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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. 18 hours ago, MarysWetBar said:

    I need to get this off my chest:Whoever is doing Khloes makeup needs to knock it off with that fucking white highlighter above her cheekbones! It looks utterly ridiculous and so poorly applied. For some reason it's all I can focus on when she's in a scene. 

    Until tonight's show, where she wrestled her poor brother with her tits in his face, trying to get him to lick her popsicle. That almost brought my dinner back up.?????

    I had to look away in EXTREME second-hand embarrassment.  Khloe is so damned sexually inappropriate with her brother.  No wonder Rob is so messed up.

    • Love 3
  2. 14 hours ago, GaT said:

    Seriously, they made it seem like no big deal when in reality, Rob lost his mind. He's such an ass, I'm to the point where I'm disliking him more than Khloe which is saying a lot.

    I feel you on that, but Khloe is just truly, completely awful.  The way she was manhandling Kourtney and screaming into the phone to BC, and then getting in Kourtney's face and mimicking the way she talked...and don't even get me started on her teasing Rob with the popsicle.  She's over-the-top gross.  She obviously thinks it's funny, and as long as no one ever calls her out on being disgusting, she'll continue to draw attention to herself by being inappropriate to everyone in her family.  I cannot imagine having a family member like her.

    That said, Rob needs serious help but probably will never get it.  A baby is not a magic cure-all for serious depression issues.

    • Love 10
  3. 3 minutes ago, iwasish said:

    I think even die hard fans are going to get tired of crap like this. A 15 minute rant or other antic is fine, but showing up 90 minutes late and then shutting things down, at a make up concert to boot, is pushing it a bit far.

    Hopefully, he suddenly finds that he has to cancel shows not because he went off, but because the venues can no longer sell his tickets.

    Unfortunately, though, I wonder if this is just going to increase ticket sales for anything he does in the future, because his fans might actually want to see the crazy first-hand.

  4. Kylie looks literally NOTHING like she used to.  I try to look for glimpses of young Kylie in this woman and see no resemblance.  Khloe, for all the crap she's done to herself, still manages to look a little like her former self.  Kylie?  Was invented from plastic and spare bits and parts that Kim wasn't using anymore.  It's so damned sad, because Kylie was a normal, fresh-faced teenager.  Clearly that's not nearly enough if you want to fit into this family.  I hate Kris for signing Kylie's soul away.

    • Love 7
  5. Can someone explain how Meri, who has no real job, could afford a trip to Hawaii?  And further, did she just randomly make friends with this guy while on vacation?

    I do find it super interesting that the Big Happy Brown Family isn't even bothering to tweet support to one another anymore...besides no support for Lularoe, has anyone tweeted anything about Janelle's Strive scheme?

    I'm pretty sure that behind the cameras, this family is fracturing and falling apart.  I am looking forward to "Meri, Janelle and Christine: Moving On," to air hopefully within the next year.

    • Love 3
  6. 5 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

    I honestly don't think so. In their addled little brains, they think themselves as endlessly fascinating and we would be settling in to follow their lives for many years to come.

    Evidenced by the way they all giggle like 7th graders during the couch sessions when one of them starts to tell a story about something wackadoodle that happened to one of them...and we are all sitting on our own couches eye-rolling so hard I'm surprised we don't tilt the Earth on its axis.

    • Love 7
  7. Adam reminds me of Spencer, another student of the game who felt the need to frequently make his points in a tone that could be construed as condescending.  I think both Adam and Spencer felt this strong need to be recognized for their gameplay and overall knowledge of all things Survivor, and both came off as a little bit too in-your-face at times.  I can't hate on Adam too much (even though he drives me crazy) because I think he's just playing so hard all day long, and he doesn't quite know how to reign it in, sit back and observe, and gain information that way.

    That said, I wish so much that when Tayls threw out the whole, "Adam could snatch your loved ones right out of your arms!", Adam would've had the presence of mind to reply, "but I would never use the advantage in that way!"  I'm not sure about him tossing it in the fire, though...he found the advantage, I think he should be able to play it.  He's just going to have to be really careful about who he plays it against.

    • Love 3
  8. And yet, he had rare moments where he could carry a conversation in a normal voice and make some good observations about strategy, which made me think that the surfer-bro persona was just an act.  I realize now that it wasn't, but he had me fooled once or twice.

    • Love 1
  9. 1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

    Chris seems very shrewd to me as well. He could have been next after Paul. He's been fooled a few times, and I think that caused him to tighten up and start really paying attention. He looks like a big, midwestern meat head. But isn't he a lawyer? I definitely think he's a good mix of brawn and brains; and I'm eager to see him play moving forward. 

    I'm starting to wonder if Chris is going to go really far into this game.  I like him more with each passing episode.  Definitely big and strong, but also smart and well-spoken. 

    48 minutes ago, Bing said:

    Did we see Ken utter a single word this episode? Maybe a thanks to the congratulations he got for winning, but other than that? Even with his brevity, we know exactly what he's thinking of these other players. That tribal face was pretty great.

    I adore Ken's low-key, under-the-radar game so far, and that he seems to be a man of few words, as opposed to - oh, say - ADAM.  I breathlessly await some out-of-left-field big move by Kenny.  I also breathlessly await the rare but glorious moments when he allows himself to crack a smile.

    I am just loving the heck out of this season, and there's still a half-dozen players I wouldn't mind seeing win the whole thing.  Such a refreshing change.  I didn't even mind Tayls too much because even though he was a goofball, he was pretty harmless overall.  He was good for a laugh or a hearty eye-roll.

    • Love 14
  10. Why is Joy already featured in the Family Camp photo??  Isn't this a bit premature?  Sure, they've been courting for a few months but they aren't even engaged yet, are they?  I mean, I know in Duggar-speak, "courting" means "just waiting a few months for the wedding so it will appear as if we spent more than 15 minutes getting to know each other," but sheesh, it seems really strange to put Joy in that photo already.  If I didn't know better, I'd think that Mr. Family Camp is super happy to have a Duggar join the family, thereby increasing his campers who follow the Duggars (and I do know better).  This just creeps me out.

    • Love 16
  11. Having not seen Jill's or Jessa's weddings, I thought Jinger's was actually quite beautiful.  How does Jinge's compare to her sisters' weddings...which, from what I've read, were basically barefoot hoedowns with melted ice cream receptions in the church parking lots?

    I cringed hard when Michelle spoke to Josie like a toddler.  No wonder the child acts the way she does - Michelle not only allows it but encourages it.

    JD did seem awfully uncomfortable hanging out with the soccer-bro posse.  I think he's smart enough to understand how sheltered his life is, but probably has no idea how to go about changing it.

    When Jason talked about how he's going to miss Jinger, my first thought was, there's a Jason?  My second thought was, hey - he's actually adorable - maybe he'll escape the hangdog, balding looks his older brothers all seem to eventually grow into...unless the burden of being a male Duggar and having a jerk for an oldest brother just does them all in at some point.

    • Love 11
  12. 23 hours ago, Rainflower said:

    Kendra Pollard-Parra used to be a family friend (if I am not mistaken she was considered to be a close friend of Robyn) as well as a pseudo-PR person. She leaked many information about the Brown family to the media. When Meri's catfish situation came to light, many people thought Kendra and Robyn knew about Meri getting catfished but just let it all happen (and may have even contributed to the catfish situation in some way). After a while, Kendra got kicked to the curb by the Brownies. She continues to run to the media and leaking misinformation about the Brownies.


    I still think that Robyn knew about it and let it happen.

    • Love 5
  13. 1 hour ago, Annb67 said:

    John David just looks over it. I was hoping that was a beer he was chugging down on the stairs. He would kind of remind me of the pissed off drunk everyone has in the family....?

    John David has looked "over it" for quite some time now.  I can't decide if that's actually a good thing or not.

    29 minutes ago, Maya said:

    I heard that too. I actually rewound twice trying to decipher Michelle's mumbling then gave up. 

    Michelle's voice has reached such a high pitch that eventually only dogs will be able to hear her.

    Stupid Jim Bob made me cry.

    • Love 9
  14. 20 minutes ago, BradandJanet said:

    I don't understand this piece of clothing. What is it (besides Meri's unicorn)? What happened to her arms? 

    LOLOLZ...now she is "thankful" for finding a teal sweater??  Oh, come ON.  Really?  A quick stop to Old Navy or JC Penney would net you a teal sweater, I'd bet.

    I have to let this go and stop being surprised at anything any of these people put on social media, because it's all designed to spin something - if they're not spinning their happy relationships, they're advertising their newest scheme.

    Her arms seem to have become one with the sweater.  Furthermore, if someone could please tell me why someone who lives in Vegas would be searching for a full-length sweater, I'd love to know.  I love my long sweaters, but I wear them in the winter.  In Michigan.

    • Love 4
  15. Could the courtship be one of the boys?  I mean, shouldn't JB have half his male offspring lined up to start courting by now?  Although maybe it's more difficult to wrastle a naive girl to take on one of his sons than it was to lure a potential son-in-law into the fold.

    • Love 4
  16. 28 minutes ago, OSM Mom said:

    Any bets as to whether Jing is pregnant yet? 

    Is it too much to hope that Jeremy is perhaps "taking care" of this issue for the time being and doesn't want to bring a honeymoon baby into this marriage?  He's got to expose Jinge to the real world for a little while before he asks his childlike bride to become a mother.  Right?  RIGHT?!?

    It's pathetic to take a girl who has zero experience in intimacy and have her immediately get pregnant.  I realize it takes two to tango, but the woman in question has the child-like zeal of a 12-year old experiencing her first crush.  And then suddenly, she's expecting?  It's not right.

    I guess I'm hoping that Jeremy has enough real-life experience to break the mold with Jinger.  Dare to dream.

    • Love 10
  17. 10 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

    I'd read about the 2000 flower V structure somewhere, but I had no clue what to expect. That's...interesting. 

    Am I the only one who thinks that backdrop is tacky and a waste of money?

    Plus I giggled when I saw the "V" until I remembered Jeremy's last name.  And also that I'm no longer 12 years old.

    • Love 17
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