids.


    That's it.


    And I am patiently waiting for baseball season to begin.  KUWTK and RHOBH will have to suffice for now.

    • Love 7
  12. Aw, I'm hearing that Khloe's new show "Kocktails with Khloe" might be canceled before it even gets a chance to air.  Gosh, and it looked so promising.


    And on that note, Khloe barely looks like Khloe anymore.  Good for her for the weight loss, but her face is beginning to take on that frozen plastic Barbie-doll look.

  13. Excellent post, FostersMom.  It's hard, as the mom to a teenage daughter myself, to watch Kylie do this to herself.  And it angers me that Kris allows it to happen.  In addition to worrying about Rob, I've added Kylie to the list.  I think both of them are damaged souls who don't necessarily want to sell themselves to the warped Kardashian view of reality but also don't know how to get off the moving train, since there's little to no support for them to do so.  Like you said, they are a paycheck to Kris and basically invisible to Caitlyn.


    Not sure where to ask this question, but is there any way to view the old KUWTK threads on TWoP?  I have looked under Brilliant but Cancelled, but the show does not appear on the list of topics.  I would love to read up on the older episodes.

  14. I actually wanted to look at that painting a bit more, when Kris went to see that artist.  At a glance, I was like, why aren't I seeing a full view of Kylie's face? She was sitting on the chair backwards it seemed like. And, why was she blocking most of Khloe's body and I think the left corner of her face. I was like WTF?


    LOL, I was stuck on that, quite a peculiar artistic vision when it came to the far right side of that painting. 

    Same here!  Khloe is partially invisible in the painting.  I found it rather disturbing.  It looked like an impressionist painting with the K sisters' faces superimposed.  I couldn't figure out why Kris didn't purchase it instantly and hang it on her Wall of Daughters.


    Kinda, sorta show related, but certainly fits given the shitshow we saw Kanye's fashion show was, but I heard a "blind item" on the radio this morning on the Elvis Duran show. First they were mindlessly talking about Kim and Kanye and then moved on to this "blind" item. What superstar who is also a designer has a very specific dress code for the large dinners he likes to host? All guests are required to wear sold colors only, absolutely no stripes or patterns, and showing up in anything but will get you sent home to change. As names were being tossed out, they were told they were just talking about him and it was revealed it was Kanye. Given his "fashion show" was nothing but hideous solid colors, this I 100% believe. 

    LOLOLOL  No stripes or patterns?!  Sent home to change?  I find this absolutely hysterical.  Now I clearly see why Kimye is such a perfect pairing.  They are both delusional narcissists.  Hopefully North or Saint won't become attached to a striped blankie or polka-dotted stuffed animal, because Daddy will throw it in the trash.

  15. The thing is, Kylie was a perfectly cute teenager, and I could see her turning pretty as she got older.  But I suppose the definition of "pretty" in the real world is somewhat different than the Kardashian world.  Pumping all kinds of crap into your face so you resemble an overinflated plastic doll is NOT pretty.  But Kylie, having no one to tell her that she was fine the way she was, and having Kim as an older sister/role model, probably didn't know any better.  I'd hate to think that Kris pushed Kylie into looking like she does now, but at the same time, if Kylie was having fillers or surgery, Kris would have to sign off and approve that if Kylie was under 18.  What mother would do that?


    Asked and answered...I know better.  But turning your lovely 17-year old daughter into plastic is just disgusting beyond words.  Kylie looks awful.

    • Love 9
  16. Great post, HumblePi.  And that photo is truly terrifying.  Is there seriously not one person in the entire extended family who can tell that child to stop mutilating herself?  I would love for that person to be Kris, but I don't foresee that happening anytime soon.  After all, bad press is better than no press.

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  17. And if I was any of those sisters, you would never catch me sitting right next to Kendall in any shot. She makes the rest of them look sooooo bad and plastic. She looks so natural compared to the rest of them.


    I noticed this too.  When they were all walking into the press conference, Kendall's legs go on for days, she's the only one (besides Kourtney) who still maintains a very natural beauty, and she seems like she might actually enjoy chatting about things other than, "You look cute today."  Not saying she's a rocket scientist, but she seems to have a bit more of a soul than her sisters.


    Khloe's lips are starting to freak me out, in much the same way as Kim and Kylie's do.  Just say no, Khloe!

    • Love 5
  18. Where to start with this one?  In no particular order:


    Khloe telling Kylie and Tyga that they should have a threesome.  Does that woman have any boundaries within her family?


    The way Khloe seems to always talk with food in her mouth...it distorts her voice in a way that's like fingernails on a chalkboard for me.  And speaking of fingernails, the way she has to hold her fork because of her long, pointy manicure bugs me too.  And Khloe is my favorite K sister!


    Kim wore the same shredded beige top that she's worn before.  And what is up with the walking around with coats over her shoulders?  Is she trying to cover up her arms?  It's an odd affectation.  Probably Kanye told her to do it.


    Who IS Jonathan, besides Kim's personal servant?  Does he have a role within this family, like publicist or something?  Is he on the Kardashian payroll?  Does he actually get paid to carry around Kim's pee in a bag?  Did I just type that last sentence?


    Kanye's fashion show.........???  And Kylie's role within it, even though by her own admission she is not a model, nor nice, nor polite, nor respectful...?????


    That painting of the Kardashian sisters by Mr. Brainwash was all kinds of creepy.  And hey, there's another sentence I never thought I'd type.


    Wasn't Kris supposed to be hanging around, keeping an eye on Scott and the kids?  Didn't she agree to do that, and then totally didn't?  Nice job, Grandma.



    • Love 8
  19. I think this is the first time I have ever cowered in fear at someone who was on my television.  Did anyone else think Abram was going to suddenly materialize and start screaming himself bloody in front of your living room couch?  No?  Just me?  Yikes.


    I think what's so terrifying about Abram is he goes from raging maniac to subservient and calm, saying "Yes sir" on repeat, in about 0.4 seconds.  I mean, holy crap - I'd be afraid that he'd go off on a rampage if I poured my coffee too loud.


    I loved Aneesa on the couch when Abram decided to confront Thomas and CM...Aneesa's like, "do NOT look the crazy in the eye!  Look away!  Forget everything!  Including my own name!"  For real.  Again, I say: YIKES.

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