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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. What in tarnation is that colossal mess behind them?  It does look like they're in an RV...and they get Olive Garden take-out when they go camping?  WTH?  I don't know how many mouths they're feeding, but that's some pricey take-out.

    That type of mess in a small space would drive me completely bonkers.  I'd never be able to go road-tripping with this family.

    2 hours ago, sheshark said:

    "We don't allow the children to sit on the boy's laps" Michelle???

    HOLD. UP.  Did she really say this?  Is this a Duggar rule?  Designed to what...make young boys feel like they will do something wrong if a baby sits on their lap?  Or make them think that because they are boys, they are inherently dangerous in some way?  What the crap kind of message is this to give her sons??  So what are they supposed to think when they have children of their own? 

    I can't even.....wow.

    • Love 3
  2. Anyone else want to smack Probst when David was running the rope portion of the IC, and Probst shouted out, "Just like playing high school football!"  

    Shut up, Probst.  David managed that obstacle just fine.  Quit making people feel inferior if they're not built like Colby Donaldson.  If you're so tough, go run that course yourself, and also - shut up, Probst.

    • Love 6
  3. The previews had me pretty excited for this show, but the actual show left me very disappointed.

    All of the fat references flying around were just not that funny to me, especially since I would not classify the lead actress as "fat."  The emphasis on her body wasn't appealing for me.  Of course, there are always going to be the super-skinny moms at school drop-off/pick-up who dress in Lululemon (as if they've come straight from yoga class) and have perfect hair, makeup and jewelry (which suggests that they did not, in fact, come straight from yoga class).  I feel like it would've been funnier to make the emphasis less on body size and more about the mom who is super disorganized and rolls into pick-up still in her jammies (been there).

    As for the kids, I also got the Alex P. Keaton vibe from the son, and I certainly got a Brick vibe from the youngest daughter.

    All in all, I may watch a couple more episodes, but I feel like this show is a lesser version of The Middle.

    • Love 2
  4. 12 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

    On a shallow note, I'd love Ken to "yeah" me and stare into my eyes like that. 


    I hate them too. At least this one was in water, so it lessened the degree of injuries the players could sustain. I hate when they have to push each other off a platform, or wrestle in a pit of mud for a ball or something. At least water gives them some buoyancy.


    Regarding the above topics:

    Ken: Me, too...........(swoony swoon)

    Challenges: the drag-someone-clinging to-a-pole challenge is hands-down the worst type of challenge to watch, IMO, followed very closely by the "caller" challenge, where people are blindfolded and obstacles are placed to maximize getting smacked in the head or other delicate areas.  Both are gruesome to watch, and I can't believe bones haven't been broken in either of those types of contests.  Plus, Probst gets far too giddy when someone bashes their privates into the sharp corner of a block or fence, which is sadistic and not the least bit funny.  At least in the water, it's not quite as horrible, but certainly still uncomfortable to watch.

    And +1000 to the poster who mentioned that Probst should've rushed over to Michaela and offered to cover her up.  However, did any of her teammates offer to stand in front of her to block the cameras?  No, they were all ROTFLMAO.  Figgy found it especially hysterical.  Had it happened to her, I'm quite certain "Tayls" would've leapt like Superman over everyone to shield her.  No one thought to give that consideration to Michaela, which is one of many reasons I hope she manages to ditch that entire tribe and form an alliance with some Gen X-er's and go very far.  She's far too good for them.

    • Love 5
  5. 41 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

    What was coolest about that to me was that he looked her straight in the eye for seconds after that, and she kind of looked like, "Oh shit, he WAS telling the truth, what did I do?"  


    At which point Jessica's eyebrows receded into her hairline, where they remain to this day.

    This is what I dig about Ken, though...his simple "Yes" statement to Jessica was perfect.  He didn't feel the need to blather on and on.  It was profound in its simplicity.  He's an interesting guy.  Hannah would drive him insane, I think.

    • Love 11
  6. 56 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

    I don't like that it's allowed. To me, it defeats the entire purpose of having people pick which segment to participate in. I think it should either be, anyone can do it and you can swap if it's giving you trouble. OR.....everyone picks their place prior to the challenge and that's it. No outside help.

    I agree 100%.  The whole point of giving them time to strategize is to place the best people at the best points in the challenge.  The way it's set up now, a puzzle-solver could always throw away blame by claiming, "so-and-so on the bench told me what to do."

    I'm not sure this has always been allowed.  I seem to recall sideliners whispering to other sideliners back in the day, but not able to shout out instructions to the people active in the challenge.

    Fix this, Probst.  Thanks.

    • Love 11
  7. 1 hour ago, Churchhoney said:

    The worst thing about the table picture to me is that it's a picture of Jana's life.

    And we wonder why she might not want to get married and have a Gothard-load of kids just now. Geez. 26 (??) years old and this is literally all she's ever done since she was about 7 or 8. It's a wonder she hasn't gone all Lizzie Borden on somebody's ass. What a hideous life. And there's no end in sight.

    This.  I don't even know why I thought for one second that this outing of Littles wasn't organized by Jana.  And we know she's behind it, because if JB or Michelle were there, they'd 100% be in that last photo.  I wonder if Jana has accepted that outings like these are not going to be organized by her parents, and that if she were to leave, her little sisters are going to be left wanting for attention and love.  And it enrages me that Michelle and JB seem fine with this.  Jana simply knows no other way.  I'm sure she's been buddied up since she was probably 5 or 6 years old.  She deserves SO much more than caretaker of her over-large family, and second mother to her younger siblings just because her parents felt the need to pop out as many babies as they could without a care or thought as to who was going to raise them.  It's a despicable way to treat the adult children.  #freeJanaandJD

    • Love 7
  8. 9 hours ago, Apocalypso said:

    I can't help but wonder if they had placed the numbered bags in order and then taken the letters out, if the puzzle would be solved for them.  I noticed that in the demonstration how to play, Bag #30 was a T (the last letter in Tonight). 

    I hadn't thought of that, and I'm shocked that the do-things-their-own-way, think-outside-the-box Millenials didn't think of it either.

    8 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

    For some reason I didn't think the puzzle solvers could get help.  It seems like team Millenials would have stayed there three more hours if Zeke didn't tell them what the answer was.  Has that always been allowed?

    I know it's allowed, but the fact that the sideliners are able help the puzzle-solvers seems like it would change up strategy on challenges like this one...grab the three lightest people, regardless if they're good at puzzles, and get them up and down the fastest.  I was surprised that Chris, the Gen-X'er's biggest guy, was sent up first.  I'd think it would be harder to control the swing with a guy that big shifting his weight back and forth.

    I'm going back and forth with David playing the idol for Jessica...good strategy, in that he now has an ally and the majority (hopefully, if Ken's not too ticked off)?  Or bad strategy - now there's no question that David is a guy who will make big moves, and any upcoming swap might make his idol play irrelevant?  I'm really liking David a lot and want to see him go to the end.  To me, he's one of those pure players who enjoys the game so much that he's willing to take huge strides out of his comfort zone to be there.  And he shouldn't sell himself short - he's got a great smile, he's smart and well-read, a writer...shoot, I may have another crush this season!

    I've watched every single season of this show, and it makes me happy that this season has been fun to watch so far.  I was getting awfully jaded by several of the players on recent seasons, so this season for me has been must-see tv.

    My only complaint was that the wave wasn't just about 6 inches higher - thus capable of completely submerging Probst for a few precious seconds.

    • Love 8
  9. JB must've been busy with some rando projects at home and sent Michelle in his place on the proposal trip?  I cannot imagine a scenario where JB wouldn't want to be there to stare Jeremy down with his beady eyes after Jinger officially became Jer's fiance.  If there was ever a time and place for JB to have a major pissing contest, that would be a top one, IMO.  Can't wait to see the measuring contest at the actual wedding.

    Michelle's presence on that trip was completely unnecessary, as it could've been a fun trip for Jessa, Bin and the Spurge to hang out with Jinge and Babe as two grown-up couples (and a baby).  Michelle did not need to be there, as she has children to take care of at home (LOL) and she probably didn't do much in the way of taking care of Spurgeon anyway.

    • Love 8
  10. Whatever it is, the photo seems to be centered on what's in the cup first, and Josie's reaction to it is second.  Like - "this is how we get Josie to sit still and draw pictures - we offer her a cup of her favorite (slushie/coffee grounds/pudding/coal ash)!"  Weird to me. 

    • Love 13
  11. 1 hour ago, Churchhoney said:

    I confess that I once had to show the exact same thing to my boss, then a man of about 60 with several university degrees. He didn't say "Baaaaabe," but he had been complaining that because the kitchen was out of the little plastic stirrer sticks, his coffee-with-cream was going to be inferior. And he considered my demonstration revelatory. So apparently this is a more outside-the-box idea than we think.

    To be fair, I also had to show several of my former male bosses how to work a very simple coffee machine where I used to work.  One guy would always come in early and re-heat the dregs from the pot from the day before because he didn't know how to put a paper filter in.  And this was years ago, this was no fancy coffee machine.

    It appeared to me that Jeremy could also pour boiling water over a teabag to make tea...or turn a slice of bread into toast using a toaster...and Jinge would still stand there, awe-struck, exclaiming "Baaaaaaaaaabe!"  Plus, the fact that Jer was pouring the cream from a little ceramic cow so slowly and carefully, it seemed like he was explaining a magic trick to a wide-eyed toddler.  Well...in a way, I suppose that's exactly what he was doing.

    • Love 16
  12. Did anyone else notice that once Anna appeared onscreen and started talking....Josh's name did not come up, even once?  She talked about her "situation" without mentioning his actual name rather skillfully.  I found that interesting.

    • Love 5
  13. Ummm........I have questions?  Josie is 6, right?  Is she in a high chair?  Trying to draw letters?  And what on earth is being offered to her?  At first I thought it was a cup of coffee but on closer inspection it looks like pudding...is this how they bribe her?  Without 25 hashtags to let me know what's happening here, this is a very strange photo.

    • Love 8
  14. 11 hours ago, JoanArc said:

    Is it just me or does Johanna look like Josiah?

    I swear I don't intend this to be mean, but I see a strong resemblance to Josh.  And Johanna looks like a typical pre-teen girl who, under different circumstances, would be outside all day playing kickball, riding bikes, etc. with friends in her neighborhood.  In that manner she reminds me of Joy.  Sadly, this also means that any spirit or fire in Johanna will very soon be extinguished.  It really makes me sad that none of the Duggar girls are going to be allowed to forge their own path and be allowed to let their own unique personalities shine through.  To listen to any of the girls profess a love of sports, only to have that love mysteriously fade away somewhere around their 13th or 14th birthdays is really sad, because we know who is behind that change of heart.

    • Love 7
  15. 7 hours ago, Malvina said:


    Who is the non-Duggar on the far left?  Is Jinge sitting between the girl and the boys because defraudment?  Does Jinger own a comb?  Who are the boys?  I don't even recognize the one in the white shirt.  Or the one on the end, to be honest, but I know he's a Duggar.  The boys are actually really cute in a generic, middle-school first-crush kind of way, IMO.  It's too bad their spirits were broken years ago.  Hey, where's Jinge's phone?  Isn't it surgically attached to her hand?  What if Babe calls?

    These pictures just bring up so many questions for me, I'm sorry.

    • Love 4
  16. Michelle's Updated Instagram post:

    "(Hang on, what's her name again?  I know it starts with J...I'm going to need more...J-O...)Johannah (ha, I knew I'd think of it eventually!) is...(oh shoot...can't do the math...math is for boys...I'm going to take a stab in the dark) 9 10 11 years old today! (today?  What's today?  September?)  She loves to (how should I know what she loves to do, I don't even remember having a Johanna) sew (because all my girls love to sew, I guess?  Sounds good.) and do craft projects (just vague enough to sound legit, yo).  So today (Johanna's birthday!  Ha!  You thought I'd have forgotten already but I didn't!) we grabbed a quick bite (greasy drive-thru chicken leg in the van, no time for a nice one-on-one sit down with...um, J-O...Johannah!) and are going to do some shopping (at the second-hand store where she can pick out one "new" shirt to add to the family closet, where she'll probably never see it again).  But first, we had to get her nails done! (because the nail salon is right next door to Starbucks and I could just drop her off for a half-hour and go get my fix on the sly)."

    On another note, Johanna doesn't appear to be especially thrilled in the nail salon photo.  Is she the most lost of the lost girls? #freeJohanna

    • Love 9
  17. And here I honestly thought Lularoe was just made up of crazy-print leggings.  I didn't know lace curtain overcoats were part of the brand.

    I'm still not understanding Meri's XXXXL gray t-shirt bunched together on the bottom with a scrunchie.  That's a Lularoe piece?

    EDIT: I just glanced at the site's homepage.  That's an awful lot of loud and bold prints mixed and matched at random.  Yikes.  Best of luck, Meri.  Might want to get a full-time job or two on the side just in case you can't pay the electric bill with your Lularoe income.

    • Love 2
  18. On 10/7/2016 at 3:43 PM, FlyingEgret said:

    I can't get over the change to only putting one space instead of two after the end of a sentence; shouldn't this be the type of thing that is voted on?  Or at least announced to the general public by the Format/Punctuation Dictator so that we all use the same standards?  Maybe Peachy will address this hot button topic in next week's Language Arts Challenge...

    My college-aged son and I had a massive argument about the double-spacing issue, and I only argued so vehemently because I knew I was right - you always double-space after a sentence.  Turns out, only dinosaurs still use a double-space.  I was livid.  I will ALWAYS double-space.  In fact, I might someday start to triple-space just because I'm so upset that this very simple and efficient rule was changed and no one told me.

    On 10/8/2016 at 11:28 PM, Michel said:

    Ah, but Joe, while a nice guy, was, as we saw, terrible at strategy and didn't have the best social game, either.  Ken's probably like Joe -- seems like a nice enough guy (though the griping over Paul and the smugness over the fishing gear has me in doubt), but doesn't seem to be the best at the social game.  Especially given that he really only seems to hang out with David and only talks to CeCe out of necessity more than actually liking her.

    I still heart Ken and I suppose it's difficult to sit by and hold your tongue while the self-appointed leader and fisherman extraordinaire goes out to catch fish and comes back empty handed, and blames it on the strong current.  As for the smugness over the fishing gear, I thought it was pretty smug of the Millennials to ask for the fishing gear in the first place.  I liked how Ken was all, "no, I'm having way too much fun catching tuna, and octopus, and other assorted fishies, which we then crisp to a golden brown over an open fire and consume."  I thought Ken's comment was a nice little dig at both Paul and the Millennials.  I can also understand why Ken would be frustrated as to how Paul ended up the leader of the six without doing a whole lot of actual leading.

    On 10/9/2016 at 0:22 PM, simplyme said:

    I don't know if it's 100% fair to paint Jay this way. Jay could very well have been conflicted about the vote: Figgy is in his alliance, but she's also his rival for the time and loyalty of Tayls. So he went immediately to Michelle to see her reaction and if she wanted to save Figgy. Michelle laid out why they should, and Jay committed.

    So, yes. Michelle deserves the credit for saving Figgy, but I don't know that Jay would really have been in a worse place personally if Figs went home. 

    Loyalty of Tayls, my new band name.  Paul is gonna play guitar.

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