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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. On 11/6/2016 at 3:53 PM, BitterApple said:

    Is Jer 18 yet? Because I always feel like a pervert for thinking he's kind of hot.

    This made me LOL.  'Cause I think Jed is kind of adorbs.

    On 11/6/2016 at 5:49 PM, Baby Button Eyes said:

    Josh looks horrible for his age. Is it just him or do all the Duggars have a horrible pre-aging gene?

    The Duggar boys certainly seem to go from gawky pre-teen to weary young man faster than normal.  Maybe the girls do as well, but they can camouflage it better with gobs of eyeliner and tan-in-a-can.

    So happy to see the ManBun make an appearance!  Hahaha, take that, JB!  But Derrick needed to trim up his neck and beard for sure.

    Michelle's post-wedding outfit was awful.  White sweater, black skirt, black hose and black orthopedic shoes?  I mean, come ON.  She couldn't have raided the family closet and found something just a bit more colorful?  Sheeeesh.

    I clicked on JinJer's brand-new website and actually did laugh out loud at the photo they chose...there's Jinge, gazing up in adoration at her Baaaaaabe.  Nothing new there, but Jinge did look pretty on her wedding day.  I sincerely hope she gets to spend some time as a young bride and doesn't end up giving birth 9 months (give or take) from now.  I also hope that Jeremy takes measure to expand Jinge's horizons a little bit by letting her read a book or take classes at a real college or something.  I'd love to see one of the Duggar girls break the mold.  Jeremy comes off low-key and even-keeled, but he's got life experience.  Here's hoping he'd like more from marriage than Jinge following him around like a wide-eyed toddler.

    • Love 10
  2. 11 hours ago, b2H said:

    My late sister's daughter in law is in this - she posted on her FB page and invited me to her closed group.  Apparently, that I live in Wisconsin and she is in Pennsylvania didn't seem to be an obstacle.

    I have a friend in Pennsylvania who sells Lularoe.  I was invited into her group.  I am in Michigan.  No clue how that's supposed to work, as I like to try on clothes before buying them.


    41 minutes ago, ginger90 said:


    I really hope Meri has some common sense.

    So, is this a post about your best friend?  Or is it a Lularoe advertisement?  

    This kind of thing makes me stabby.  This is nothing more than a photo-op to show off the clothes.  And neither outfit makes me want to run to find a Lularoe store in the least.  It's not that the clothes are so awful - but if anyone in this forum has a Meijer store in their neighborhood, you could literally find these items in a heartbeat.

    On the plus side, Meri does look thinner.  If this means she is happy and working on leaving Kody, then I say good for her.

    • Love 5
  3. I actually found Michaela's dislike of Figgy very understandable, especially as we came to know Michaela through her confessionals, where she said she's had to work hard for everything she has, and that many of her family members have had bad luck fall upon them just as they were starting to succeed.  Contrast that to Figgy, who was bold and sure enough of her tribe status that she openly flirted and kissed on Taylor and assumed that the rest of her tribe would be fine with it because she's Figgy, and perhaps she's used to getting her way.  When a pair of Survivors becomes a romantic couple and does it openly, it smacks of supreme overconfidence, not to mention it's two people who are very likely to vote the same, and won't vote against each other.

    It reminds me of my beloved Ozzy.  When he made a return in Micronesia, I was thrilled, and hoped he'd go far.  Until he openly mushed all over Amanda.  It's not the pairing that bothers me, it's the ego it takes to do it in front of your tribemates and assume that everyone will be okay with it.

    • Love 3
  4. On 11/5/2016 at 0:00 AM, Winston9-DT3 said:

    While that scene was disgusting, it showed one thing... Michelle is like the anti-Michaela.  She's going to sit back and make a blank face and shut up no matter what's happening around her, apparently.  I think that's shrewd.

    Quoted from a different thread....

    I give her a lot of credit for sitting through that disgusting display from the men on her tribe.  I could barely watch it from my couch.  Normal bodily functions, yes...but the men admit to shoveling in that food as fast as they could, on a stomach that had been limited to some coconut and rice.  I was positive it was going to get way worse than that.  Michelle must've known that if she got up and left in disgust, the men would have a few brief moments to consider getting rid of her.  I can't believe she stayed put.  I am also one who thinks that if someone doesn't catch her, she's going to go pretty far.  I really like the game she's playing at the moment, and I'm curious to find out what she'll do after the merge.

    • Love 3
  5. 1 hour ago, iwasish said:

    Kim never even drives without her phone in her hand, she barely pays attention to the road. 

    Was Khloe driving with her feet in the opening segment?  As soon as Kourtney said, "Selfie!", Khloe took both hands off the wheel and leaned in to get in the picture.  While driving.  Probably on the highway.


    • Love 1
  6. That rack of clothes looks exactly like what I would see at my local Meijer grocery store.

    What is a "Lularoe popup?"  Is that what the Lularoe parties are called?  Or does that mean you load up your car with the clothes, drive somewhere random, and set up a temporary shop?  That seems like way too much work for someone with the last name "Brown."

    Here's what I want to see...I want to see Robyn, Christine and Janelle put on some Lularoe leggings/long sweaters/confusing t-shirts and Instagram/Snapchat/Tweet themselves in order to support their beloved sister wife.  Will they?  HIGHLY doubtful.  Should they?  Well, since they are all so super supportive of each other (LOLZ), yes they should.

    • Love 6
  7. Kim - "So, I, like, am afraid of driving, because I, like, feel like I'm going to, like, drive in the wrong lane or something."

    "Therapist" - "Well, you can't, like, live in fear of what might, like, happen.  You have to, like, re-set your mind and live life to the, like, fullest."

    Kim - "Totally."

    And Kim is, like, cured!!

    I think that the entire Kim anxiety story line and her living life to the fullest spiel is just foreshadowing for next season, which will be constructed around the robbery and aftermath.  Kendall's storyline, while possibly true, was just to get her some tv time to fulfill the contract with her mother.

    Scott showing up to all of Kris's social engagements smacks of Kris's desperate attempt to keep this show on the air.  She is clearly aware that Scott is the most compelling member of the family, in that he has an actual personality, unlike any of Kris's spawn.  So the more Scott the better, even if it means putting him in the most unbelievable, stupid and awkward scenes possible.  Because sure, if I am Kris, I am going to invite my not-really-son-in-law to my social gatherings with friends under the guise that he's just so much fun.  Why, then, was it necessary to drag out the Lord crap in the last episode because Scott was too boring?

    I realize that I am trying to assign normal emotions and scenarios to a group of people who are so far beyond normal, they might as well be on another planet.  I know better.

    Were it not for Kim's robbery, I believe this show would be ending after this season.  Convenient timing?  Coincidence?  Who knows.

    • Love 6
  8. So about how much do you think those boxes and boxes of Lularoe set her back?

    This bothers me because she should be using this as a supplemental income.  If she really thinks her z-list celebrity status will garner her big sales and commissions, she is way more delusional than I thought.  And that's saying something.

    At least the wet bar will be put to good use -she can use it to display all her Lularoe items for all those super exciting parties she's going to host.

    • Love 1
  9. Jessa stands out to me so much because the rest of the kids appear so freaking laid-back to the point of almost being comatose.  I mean, heck - sometimes when JD comes onscreen and talks, I can't decide if his slow, plodding way of speaking is because he's just boring, or if he's actually so over having a camera in his face that he smartly gives non-answers to many of the questions posed to him.  Jill and Joy can barely string words together to make a sentence, and Jana always looks like she wants every question to be about anything other than her.  The younger boys are so vanilla that they all blend together except Josiah, who I think tries to show a spark of personality on occasion.  Jessa, however - you have to watch her.  She's got a sneaky, snarky side which can be either healthy for someone raised to be repressed, or just plain mean, because she's gotten away with it her entire life.

    Either way, when Jessa is onscreen, I tend to watch her a little more closely to see what she'll say, whereas the other kids could be used as cures for insomnia.

    • Love 13
  10. 1 hour ago, RedDelicious said:

    I really didn't need to see Jill's disgusting bare feet or her dumpy dress again.  And I don't think they showed the part where they ran directly to the hand sanitizer so they could greet Miss Cathy. 

    Actually, they did - and as it was my first time seeing Derrick and Jill's wedding, I was very confused as to why some guy was standing there pumping quantities of hand sanitizer on Jill's and Derrick's hands.  It made sense a few seconds later, but at the time, I was confused and a little bit grossed out.

    • Love 2
  11. I have a question - if the Duggar girls can get married in a beautiful, huge church, why do they cater their receptions outside in a parking lot?  Why not keep it in the same building?  Unless you all are kidding about hosting a wedding reception in a parking lot, but these are the Duggars, so I have to assume it's true.

    • Love 3
  12. Is Meri doing that "30 days of gratitude" thing that so many do in the month of November?  If so, I wonder if/when she's going to post how thankful she is for her awesome "husband" and her amazing sister-wives.

    For the record, I cannot stand when people do the 30 days of gratitude on FB (sorry if I'm offending anyone).  It's just that when I see it, it mainly screams of humblebragging and not true gratefulness.  It seems Meri is following suit, as her Day 2 post is more an advertisement for Lularoe than anything else.

    • Love 14
  13. 24 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

    I think Probst is afraid of her.  It is too bad she had to leave but she did give the "speech" that seems to doom the speaker.  I loved her but that was some good tv right there.


    Heck, I was afraid of her and I was watching it from the comfort of my couch.

    • Love 8
  14. 22 hours ago, LilWharveyGal said:

    But didn't they basically already do this storyline (minus blizzard) the year they all went to a cabin for Christmas?  

    ETA:  That's not a judgment on your enthusiasm, laurakaye.  It's just interesting to me that they apparently have so little going on that they have to recycle this particular plot.

    I find it interesting that in order to fix things in their happy little polygamist family, they need to do so in a cabin in the mountains.  Most people, when they have family issues, have to solve them around the kitchen table or something.  The fact that they need a vacation to sort out this twisted mess of a marriage is hilarious.

    • Love 3
  15. 8 hours ago, LanceM said:

    Clearly with Michelle's good table manners she needs to align with Ken who appreciates those things. 

    Yet another Final Two I would absolutely love to see.

    • Love 2
  16. I wonder if he was swayed by the fact that the other two tribes' majorities were voting out one of their own (CeCe when Gen X had a majority, and Figgy when the Millennials had a majority).  I can see that kind of getting into his head, and causing him to realize that other bonds were being formed that had nothing to do with original tribes.  Or it could've been that he was constantly nervous that Michaela would out Jay's idol, and Jay knew that he had the numbers at that very moment, with Bret and Sunday willing to vote anyone who wasn't named Bret or Sunday.  Michaela's glee at Figgy being voted out might've set off a warning to Jay as well...Michaela professed to be Team Millennial, but only where certain people were concerned.

    It was an interesting and huge move, and I really hope we get some insight next week into how it all went down.  I need to know.

    • Love 4
  17. 7 hours ago, mojoween said:

    I really need Ken to keep his light under a bushel.

    I think Ken is smartly suspicious of everyone, but at this point he probably needs to seem especially agreeable to whatever Jessica says or does, since she's told him she's willing him the Legacy advantage if she gets voted out.  At the same time, Jessica should be careful about changing her mind on who she trusts more and expecting Ken to follow suit.  I don't think he's a very sway-able player.

    2 hours ago, thehepburn said:

    You cannot HAND OFF an idol once youre voted out but you can say whatever you want. Eliza Orlins said Ozzy had the idol after she was voted out in S16.

    Given that we heard Michaela say that she might snitch on Jay if she thought something was going down, it makes it all the more strange that she didn't let everyone know that he had an idol on her way out.  There's no way she could've forgotten that, not even in the heat of the moment, IMO.

    27 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

    Well, I think they were thinking it was the safest, being the person left would REALLY be a minority on the team. If Sunday and Brett decided not to vote for each other, they'd have to pick a Millennial to "target" and it might cause unnecessary animosity on the tribe. If they know the other person is going home, they were going to be mature about it and not care about voting each other out. That said, it never came to that. But I do wish we had seen the conversation Jay and Will had with Brett and Sunday. 

    Same here.  When we don't see important strategy sessions, it frustrates me as a loyal viewer.  Clearly Sunday and Brett were on the same page with who to vote for, and Jay had to have been behind that, but we didn't see any of the talk behind it.  We only saw Jay and Will discussing Michaela.  I'm not a fan of Sunday and I don't think she and Bret would've targeted the most vocal and dangerous player on their tribe without knowing for sure that they had backup.

    And I was irritated at Adam's simpering explanations to Taylor regarding Figgy.  Telling Tayls that "I totally and completely screwed you over and thanks to me, your game is now total crap" doesn't do anything but make Tayls even more ticked off than he already was.  Adam could take a lesson or two from Jay on "How to Own Your Vote."

    • Love 4
  18. 11 hours ago, Archery said:

    I'm done.  I only wish Michaela had said, "Play your idol next time, Jay," on her way out.

    Are there hard and fast rules for this type of thing?  I doubt she would've been allowed to reveal who had the idol as she walked away, but could she have said something like, "Watch out for Jay and Will?"

    As shocked as I was about Michaela getting the boot, I was actually more shocked at Jay not blinking during Michaela's Death Stare of Eternity.  That was kind of awesome.  I'm torn as to whether or not the Michaela boot was too early, or just at the right time.  I also wonder if Jay and Will were swayed by the fact that the other two tribes had the majority alliances voting out one of their own, and they wondered if perhaps they should follow suit.  Not to mention, getting a strong and vocal player like Michaela out before she can make jury is smart strategy, if Jay were thinking along those lines.

    Between this episode and the World Series, I'm just all kinds of floored today!

    • Love 7
  19. I wonder if Jim Bob would withdraw support if Anna left Josh.  If he did, he'd surely be vilified and the show would be off the air faster than Michelle can pop a Xanax.  To withdraw support for his own grandchildren?  To condemn Anna for leaving his son who has repeatedly disgraced his family and his marriage vows?

    Of course, this is the same JB who conveniently didn't disclose any of Josh's teen-age activities, assumed everything had been swept carefully under the rug, and went on to cash the TLC checks with nary a care in the world, and presented his family as wholesome and happy and kept knocking up his wife to ensure the ratings, so......yeah.  

    • Love 5
  20. 22 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    The family retreats to a remote lodge, high in the mountains of Utah--hoping that the high mountain air will bring the family to its senses.

    I must have a screw loose because I am looking forward to this.  The only thing that would make it better would be if they were snowed in by a gigantic blizzard and were forced to share a kitchen for a couple of weeks.

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