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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. Oh yeah...you just knew that when he solemnly intoned that line about not being filmed, he was secretly thinking: "This is going to make a GREAT tagline!  Must practice serious caveman face in mirror!"

    As for the women buying Kody's BS...Meri was young and stupid and in love with the hawt Kody Brown, and was willing to buy whatever he was selling.  Janelle was divorced and for reasons I will never understand, thought it would be super fun to hook up with her ex sister-in-law's hubby.  Christine was plyg royalty and wanted to be the funny, cute, ditzy, LAST wife of the still semi-hawt Kody Brown.  Robyn saw the dollar signs.

    • Love 6
  2. 3 hours ago, okerry said:

    This show actually does a service by showing just how sick this whole polygamy thing really is. 

    At least in non-plyg relationships Meri would be encouraged to find a new partner if she wants one. Living in this kind of limbo is sickeningly cruel. Only good thing about this show is how it does, at least, shine a light on what really goes on happy little polygamous families like this one.

    And yet, it makes each of them better!  They've got something really awesome!  Fam'ly, not just the caveman!  Shoulda been together from Day One!


    2 hours ago, CofCinci said:

    With the upcoming decade of weddings for the Browns, you'll be able to see how Kody regards each batch (Meri's/Jenelle's/Christine's/Robyn's) of children differently.  Christine's children are of the lowest value to Kody.  Jenelle's children have the highest regard in his eyes and will have the nicest weddings.

    I thought this, too.  He regards his kids like he regards his wives.  And since Janelle gave birth not only first, but to the first son, Kody likes her best.  Plus she popped out even more boys so Kody could pound his chest and whatnot.  Poor Christine was doomed with all those girls (and Paedon, who is rapidly approaching the size of a giant).  Actually, come to think of it, I'd love to see Kody and Paedon get on the wrestling mat and watch Kody's beady eyes dance in fear.  Maybe for an upcoming episode, TLC?


    2 hours ago, NotEatingKale said:

    Okay, the conversation between Kody and Meri was refreshing. Usually they talk and talk and talk, but they're not really saying anything. It's usually a load of a malarkey. When Kody was all, "You told me to LEAVE!" and Meri replied, "You said you weren't willing to cross a burning bridge for me!" my eyes moved away from the Candy Crush I was playing on my phone to the television screen. 

    I know, right??  Angry Birds here.  I was super confused that they seemed to actually be dancing very close to the edge of the truth.


    1 hour ago, booboopbedoo said:

    I thought Tony was a bit challenged mentally but had a big Burrito


    • Love 9
  3. 39 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    The whole money for the wedding thing really bugs me. First it's really stupid to say another wedding will bankrupty Kody because we know that TLC is paying but let's set that aside for a minute. Why does Maddie get whatever she wants for a wedding if it means there isn't money for other weddings which are bound to happen regularly with so many kids close together. There are 17 kids. If you want to go with the idea that the parents should contribute ("traditionally" the groom's parents help with the honeymoon) there should be a standard budget for each kid. So you tell each kid, you get $5000 for the wedding/honeymoon. You can plan the entire wedding for 5k or you can blow it all on your dress. But that's what each kid gets. Then not only is each kid treated equally, but they also know what to expect from their parents so they can plan ahead. 

    This is completely logical and very well-thought out.  Hence, it would never fly with the Browns.

    • Love 22
  4. 10 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    It is a Kim kind of compassion. Remember how she's been treating Rob after he gained weight and became a recluse - she called him a lazy slob and made fun of how his tattoos would stretch out after the weight gain. She thought Rob's state was something to be snapped out of, and she's also never had any sympathy for Scott (whose alcoholism also qualifies as a mental illness). She certainly thinks it's a huge flaw not to be 100% mentally in control at all times.

    This is exactly why I think Kim will wait for whatever time she and Kris think is appropriate and then she'll divorce Kanye.  Perhaps she'll spin it as she needs to protect her kids.  But I'm jaded enough to think that she'll play the role of dutiful, caring wife until she tires of it and bails.  But the spin will be heavy and deep.

    Given the fact that Rob, Lamar, Scott and now Kanye are battling mental illnesses, you'd think the women in this family might have a better handle on how to help the men.  Instead, they hold meetings over big salads and green tea and work on how to spin it to make more money.

    • Love 9
  5. 50 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

    Shallow observation here, Robyn looks like hell. She hasn't lost the baby weight this time around, she is so pale, no makeup and looks miserable. Have her lips gotten even thinner or is it the extra weight in her face that is throwing me off? 

    Her frown is so pronounced, it looks like her lips are going to touch her chin.  And that's saying something.


    40 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

    But Kody already has two goats and a cow. And an ugly bird. 

    This line was one of those moments where I don't get the joke...and then I do.  And then I laugh/snort/choke.  At work.


    35 minutes ago, Zahdii said:

    In such a situation, with so many people living in each others pockets, roles tend to be assigned.  Mykelti was assigned the immature ditzy role.  Some kids are slow to mature and need help learning to think and plan ahead, set goals and achieve them, etc.  With no real one on one time with a mature, caring adult, she was never able to grow out of it. 

    And that's what's so freaking sad about a family this large, with little to no parental one-on-one time because the mom is too busy dancing to get dad's attention, and dad is either hiding on someone's couch or hunting around for another wifey.  My daughter is a teen and has a tough time with setting goals.  I would never, however, call her ditzy because that's a name that sticks, and it becomes an excuse for the kid..."well, if my parents think I'm ditzy, I must be, so what's the point of trying?"  It's just like the Duggar family.  Too many individual children and not near enough time to appreciate each one's individual personalities. 

    30 minutes ago, Roslyn said:

    The clueless dumb ass look on his face when he said that if Kody wants to hold off on their wedding is about money well that's an easy fix.  You can just go into a bank and take out a loan against your house. 

    But isn't the dude in banking??  He's probably already checked into Kody's mortgage records and credit scores and done some calculating to see how much he can weasel out of his poor, dumb, future father-in-law.  Even if that amount is somewhere around $37.59.

    • Love 15
  6. 14 hours ago, what said:

    Tony seems like an entitled jackass. No wonder Kody doesn't like him - he sees himself in him!

    Bwahahahahahahahahaha!  Oh Kody, it's like looking in the mirror, isn't it??  Crazy eyes, sloppy hair, spending money that he doesn't even have...meet your new son-in-law, dude!!

    11 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

    Tony was kidding about the loan.  Most of the wives and Kody said so on Twitter.

    I don't think that guy was kidding at all.


    As usual, the Browns are skirting around the issues.  Mykelti getting married two months after Maddie has nothing to do with upstaging Maddie and everything to do with Mykelti making a really bad decision with a really suspect guy.  The Browns had to know that popping out kid after kid would eventually cause certain events - like weddings - to cluster together and stress everybody out.  But they need to quit using that as a lame excuse.  Mykelti strikes me as a child who probably didn't get a whole lot of parent time and wants to get married so quickly just to push her parent's buttons and see what happens.

    As for Kody and Meri, they are going to be stuck, and Meri is going to remain miserable, unless she finally admits that the divorce wounded her to the core.  I doubt she will, however, because Kody can come back with, "but it was your idea!"  It was her idea, but I wonder if she was using the whole "divorce for the sake of the kids" to gain some good wifey points...or perhaps she never thought Kody would actually do it.

    Did anyone else get squicked out by Kody and Tony sitting knee to knee on the bedroom couch?  First of all...icky place to have a conversation about marriage.  Go sit on the back porch or take a freakin' walk around the cuddle-sac or something.  Also, they both looked gross and sweaty and I wonder if Christine went in the room with a can of Febreze after they were done talking.

    And Kody has easily packed on about 30 pounds.  His gut is huge.

    • Love 19
  7. 15 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

    I don't think it's that secret. They were on a tribe together after the original split, and it seemed that everyone got along really well on that tribe. Then after the merge, she was seen talking to him several times, telling him she'd try to save him if she could get votes for Jess, etc. If they're even tighter than they appear on camera, that doesn't really surprise me. 

    Ah...I didn't equate her desperation to get rid of Jess as her having a true alliance with Jay, but it makes sense.  I like it.

  8. Agree with Lingo.  The behavior was so surprising to me mainly because we hadn't seen it before.  

    Who knows what led up to it.  These people are tired, hungry, cranky and missing home.  Snapping at someone is to be expected.  But Bret seemed to take it quickly to a personal place with David, which contradicts most of his previous behavior.  I think I'm actually more ticked at Zeke for jumping so quickly on Bret's bandwagon.

    Or maybe I just have a hair-trigger response to what I perceive as bullying on this show, having been worn down and disgusted by the likes of Will, Foley, and the tattooed jerks from the past couple of seasons.

    • Love 4
  9. 13 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

    Coconuts.  Freshly chopped 3 times a day at Ken's Topless General Store.



    I finally read the PTV recap, and it suggests that there is a secret alliance between Sunday and Jay.  How did I miss this?  When did this start?  Because I typically feel like Sunday is a floater, but if she's got some kind of Tina/Colby secret alliance thing going on with Jay, I am going to have to re-think everything I thought I knew about her.

    And after watching that crazy TC for the 4th time...when David got up to play his idol, Hannah told him to "wait," but didn't follow up with anything.  Why did she say that?  At that point, didn't she think David was going to use the idol on her?  What was the point of her asking him to wait?

  10. 20 hours ago, NutMeg said:

    The funny thing was that there was no way that would have made David cry. David is touched by unexpected kindness, he cries from the positive emotion of being happily surprised, not from hurt. Not sure I'm expressing myself clearly here, but I have to go, so if I think of a better way to explain this I'll be back later.   

    Beautifully stated!


    5 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

    We really liked this challenge.  I don't think it was luck.  It was more being able to track in your mind which pathways you'd tried without seeing them.  And also Jay was smart to use his other hand to find the end hole and backtrack along the path with that then use the knob along that path.  Jeff was even telling them they could use both hands on the track.  

    And slide puzzles come up often enough that we were discussing that we'd learn to do them before going out there.  Though I always just keep sliding and eventually find the solution, within a few minutes.  But some people can slide randomly for a long time and just get more and more frustrated.  I think that's why the show uses them.  Wasn't there an epic slide puzzle meltdown with the TMZ girls team on TAR a few years ago?  Yeah, they spent almost four hours on one.  Can you even imagine?  

    I liked this challenge too.  I wondered if it wasn't sized to the person, because it seemed like Zeke was having trouble stretching his arm towards the bottom of the maze.  I liked watching Jay smartly use both hands to guide the key, and was impressed that he didn't seem to panic while doing the slide puzzle (someone in this thread referred to the slide puzzle as "the devil's instrument" and I could not agree more).  It was interesting to see that there were at least two people who were inches away from solving the maze (Jess and Will) but they kept breaking their concentration by watching Jay.

    Also, I can't remember a season with more big food rewards in quite some time...it seems every other reward involves a ton of food.  I noted that Bret tossed a chicken wing off of the boat - I didn't catch what he said, but I think he was being a smart-ass by pretending to toss it to the people on the beach.  If so, that was another nasty move by someone I really used to like.

    • Love 10
  11. 21 hours ago, SlackerInc said:

    Why is everyone saying Jessica was the stupid one not to switch her vote? No one else switched their vote either.    I've said I think it's generally a bad move to switch votes in that situation no matter who you are, but even if you disagree with that: why weren't all the others stupid as well? 

    I completely sympathized with Jess during that TC.  Her head was spinning (as evidenced by her excellent and now-classic "surprised marmoset" face).  As the last to vote, she had Hannah on one side and Zeke on the other, begging for her vote.  But how do you know whether or not to flip?  If two people flip, it's another tie, and you draw rocks anyway.  What surprises me is that no one else freaked out like Jess did.  Will looked a little bit shell-shocked, but everyone else seemed pretty damned confident during that second vote.  I don't understand that at all.


    15 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

    Chalk up another great play for Adam... dude is a MESS at tribal. WHY oh why would you listen to him instead of your gut telling you to protect Hannah? Ugh.

    I may have missed this in previous posts...but Sunday mouthed the name "Ken" and Adam saw that, and subsequently told David.  Did Sunday come up with that all by herself, knowing that Adam was watching her?  If so, I may have to give her kudos for a great move even though I really don't want to.  I'm still trying to unravel that last TC.  For Sunday to say Ken's name seems awfully risky to me, if Ken wasn't the target.  Why would she do that?  Anyone sitting to her left could've seen her do that, and it could've blown up right then and there.  I only wish Ken himself saw her say his name.

    • Love 4
  12. Bret's taunting of David sure came out of left field.  He went from encouraging David to play in the competition to asking him if he was gonna cry again.  If Bret goes far in the game, I wonder if it's going to cost him jury votes.  It was just strange to see him attack on a personal level like that, when up until last night, his edit has been as a gregarious, fun, likable guy.

    • Love 8
  13. I'm on the Jay bandwagon now.  He got to me back when he mentioned that he wanted to win because he needs to take care of his mom and sister.  He made me smile when he carefully closed the door to the cage before heading to the slide puzzle (I wonder if he did that because he didn't want to risk the person next to him seeing the diagram of his maze, but it was adorable).  He REALLY won me over when he was able to read TC enough to know that he could keep his idol safe.  I think, for the moment, he's playing the best game of any of the remaining Millennials.  Hannah, Adam, Will and Zeke have all been prone to freak-outs and sharing too much information in an effort to save themselves.  Jay is playing it low-key, which is exactly what he needs to do.

    • Love 5
  14. 12 hours ago, sadiegirl1999 said:

    It has dawned on me who Jay resembles (and all you GEN Xers will get this). Jay looks like a poor man's Michael Hutchence.

    There we go!  That's who he reminds me of!  I understand the Jay/Ramirez comparison, but I don't like it.  Jay seems like a decent person, a good kid.  I think I'm rooting for Jay to win the whole thing right now.  He got a bad rap with his connection to Tayls, but I think Jay's got a lot more smarts and intuition than anyone on the Millennials tribe.  Even though everyone knows he has an idol now, I'd love it if he could just coast through a couple more TC's and not have to play it, as he sits back and watches everyone else go after each other with a wee smirk on his face.


    12 hours ago, TaraS1 said:

    Right?  Sunday's obsession with Jessica's non-existent obsession with her was just bizarre. 

    Sunday is probably going to be taken to the end as a goat, isn't she?  I don't know if there's a storyline we're not seeing, but her weird fixation that Jess spent every waking moment trying to plot Sunday's demise was ridiculous.  


    12 hours ago, Stinamaia said:

    Just interrupting to ask -Am I the only one who finds David very attractive?  

    He's got a great smile and pretty eyes.


    I am loving the shots of Ken sitting at what looks like his own hand-crafted general store or restaurant, working on something or other.  He's probably just chopping up coconuts but I find it amusing.

    I thought the shivering fruit bat would be my favorite non-human appearance of the episode, but it turned out to be ants, followed closely by whatever huge bug attached itself to Tayl's shirt.

    EDIT: Can't tell you how thrilled I am that this season, for me, has been one of redemption for Survivor.  I was losing faith fast, jaded by the past few seasons.

    Happy Thanksgiving, Survivor fans!

    • Love 15
  15. On 11/19/2016 at 8:16 PM, IndianPaintbrush said:

    Derrick was a horse's ass at the end. 

    I just caught this part - did Derick basically shove aside the groomsman so he could walk Jill down the aisle himself?

    That was a pathetic and embarrassing display, Heavy D.  Way to make yourself look like a complete imbecile.  At someone else's wedding.

    • Love 16
  16. This entire family is overflowing with mental illnesses, both diagnosed and undiagnosed.  This is not normal, and eventually the constant exposure and their collective ignorance and intense focus on the almighty dollar at the expense of their health is going to end in tragedy.

    And it sucks to say it, but at this point, many people that follow this family (myself included) tend to take everything that happens to them with a huge grain of salt, wondering if it's not just another publicity stunt.  I absolutely believe that Kanye is ill and needs help, but given what we know about this family, the default opinion is, "is any of it real?"

    • Love 16
  17. 1 hour ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

    Why is Kris still tweeting garbage about her incredible time at the Angel ball?  How is she smiling and posing on the red carpet knowing at the same time her son in law was in a psychotic state (according to the police report via TMZ).  Why was she even at the ball?  She divorced Rob Sr 13 years before he died (and I doubt they were on good terms when he did). 

    She's been using his name and his untimely death to gain sympathy and publicity for years now.  If I recall, she was flaunting her boyfriends in his face for several years before they divorced.  At the heart of this family is Kris Jenner, doing anything and everything it takes to keep her family out there and the kash rolling in.

    • Love 16
  18. On 11/19/2016 at 7:35 PM, Albanyguy said:

    I think he decided long ago that Jana will be the official stay-at-home spinster daughter. She will continue running the house and raising the young 'uns until Josie gets married and then she will segue into waiting hand and foot on Jim Bob and Michelle in their old age (Michelle has no intention of spending her golden years chained to a washer/dryer like Grandma Duggar).  Of the older girls, Jana was the obvious choice for the sacrificial lamb: Jill is Jim Bob's favorite daughter and Jessa is Michelle's favorite, so they were "rewarded" with husbands, weddings and gift registries. Jana is nobody's favorite and deserves no consideration. Of course, they can't acknowledge that publicly without making themselves look bad, so they foster the notion that Jana is "picky" and that she's  holding out for Prince Charming to arrive.

    I'm thinking this is all true and it infuriates me.  Jana is by far the most beautiful of the Duggar girls (IMO), seems to have a kind soul, has a brain, and a desire to learn.  And yet, there's just nothing for her except - by virtue of being the first-born daughter - to raise her siblings and then care for her parents.  I want more for Jana.  I want Jana to want more for Jana, but I wonder if she is capable of thinking outside her tiny corner of the world, the corner her awful parents have firmly placed her in, and told her to "stay."


    On 11/20/2016 at 11:54 PM, RazzleberryPie said:

    JD looks 40 years old. 

    Oh, J.D......in that picture, he almost looks like a dad standing between his two daughters.


    21 hours ago, Malvina said:

    Um...slow news day, Duggars?  However, again - Jana looks lovely.  I need her to escape.  This hurts my soul.

    • Love 9
  19. They can take a break, but will they?  Do they live in fear that if they disappear for awhile, it'll all be over?  Are they capable of living without being followed around by cameras?

    If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, did it happen?  Similarly, if a Kardashian goes out for fro-yo in completely inappropriate attire accompanied by a few random hangers-on, and no camera films it, did it happen?

    • Love 10
  20. 10 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

    These people (Kardashians and Kanye) need to be away from the public eye for a while.  Everyone is suffering.  The human psyche is not equipped for this level of fame, and invasion.  It is not healthy. 

    I could not agree more.

    That said, I have to wonder if Kim and Kanye are going to allow any of what happened to them air for entertainment and money.  Do they even understand the concept that not everything that happens to them has to be packaged for the viewing public?  Births, breakdowns, hospitalizations, therapy sessions, doctor's visits, etc. - all things that are normally very private, yet we've seen it all from this family.  Kanye even records all of his music and video planning.  At some point the weight of their fame and constant camera presence is going to implode and bad things are going to happen - worse than we've already seen.

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