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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. 1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

    If I'm not mistaken, didn't Truely become ill while all the happy sisterwives were on a road trip to San Francisco to buy dresses for their re-commitment ceremony?  (Because there are no nice dresses for sale in Las Vegas?)  The kids were left with Kody, who delegated responsibility to the older kids.  Wasn't it one of them (Aspyn?) who finally became so concerned because Truely's temperature was so high and she was extremely lethargic?

    Sorry I can't remember all the details.  I do have a life of my own.

    I think you may be right about that - I seem to remember Aspyn calling someone, probably Christine, worried because Truly was lethargic?  And I also remember Aspyn being very tearful about all of it...there was a family gathering for a prayer or something and she was openly sobbing.

    • Love 3
  2. 1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

    That's a strange picture. It looks like she's standing and his pose is weird. What were they going for?

    You'd think she would be the one sitting and he'd be standing - but even so, it's a lot of denim all at once (odd), his leg's tucked under him (strange), and then there's her hand placement (prayer closet).

    • Love 9
  3. 16 hours ago, BitterApple said:

    I'm thinking it's the paycheck they're needing. DUI Dill and Amy burned their bridges pretty badly with TLC, so they were probably scraping the barrel for any show that would have them.

    Or - and I'm just throwing out ideas here - they could GET REAL JOBS.

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  4. 18 hours ago, Kokapetl said:


    Press photos for a tv show in 1993?

    Is Derick wearing slippers?

    I know that Jill made her bed and now Derick is in it, but from what I've seen, I get vibes of a young woman who went through strong post-partum depression on her own, in a foreign country, with literally no one to talk to and the mindset that her sadness and fear were somehow all her fault for not being stronger.  I also think Derick may have noticed his wife's sadness, ignored it, and used it as another excuse to run off somewhere on his own for hours composing his next sermon.  Jill strikes me as very fragile and having more and more babies isn't going to "fix" her - although she knows no different.  She makes me sad, and Derick makes me stabby.

    • Love 7
  5. I cannot imagine how Katie handled all of this...having to speak to her parents in secret about leaving Tom Cruise, worrying about the repercussions to herself and her baby, knowing full well that because of Tom's power in the COS, she was probably being carefully monitored at all times.  How I would love to hear from Katie herself.  But at the same time, she's got her daughter to think about, and who knows what Tom and Miscavige might do if she talks.

    I admit to having been weirdly fascinated by the TomKat marriage...the pictures of the two of them in People, Us, etc. were always interesting to me.  The body language usually fell along the lines of Tom being fairly physically intimidating - holding Katie's arm, kissing her demonstratively, always having a hand on her...while Katie almost seemed to take on the demure aspect of Princess Di - holding her head down, smiling with mouth closed - in sharp contrast to the over-huge, toothy grins on Cruise.  They were such a study in contrasts, I couldn't help wondering what on earth was happening to Katie behind closed doors.

    • Love 12
  6. 16 hours ago, PrincessSteel said:

    This show has started me on SUCH a nonfiction tear...I read Leah's book at a dead run, then Ron Miscavige's book followed by Jenna Miscavige's memoir. Right now I'm about 1/3 of the way through the book about Paulette Cooper and I may re-read Going Clear. It is all so weird and creepy but this oddly feels like the right way to ring out 2016, an entire YEAR of weird and creepy.

    I have the book Going Clear on hold at the library, and after that I think I need to read Jenna's book.  I've already read Leah's book, and I really need to figure out how I can watch the Going Clear documentary - I have cable, but not HBO...wondering if I can somehow get it On Demand.

    • Love 2
  7. 11 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

    Kadoofus will be foaming at the mouth to figure a way for yet another season on TLC.  No way his is going to allow an announcement of any magnitude in the current season. It will be something utterly boring.

    Which ticks me off about TLC - breathlessly promoting something that's probably going to be the equivalent of, "I'm changing my major."  But then, this is a show that recycles 75% of what we've already seen and manages to take 12 minutes of new material and stretches it to two hours.

    • Love 6
  8. 9 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

    I follow her LLR group page with her sales.  She probably "makes" $12 on each pair of leggings sold, but I read today she was up until 2 AM doing this - unboxing new LLR shipments, sorting out the clothes, pressing and hanging for the live sale because you don't want things to have creases and such, taking photos, posting on FB about her live feeds, two one-hour live feeds, of which she has to constantly monitor the comments for that first "Sold" comment then after the sale, send out invoices for payment (stating last week she is only giving 15 minutes after the invoice is sent for the buyer to pay) then having to print out mailing labels and package for shipment once payment is confirmed as received...if she sold 20 pairs of leggings in an hour (that's a high estimate) that's $240 profit but she is literally spending most of her day and a good portion of the night doing this.  Divide the "profit" by hours spent and she's making less than minimum wage I bet.  At this point she's probably being encouraged to roll the profits plus more into more inventory and acting like this isn't just a fad.  In MLM the house always wins.

    I am exhausted just reading that!  Sounds like a ridiculous amount of work.  Whoever came up with the Lularoe scheme must be LOL-ing all the way to the bank...mass-produce oddly patterned leggings and ginormous sweaters/t-shirts, put the outfits together in the dark, turn on the lights and take pictures of those outfits no matter how vertigo-inducing the resulting combinations are, shove them in mailers and let someone else re-sell them.  Brilliant!!

    • Love 7
  9. 13 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

    I think Christine actually said that the women choose based on a calling or testilony from Heavenly Father, and the men usually don't refuse. 

    "unless the man observes the woman enjoying a plate of nachos and finds her icky." - Kody Brown

    11 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    The Church of What Kody Says.  Services are held in one of the McMansions, during which none of the kids pay attention (to their benefit).  They used to profess to be AUB, but the AUB is apparently embarrassed by them and (per rumors) asked them to stop mentioning the church on the air.

    Do they even play at that anymore?  They used to make a big show of holding services, but we haven't seen that in so long, I have to assume they've given it up.  Because if they hadn't, I know Kody would make a point of showing the viewers the wacky chaos of trying to get his family together every Sunday.

    • Love 3
  10. 18 minutes ago, veronicamers said:

    I've had it on my Kindle for a few months now and it is moving to the top of the queue post-haste. I was riveted by her interview. 

    When I first heard about this show I was kind of "eh, I think I know what I need to know" having read Going Clear, Inside Scientology by Janet Reitman, etc. Like, I got the receipts. But this show has really sucked me back in. I am learning things I never knew (the 8 components of life for example) and the folks they have been interviewing have just blown me away. So compelling. 

    Leah is great. I'll always remember her fondly from her stint on Saved By the Bell as the daughter of the beach club owner (anyone?). 

    Oh, yes.  And as Carla's daughter on Cheers.  I liked her sass from the beginning, and she was (and still is, IMO) adorable.

    • Love 5
  11. I still remember an episode of SW, very early on in the season, where a young Logan was talking about how he makes breakfast for his younger siblings and gets them ready for school.  I felt bad for him, as he was just a kid himself.  And where were Meri and Christine when Logan was doing this?  OR KODY?!  We know Janelle was probably rising before dawn, grabbing a to-go coffee and heading out to "work" to avoid all that messy childcare.  So it fell to Logan.

    I am so glad he didn't end up like Jana and JD Duggar...the oldest kids in their family who can't seem to leave the nest because they know their parents won't pay enough attention to all their younger siblings.  Fly free, Logan, and don't feel guilty.  You did your part.

    • Love 13
  12. 44 minutes ago, lma said:

    I noticed this too. It was weird. He looked much better before. The Browns have gotten to him already. Everybody's looks are shot after spending time with them. See Robyn, for example.

    Oh my goodness, did anyone else notice Robyn on the couch sessions?  She was all hunched over, her frown was so pronounced it looked like her lips were about to touch her chin, and she just looked exhausted (also that color blue did nothing for her).  Mind you, this did not keep her from chiming in on every single topic as the resident expert on everything.  But she was looking really rough.

    Funny thing is - when one wife starts to take on that look, another will make up for it by suddenly becoming the "radiant" one.  I don't want to think about the source of the radiance too much, because yuck.  But I'm sure that when one wife is suffering, the others feel somewhat built up by that.  For example, I don't think I've ever seen Janelle so bubbly and happy as she was during Meri's catfish scandal.  Right now Christine is looking magnificent, while Robyn - her BFF - looks like she's aged 10 years.  Coincidence?  I think not.

    • Love 13
  13. And I think Jana is by far the prettiest girl in the family, yet I don't even see a strong resemblance between her and her twin brother, let alone her sisters or even her parents.

    Family features are indeed interesting.  I only have one sister, and we look nothing alike.  It's fun to me to see how siblings do or do not resemble one another.  On this show in particular, I don't find JB appealing in the least, but Michelle is quite pretty, IMO (minus the crazy hair).  Many of the Duggar kids strongly resemble JB, yet are good looking, and some are sort of on the other end and don't seem to favor either parent.  

    And I love how, of all those kids, only one is left-handed.

    • Love 2
  14. If nothing else comes of this show, I hope it re-opens the case to find out what happened to Shelly Miscavige.  I find it bizarre that no one really knows if she's dead or being held against her will.  How does the wife of a cult leader go missing for - what - 10 years now?  And no one is clear where she is?  Did I hear right that somehow the COS paid off the people that were looking for her?  How is it that she's not being looked for, and Miscavige isn't being questioned?

    • Love 12
  15. 55 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    That was what I figured when I heard him say he wasn't attracted to him but I don't really understand it. They aren't a part of a church community and don't seem to even have their home church stuff.  So why marry someone you aren't attracted to for status in something you aren't even active in?

    I think it fed Kody's ginormous ego to have plyg royalty flirting and chasing him.  Plus, marrying Christine gave Kody's version of polygamy more credibility.  I will always think he chose polygamy more for his ego and less for the religion.

    • Love 6
  16. I saw Logan and his girlfriend in the audience.  Logan had a proud big-brother smile on his face.  I maintain my stance that Logan turned out to be a great young man not because of Kody, but in spite of him.

    On the topic of Savannah, I wonder how deeply it wounded her that Truly was the flower girl.  It seems that Maddie could've had both Savannah and Truly as flower girls.  In fact, Savannah could've walked down with King Sol to keep him in line instead of having to watch Meri run alongside him halfway down the aisle.

    • Love 8
  17. On 12/17/2016 at 4:20 PM, Sew Sumi said:

    Now that the Kings are outed, and Famy had to explain their "reasons" for going on that show, she's now officially pimping it. 

    And I will never stop criticizing her for famewhoring out a newlywed relationship for cash. Does anyone know how far ahead these things are cast, since they'd only been married maybe 6-7 months when they filmed last spring. 

    What do you mean by "the Kings are outed?"  What did Amy do now?

    And seriously, she and her beloved are going to be on Marriage Boot Camp?!  Sigh.....yet another show I have to watch on the sly when no one is home and immediately remove from my DVR.  This is getting tiring!

    • Love 2
  18. 1 minute ago, notnowimbusy said:

    All these girls need to step away - far away - from home hair dye!!!   They keep coloring - so the ends have absorbed way too much over time.   The colors look so harsh (not Aspyn), but Mykelti, Mariah and Maddie all look bad. 

    I'm not a blond, but it seems that the constant coloring of light hair to make it dark would eventually fry their hair beyond help.  This is why I think Aspyn is the most naturally beautiful of all the girls - her hair and skin are gorgeous.  Perhaps Mykelti started to dye her hair so she'd stand out from a posse of blond sisters, who knows.

    • Love 11
  19. I'm curious about Travolta...if he wanted to leave the COS, could he do so?  Considering that Miscavige seems to hang his hat on the fact that Travolta, Kirstie and Tom are his big celebrity endorsers, what happens if one of those big names decides to leave?

    I'm also curious as to why we haven't heard (that I know of) anything from the Big Three regarding Leah.  Or do they think she's beneath them and not worthy of comment?

    As vocal as Kirstie and Tom have been in the past, it seems that if a television show attacking their church comes on the air to critical acclaim, they'd be tripping over themselves trying to get TV time to refute everything.  Their silence is almost scarier.

    • Love 6
  20. 2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

    As it was, we had manic Kody, carrying his 17 journals WITH him. Egads. Couldn't he have left those in place before????

    What...you mean, Kody should've perhaps condensed his 17 journals into a few coherent thoughts written down on an index card?  But don't you see - then we'd miss the oh-so-cray-cray shenanigans of Kody, standing on the altar, crazily flipping through pages and pages of random crap as he tried to formulate some off-the-cuff yet charmingly wackadoodle sentiments at his daughter's wedding!  You know how Kody rolls!  If he can't generate the feeling of chaos ('cause he's so busy 'cause POLYGAMY), why bother?

    That said, I thought the scene of Caleb praying with his brothers and father before the ceremony was incredibly touching.

    Mykelti might be making a grave mistake marrying Crazy Captain Subtitles, but hey - at least she didn't ask her dad to write her vows!  Bwahahaha!


    14 minutes ago, giaNtsandYankees said:

    I wonder if quiet and withdrawn ol Janelle was throwing some shade toward her former sister in law turned sister wife with the whole, "Marriage sucks. You'll spend many years hating each other" speech.

    Oh my yes...yes, she was.  Did you see the camera pointedly swing Meri's way during Janelle's speech - and poor old Mer was taking an awkward sip of water, because she knew exactly what Janelle meant?  I'm starting to think these four women INVENTED shade.

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