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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. Forgive me if this has been covered, but I just read the Vanity Fair fact-check article.  It states that not only did Shapiro try on the gloves in court, so did Cochran.


    I simply cannot understand how they were allowed to tamper with those gloves.  And unless I am mistaken, these were the actual gloves found at the scene, yes?  These were not clean duplicate gloves purchased only so OJ could try them on in court...these were the bloodied, shrunken, actual gloves.


    I am dumbfounded..???

    • Love 1
  2. Also rumors that say Rob and BC want their own reality spin-off show.


    Nooooooooo, Rob.  Don't go there.  You have a brain and a degree, there are much better ways to make a living than to sell your soul to the reality show devil.


    Unfortunately, with the exception of Kendall, this family seems to know no other way.

    • Love 7
  3. The scene with Kardashian and Cowlings where they're staring at each other over the garment bag was CRAZY good.  You could read on their faces exactly what they were thinking, and that they also knew what the other was thinking.  I rewound and watched it several times.  Just SO good.


    I cannot believe Shapiro threatened Kardashian as an accessory.  I don't know if this really happened, but just when I think nothing else can surprise me about this case, I stand completely corrected and dumbfounded.


    Clark and Darden in the hotel hallway went on and on and ON and ONNNNNN and I was all, "SERIOUSLY YOU TWO JUST DO IT RIGHT NOW!"  Alas.


    I watched the trying on of the gloves with trepidation.  My heart was even beating a little faster.  I vividly remember OJ and the gloves.  Although not a huge fan of Cuba as OJ, I had a strong OJ flashback when Cuba did the little turn of the wrists, to show everyone the front and back of the gloves while he was wearing them, to prove how poorly they fit.  What I didn't know until recently was the idea that OJ wasn't taking his arthritis medication.  I mean...this all sickens me to the core, but yet I cannot turn away.  



    also i think Cuba is the weakest link in this series

    Even more so because everyone else is just so damn good.

    • Love 10
  4. My daughter is a teen and I have to tell her that when others are trying to bring her down, it's because they are unhappy themselves.  Good for you, Drogo, it's never too early to teach this lesson.


    I think that's why Bounty makes me see red.  I picture Alecia as a daughter figure and I am angry on her behalf, having to put up with Bounty and Bench and their pathetic attempts to break her.

    • Love 9
  5. When Ben was dumping Jojo. there were two instances where she said something very quietly and I couldn't understand what she said...did anyone catch it?


    There was a point last night where, if Ben said the phrase "I'm in love with two women" once more, I was going to throw my wineglass at the television.  Or if they showed The Pastor once again pacing seriously backstage, seriously studying his Bible, seriously.  WE GET IT PASTOR IS IN THE HOUSE.


    Monday nights should be super fun in the Higgins household.  Lauren will make popcorn and snuggle up with Ben to watch Jojo on the Bachelorette.  She'll give Ben the firm side-eye the entire time, while Ben pretends not to glower and pout that the other love of his life is moving on without him.  Good times.


    Congrats, Jojo.  Move on and have fun as the Bachelorette.  You can do way better than Boring Ben.

    • Love 13
  6. Nah, he was able to remember all the other names of his five tribemates. Plus during first tribal, he said something to the effect of not needing to know Alecia's name. 

    Exactly.  This isn't a semi-charming forgetfulness, as when Philip called Francesca "Franqueska," et al.  Kyle decided that Alecia wasn't enough of an entity for him to bother with her actual name.

    • Love 2
  7. I wonder if Kyle has one of those complexes where he wants to bully first and show that he's not afraid to attack, and nothing anyone can throw back at him will hurt his precious feelings (which his wife is doing a bad job of on twitter).  


    Or he's just an ass looking for camera time because he wants to be asked back.  I guess it could be either one.

    Worked for Russell.  And Colton.

    • Love 2
  8. I doubt he had surgery, it surely would've leaked somehow...probably by one of his sisters in a thoughtful, caring tweet or Instagram.  No way could Khloe not post if her dear brother was having surgery.  I agree, it must be driving her crazy that Rob is getting healthy without her "support."


    Whatever he's doing, he looks great.

    • Love 2
  9. I would love to see her in her next talking head say something like, "I've been playing these two morons since Day One.  Now it's time to make my move."


    Not holding my breath, though.

    • Love 3
  10. Kyle made himself into the player he is, the one we are currently talking about, from day one when he refused to learn the real name of one of his tribe members.  Then he proceeded to make fun of her on every occasion he could.  Meanwhile, she made fire and found an idol clue...while he sat around proclaiming that she couldn't do anything.  I'm sure this drove him crazy - how dare this small, brainless, nameless person do the things Kyle said she couldn't do?!  Not only that, but she didn't break down and cry in the face of his taunting.  Aren't these the very same qualities Kyle said he wants his own daughters to have?  He said he wants his daughters to grow up strong and self-sufficient and not need their dad to help them through life.   Kyle - meet Alecia, the embodiment of what you say you want for your own daughters.


    But the thing is, when confronted by a strong woman, he did his best to break her down.  To me, that's despicable behavior on his part.  I want him gone and gone soon.  Do NOT make it to Final Three where we can hear him try and justify his disgusting behavior, and win whatever amount of $$ he might win by going that far.  I don't want to hear Probst blather on with him and ask him if he was "misunderstood" by the "people on the street."  I don't want to see his face on the jury, either.  I sincerely hope that after the merge, Scot or Cydney sell him out and he's voted out because he's got an idol.


    Wow, that's a lot of rage for a Monday morning.  Carry on.

    • Love 12
  11. I'm pretty sure Bounty said the title quote

    He did say it, in the shelter, to Alecia.  I was truly hoping he would get bounced based on this very same stupid egotistical statement, as sometimes happens on this show.  Alas, not this time.

    • Love 2
  12. I can't imagine a Dr. esp an ER Dr just standing there and not rendering aid.  Something's not right here.

    And not only not rendering aid, but reclining with an umbrella over his head.  Having said that, we don't know what kind of shape Peter was in, but I would think he'd perhaps be hovering close, waiting to see if he could at least fetch something for Dr. Joe...or, at the very least, hang out by Cydney, who was being taken care of by a non-doctor pretty much the whole time.  The fact that Peter seemed pretty much checked out was really odd.  There were three people down.


    Although, after years of working in the medical field, I can clearly see where a nurse might rush in to help...an ER doctor, perhaps not so much.

    • Love 5
  13. One question - is Jeff given a heads-up on who has idols?  I'm trying to figure out why, after the IC, he pretty much concluded that Alecia was going home to the point of being cool with holding Tribal right then and there...what if she had an idol back at camp?  Is that why he asked Alecia if it was okay with her on the off-chance that she'd want to go back and get it?


    A big part of this game is the strategy involved after a loss.  If I recall, Jeff did this once before with Brandon Hantz, but wasn't Brandon in the process of having a nervous breakdown?  Alecia was standing in front of Jeff, giving no indication that she was planning on going down without a fight, yet Jeff had no problem moving right along to TC.  I don't understand his thought process there.  If anyone had been even a little bit on the fence, Jeff proclaiming that Tribal could happen right away wouldn't have given anyone a chance to talk.  No one should ever think that any vote-off is a sure thing, but that seems to be what Jeff thought.  Another weird event in a weird season.

    • Love 4
  14. Scot & Co. seem to think Alecia was the reason they kept losing challenges, yet it took the Brawn tribe three go-rounds to vote her out.  When Jeff asked if Alecia was a sure vote out, Scot replied, "yes, I'm not going to make that mistake again." So why did he make that mistake twice before, I wonder?


    Which is it?  Either you think she's useless and vote her out during the very first TC, or stop talking about her like she's the reason you can't win.  To me, it seems like these big, brawny brawns kept her around so they could point to her as the reason they kept losing challenges.  Because surely, if she wasn't there, they'd have cleaned up on every single challenge.  I feel like they kept her around because they could deflect their anger at losing onto her.

    • Love 3
  15. I haven't looked at them, but it could be covering tats that were not "suitable" for TV.

    The laughable part is, I don't think anyone on these boards has been able to figure out exactly what is tattooed on his back/shoulders.  But I think we all agree, it's most certainly not suitable for TV.

    • Love 4
  16. I watch KUWTK, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and American Crime Story: The People vs. OJ Simpson.  Everyone knows everyone.  Their circle is very small, and you're right - it can make one nuts trying to figure it all out.


    And oh my goodness, little Eva looks just like her daddy.  What a cutie.  I've wondered how much of Brandon's being grounded comes from Leah.

    • Love 1
  17. Dont forget the whole thing with Kylie tweeting a pic of them together and saying it was the first official photo of Khloe and her real father. She deleted the tweet as soon as it blew up all the online gossip sites and tried to say she was kidding. Also the other big clue, Khloe's middle name: Alexandra.

    Would Kris really be that stupid?  Yeah.........never mind.


    Khloe really does not have the Armenian coloring of her sisters and brother at all.  Genetics can be funny, but I see very little of Kris in Khloe, and even less of Robert Senior, especially when she was younger.  Interesting.  

    • Love 1
  18. My guess is that he's been dressing like that for so long, he's probably uncomfortable wearing anything else, at least for now.  His body image issues go way back.  I saw an older episode from a vacation (can't remember which one, they take so many vacays) where he wouldn't take off his shirt because he thought he was too fat, and I think this was shortly after he did Dancing With the Stars.  I can't imagine where his body issues came from....  Kim, do you know?

    • Love 3

    One of the most common misconceptions reality shows seem to have about casting is that nobody would watch if they cast all nice people. I disagree, vehemently. For once I'd like to see a season where everyone is normal and polite and nobody is a jackass, a moron, a bully or a crazy person. I'd watch the shit out of that.

    So would I, because those nice, normal people will all eventually have to turn on each other.  And from seasons past, we know it can be done with none of the above mentioned qualities.

    • Love 9
  20. I appreciate your post, kikaha.  


    Perhaps I have blinders on when it comes to Kyle.  What's hard for me is that, having watched each episode a couple of times, I don't understand why the entire Brawn tribe decided to act the way they did towards Alecia in the first place, unless it was because she didn't fit the "Brawn" image.  From the very beginning, Kyle made a point of announcing that Alecia wasn't worthy of him even learning her name.  Scot, Jen and Cydney followed Kyle's lead when it came to treating her as not important, and at times downright stupid.  Kyle made fun of Alecia for spending so long making a fire - but yet, she made fire.  He laughed when she went to look for an idol until she found the clue, at which point he and Scot took over, pointedly ignoring Alecia altogether.  Now, who knows what footage we don't get to see.  Other than Alecia spacing out at the first puzzle challenge, I can't understand where Kyle's dislike of her is coming from.  His treatment of her seems out of proportion with what we've been allowed to see.  And editing is giving us what we see.  The show seems to be trying to show his "go team!" side by his treatment of Cydney, but all that does is make it even more striking as to how he treated Alecia.


    I am inferring his motivation, true.  From what Survivor is showing me, I don't know how else to see Kyle except as a self-serving bully towards a young woman who didn't seem to deserve it.

    • Love 6
  21. Can someone give me the low-down on the sarcastic nicknames?


    I know Bench = Scot

    But doesn't Lurch also = Scot?



    Bounty = Jason

    Brawny = Jason

    Cupcake = Jason


    And I would like to propose Grimace (as in the cuddly McDonald's blob) = Jason


    Apologies to Grimace lovers.


    Please, any others I missed?

    My bad, I have been using Lurch improperly.  That's Scot.  In my post-episode rage, I am mixing things up.


    I must've missed "Cupcake."  I like it.

  22. I thought the way he cared for Cydney was heroic. 

    Respectfully disagree.  I think he did it for attention.  If Alecia had been lying there, I cannot see him doing the same.


    It also brings to mind the challenge from last week when Cydney was maneuvering the ropes to land the balls, and Bounty was yelling out instructions.  Probst helpfully pointed out to everyone (because we all couldn't hear Bounty screaming like a lunatic) that he was doing a great job of "helping" Cydney, at which point I'd swear Bounty started screaming even louder.  I think everything he does is calculated to make himself look better, but only in certain situations that do not involve a young woman named Alecia.

    • Love 4
  23. How could they tell that from a beach exam? They ran quick blood work?

    I don't know how they got anything accomplished, what with cameramen and the catering staff running into the melee, responding to Probst's "all hands on deck!" call, while people were dropping like flies and Jeff had to provide running commentary on the whole mess.  I thought the whole thing was a real cluster, based on the fact that there clearly weren't enough medical staff to go around...since Cydney's medical care came from Bounty, and they seemed to bail on Debbie when Caleb dropped, based on her telling them that she was okay.  That had the potential to be much worse than it was.

    • Love 8

    I'm really starting to wonder why I even still watch. I'm kind of ashamed honestly.

    I watch because I have a strong sentimentality for this show for many reasons.  I have never missed an episode.  I still recall my mom (who is no longer with me) calling me during Season One, Episode One, and saying, "You have to watch this show!  It's crazy, they vote each other off!"  At the time, there was nothing like it.  I keep hoping against hope that the direction this season is taking is NOT the direction in which it will continue.  Yes, I want it to be real and I also want to be entertained.  But the bullying is not strategic.  I don't necessarily want to see a group of tribemates sit around and sing campfire songs in five-part harmony, but I would like to see everyone treated like a human being.  Maybe I'm asking too much for a show that's gone on this long.  If the point is to get people talking...well, mission accomplished.  I'd like to think that my beloved Survivor wouldn't stoop to the level where any publicity is considered good publicity.  I don't think it needs to go there yet, if ever.

    • Love 9
  25. I am really trying to figure out her strategy.  Perhaps it will come to light after the merge, but was she really okay with sitting idly by, watching two grown men try and break her female teammate?  Sometimes I think she's being very quiet to stay out of the line of fire, but she makes these weird facial expressions that makes me think more is going on.  When Alecia was voted out, she said, "Good luck, Cydney."  I couldn't decide if Cydney was smirking or smiling.  I am also not a fan of how Cydney picked up right where Jen left off, with taking anything Alecia said and twisting it to make herself look better and Alecia look stupid.  It's not just that Bench and Lurch bullied Alecia, it's that Jen and Cydney seem to be going along with it willingly.  This kind of strategy makes me stabby.  It's an "as long as it's not me" mentality and if this is indeed the case, Cydney can take a seat alongside her moronic tribemates and wonder where it all went so wrong.

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