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Posts posted by laurakaye

  1. 4 minutes ago, PrincessSteel said:

    She's a sitcom star on a mission! He's a former high level operative of a shady religion! Together they're Remini & Rinder, Co$ Busters! Man, you couldn't write this stuff. May they continue forever...I will go into withdrawal when this is over.

    LOL, love it!  They do make a great pair.  Between both of their accents, and the way she ribs him and he just dryly takes it, they are perfect together.

    When will we know if more episodes are going to air?  This cannot be only an 8-part series.  800 parts, perhaps.

    • Love 9
  2. 1 hour ago, greekmom said:

    Rinder's EX-wife is a Scientologist and still is (along with his children from that marriage).  She is the one who spoke out against him on television.  His current wife looks like she's much younger than him.

    I could've sworn Rinder's current wife said that she was a Scientologist for 36 years, and that she got into it when she was 10.  I clearly misheard, she's not that old.

    Interestingly enough, I Googled Christie Collbran (Mike's current wife) and found an article written by Mike's daughter, Taryn Rinder, about her father and his second wife.  It's chilling, but written in the same juvenile style as the letters that Leah reads at the beginning of each episode.  Are they all trained to write that way?


    EDIT: I wandered over to the "Blog" portion of the above link.  I had to leave the site, it's just plain disturbing.

    • Love 4
  3. 16 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

    I do not like that dress.  Or the color scheme.  They were my school colors in jr high.  Had to toss that out there.  Was I the only one, that when Mykelti said the family needed to make the flowers and they need about 7000 of them, that said no fucking way prima donna?  IF you are going fabric flowers there are these stores where you can actually purchase them and not make your poor mom go blind.  I also didn't like her attitude or her intended.  I could be TOTALLY wrong, but he seems like a smug asshole to me who thinks he's stumbled onto a wealthy family.  

    The fabric flowers was Mykelti trying to out-Maddie Maddie in the "my way or the highway" scheme of Pinterest wedding creations.  It didn't work.

    And if CCS thinks he stumbled onto a wealthy family, then I'm going to need several minutes to compose myself from all the hearty LOLOLOLOLZ.  Don't let the wet bar fool ya, Tony!  Those McMansions and vacations are going to go "poof" faster than your father-in-law's receding hairline!

    • Love 7
  4. 14 hours ago, lordonia said:

    Monday's extras had that scene where Leah and Mike talked a bit about how Scientologists have no empathy for others. I'm glad Mike is aware of it and working to correct that in himself, but he sure looked bored during most of the interview with Aaron.

    I go back and forth with Rinder...sometimes I think he's really checked out, but then I remember that in Scientology, and especially with the job he had, he survived by lying and keeping his emotions deeply buried.  It's got to be difficult for him hearing these stories, especially the ones where he was either present or a major player.

    Rinder's wife was a Scientologist for 36 years??  How can that be, when she looks like she's only about 30 years old?  Wow.

    I shouldn't have watched this episode before work, as I cried off most of my eyeliner.  This was the most affecting episode yet, IMO. 

    I really, REALLY need this series to continue.  I started watching because I have always loved Leah as an actress.  Now, I'm hooked because of the personal stories.  And as much as I want Leah and Mike to keep on with the good fight, I have this subtle undercurrent of fear that Miscavige and Cruise are pretty ticked off with this show, and I wonder what they're cooking up behind the scenes.

    • Love 10
  5. 12 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

    It's like it has never occurred to them that maybe if they had been forced to deal with each other one-on-one, things might not BE boiling over.  They could have resolved their difficulties years ago and moved on in their relationship and been happy. 

    Your whole post was great, but this stood out to me: if they had been forced to dill one-on-one, in a monogamous marriage - things would be completely different for them.  Given what we know of Meri, I think she assumed that as Legal Wife #1, she would somehow be able to straddle the line between plural and monogamy...she'd give her okey-dokey on the extra wives while still enjoying the benefits of being The Legal One, the most important one, the one who gets to call the shots, the one who was there first and called dibs on Kody, etc.  She keeps wanting to dill with Kody and their issues as a monogamous wife would.  But she's not in that type of marriage, so it doesn't work that way.  Plus, she married a narcissistic man-child, so that doesn't help.


    9 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

    She wants Kody, until she doesn't want Kody, like when she finds what she thinks is a rich stud that will take care of her in the manor to which she's become accustomed. Then when that blows up in her face, she wants Kody again.

    +++++++++1.  And she thinks that she is entitled to this, and she doesn't understand why she can't have it this way.  She really does need intensive therapy, and I don't mean the type that Nancy provides - the "ignore the big elephant in the room with the stupid haircut."  REAL therapy.


    8 hours ago, Sista Snarky said:

    The tears & fears  of a victim are now the shits & giggle winks on Twitter. Like it's all good...I'm not leaving so we need to hit the reset button. She'll never learn that Twitter is not her friend. 

    THIS so much, I can't even.  First of all, Kody - shut up on Twitter for saying the catfish "woke you up."  Nothing is going to wake him up.  He is the way he is because his wives have let him get away with being emotionally unavailable for the past 25 years.  He is not going to change a thing, except to practice his serious caveman face in the mirror more often for when he gets asked the hard questions.

    And Meri...golly gee, maybe we should THANK the catfish for bringing us closer?  Thank the person who you thought was bugging your house, following your kid, saying awful things about your "husband," knocking your religion, threatening you, following you, telling you what shirt your wore to the grocery store that morning, etc?  What that tells me is that if Meri finds another honey on social media, and this time he turns out to be real, she's gone.  I think that a part of her is still in love with the idea of Sam, even though she knows he's not real.  She's going to remember those euphoric feelings forever and will search for the next person who can give her that fix, because she knows it won't ever be Kody.

    • Love 11
  6. 1 hour ago, DakotaJustice said:

    So the producers COULD have said "Meri's supplement business" or "marketing business" since it was already alluded to in the show. However, since MSWC exists purely as a plot device, just like Strive with Janelle does, they lied outright. That kind of makes this whole episode - at least the part about the catfish - inauthentic. 

    Wait...you mean to tell me that I can't lose weight using STRIVE whilst donning my "Be Confident, Be Honest" charm bracelet?!

    I'm one who doesn't mind the re-re-re-re-hashing of the Catfish scandal, because I learn all sorts of new lies every time Meri revisits it.

    • Love 7
  7. Two observations:

    Now that I am better informed on the whole catfish story, it makes some sense...but I thought it was hysterical when Meri told us that "Sam" was interested in investing in My Sisterwife's Closet.  Even I didn't believe that.  @Christina pointed out that Meri substituted "MSWC" for "Green Goo" for - I don't know, legal reasons, I guess?  But expecting the viewers to believe that anyone would want to throw money at Robyn's failing joolry business is a laugh.

    And why did Kody bring his backpack to Therapist Nancy's office?  Is he just so used to schlepping his crap from house to house that he mistakenly thought he was spending the night with Nancy?

    • Love 10
  8. 10 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

    Don't forget this: the required starter purchase which starts at $4800+ DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY LEGGINGS - the company's most popular item. You have to pay more to include them. 

    Seriously?  You'd think that the company would get the seller going by STARTING with the most popular item (leggings), thereby netting the seller some initial profit and a base of customers, allowing the seller to have the cash to buy more stuff, and allowing the customers to establish a relationship with the seller and be willing to buy more stuff.  How does anyone make any money selling Lularoe, anyway?

    • Love 2
  9. @Christina...wow.  I have read through your post three times and I'm still not sure I can follow all the various trails of deceit, but what I can say is, how ridiculously exhausting and time-consuming it had to be for JO to create and monitor so many different accounts.  So if I have this straight, JO was creating fake people who supposedly met and vouched for "Sam" (who was actually JO)?  And the 10K came from a different victim who handed Lindsey/Sam/JO the cash, and then Lindsey handed that cash to Meri, saying it was from "Sam?"  Did Meri actually hand over 10k as well?  Where would she have gotten it?

    This all does my brain in.  Props to those of you who have actually been able to follow this mess.


    12 hours ago, Galloway Cave said:

    Just remembered I was also ticked off at Kody INSISTING Meri tell Cheryl how he felt about how Meri was handling the Catfish situation (if you ignore it, it doesn't exist). 

    This has been Kody's MO from Day One.  When confronted with the unpleasant and messy emotions of his women-folk, he goes into his frozen-caveman mode, as in: "if I sit here real still, and make my expression as blank as possible, and tune out whichever wife is talking to me, maybe she'll get frustrated and go away, and then I can take a nap on whichever wife's couch I will find the least amount of stress/noise/children/household tasks."  He is the King of Avoidance, and his wives are paying the price for marrying this overgrown pretty-boy who fancies himself a highly desirable, free and easy, laid-back surfer dude.  Jerk.


    10 hours ago, Alapaki said:

    Catfish-wise, Meri started out talking about how the Sam relationship was purely platonic and how she hoped to introduce "him" to Kody, et al.  But not 15 minutes later she's commiserating with Cheryl about how Lindsay was gushing to her about how much Sam had "fallen" for her.  And, of course, who sends sexual pix to prospective business partners?  

    Then, when Meri and Cheryl were talking to hot-therapist, and they were discussing "Sam"'s m.o. of preying on lonely, divorced, women with no support system who were all alone, Meri was nodding along checking off all the boxes ("me, me, me . . . ").  But . . . isn't the loneliness, divorce, lack of support system, isolation the exact thing that plural marriage boasts about eliminating?  I can't decide if Meri is a worse salesperson for that multi-level-scam or for polygamy!

    And finally, during that meeting with Nancy, they both tried to sell the idea that plural marriage is what prevented their marital discord from coming to a head sooner.  But the only reason it did so, to the extent that it actually did, was because it gave Kody an outlet to completely ignore Meri and thus avoid the conflict.  What they are, or should be if they really cared for each other, going through right now is what they should've been dealing with apparently more than a decade ago.  Any arrangement that allows a marriage to fester in that sort of limbo for so long is not something to brag about.

    Ultimately, these folks are trying to spin the unspinnable.  

    I kind of love everything about this post, especially the bolded parts.  This is so spot-on, it almost needs its own thread.  Polygamy, as we've been told over and over by the Brown wives, makes each of them better.  Is awesome.  Fam'ly, not just man.  Shoulda always been this way.  Multiplied, not divided.  And then, as we all sit on our couches on Sunday nights with our glasses of wine, we are systematically shown that not one of these statements is true.  I could not agree more that ignoring marital issues for 12+ years is not something to brag about.  The facts are, Kody simply danced off to another wife's bed, and Meri, still pathetically in love, waited for him to see her and her sacrifices and come back.  But he never did, and I don't think he ever will.

    • Love 13
  10. Not only is Meri lonely, she's palpably lonely...I cannot think of another person on reality tv who exudes loneliness and sadness like Meri does.  It's why, as much as she drives me crazy, it's hard to be completely unsympathetic because she is the embodiment of a woman who is still very much in love with her husband, while her husband is too busy to notice because he's flitting from bed to bed around the cul-de-sac, but clearly taking a pass on Meri's bed.

    • Love 16
  11. Slightly OT...someone on my FB feed posted a picture of what I initially thought was a massive load of gaudy Christmas wrap.  Turned out it was 52 pairs of Lularoe leggings, and the person is giving away the entire lot to "one lucky person....one pair of Lularoe leggings a week for a year!"  I can't look at the photo for more than a couple of seconds or I get dizzy.

    • Love 3
  12. On 12/31/2016 at 4:30 PM, RazzleberryPie said:

    Note that most of that is Christine's doings. Anything to distract her from how unhappy her situation is. She's like Nikki from Big Love and her excessive spending out of boredom and searching for attention. 

    Referencing the episode of 1/2/17, for the first time I let my eyes wander to the decor of the wives' various homes.  Excessive spending out of boredom?  See: Meri's entryway.  There's a long shelf just inside her door that was COVERED with Hobby Lobby 50% off clearance merchandise.  I looked carefully at her living room and I don't think there was one flat surface that didn't have several knick-knacks on it.  I also noticed Robyn's house, which is similar to Meri's except her junk is bigger (I mean her knick-knacks, y'all).  And then, as I was looking, I came across THE PORTRAIT and I might have screamed out loud, I'm not sure.  That'll teach me to quit looking at their "decor."


    On 12/31/2016 at 6:42 PM, Jordan Baker said:

    Abysmal. Sounds like a name Christine might have used had she had another baby.

    LOLOL, and it even has the coveted "Y" she includes in all her kid's names (except PaEdon).

    • Love 10
  13. 21 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

    I know Kody would have been considered cute back in the day, but to me his face was even more slappable back then. He looked like "here I am all you lucky people".

    THIS.  So much this.  That cat-that-ate-the-canary smirk on his pretty-boy face.  Very, very slappable.


    20 hours ago, jenifaohjenny said:

    Wow that was incredibly brave...pretty impressed actually. Do you think she should have told Meri first alone? Kind of just thinking about that...but not feeling strongly either way. 

    You know what?  Whether it was staged or not, I think Mariah did it just right.  Her life has been on television for public consumption for the past 7 years or so.  Coming out with the entire film crew/lighting guys/boom operators/catering crew AND her eleventy-six parents in the room?  Brilliant, I say.


    20 hours ago, jenifaohjenny said:

    Hmmmm...I am so naive to think it was not staged! Still think it was brave on national TV...and I haven't been a Mariah fan in the past. 

    I don't think it was staged either.  Interesting note: everyone was silent except Janelle, who said "are you serious?" in a tone that suggested she was somewhat giddy that poor ol' Mere was going to have to have another bite of karma sandwich.  Christine, however, said "are you really?" in a tone that seemed legitimately loving and warm.  Meanwhile, Meri sat, shell-shocked.  I'm not sure if these people could pull off a re-make of a moment like that.


    10 hours ago, ghoulina said:

    I did like seeing more of Ysabel and Gwendolyn. I really enjoy Christine's daughters. Ysabel seems so sweet and Gwen is the sassy one. I was a bit skeeved out hearing that Mykelti and Tony showed Ysabel how to French kiss. Yuck.

    As much as I hate to say it, Christine and Kody do make beautiful kids.  Gwen looks just like Paedon, and she seems to be nearly as tall as he is, too.


    5 hours ago, Granny58 said:

    As far as I recall , yes.  And now we know why.  More kids, female companionship and less man. 

    See also: Janelle Brown.  Hope I'm not overstepping, but I see Janelle going for polygamy for the main reason that she has no need for that much man-time.


    1 hour ago, lookeyloo said:

    Maybe when she says lonely and unfulfilled she means as Sheldon on Big Bang Theory says, coitus.

    I think that's exactly what she means.

    • Love 10
  14. I just watched, and let me tell you...I did NOT see that coming, not at all!  Given the dreck we've had to sit through with this show, and the constant dancing around of the elephants in every room of every McMansion, I was not at all prepared for some actual honesty (although to be fair, said honesty came from one of the kids, not the adults, but still).  Now, off to read 6 pages of insightful comments!


    P.S. I actually did not hate the meeting between Meri and Cheryl, either.  I don't even know who I am anymore.

    And I'm sure it's already been said, but Therapist Liza >>>>> Therapist Nancy.

    • Love 11
  15. I haven't watched this show in years, ever since I sat down with my then young daughter, who adored this show, and watched Kate and Jon tell the viewers that they were splitting up.  We once even stood in a ridiculously long line at a local bookstore to buy Kate's book and get it autographed, and I will never forget how excited my daughter was when Kate walked by us and smiled.  Even I got a little star-struck, asking Kate if any of her kids were left-handed (I think she said there was only one).

    BUT...I watched about five minutes the other night.  Kate was taking her twins clothes shopping, and blathering on about how it was going to be so special to buy them individual outfits, they don't have to wear uniforms anymore, blah blah.  And then - lo and behold - Kate ends up grabbing a bunch of clothes and trying them on while her daughters sat there and waited for her.  So I see absolutely nothing has changed.

    Now I am someone who (very guiltily) watches the Kardashians, Sister Wives, and...yes...I once set my DVR to record an entire season of "Rock of Love."  But I can't handle Kate Gosselin and the way she treats her children.  It makes me really, really sad.  I felt awful after having watched those few minutes, and now that I know about Collin, it's even worse.

    I'll hang up now and listen.

    • Love 8
  16. 23 hours ago, Rabbittron said:

    Who the fuck and why the fuck are all these people there at a bridal store.

    Thank you.  What is happening in this picture?  What are they doing, why did they bring the little ones, and what is the purpose of taking a posed picture in a bridal shop?  Everything about this picture confuses me greatly.

    • Love 5
  17. Oh wow, speaking of "Taps," I was kind of obsessed with that movie when it first came out, and I remember Tom Cruise being a major reason why.  I haven't seen the movie in years, but I vividly remember his very intense and frightening performance as a cadet who goes off the rails...putting his machine gun in an open window and shooting randomly, while yelling "it's beautiful, man!!"

    I hope I can sleep tonight.

  18. I saw a very brief clip of Tom Cruise introducing Miscavige at one of the COS gatherings, and watching Cruise clap for Miscavige was disturbing in and of itself...Cruise was slamming his hands together in bone-shattering applause while staring at Miscavige with a look of intense adoration.  So bizarre.

    Someday, Katie will (hopefully) write that book and she will tell us everything we wanted to know about her marriage to Cruise.  What I really wonder about is how her parents felt about Cruise, when did they know Katie was way in over her head, and how terrified they were as they began the process of extricating her from his grip?  Did her parents know before she married Tom that something was amiss?  Did they try to talk her out of it?  If so, was Tom encouraging her to disconnect from them?  There had to have been so many red flags, yes?

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